Monday, October 14, 2024


What do you suppose it might be that motivates those blacks who choose to make politics a career, to do so under the banner of the Democrat Party. Because you would think that with its rather checkered history regarding how it has, as a party, treated, or dare I say mistreated, blacks for centuries, most responsible blacks would, or so you would think, not want to associate with a political party that has such a history. But oddly enough, that seems not to be the case. And not only do they themselves become proud members of the party, but they also work very hard in what has been a decades-long effort to convince blacks that they should as well.

In short, it’s these same black politicians who are nothing more than the equivalent of the plantation overseers from back in the days of slavery. Their job is to convince black Americans that it’s only the Democrat Party that has their best interest at heart when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. And the Democrats have been very successful over the course of the last 60 years in convincing blacks that the party that has no genuine interest in seeing them succeed in life, is the same party that they need to be voting for. And it’s one of these same self-serving black Democrats who has done nothing for the black community that is none other than James Clyburn.

And it was this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ that Clyburn was once again hard at work. You see, it was then that he said he’s concerned that black men will vote for President Trump. Clyburn is one of the biggest racial bigots in all of Washington. It was host Dana Bash who said, “You just heard Donald Trump making his appeal to black men. Your friend, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, who you campaigned with in Michigan says that the message she’s hearing from black man is quote, ‘Democrats take us for granted, Donald Trump talks to us directly.’ Are you concerned about black men voting for Donald Trump or staying home?"

Clyburn said, “Yes, I am concerned about black men staying home or voting for Trump. But my concerns don’t tend to keep me from being energetic about this campaign because I was in Michigan campaigning and with Debbie last weekend, I thought the swing through Michigan was very, very effective. I met with black men, I met with black religious leaders, I met black union leaders. And quite frankly, I think we had very frank and direct discussions. And I see and feel what I’m reading about in news reports. Yes, black men, like everybody else, want to know exactly what I can expect from a Harris administration, and I’ve been very direct with them."

And he went on to say, “I’ve also contrast at that with what they can expect from a Trump administration. We will expect Project 2025 to be a full blown policy in his administration. And what would that policy be described it on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. I’ve been describing it that way ever since. It will be Jim Crow 2.0.” Look, if Clyburn truly cared about the wellbeing of those in the black community, he would be concerned about them voting for Cumala or, for that matter, any other Democrat. The 84-year-old Clyburn has been busy selling out his black constituents for over 30 years and in so doing has moved up the party hierarchy.

Old Jimmy seems to be getting nervous because he sees a growing number of blacks finally starting to wake up and asking what it is that the Democrats have done to make their lives better. And, of course, the answer to that is Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada. Clyburn and the many other race merchants are worried that they may be about to lose their monopoly. While they are desperately trying to keep it, they know their days may now be numbered. I mean, you can’t fail people election after election and expect them to continue to embrace you. More and more blacks are finally seeing the Democrats for what they are. And Democrats like Clyburn are not happy about it.

Many blacks are now leaving the Democrat plantation because they’re tired of seeing Democrats only at election time and then being forgotten about until the next election rolls around. It would appear that the Democrats are panicked at the thought that the black community is starting to understand that they have simply been used as a political tool to further to the Democrat agenda. It’s a fact that more and more black Americans are beginning to think for themselves and choosing to no longer listen to sleezy Democrat politicians, regardless of skin color. Now that they have had their consciousness raised (woke), the brothers are leaving in droves.

And again, with more Project 2025 nonsense! Clearly Clyburn hasn’t even read it, and yet he spews more baseless garbage. And, of course, he conveniently ignores the fact that President Trump has disavowed it. And a little sidenote regarding Project 2025: More than 100 conservative organizations and 140 authors contributed to Project 2025. Some of the recommendations may make their way into the Republican platform, and many others may not. And I doubt there is a single person in any one of those organizations (let alone President Trump) who would agree with every policy recommendation in the 900+ page document, which covers 30 topics.

The Democrats, as usual, are simply attempting to make the document a boogeyman via repetition, but few people have actually read it, or have any intention of reading it which, I assume, is just what the Democrats are counting on. And of course, Clyburn never says how it is that Project 2025 poses a danger to black men and, of course, he’s never asked to. That’s the best part about the Democrats and the left, they’re so terrified at their complete lack of any actual ideas and intelligence that they will cling to any little bit of flotsam and jetsam left after the sinking of their broken, completely corrupt party. Sorry, traitors, no lifeboat is coming this time around.

And as expected, Clyburn was again compelled to bring up the subject of Jim Crow 2.0, but which political party was it that was responsible for crafting, and implementing, Jim Crow 1.0? And yet, he seriously wants blacks to believe that it’s the Republicans who somehow want to reconstitute that which was a Democrat creation. Does that really make any sense to anyone with a fucking brain? He’s simply trying to scare blacks back onto the plantation. Democrats offer blacks nothing but an influx of illegal immigrants that will only serve to lower wages and devour resources in lower income communities. Fearmongering is the only strategy Democrats have.

