Wednesday, July 3, 2024


What do you suppose it is that runs through the pea sized brain of an individual as they cast their vote for someone like Maxine Waters, or someone like her. While I may never know the answer to that question, I feel confident in saying that I know what most certainly does not run through the mind of anyone when casting a vote for ANY Democrat. And that would be a sense of patriotism or a desire to bring about a less intrusive government, lower taxes, less crime or a secure border. So what is most important to Democrats when casting their vote. Well, that would be such important issues such as abortion, ‘climate change,’ and, of course, hatred of President Trump.

And something tells me that the closer we get to November, the more we can expect those on the left to become even more unglued than they already are, to the point where we’ll soon be hearing how it is that compared to President Trump, Hitler was nothing short of a saint. And it during was past Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Deadline: White House,” that we got a taste of just how crazy things are likely to become when wackadoodle House Democrat Zoe Lofgren claimed that *president Joey could actually use the Supreme Court decision affirming a degree of immunity for former and current presidents to remove conservative justices from the high court.

And it was in referencing President Trump that this dolt, Lofgren told host, and resident kook, Nicolle Wallace that the decision was a “complete departure” from American history. She said, “He’s been very open about what he intends to do, and that’s retribution. He, himself, said last December he intends to terminate parts of the Constitution. He didn’t say which parts. Be didn’t say which parts but apparently, the Court is going to give him a wide range to terminate whatever he wants. You know, he summoned a mob to Washington knowing they were armed. He sent them to the Capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."

And she went on to say, “If that’s OK, we’ve got a problem in this country. And certainly, in the debate the other night, he would not commit to accepting the election results this November unless he won. So we’ve got a problem here. If he cannot be accountable to — any president, any president cannot be held accountable under the laws that exist — that’s a complete departure from our history. I guess, you know, theoretically, President Biden, acting within the scope of his official duties, could dispatch the military to take out the conservative justices on the Court, and he’d be immune.” So was moron actually making a thinly veiled threat?

And then it was MSDNC ‘legal analyst,’ and resident slimeball, Andrew Weissmann’s turn as he indicated that Lofgren was correct in her nutty assertion, adding that the high court decision removes “an enormous check” on the president. He said, “All these things the congresswoman is saying could be done, which is … Joe Biden could go ahead and prosecute somebody like Donald Trump with no evidence — that’s OK. Could order somebody to be killed — that’s OK. Could go ahead and prosecute Justice Thomas for tax evasion or for bribery based on the facts that we know with respect to Harlan Crow?” This guy is such a pathetic little creep.

And he concluded saying, “All of that seems to be on the table, which is horrendous and the reason it’s not going to happen for Joe Biden is because he’s decent and he wouldn’t do it. But that’s not how our country’s supposed to be working on checks and balances. This takes away an enormous check on the most powerful position in the free world.” These people have now become clinically insane. It isn’t merely rhetoric. They actually believe what they’re saying. Look at the destruction and violence they support and fund while disregarding the Constitution and our once civilized society. It isn’t what President Trump would do; it’s what THEY would do to conservatives!

Democrats are fixated on using exaggeration and psychological projection against those they view as the opposition. Democrats communicate inaccurately most of the time. The American Founders recognized humans as being attracted to fault and therefore formed the American system of government with three co-equal branches to offset the evil any one branch of government might use as means to gain advantage over other two. The desired result intended was a government by the consent of the governed. More people need to realize we are at war. Leftists WILL round people up. They always do. The ruling is actually much scarier for conservatives than for liberals.

The Democrats are the ones who have demonstrated a willingness to twist any law they want to do their dirty work. Then, their corrupt DAs and judges rubber stamp their malfeasance. I can see the Democrats abusing this decision to go after President Trump, much more than the reverse. They’ve been promising to do this for decades and every time they lose. But they’re still here. Because they know this is the only country in the world that puts up with their raving nonsense. If they moved to any of communist countries they wish to emulate, they’d be dead in a week because the rulers of those countries would never let them spew their arrogant drivel.

