Friday, June 28, 2024


Ever since old Chris Wallace chose to depart Fox News, in search of greener pastures, and landed at CNN, I’m feeling pretty confident in that it’s been ever since that he’s had more than a little time on his hands. One reason for that likely has a lot to do with the fact that the viewing audience of his current network is right around 500,000 and of that number there are likely few who are all that interested in what he might have to say. But that said, Wallace was still a member of the panel assembled to discuss what was Joey’s rather abysmal performance during Thursday night’s presidential debate. And it was also Wallace who had little to say that was positive.

You see it was Wallace’s opinion that *president Joey will not be able to recover from his debate performance. Host Erin Burnett said, “Chris, he goes through six days of preparation at Camp David, and they know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming. And yet he couldn’t fill the time. Now, I just want to, let’s see what the White House is saying: Sources close to the White House are saying he had a cold, wasn’t feeling well. I mean, as you would expect, that came out early on in the debate. But what accounts for someone with so much experience doing so much preparation and this being outcome?"

Wallace said, “Honestly, I think the question answers itself. He wasn’t capable of doing any better than he did.” He continued, “He was incapable tonight. On the biggest of stages that he sought, he in effect, dictated. And with all of that preparation, he was incapable of doing better than he was. And you can’t come back from that.” Wallace added, “You can’t be on a stage where tens of millions of Americans watched you and come up empty. And that’s what he did tonight.” And while I chose not to watch the debate, I have heard from many regarding their level of surprise when it comes to be level of fairness exhibited by the moderators.

There have been those who have described the performance of the moderators as nothing less than shocking. But perhaps their plan all along was not to make President Trump look bad but was, instead, to allow him to achieve a slam dunk of old Joey in an effort to force the hand of the DNC in picking a replacement for Joey. After all, whenever you have moderators that have been drawn from anywhere in the ‘fake news’ media who demonstrate even a fraction of fairness, you have to know something is up. There is always an ulterior motive with these people, they didn’t wake up Thursday morning and say, “Gee, I think we’ll be fair to Trump tonight."

But I have no doubt that Democrats will do what they’ve been doing for longer than I care to remember, ignore reality. We’ve seen it for years. No real reason for them to change a strategy that moronic Democrat voters have shown a willingness to keep buying into. Let’s face it, your typical low life voters have repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to elect a low life president. The end always justifies the means with these people, we’ve all seen it time and time again. But now that the truth is finally out there will Joey’s performance be enough for voters to demand a replacement or will they simply not be bothered by it, as long as Joey supports their issues.

Look, it’s unlikely that Joey is going anywhere, at least for now. And I doubt there will be another debate, despite the fact that Joey, along with many of those in his little circle of trust, actually thinks he did okay and will insist on staying in. President Trump has him right where he needs him to be. Joey’s the worst, and definitely lost. We should all want him to remain the candidate against President Trump and thwart the Democrat bait and switch scam that they just might try to pull after this fiasco. And where might the conversation be that now needs to be conducted about him ‘leading’ the country? After the display on Thursday, clearly he is not up to the job.

When it comes to those who vote Democrat, the actual candidate rarely, if ever, really matters. It’s all about voting for whomever who promises the most free stuff in exchange for one’s vote, promises to allow all manner of perversion, again in exchange for one’s vote or who promises those who wish to murder their own unborn children will be able to. Those are the only reasons anyone votes Democrats. That being because there is no love of country among Democrats, only love of self. These voters believe that if it feels good to them, they should be able to do it, no matter how perverted. And so, they vote for those who allow them to behave as they wish.

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