And let’s face it, Democrats stab the minority voters in the back as soon as they’ve left the voting booth. Yet Democrats continue to import people who absorb all of the resources from their communities, increase the cost of home ownership and take valuable time from their children’s education. Skin color is just one more detail being used by Democrats to divide the American people in the hope that we argue among ourselves instead of uniting and working to save this republic. Here’s a news flash for Mr. Clyburn, no man needs to be told what to do, especially from a political party and a ‘fake news’ media that constantly attempts to bully us by calling us names.

But even more disgusting is the way so many, so-called black leaders, work to tell other blacks that free choice is not for them. They must vote the way their white liberal masters demand that they vote. This is straight up racism, and most people don’t want to call him what he is, a racist! He obviously thinks that black men do not have minds of their own, so they need to be told what to do. I cannot think of anything that is more insulting or demeaning to a grown man, no matter what race he is. These career politicians, so entrenched in their own self-importance and party dogma, never stop to consider or ask WHY their ‘base’ is fleeing the plantation.

Unlike Clyburn, I’m concerned about black men NOT voting for President Trump. It is past time for these men to escape the plantation of the Democrat Party, the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, the party of the KKK, the party of segregation. In the 60 years after the Civil Rights Act, how has the plight of the black man gotten substantially better? Meanwhile, President Trump offers Americans of every skin color peace, prosperity, safety and freedom. Black men see that and will vote accordingly. Black men have been voting for Democrats for decades, they promise them the moon before the election and then they promise them the moon before the next election.

The Democrat’s entire campaign is nothing more than some insidious mind-altering brain worm where they refuse to talk about policy and the brain worm assures the victim is convinced that all is well as long as you vote Democrat. And it’s in Clyburn that we have yet another black elite who wants nothing more than to keep black men enslaved to high food, energy and gas prices. Another black elite who wants black neighborhoods to be overrun with illegal immigrants. Another black elite who wants black men paying higher taxes. Another black elite who wants black wages to decline and yet works to convince black men to remain loyal to the Democrat Party.

The sad truth of it is that Clyburn and his fellow Democrats couldn’t care less about the plight of black men, their only concern is to make sure, to greatest extent possible, that they continue to vote Democrat in order to ensure that they are able to remain in power and able to move forward their anti-America agenda. And if you wish to see what that agenda is all about all one has to do is to look at any major city that has been run by Democrats for the last 50-60 years and where there is nothing but poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, and very few jobs and schools that are failing. Democrats have been promising utopia for decades and have produced only misery.

And regarding Cumala, she is clearly nothing more than a media generated candidate by way of bizarre photo-ops and edited/rigged interviews in friendly spaces. We need someone who will be a leader of all Americans and not just certain types. And what is simply astounding is how black politicians assume that they’re still able to dictate to blacks regarding whom it is that they are to vote for. Clyburn is worried more black men will be voting for President Trump, but why shouldn’t they, at least he listens to them. Meanwhile Democrats have taken them for granted for years. Clyburn is not concerned with taking them for granted, only that they are voting for Trump.

Most black men want the same things that most white men want! A good job, money in the bank, the ability to live in a free and safe country? Perhaps Cumala should have thought about that when she decided to go along with Joey opening the borders and undoing all that President Trump did. Maybe she should have been concerned as ‘Border Czar’ when she saw illegals taking over communities. But she was not, and she did not. Maybe the Biden administration figured it didn’t need the black vote anymore being as they have so many new illegals. Sometimes things don’t work out as you planned. Clearly black men don’t want what Cumala wants. Most real men don’t.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


I’m likely dating myself here, but how many out there remember Sargeant Schultz from the old sitcom, ‘Hogan’s Heros?’ And if you do remember the amiable, slightly overweight, Sargeant, then you will also very likely remember his favorite motto, “I know nothing, I see nothing,” And it’s that same phrase that would also seem to be the motto of so many in our ‘fake news’ media. I say that because it’s so many of them that seem quite content to turn a blond eye to that which is so obvious to most of us who reside outside of their bizarre little clique comprised solely of those who essentially view things from the same, rather skewed, perspective.

And it would be that perspective that they apply to everything regardless of whether or not it happens to make any sense. And it was as recently as this past Friday that that skewed perspective was once again on full display. I occurred during Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” when Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrats who also happens to be a Cumala-a-Walz surrogate, attempted to make the ridiculous claim that 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Cumala “is a totally different person” from *president Joey, and attempted to justify her inability to say what she would have done differently because “it’s hard to think of things on the spot."

CNN host, and just one of CNNs many resident bimbos, Kaitlan Collins got things going by asking, “When she was asked the other day if there was anything that she would have done differently from Biden, she said not a thing that would come to mind. Do you think, on immigration, she should have said, yes, that she would have handled things differently had she been president?” Polis responded, “Well, look, this is a totally different person. So, I’m excited by Kamala Harris. I think Joe Biden did a fine job as President. There [are] many things I agree with him on, many I disagreed with him on, but I am very excited by what Kamala Harris brings."

