Friday, June 14, 2024


Well, it’s once again that we have yet another bit of proof, as if we needed any, that Democrats are all about party over country. This time around that proof comes to us in the person of that “Spartacus” from New Jersey, Cory Booker. Yes, the same guy who has long fancied himself as being the next ‘BO.’ Every time this moron opens his mouth it’s anyone within earshot that’s forced to experience what would be a new adventure in stupidity. That he’s actually a member of Congress makes clear that the collective IQ of his home state of New Jersey is somewhere in the single digits. I mean, how stupid must you be to want this boob representing you in the U.S. Senate?

Anyway, it’s now become common knowledge that whenever you get two or more haters of President Trump together in a room there is bound to be no end to all of the zany shit that you’re likely to hear. And it was just that scenario that some might have been witness to this past Tuesday when Booker appeared on CBS’s “The Late Show,” hosted by everyone’s favorite doofus and unfunny kook, Steve Colbert. And, as expected, it was then that the subject President Trump, of course, came up. And it was then that Booker said that he did not trust President Trump’s appointed federal judges. Well of course he doesn’t since they actually believe in the Constitution!

Things git started when Colbert said, “Let’s talk about the Supreme Court for a second. One of the things that people are speculation is that something is foundational to the modern American view of equality, Brown v. Board of Education could fall under the Supreme Court. Is that alarmist? Or would you not put this past them?” Booker said, “Take Donald Trump at his word and listen to people, what they say to you. I’ve been on the Judiciary Committee now for years and I was stunned when I saw a change, some of the Supreme Court Justices he appointed came before us and were asked directly, was Brown v. Board of Education rightfully decided?"

And he said, “They would not answer one way or the other. This idea that we are a nation of equality, the fundamental establishment in that case of this truth about America is that we should be a nation of equality and justice for all, something is foundational is that now is being put into this sphere of being in question by jurists for refusing to affirm those ideals. I have been shaken by seeing things happen in our federal judiciary that I never imagined possible.  The majority of Americans, 70% to 80%, look at these ballot initiatives from Kansas and other red states, the majority of Americans believe in Roe v. Wade but that was stripped away from us by the courts."

He said, “The majority of Americans believe we should have common sense universal background checks but that’s been blocked time and time again by Republican Congress. The majority of Americans believe we should have access to IVF. I do not trust these Trump-appointed judges the last time he got in their impact our courts with extreme right-wing folks. I do not trust them to secure our rights. Congress must act.” Right back at you, “Spartacus!” The majority of Americans don’t trust Democrat appointed judges, some of whom aren’t actually judges at all, but are individuals who happen to be of the right sex, the right skin color or of the correct sexual persuasion.

After all, it’s Democrat ‘judges’ who are unable to find a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms even when you shove the Second Amendment in their face, and yet they’re able to somehow find the right to murder a baby up the moment of birth. And it’s those judges appointed by conservatives, including those appointed by President Trump, who are at least able to tell you what a woman is. Booker again claims that “the majority of Americans” believe in the Democrats’ leftist agenda, but he purposely ignores what the majority of Americans really want or believe, and he knows it. But he’s an obedient little commie who gladly fulfills his marching orders.

Booker is a racist, America hating leftist. He’s a poster boy for all that is wrong with American politics today. Power-hungry politicians selling out this great nation’s sovereignty to a globalist cabal. Booker thinks the three leftwing kooks on the court define what all federal judges should be. Pawns of the very America hating and Constitution hating hybrid socialist politicians who persist in destroying America. What we need are five Thomas’ and four Alito’s on the Supreme Court and the like throughout our entire court system. We need that just to buffer what the Democrat Socialist Party and other liberals are doing to America and to we the people.

We need to give Democrats a sample of what they’re doing to President Trump, lord knows we have more than enough evidence. But that’s not how President Trump operated. He will not use “lawfare” like the Democrats do. If he is re-elected, he’ll only have four years to repair all of the damage done by Joey and Democrats like Booker. His priority will be the country and her people, while the priority of the Democrats will likely remain attacking those who disagree with them. President Trump wants you to be able to keep more of your money, meanwhile Democrats keep coming up with new ways to see how much more of your money they can take.

Now I realize that I may not as smart as either of these two boobs, but if I have this right, it according to them that questioning this corrupt clown, Judge Merchan, somehow equates to bringing about the end of democracy as we know it, meanwhile questioning every single judge that President Trump has appointed, including Supreme Court Justices, is to somehow be considered a patriotic act  Of course, Booker doesn’t trust judges appointed President Trump. Those judges who actually use their position as they are supposed to and who follows the law, surely cannot be trusted to deliver a decision that will suit these radical leftwing nutjobs. And so there you have it.

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