Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Is it just me or is it the harder the Democrats try to convince the American people that it’s their candidate who rightly deserves to be in the White House, and would in fact be there were it not for the supposed collusion that took place between the Trump campaign and Russia, the more unhinged they appear.  And of course they are assisted in their efforts to make the claim that they were somehow robbed by their devoted minions in the state-controlled media.  I would love to ask any of these crybabies if they actually believe the nonsense that comes out of their mouths or if all is said for no other reason than to incite, inflame or provoke.  And sadly there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel regarding all of this political madness.  

And it’s unfortunate that none of the craziness shows any sign of letting up.  If anything it seems only to be increasing in both volume and intensity.  Recently it was Elizabeth Warren, who in running for reelection in 2018 once again called for greater ‘resistance’ and ‘political warfare’ against the Trump administration during a town hall ‘discussion’ at the Robert Boland Theatre in Berkshire Community College’s Koussevitzky Arts Center in Pittsburgh, Massachusetts.  It was there that Warren told the crowd of approximately 800 people, “The point is that we must persist.”  While only 600 students fit into the auditorium, we’re told that another 200 folks were willing to stand outside just to hear the crazy old bitch speak.  

She said, “People say to me, ‘Oh, but it’s tiring’ and ‘we’ve done this for six months’ — well yeah, nobody said that a fight was easy…you’ve got to fight because it’s the fight that’s important.”  And then went onto say, “Keep in mind that right behind Trump is another Republican who does not share our values.”  And added, “You get to fight because it’s the fight that matters.”  What sort of ‘values’ are possessed by those on the left that anyone with any sense, or any morals, would ever want to share.  How sick and twisted would one need to be in order to look at some left wing kook like Warren and say, yes she is someone I can vote for because she shares my values.  Sorry, but to me that just seems to be more than just a bit disgusting.       

And it was at one point during her talk that Warren told the audience, “If this isn’t a moment to stand up and fight back, then I don’t know when it comes.” She reportedly also noted that the Democrats “can’t shoot at everything that moves” when it comes to fighting for the issues that matter most to them.  Last month, Warren stood on an empty New York stage, reading excerpts from her latest book, This Fight is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class, and read what sounded like a warning for President Donald Trump: “Donald, you ain’t seen nasty yet.”  Anyone who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention to those like Warren are, I’m quite sure, very familiar with just how nasty these people truly are.

It was in May that Warren half-joked, at an event in Chicago, that she wishes Republicans would donate their bodies to science so she could “cut them open.”  Saturday’s nearly two-hour-long town hall was mostly focused on the Republican’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.  Warren suggested that increasing access to healthcare will save money in the long run.  She said, “I say to the Republicans, if you won’t do it out of humanity, do it out of concern for your pocketbook… That we will save more money in the longer run if we get good, effective healthcare in place.”  In an interview with the media after the town hall event, Warren said, “I think our conversation should be about how to expand Medicare for more and more Americans.”

The sad thing is how much time and effort these Marxists waste trying to get someone else to pay for their services.  Just consider what a difference 800 people with paint brushes and brooms could have made in that neighborhood in the time they spent plotting their political takeover of America with Warren.  How many billions of hours each election cycle that could otherwise be used to help their elderly neighbors or kids who need mentors or otherwise bring self-sufficiency and pride to a neighborhood are wasted fawning over hateful blowhards like Warren?   Most of those people who are screaming the loudest have never even lifted a finger to help their neighbors in need but they sure have time for the kind of hate fest that accompanies every Warren appearance.

The only way the Democrat Party is able to survive is by dividing people. They don’t want people to think of themselves as Americans.  Instead, they want people to focus on their race, their gender, their sexual preference, anything but on being American.  The Left does not want individualism or national sovereignty, the want one world government that suppresses all national identity and culture.  Until they take down America, their perverted Utopia cannot be fulfilled.  I think we need to divide America into two nations. The big Nanny side vs. hard work and individualism, family and community.  Better build a wall, though, because the Left side will be bankrupt inside of 6 months and their handout persons will be trying to get back into the real world.

One of the great lies being told to our young by those on the left is that there can be no hope without government assistance.  That without the government standing behind you, propping you up and making sure things are ‘fair’ one has little chance of ever being able to accomplish much.  And it’s far too many of our youth who have yet to figure out how it is that that are being deceived into believing theses social justice programs are beneficial to them when in fact they are only further enslaving them.  They are being lied to by emotional, psychologically and biologically defective malcontents who are essentially robbing them in broad daylight of their independence and drive to self-reliant. 

Of course a scam artist like Warren would rather expand entitlement programs to enable deadbeats and moochers instead of providing the people with the means to provide healthcare for themselves.  She has no interest in rebuilding the middle class that the Democrats have worked so hard to destroy. She wants to make sure everyone is as dependent on Big Brother as much as possible. And she calls herself a liberal?  There's no liberty in the slavery and servitude that her and her ilk offer.  Warren (and the left) are so far beyond anything resembling being rational. They promote resisting the legally elected president.  Wouldn't it be better for AMERICA if they chose to work towards the common good of the American people?

And just what is it that Warren and her friends are advocating for people to resist?
- Creating an open market for health insurance where people can pick and choose a health insurance plan that fits their needs and budget, instead of a bloated top down plan that is unaffordable to pretty much everyone.
- A country where the government is truly putting its citizens first instead of protecting illegal aliens and creating schemes that kill industries so that they move offshore.
- A growing economy where there are more good paying jobs available and people don't need to depend on welfare and food stamp programs.
- A government that negotiates treaties that are in the best interest of the American people.
- A smaller less bureaucratic Federal Government and the elimination of wasteful programs.
- More power to the States where it constitutionally belongs.
- Lower taxes where people can keep more of their hard earned dollars.
- The constitution which you swore an oath to uphold and protect.

Despite all of the noise we continue to hear from the Democrats, together with their stooges in the state-controlled media, the truth is that Trump has done nothing that threatens our republic.  On the contrary, it’s Warren and the rest of leftwing kooks who have dedicated themselves, since the day after the last election, to overturning an election they disagree with.  It’s they who represent the true danger.  They seek to remove President Trump because they are leftist totalitarians.  I do not believe they will destroy Trump politically, but if they do, only violence will result.  Make no mistake the people who love America and are against all that the left has managed to do in their effort to destroy her, will react.  The left can rest assured that WE who love America will finish that which they are seeking to start. 

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