And it was from there that this dolt then went on to say, “And when she talks about the opportunity economy, when she talks about small businesses, that’s something that I’m sure Joe Biden might like, but it’s not who he is, it’s not what he talks about. He talks about factories and building stuff, and God bless him for it. But Kamala Harris is talking about the future and she’s the change candidate we need, rather than returning to a former president who had a very mixed record as president, including policies that led to rapid inflation and slower economic growth.” A former president with a very “mixed record as president?” Seriously, a mixed record?

Collins then followed up, “But do you think she should have answered that question differently then, because you’re a Governor who’s had to deal with immigration in your state?” Polis answered, “Look, she was probably asked it and it’s hard to think of things on the spot. But there [are] going to be many differences between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, because it’s a totally different person, it’ll be a totally different team. I think, again, Joe Biden did a great job as a transition to help lead the way for a president that’s future-oriented, that embraces the opportunity economy and small business, will take on the border security issue and solve it."

And he added, “She’s a prosecutor, she’s put criminals behind bars, and that’s something that is a great experience for a country that’s yearning for a president that will help make us safer.” And it was from there that Polis came entirely off the rails because it was during this same appearance that this doofus actually claimed that, “Some people say that, because immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, that the fact that there [are] more immigrants is one of the reasons that crime went down” in Aurora, but the influx of migrants to the state “is one of the reasons I’m so excited about Kamala Harris” because she has a plan to fix the crisis on the border.

Polis said, “I have, of course, met with ICE and the FBI, both of them have field offices in our state, Aurora, the mayor, really everybody has the same interest in getting rid of any criminal activity that occurs. And I think what Aurora faced was absentee landlords that let their buildings become dilapidated. They actually closed one that had garbage piled up in the alley, again, unrelated to any of this crazy stuff they’re talking about. But there were people living in unsanitary conditions, and it’s my understanding that the building was closed. So, again, the city that Donald Trump’s talking about is not the city any of us know here."

And he said, “I was in Aurora this morning. I’m there all the time. It’s a great city, a great town, and, as I said, crime has been down a lot over the last two years, and there could be a number of factors to that. Some people say that, because immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, that the fact that there [are] more immigrants is one of the reasons that crime went down. I don’t know if that’s the reason. We’ve also invested in law enforcement, and we’ve been prosecuting auto theft, and that’s one of the main categories of crime.” What we know about Cumala is that she is an advocate for defunding the police, And nothing Polis can say will change that.

And then Collins, sounding like the unbiased, impartial and objective ‘journalist’ that she isn’t, proceeded to ask, “Governor, beyond what Trump has been saying and his lies, because that’s what they are, there are real issues. And when you look into the numbers, there are about 40,000 Venezuelans that have migrated to Colorado in just the last two years alone. And when you look at the Census data, it shows 5% of the population in the sixth congressional district there, which includes Aurora — as you know — immigrated in just the last year, has that put a strain on local resources?” This bitch is such a joke, and just one of the reasons fewer and fewer people watch CNN.

But anyway, Polis answered, “Well, look, this is one of the reasons I’m so excited about Kamala Harris. She’s a candidate that has a plan to solve the border crisis, wants to have border security, wants to create a way to make sure that people are able to work legally rather, than illegally. Donald Trump has stood in the way of fixing our border every step of the way.” Look, the governor is a Democrat, and is simply doing what Democrats do? They LIE to avoid accountability! Too, too funny. So this guy actually expects us to believe that it was President Trump who stood in the way of fixing the border? How absolutely ludicrous and blatantly untrue.

Seriously, thinking “on the spot?” This hapless bitch has been campaigning as the “change candidate” for more than two months, that’s hardly “on the spot.” What a piss-poor excuse for not being able to answer the most obvious of questions! And to be flummoxed by it twice in one day, and on national television, that’s just gross incompetence. Do you really want someone who is as clueless as Cumala to be your next president, the same person responsible for deciding whether, or not, to launch nuclear weapons? I agree, it is difficult for an incompetent person to think “on the spot.” But a professional, intelligent person would have no trouble at all.

And considering she’s been asked that same question multiple times, and yet she doesn’t possess the wherewithal to see the need to prepare an answer. There is no “on the spot” applicable. Nothing like having a liberal Democrat who has chronic brain freeze, is not exactly a quick thinker and when she does speak, speaks in pure gibberish, with her finger on the button. Clearly, that’s someone only a liberal would vote for. Cumala has said that she has the same agenda as Joey, and that Joey and she are on the same page when it comes to continuing the planned agenda, which is ‘BO’s agenda to “fundamentally transform” the very structure of the United States.

And regarding his claim that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, this idiot needs to go and meet the families of all the young American women who have been raped and murdered by the horde of illegals that Cumala let come across our borders. Joey, Cumala and Mayorkas are all responsible for their deaths. And what about all the deaths from the fentanyl they let come across our border? The very fact that these people are in this country illegally is a crime. This is the kind of lunacy the left expects people to believe. But what should we expect from a party that lies about everything from their candidate’s race down to her having worked at a McDonalds.