Those who applaud the slaughter of 65 million innocent defenseless American unborn babies should be regarded as being capable of all manner of evil. The left has been very adamant about dehumanizing and eliminating populaces in violent fashion for over one hundred years. From the Bolsheviks to the National Socialists, to the Maoists, to the Cubans, to the Khmer Rouge. Even in the U.S. as far back as the 1960s the Weather Underground surmised they would have to eliminate millions of Americans that did not conform with their new Communist Utopia. As recently as a few years ago you had lawyers of the NPR talking about putting people in “reeducation camps."

The statement by this leftist buffoon, Lofgren, is only the tip of the iceberg. When the progressive coalition reaches a certain level, sending their police powers against their opposition is exactly what will happen. These people are really showing their true colors! Lawless, violent, stupid thugs. They’ve been openly saying that’s exactly what they want to do. Numerous Democrats have openly said that they want to ‘round up everyone who voted for Trump’ and ‘put them into re-education camps.’ They think they’re illustrating how silly they think this ruling is. But what they’re really illustrating is what a pack of bloodthirsty murderers they all are.

These Democrats are already referring to veterans, religious folks and those who are pro-life as being true enemies of the state. And as such Joey could very easily round them all up as domestic terrorists today and enjoy the very same immunity they are now claiming that President Trump plans on using. But Joey has already rounded people up. Anyone who was anywhere near the Capitol building was arrested, with over 300 still in prison. The Democrats are the party of tyranny. Lawfare directed from the White House against a former President and current political opponent is more than unprecedented in American history; it is totalitarian and evil.

The Democrats were clearly confident that they managed to make considerable progress in their effort to seal up their dictatorship with the help of the ‘Chinese virus.’ Remember what Democrats governors like Whitmer, Cuomo and Newsom did? Whitmer, whose mandates prevented people from buying plant seeds or house paint. And how about Newsom? Eating at a fancy restaurant costing thousands after having declared that no one else could eat out or even have dinner guests, or go to church. And then there was Cuomo. They all thought they could continue their little reign of terror and nobody would notice, but people did notice and they won’t forget.

Once again, they claim President Trump will do, or does do, everything that the Democrats are actually doing right now. It’s insane. Democrats will do anything to seize and to maintain power. They are the ones who hate the Constitution and its supporters. They are the ones who want there to be one party capable of dictatorial rule. And they’re desperately encouraging one of their deranged lunatic cultists to assassinate President Trump or members of Supreme Court. Everyone who chooses to vote for any of these people is no better than they are. These people are dangerous, and anyone who votes for them is to be considered dangerous as well.

And finally, might there be a silver lining regarding the theft of the 2020 election? And yes, I firmly believe the election was stolen. I only ask because would we now have any concept regarding the depth of the depravity, and the level of corruption, we continue to see from the Democrats, their liberal supporters and, of course, the RINOs if President Trump had won. Personally, I don’t think so. We can only hope that people’s eyes have now been opened to the truth of what these Democrats are all about. It’s truly amazing. Democrats are monsters. They lie and are actually compelled to lie even when telling the truth would better serve their purpose.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


If there is one sure thing in this ever-changing world it’s that paranoia and hypocrisy run hand in hand amongst those on the left, and it’s both that run pretty deep. And it’s these same folks who also possess what can only be described as bring a rather warped sense of entitlement, one where they see themselves as being entitled to use whatever means they wish in their quest for power and yet are always quick to cry foul whenever their own tactics are used against them. They somehow see themselves as being immune from having their own tactics used against them. It then becomes all about them and how it is that they’re somehow being retaliated against.

Which brings to Nicolle Wallace, just one of the many nutjobs there at MSDNC and even the host of her own show, ‘Deadline.’ And it was just this past Monday during her show that she claimed that the Supreme Court ruling in Donald Trump’s presidential immunity case meant that she could be targeted if he was to win a second term. Those on the Left are worried that if Trump does become President (again) he just might do to them what they’ve been so busy doing to him. Might Wallace have a guilty conscience and be projecting what she has done for eight years onto President Trump. She should confess to America all of her subversive acts and who she colluded with.

