Saturday, September 23, 2017


I cannot be the only person who sees it as being more than just a little sad, and on a number of levels, that we have a man today who has, over time, made the rather startling metamorphosis from civil rights ‘icon’ to being a man who is nothing more than the very worst kind of racist.  And he’s not your average run-of-the-mill racist either.  Not by any means.  He's fomented racial hatred nearly his entire life, and is more akin to a black bigot and opportunist than any kind of civil rights ‘icon.’

And the man of whom I speak would be none other than Georgia Democrat, John Lewis.  It was Mr. Lewis who claimed in a statement, just this past Thursday, that the election of President Donald Trump emboldened racists to “to put on those hoods, put on those sheets.”  Lewis said, “When we had this most recent election, it helped create the climate and environment to bring out something that had been a little asleep, and people feel like now they can just get away with doing everything.”

In what was nothing more than an attempt to slander the president, Lewis continued by saying, “What happened in Virginia made me very sad. We faced mobs, we faced the Klan, we faced overt, open racism during the ’60s. During the freedom rides in 1961, black people and white people couldn’t be seated together on a Greyhound bus, leaving Washington, D.C. to travel through the South. We were beaten, attempted to burn us on the bus, we were left bloody and unconscious by angry mobs.”

He said, “When we attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery just for the right to vote, to protest in a peaceful, orderly, non-violent fashion, we were beaten by the state police and left bloody and some unconscious, and some of our people died,” Lewis added. “After the march on Washington in 1963, there was so much hope and optimism, but 18 days later, a church was bombed in Birmingham, where four little girls were killed on a Sunday morning. What we see happening now, it’s not new.”

He added, “The man that some people voted for just made it very comfortable for people to put on those hoods, put on those sheets, and I tell you, if we’re not mindful or watchful, we are going to go back. We’ve come too far, made too much progress to go back. I don’t want to go back. I want to go forward, and we must go forward.”  He claims that he wants to go forward.  But he seems to have little or no interest in making things better for anyone but himself in the process.  He’s truly quite pathetic.    

For all his bloviating, what has this civil rights ‘icon’ done for his people of late.  How are blacks better off 50 years after the movement?  The poverty levels are higher, graduation rates are lower, incarceration rates are much higher, single parent households are more plentiful, and young black males are much more likely to die violently than see the age of 30.  So while the John Lewises of the world continue to preach the same old tired sermon, blacks in American make little forward progress.

And correct me, if I am wrong, but it would seem to me that the last time Lewis actually did anything FOR the black community was during his days with Dr. King.  And from where I’m sitting, he’s been willing to milk his status as a civil rights ‘icon’ for all he can get from it.  But, seriously, what has he done since?  I put him in the same category as the ‘reverend’ Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson and fellow ‘reverend’, Al ‘Not-So’ Sharpton.  Two who have done nothing but to put money in their pockets.

And lest we forget, it was this very same John Lewis, the notorious race-pimp, who accused members of the Tea Party of spitting on him and calling him the ‘N’ word as he strolled through the Congressional Plaza packed with thousands of Tea Party folks in 2010.  There’s just one thing, it never actually happened.  He was walking with the now convicted felon Jessie Jackson Jr., and fellow liar and racist Emanuel Cleaver, complete with cameras and recording devices, hoping to catch such an incident.

Despite those cameras, this trio of racists were never able produce a single frame of footage, or soundbite corroborating their incendiary accusations. Thousands of others had cameras too in the plaza that day, every step of the way.  Of course it was all a hoax because no footage ever emerged.  Nevertheless, the state-controlled media chose to run with this epic slander, never questioning the complete lack of ANY corroborating evidence.  The accusations were sufficient to run with the ‘story’.

And it seems that these days instead of actually doing something that will genuinely help those within the black community, people like Lewis prefer to blame all of the problems of blacks on white people because, quite frankly, Lewis and his fellow Democrats need to keep blacks poor and dependent on government.  Because they fear should the day ever come when blacks become self-sufficient they will no longer need government handouts, and will no longer feel compelled to vote for Democrats.

Men like Lewis don’t want blacks to feel like they should be accountable for their actions and to stop blaming others or to take the opportunity to address the real problem, themselves.  Looking inward and taking responsibility for ones owns actions is huge step in the right direction.  And as long as the so-called ‘leaders’ in the black community do not address the real problem, nothing will get better. I do agree it is up to each individual, especially when there does not seem to be many role models.

Because the old form of slavery was considered evil, LBJ and the Democrats figured out a better way, the generational welfare plantation.  And, if they played their cards right they would even be able to convince blacks to vote for keeping that plantation going!  We are now into 4th generation welfare in this country.  And it’s been along the way that blacks like Lewis, and a (whole) host of others, have aided and abetted the enslavement of their people in exchange for a seat at the Democrat Party table.

Sadly, the bottom line here is that it was Obummer himself who made it acceptable for blacks to riot!  To go rob, loot, destroy private property and to commit 90 percent of all violent crime in America and to shoot cops dead whenever cops try and police them.  And I think Obummer made it far more acceptable to scream racism every time the black man didn't get his way!  To the point where the term racist has now become so overused by blacks that it no longer has any sort of meaningful impact. 

No, Mr. Lewis, President Trump is not making it easier for the Klan.  On the contrary, it’s you who are doing the Klan’s work by encouraging your fellow blacks to call everything that is white, racist, overtly hating America, and blaming whites for all of the problems that blacks bring upon themselves.  All behavior that will serve only to further damage race relations in this country.  All this anti-white rhetoric is accomplishing nothing for blacks but the shooting of themselves in both feet.  

And if Lewis and the other supposed ‘leaders’ of the black community really wanted to help they would encourage young blacks to stay in school, to choose resume over rap sheet, and to prepare themselves for decent, good paying jobs.  Also, learning to speak Standard English would be a giant step in the right direction.  Also, it wouldn't hurt to call out your rappers for their hate filled, anti-white, anti-police rants.  And finally, if Lewis can call ME racist, I think it only fair that I return the ‘favor.’

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