It’s according to liberal logic, if illegal immigrants’ lower crime, then why bother trying to fix the border? Polis’ claim demonstrates what a liar he is and how he doesn’t really give a damn about the people in his state or the country. Another low life who hates his country and is probably paid quite handsomely to do so. These liberal Democrats are able to look you straight in the eye and lie without missing a beat. I mean if bringing in unlimited numbers of unvetted illegals reduces crime would they also reduce crowding in schools and hospitals. Simultaneously reducing the costs to taxpayers by diverting resources and money away from citizens to illegals.

Clearly Democrats have a much different idea of what the border crisis actually is than do sane American citizens. You see, to sane Americans, the crisis is illegal immigrants flooding across our border before then being transported/dumped into communities large and small all across the country. Thereby wreaking all manner of havoc our society and overwhelming the limited resources of these same communities. To Democrats, the crisis is that they can’t get them processed into our system and communities fast enough and get them set up with free housing and services to make them comfortable and dependent upon them.

This all just more of same from the same worn-out Democrat playbook. Lies, duplicity, omission and misdirection. Millions of Americans understand this now. Although, regrettably, millions of others are low information voters that don’t understand the consequences of this election. They think their quality of life is guaranteed, just because. And so, I’m pretty sure that Democrats say these stupid and untrue things because they believe the people who vote for them will believe absolutely anything. Which appears to be true. Who should anyone vote for Cumala? Name the basis for your decision but you can’t use the excuse that, “She’s not Trump.”


I truly do believe that there has never been, nor will there ever be again, a more arrogant, narcissistic politician than Barack Obama, whom I will refer to from here on out as ‘BO’. And I also truly believe that the man thinks of himself as a God, or at least God-like, and as such is capable of being able to convince people to do something that they would not otherwise do. Yes, there are those who do view him in that way, but they also tend to be the weak-minded, and easily convinced among us. And, of course, there are those others who pretend, those who are nothing more than bit players who, for whatever reason, contribute to the continuing charade.

And it was as recently as this past Thursday night that ‘BO’ took it upon himself to scold black men for not “feeling the idea of having a woman as president.” He seemed to suggest that any support among black men for President Trump is based on sexism, a tactic of guilt that may just have the opposite effect of that which was intended, and actually backfire on Cumala. And wouldn’t that be a shame? So anyway, it was to an audience gathered in Pennsylvania that ‘BO’ said, “Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that."

And it was to those gathered to show their support for Cumala that ‘BO’ went on to say, “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities, as we saw when I was running.” And he added, “Now, I also want to say that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” Obama said. “So if you don’t mind, just for a second, I’m going to speak to y’all, and say that when you have a choice that is this clear, when on the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences."

According to ‘BO’, “She’s had to work harder and do more and overcome and achieves the second-highest office in the land.” Now I am not a black man, and would never presume to speak as one, but with that said, I would only ask, could ‘BO’ have been any more condescending? Somehow, I doubt it. Most men, regardless of skin color, resent being talked down to regardless of who it is that’s doing the talking. It’s not the fact that she’s a woman that’s the issue, it’s the fact that she’s a lying idiot and totally incompetent and a complete moron. And not even the teleprompter assisted ‘BO’ is going to be able to convince anyone that she is anything different.

The one certainty in what is an ever-changing political landscape is that Democrats can NEVER admit that it is their failures and incompetence that cause people not to vote for them. And because of their total lack of both self-awareness and intellectual honesty, there has to be another reason. Let’s be honest, the majority of those who voted for ‘BO’ did so for racial reasons, a racist act. Choosing to vote for Cumala because she is a woman, or not voting for her because she’s woman is, by definition, misogynist. Cumala is losing due to her low intellect, blatant incompetence, and lack of any leadership kill and total lack of a findable accomplishment.

To anyone to the right of Mao the fact that she may, or may not, be a woman is not part of the decision. She fails on every issue that’s important to mainstream America. So, she has to focus on single issue coalitions like abortion, climate change, the misandrists and the open border morons. And isn’t it interesting that Democrats can always define a woman when they need to. Cumala is a true believer, a true hater of America who wants to reset us under the globalist, socialist regime, who pay her bills. Even Joey wouldn’t go that far unless, of course, he could make some crony capitalist cold hard cash out of it. Although his leftist handlers tried hard to push him there.

And you have to laugh at how ‘BO’ continues to trot himself out and as he pretends to be black just long enough to lecture actual black people before then getting back into his armored car and heads back to Martha's Vineyard to hang out with all of those ric6h white liberals. He’s such a fucking fraud, and a charlatan, that many black folks, apparently black men, are no longer listening. And so, if I have this right, ‘BO’ wants black men to vote for Cumala solely because of the color of her skin and her gender, not because she is the best person for the job? I would argue that that once again proves that Cumala is nothing less than the mother of all DEI hires.

As I have said before, I am far from being an expert when it comes to American politics, but to the untrained eye it would at least seem the Democrats are NOT acting like a party that’s very confident of victory. They keep changing strategies, heck, they even changed candidates at the last minute. Even their voters now seem to be confused because they’re unsure of who it is that’s actually in charge. Is it ‘BO’? Is it Cumala? Is it Joey? Will the real ‘leader’ of the Democrat party please stand up. I’m not even sure if there’s anyone in charge. It seems like things are on auto-pilot with us screaming toward the deck, and they’re hoping we’ll hit before the election.