Wallace said, “In the very last decision of its term, the highest court in the land handed future presidents a, ‘Loaded weapon,’ in the words of a dissenting justice, aimed straight at the rule of law in the country. The conservative 6-3 majority of the court, half of them appointed by ex-president Donald Trump, two others have been faced calls for their recusal in this very case, a potentially fatal blow to Special council Jack Smith’s effort to hold the president accountable for crimes committed on January 6th in the insurrection and the plot to overturn the 2020 election he lost.” Odd how these people open their mouths and shit just seems to fall out.

Anyway, Wallace went on to say, “They ruled that Donald Trump and all future presidents are entitled to immunity for official acts, that they take during their presidency. Now there is a question of whether a president can order a Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, the United States Supreme Court said in effect, yeah, maybe.” She added, “We should pull the curtain back on what is actually happening, shouldn’t we? People are exploring options to live in other countries if they think they could targeted for prosecution by Donald Trump because targeting you or targeting me or Andrew could be an official act based on today’s decision."

Talk about delusional. This imbecile takes it to a whole new level. I mean seriously, folks, how much of a moron must one be to actually believe this ridiculous “SEAL Team 6” scenario? Only those Leftists who believe everyone is as corrupt as the Democrats are, could conjure up something like that and repeat it, let alone take it seriously. And does this idiot genuinely think that she’s important enough for President Trump to give a damn about. Fortunately for her, and unfortunately for the rest of us, Nicolle would be unlikely to make the cut of those who do warrant such judicial attention. It’s narcissistic and attention-seeking of her to believe otherwise.

Presidents have always had immunity. But Democrats refuse to abide by the ‘rule of law.’ If it doesn’t fit their perverse agenda, then they simply pervert the laws to suit themselves without regard to the negative effects it has on our country. Collateral damage is always of little consequence to these people. And if they are this afraid of retribution, then you know damn well they know they’re guilty of doing something wrong. Progressive liberal Democrats say they are for the ‘rule of law’ unless, of course, the courts disagree with them, up to and including the Supreme Court. That right there tells you everything you need to know about them, and then some.

And while, I must admit, that I do fantasize about President Trump going after these leftist freaks, I know that he’s above the behavior exhibited by people such as Wallace. So rest assured Ms. Wallace, you are simply not worth fighting for. And as I have said before, despite what all of these assholes may continue to say about him wanting to be a dictator, he will only have four years in office and so I have no doubt that he will pick his battles wisely. Because he will be far too busy unfucking all of what their idol, Joey B., spent the previously four years so very thoroughly fucking up. And so this latest fear tactic will work just as well as the others.

But as I said, there are far more important things to tend to. In the big scheme of things Wallace and the rest of the makeup chair mafia simply is worth neither the time nor the effort required. Those in the ‘fake news’ media are yelling into an echo chamber. Their claims and concerns don’t resonate with responsible voters. This is complete hysteria that can’t possibly be what these people really think! If it is in fact how they really feel then they need to seek help immediately! But what does it tell you about them that after having spent so much time in trying to “get Trump,” that they now seem so concerned that they might receive the very same treatment?

I’m sure many remember how it was that Democrats claimed that President Trump would censor the “free press,” but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that inflation and the price of gas would skyrocket, but that too didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that he would “force people to take his dangerous vaccine,” but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said he would get U.S. soldiers kiIIed during the Afghanistan withdrawal, but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that he would alienate our allies, but that didn’t happen until Joey! It’s rather amazing, don’t you think, that all we were to fear from President Trump became a reality under Joey.

But wait, there’s more. Because Democrats also said that President Trump “put children in cages,” but that too was Joey! And they claimed his family would get caught selling out the country, trading on his office, but again that didn’t happen until Joey! And they argued that the Middle East would break out in an all-out war, but that too didn’t happen until Joey! And Democrats also said that President Trump would arrest his political opponents like a totalitarian dictator, and that too didn't happen until Joey! It’s so amazing that so many could have been so wrong, which should cause most reasonable to call into question their motivation for doing so.