Yep, this move is more typical scumbaggery on the part of ‘BO’. Still not convinced to drink the Kool-Aid? Well then, let’s try to guilt and shame you until finally submit. It’s pretty pathetic really, right up there with Joey claiming that if you didn’t vote for him, “then you ain’t black.” Like black men can’t think for themselves about a particular candidate. How about the candidate's individual abilities to do the job? We can only hope that the transparent, patronizing fakery from elites like Cumala and ‘BO’ are helping young, black men figure out that the Democrat model of government dependence and identity/victim politics may not be in their best interests.

And Cumala is not just “a woman.” She’s a particular woman of limited understanding, extremist ideas, a repellent personality, and unlimited ambition. An endorsement by ‘BO’ is merely a reflection of his racial politics and a reminder of his destructive, anti-American presidency. And personally, I find it all rather insulting to insinuate that people who don’t vote for Cumala fail to do so just because they don’t like the idea of a woman as president. That’s nonsense. Maybe, just maybe, they just don’t want this particular one. You know, the one with zero qualifications for the job and who has demonstrated, on a number of occasions, that she’s simply not up to the job.

Leave it to the ‘Divider-in-Chief’ to continue to work hard at dividing us. Where there was once upon a time that I actually thought it possible to bring our nation together, I was “woken” to the realization identity politics is a staple of those on the left and, therefore, will never go away. Without it, the left has absolutely nothing on which to run. Economic records and foreign policy debacles from Carter to Biden have played out any chance for any Democrat politician to compete purely on policy positions. Platitudes are finally falling on deaf ears. Results are what’s in fashion these days. Whatever happened to the best person/most qualified for the job?"

And finally, ‘BO’ believes that America is oppressive and racist. He sought to “fundamentally transform” the country and, sadly, made a significant amount of progress in that endeavor. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And look at where the country is today. It isn’t because of President Trump, it’s because of those like ‘BO.’ Democrats need the black vote so Democrats continue to try to create all manner of racial animosity. I do believe that more and more black men are starting to wake up to the games being played by the likes of ‘BO,’ one of their own who chose abandon them and whose Republican predecessor did not.

Friday, October 11, 2024


I’m sure that by now everyone has heard, ad nauseam, all of the many claims made by Cumala, and any number of her idiotic surrogates, about how she is somehow to be considered as the candidate of change. But it’s been all of them, including the candidate herself, who have been rather spectacularly short on the specifics of exactly what that might actually mean. In fact, when the candidate herself was asked what she would do differently than Joy, she said she couldn’t think of a thing that she would do, or would’ve done, differently from what Joey had done. Not exactly a ringing endorsement when considering voting for the ‘candidate of change.'

And it was this past Thursday that we heard pretty much the same thing, this time from another of Cumala’s campaign co-chairs, Mitch Landrieu. You see, it was then, during an appearance on “CNN News Central,” that Landrieu was asked how it is that Cumala is different from Joey. And oddly enough, the best this guy could come up with was saying, “She’s obviously a woman, she is a woman of color, and she is of a new generation” and pointing to her plan on home care. Now I’m no politician and have never run any sort of a political campaign but, seriously, could this guy have provided anymore of a non-answer, answer? And he’s one of the campaign chairs?

So anyway, it was co-host, and well-known faux ‘journalist,’ John Berman who asked, “Vice President Harris has been asked repeatedly how she’s different than President Biden, and some people think she’s been tripped up by answering that. How do you think she is different than President Biden?” And it was then that Landrieu responded in typical fashion by saying, “Well, first of all, whatever the differences [are] between them, it’s not nearly as vast as the difference between her and Donald Trump. She’s obviously a woman, she is a woman of color, and she is of a new generation.” And our brilliant ‘journalist’ just sat there and nodded in agreement.

Landrieu said, “And, as you know, when both President Biden and President Trump were running against each other, the country was, like, saying, can we actually turn a page? And I think it was Nikki Haley who said…the first one that does that is the first one that’s going to have a leg up in the campaign. So, she is not Joe Biden, as much as they want to try to make her Joe Biden.” And he added, “But she was and is part of the Biden administration and part of all the historic gains that were made, from the American Rescue Plan, to the bipartisan infrastructure law, to the CHIPS Act, bringing back manufacturing.” Was he asked to provide any of these historic gains? Nope.

Landrieu continued, “But she has continued to work really, really hard on demonstrating that she wants to continue the fight to lower the costs for everyday Americans, which is why, the other day, she came out with her plan to help the sandwich generation, those of us that have older parents and lots of kids. I have eight brothers and sisters between us.” He said, “We’ve got 38 kids, and I’ve got a mom that’s 92, and we’re all balancing that. Everybody in America is doing that. And if you want to have a pro-growth economy, you have to help folks stand up.” Yes, and I’m sure he and his siblings are experiencing what most Americans are experiencing.

Landrieu ended this scripted little exchange saying, “She’s been very aggressive about that. She’s put out an 82-page economic plan and she’s talking about that, and she’s basically going to fight really hard to protect the freedoms that Donald Trump wants to rip away from us. And she’s going to be very aggressive and take it to him. And so, you can expect her to be her own person. She has demonstrated that throughout her life, and she will do that when she’s the president of the United States.” Democrats are Democrats are Democrats. They call themselves different things in order to get into power, but at the end of the day, they’re all progressive communists.

This idiot’s comments aside, clearly Cumala is a “woman of color” when the color suits her. I think it would be more honest to say that she changes her spots regularly. What color is Cumala, exactly? Her mother was a Hindu from southern India, and so she was considered to be a Caucasian. Her father was a very light skinned black from Jamaica, implying a large admixture of Caucasian genes. So, genetically speaking, it would seem to me that Cumala is more Caucasian than she is black. But she chooses to self-identify as black. People of color are allowed to claim whatever color they want; but if a white claims to be black or American Indian, then all Hell breaks loose.

Democrats have been conditioned to see race, creed, color, sex, national origin and sexual orientation as the entirety of the person. So, what would you expect from a party obsessed with diversity and believes physical characteristics define a person? Democrats know they can’t capitalize on victimization without victims, and they can’t capitalize on guilt without people who feel guilty. Democrats derive power by selling victimization, and, of course, have used it to signal their virtue and compassion. They’re desperate need to create victims has caused many Americans to devote 95 percent of their emotional energy to a 5 percent problem. What a waste.

For most Americans, what you are, has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Any other belief is one of DEI and of prejudice. If Cumala even finishes within 10 million votes behind President Trump, we will know the Democrats cheated. From what I seen she’s actually polling around 35-37 percent nationwide. The only place polls return more favorable numbers for her are high density cities that are chock full of Democrat morons. However, when you combine all the actual numbers, she’s at about 36 percent of the popular vote. Compare that to President Trump whose actual numbers are in the high 50s and even the major swing states now favor President Trump.

But by no means does that mean we can simply sit at home and hope our brothers and sisters get the job done for us. You must get out and vote anyway you can. Over the course of the last 15 years, or so, the Democrats have become increasingly emboldened, and far more willing to reveal their true selves. And while there was a time when each election was declared to be crucial to our survival, never before has that been truer than when it is said about this coming election. I have no reservations whatsoever when it comes to describing this next election as being the most crucial election in my voting lifetime, and I’ve been voting for president since 1972.

And finally, when the time comes for a woman to become president, she needs to have bona fide accomplishments that she can point to. And just like 2016, this is not the time. The first female president should not be a Socialist, she should not be a radical and she will have to be able to speak coherently on a variety of issues and not speak in gibberish she thinks will pass. Yes, all the things they said about Cumala are true. She’s a woman, she’s a woman of color and she’s not white. But she is also an imbecile who can’t speak coherently. Foreign leaders hope she gets in because the U.S. will be the weakest it has ever been since it was first founded.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


So I’m sitting here wondering just when it might be, and/or what it might take, for all of those on the other side to finally throw in the towel when it comes to their continuing effort to mock, ridicule and malign those of us who not only continue to support President Trump, but also who have every intention of voting for him once again. Because as much as they might wish for it to be so, we’re not going anywhere. We will stay put no matter how much they may mock, ridicule or malign us. These people are scum, who seem to think that by attacking us they somehow add something to their own drab and pathetic little lives. And how disgusting is that?

All of which, of course, brings me MSDNC contributor Donny Deutsch. You see it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on “Morning Schmo” that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag said that those voters who support President Trump have “bankrupt” souls. Deutsch said, “You could tell people January 6, you could tell people he’s lying, people’s lives are at stake and he’s lying about a hurricane and people will go, ‘Well what about Kamala’s third answer on The View?’ And it is just.” He continued, “What happened to us? What is wrong with us? I feel like I’m living in another country. I am really going to feel that way if the election goes in the Trump direction."

He added, “It’s like how bankrupt have so many souls become?” These people just don’t let up. He went on to say, “And I’m not talking about people who if you think he’s going to put food on your table and you’re upset about prices and that’s the difference between a job and not a job. I’m talking about the people that we interact with, people of means who only care, they will lose every other excuse, but only care about the 3% tax cut. I’ve been really down lately not about Trump but about who we are. Is this who we’ve become? Because if that’s the case, it’s much bigger than Donald Trump.” Donny Deutsch-bag, another bought and paid for propogandist.

So apparently, it’s according to Donny and those like him, that I am now a deplorable bitter clinger and a dreg of society with a “bankrupt soul.” Perhaps Donny, and they, should take the time to look in the mirror. After all, how mentally ill are those who display their full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) at every opportunity? And I’ll tell ya, knowing that my vote for President Trump annoys losers like Donny just makes me all the happier, and all the more eager, to do so. This is proof of TDS and how truly filled with hate the left has now become. And if we substitute Cumala for President Trump, or Democrats for Republicans and we’ll have the real world.