Look, these people know they’re bad people who have done some very bad things. These people are clueless. They also have superiority complexes. The country would actually be a much better place if they actually did leave. But no one is really going to leave, and they know it. They all show and no go. And seriously, who would really miss them if they did? Of all those who have promised to leave the country, all the singers, all the Hollyweird actors and every other loon has promised to do so, if President Trump succeeds in his re-election bid, who among them would really be missed? And be honest, would the country be a better place without all of them?

How many times have we heard the very same BS from idiots like Wallace. That is some Republican were to get into office they would all leave the country. But they never do. And why not, there's nothing preventing them from leaving. But let’s assume for a moment that all the fears are real and not just propaganda to make the sheep think that President Trump will be ruthlessly vindictive. Why is it that any of the many leftist politicians or media personalities who have tried, without cause, to put President Trump in prison might feel that he would want to target them for retribution? After all, they were just doing the job, right? No harm, no foul, right?

Monday, July 1, 2024


Once upon a time Democrats were a little less obvious when it came to their true feelings toward the American people. But that was also during a time when they had better control over the release of information that came to us by way of what was then referred to as the ‘mainstream media.’ These days, with our 24/7 cable news coverage it’s become a bit more difficult for them to control things compared to when there were just ‘the Big 3’ networks. And so we find out more each day just how much they hate our country and how desperate they are to destroy. But that hasn’t kept them from trying or prevented many in the media from trying to help them.

And I can’t help but wonder if there is anyone other than myself who’s getting tired of being constantly lied to by the likes of Nancy Pelosi? But it’s really more than that, I’m also getting tired of being expected to believe any of these fucking shitbags when they spew all manner of the garbage about President Trump, while at the same time expecting me to believe that the very same guy who has spent every waking moment over the course of the last three years, of which there have been few when you stop to consider all of the early bedtimes, the late mornings and all of the naps, working so very hard to destroy my country. And that would, of course, be old Joey B.

And old Nancy was recently once again out and about doing that which she does best, spreading a little political manure. Most recently, it was this past Sunday and courtesy of an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” You see it was then that Pelosi, and with a straight face no less, attempted to make the argument that President Trump likely has dementia. Yup, for sure, and I’d be willing to bet that every one of those 48 million folks who tuned into that idiotic debate last Thursday likely agree with her, right? Actually, from everything I’ve read, probably not. And from the video clips I’ve seen, again, probably not. But hey, we are talking about Nancy Pelosi here.

So anyway, it was one of those same brilliant moderators from that same debate on Thursday night, Dana Bash, who said, “Several newspaper editorial boards, or just simply calling for Biden to step decide for the good of the country. Tom Friedman, a friend of President Biden’s, wrote the following. He wrote ‘Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for reelection if he insists on running and he loses to Trump, Biden and his family and his staff and party members who enabled him will not be able to show their faces what do you say that? Is there any part of you that believes that President Biden should step aside?"

Pelosi said, “I want you to know I came home to California, south and north, and people are for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They have some judgment about a person who said, stood on that stage and lied, lied, lied, if you’re just talking about the debate. I am respectful of some of the opinions that people have, but it is also respectful of the grassroots. My people are very much Biden and Kamala Harris and this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina.” Pelosi is a liar and a fraud who has made quite the fortune selling out the U.S. for herself. The Pelosi family, much like Joey’s, is nothing but a bunch of crooks.

And this fucking lying piece of shit went on to add, “By the way, the press and for some reason they don’t, there are health care professionals who think is that Trump has dementia. That his connection of his thoughts do not go together. It’s not only that he just lies. He doesn’t even know the truth. So, if we’re talking about mental acuity, let’s be fair about it. I don’t think Tom Friedman thinks that Donald Trump should be President of the United States.” Clearly, President Trump is just as sharp as he was four years ago. So, to say that he now has dementia is nothing more than childish projection. Pelosi is clearly an idiot, and she has always been an idiot.