And so proudly count me in as one of the tens of millions of “bankrupt souls” that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag is talking about who support President Trump. I’m also proudly one of the extreme MAGA Republicans that Joey talks about.  Look Donnie boy, Americans don’t care about January 6th or Juneteenth. We just know that trading in one incompetent old fuck for an incompetent Jamaican/Indian woman ain’t the answer by any stretch. Donnie is a lost soul who’s made a career out of peddling hate. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything but performing his hate Trump routines. If you hate President Trump, you can become a hero to other brainwashed souls.

And I’m curious, what might it be that qualifies this hapless twerp to determine the condition of one’s soul? Also, do Democrats truly believe in souls, or in God the creator of those souls? The answer to that is no. Not when they can justify the murder of the unborn who have souls from the moment of creation. Deutsch-bag is doing nothing more than to take part in the usual vile gaslighting that we’ve all come to expect from leftist activist sellouts, bought and paid for with leftist blood money, to purvey hate and to spread nothing but division and lies. Why are liberals so stupid? It has to be genetic, right? Nobody could really be that willfully stupid, could they?

And so riddle me this. Where does this soulless little creep get off thinking he is capable of accusing anyone of possessing a “bankrupt soul?” After all, I’m not the one who supports the butchering of an unborn baby, right up to the moment of birth and even after. Just as I am not one who supports removing our southern border while encouraging every piece of shit who wants to come here to “come on down,” or the printing of money 24/7/365 so that it can then be given away to all manner of sinister players. It’s the true “bankrupt souls” like ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, here, that have played a role in creating the mess in which we all now find ourselves.

‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag is such a confused and unlikeable individual. I mean, what kind of person makes such a broad statement claiming fellow citizens have bankrupt souls because they don’t agree with him. But then what else should we expect from someone like him. A guy who’s nothing more than a sock puppet for the left. And is that what he actually believes or is he, as is usually the case with those of his chose profession, simply spewing nothing more than those talking points he has been provided with. I love how these loudmouth leftists, who clearly don’t believe in God, try to wax religious in an attempt to get us to vote against our conscience.

Finally, I think it fair to say that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, along with most everybody else there on the left, is a demonic disciple of none other than Lucifer himself, and so, I suppose, it’s safe to assume that he may know a bit about lost souls. After all, he clearly sold his soul years ago. His words and deeds leave no doubt about that. Speaking only for myself, I can cite a whole litany of reasons why I continue to support President Trump, all of them factual. I simply have to remember how things were a mere four years. Meanwhile it’s ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, and those like him, who cannot do likewise regarding their support of Cumala.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Yup, you may not be able to rely on Democrats for much that’s useful, but you can always depend on them to spout some of the most idiotic drivel you’ve ever heard. Case in point would be that former drug dealer and now host of something called ‘The Breakfast Club’ radio show, Lenny tha Loser, aka Charlamagne tha God. You see it was Lenny who recently stated the obvious when he said the “America first” and “MAGA” platform of President Trump is resonating with voters this election year, while Cumala feels “out of touch,” especially as Joey/Cumala facilitates $157 million in aid to Lebanon while hurricane victims at home continue to suffer and search for answers.

Lenny spoke about the closing weeks of the election cycle during a recent episode of his show. Lenny said, “Trump and J.D. Vance… they’ll be talking about things that are happening right here in America because it is an election season right here in America.” And he went on to say, “It’s always America First. But then you go to Tim Walz and they’re asking him about geopolitical politics, and I think a lot of times that makes them sound, you know, very out of touch.” Perhaps it’s time for old Lenny to put his big boy pants on and support President Trump. I mean, if he genuinely cared about those in the black community, and not just himself, he would do exactly that!

Anyway, Lenny would go on to add, “When you hear the Vance’s and Trump’s talking about what’s happening here at home and saying things like ‘America First’ and ‘Make America Great Again,’ that messaging sometimes resonates a lot more — not sometimes, it does resonate a lot more.” I’m so sick and tired of hearing this nobody as he tries to play both sides of the fence. That “America First” message, should always be what motivates voters. Not abortion! Not Third World invitations! And certainly not subsidizing other countries’ wars. Democrats are getting into the next stage of grief, seeing a loss coming and they will blame anything but their policies.

Lenny spoke about Cumala’s announcement over the weekend that her administration is sending $157 million in humanitarian aid to civilians in Lebanon, far less than the $45 million the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) revealed, on October 4, it had provided for the immediate needs of individual Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. He said, “People got outraged. They were like, yo, what about us right here in North Carolina?” he said. “So that ‘America First’ messaging goes a lot farther.” The hurricane struck in Trump country so don’t expect much from Cumala. She doesn’t want those people to vote!

This guy may be a low information clown. He makes very random statements in a persuasive level tone and if you quizzed him on basic politics, he’d probably score in Kardashian territory. He is an ignoramus pretending to be an intellectual. He’s known for saying things that are clearly obvious and then acting as though they are original and profound ideas. Plus, the guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. One moment he is bashing President Trump, the next moment he seems to be praising him. He continually tries to sound intelligent but only comes across sounding like a fool. I just don’t get the draw. There is absolutely nothing to be learned from listening to him.