Clearly, this is all nothing more than another example of how the Left makes all manner of insane accusations and is never once asked to provide anything to back them up. They’re simply allowed to say whatever they wish while the supposedly unbiased ‘journalist’ sitting across from them merely nods in agreement. But then it’s the accusations that are really important, why clutter things up by asking for proof. And so many of our supposed ‘journalists’ repeatedly allow Democrats to accuse Republicans of what they know to be true about Democrats. As this creepy little alliance results in nothing more than a lack of trust by the American people.

So yes, once again we’re told that “Trump lied” with no factual details provided, just the accusation. Pelosi just slings labels out there at anyone she hates, and she hates us all, that should be clear. But she won’t call out Joey for his serious mental decline as was clearly shown in the recent debate with President Trump. And with luck, come this November, there will be enough voting Americans who possess the courage to do what needs to be and will take it upon themselves to thin out the Democrat herd. In everything I saw, President Trump looked refreshed, poised and energetic. Joey looked like a walking, mumbling, zombie who spoke in circles.

The Democrats didn’t even have a primary, they were force fed Joey. Now if he drops out, they’ll be force-fed whomever the party leaders choose. The cupboard is pretty bare out there in Democrat land. Who do they plan on running, Hitlery? Newsom? Moochelle?  But whether he drops out, or not, the problem isn’t just Joey, it’s the whole damn Democrat Party. Look at the policies they’ve pushed with the vegetable in the Oval Office. So the mission to save this country can not, should not, focus on ensuring Joey goes down in spectacular defeat. The focus must be on ensuring that every Democrat running for any office goes down in illustrious fashion!

Another problem, and one that neither the Democrats, nor their minions in the ‘fake news’ media, will admit, is that the Democrats no longer represent the American people. They have essentially weaponized a good portion of our government, that part which is typically referred to as the deep state; to implement policies by either ignoring existing laws, or just because they can. Those in the ‘fake news’ media have lost their way, and as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party they spew nothing but propaganda, creating an echo chamber that brain washes a good segment of the public. Meanwhile, RINOs simply sit back and allow Democrats to get away with it.

And the one person who has ZERO room to say anything, about anything, especially President Trump, is Pelosi! If you look at all of the leftwing talking heads in our ‘fake news’ media, they all spew the very same nonsense verbatim. They regurgitate the same talking points no matter the issue, and, again, especially when it comes to President Trump. Watch the videos from every ‘news’ channel and they all use the same exact words. It’s all very expertly scripted, designed with one, and only one, purpose in mind. And that purpose is to convince the gullible among us of the benefit of voting for those who will work only to make their lives far more difficult.

In a better world, Democrat voters would realize how utterly contemptuous of their ability to think, or at the very least, believe their own “lying eyes” people like Pelosi really are. In this one, the echo-chamber rules. The Democrats’ strategy appears to be one where they choose to lie and blame so much, that no one has either the time or the inclination to call them out on it. Proving once again that the Democrats will say or do anything to remain in power and to continue their crimes against the American people. ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ is very real. Those afflicted with it can’t answer a simple question without turning it into a hate Trump moment!

We can always count on Democrats to come up with delusional accusations. The Democrats are now trying a “Trump is demented” tactic to see if that will end their free fall in the polls. These morons set fire to the country thinking that they would show the voters that they would be the ones to put it out by offering up more of the same and buying votes with taxpayer money. We just got to see their nominee, and in real time, embarrass himself, and them, in one failed swoop. They are drunk with hubris and really think we are the morons when they are the ones who can’t find their asses with both their hands. Can you say “President Trump?” I knew you could.

Finally, we as a country will be lucky to survive another seven months of Joey and his incompetent administration. Joey has clearly demonstrated that he has some form of dementia and is not capable of leading our country. Our enemies are watching as are various terrorist organizations, and all now know they could launch an attack on our homeland with impunity. Joey is not running things, yet he’s the one with his finger on the nuclear button. This is not about politics, it’s about the survival of our country. What happens now should not be about whether Joey is the Democrat candidate. It is about our survival as a country and whether there will be a WW III.