Lenny is like that guy who almost gets it but then gets distracted and suddenly remembers that he’s a Democrat and can’t be too honest about President Trump. Just like that other goof, Bill Maher. They start to make a little sense but then have to revert to the woke talking points. In other words, “I like Trump and everything he’s doing and saying. He’s connected to reality, and he is focused on Making America Great Again, and his message resonates, but I can’t vote for him because then I’m admitting that he’s the right guy for the job, and because Kamala is a female and person of color, I’m still voting for her.” That’s how the Democrat mind works.

And to continue publicly supporting Cumala says that either you’re really not all that smart or you’re so consumed by your hatred of President Trump that you would actually vote for a complete moron in an empty suit just to keep him out of office. I think Lenny knows he’s looking like a chump regarding his choosing to support this empty suit. I mean, frankly it’s really not all that difficult to imagine Cumala and/or her trusty sidekick, Tampon Tim out on a campaign road trip and deciding to drop in at Walmart just to prove they’re regular everyday Americans and then holding up the line because neither can grasp the concept of a self-service checkout.

In 2020 President Trump got more votes than he did in 2016 and he will get more votes in 2024 than he got in 2020. Meanwhile, we’re supposed to buy the claim that Joey, campaigning from his basement, somehow got more votes than ‘BO’ and the most in history. Cumala, in order to win, will need more votes than any candidate in history. She may need more votes than there are legal voters. Which, knowing Democrats as we all do, just may not be outside the realm of possibility. Look, clearly Cumala and Timmy A-Walz are not “out of touch.” They truth is they don’t care about the American people as much as they care about illegal immigrants.

MAGA has always been about Americans and America succeeding. It amazes me every day that morons can’t quite figure that out. But the sheeple listen to those in the ‘fake news’ media while wearing a mask driving alone in their car. It’s true that people are concerned about their ability to buy stuff like food, pay rent, pay a mortgage, pay insurance, afford their utilities and more. Today inflation caused by Joey, Cumala, and the Democrats has made those items 25 percent to 50 percent more costly in terms of dollars compared to just four years ago. That’s fucking incredible. How much of a leftwing kook must you be to want that to continue?

Cumala is a fraud. But she’s also dumb as shit. She possesses no self-awareness and therefore seems unable to understand that helping Americans will get her actual votes, but she tweets about helping Lebanon and giving them $157 Million. Meanwhile she’s giving $750 bucks to anyone who still has an internet connection and a phone. The checks in the mail folks. If you vote for Cumala, you deserve everything that you get. Nothing. But keep in mind that your vote for Cumala is actually a vote for Iran, Russia, China, Hamas, North Korea, Haiti, Sudan, Venezuela, Mexico. It’s literally a vote to kick every American in the nuts. Better to not vote than to vote for her.

Let those with common sense and basic intelligence vote for an actual leader who loves his country and loves the people he fights for. There is no gray area with President Trump. Nothing shady or compromised, or swampy or elitist. But he must make good on his promise to drain the swamp of these sick leftists who have made his life, and ours, a living Hell. His hands will be full for sure, because he will also be expected to fix the mess that Joey and Cumala left behind. I feel confident that he will be up to the challenge but we the voters can help by ridding Congress of as many Democrats and RINOs as we can, because what lies ahead is not a one man job.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Something that I’m pretty sure will come as a surprise to virtually no one is how the journalistic geniuses at MSDNC persist in thinking that those on the left are the only sane ones. Oddly enough they seem to have come to the conclusion that one would have to be certifiably insane to not vote for Democrats. After all, what other possible reason could there be? Meanwhile, it’s those of us out here in the real world who have a slightly different view of things. You see, it’s most of us who think one would have to be a complete moron to vote for any Democrat. I guess if you derive pleasure from high crime, high inflation and an open border, Democrats are your kind of people.

And we saw that again just this past Monday when some wingnut of a Princeton University professor by the name of Eddie Glaude appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline” and argued that the fact voters support President Trump makes clear that “there’s a kind of madness that has a grip on us.” This overpaid clown serves as being yet another example of how our institutions of ‘higher learning’ are nothing more than indoctrination centers. Their job is to finish what our public school system start. Clearly it doesn’t take much to be a professor these days, the bar has been set pretty low, especially if one also happens to be of the right skin color. But I digress.

Anyway, it was the host of this idiotic bit of television programming, Nicolle Wallace, who started things off by saying, “I wonder what sort of the state of play is in terms of the last 29 days where we have all the information. Trump isn’t capable it would appear from Peter Baker’s analysis of reforming himself or tightening it up and the polls stay neck and neck. What do you make of that?” And this clown Glaude responded saying, “Oh, God, Nicolle, you ask that question, right? I mean, it just shows us, it shows us the nature of the country. We’ve said over and over again as pundits, as folks who do this for a living that the country is a 50-50 country."

And this boob went on to say, “We know that it’s split. Then we know that it’s complicated in relation to the electoral college system. right? We’ve got that. But we also know that there is a cultural shift that’s happening in America and folks aren’t comfortable with it. We’re changing. We don’t know what we’re changing into. And folk aren’t comfortable with it. We know that there are politicians who aren’t very decent people, who are exploiting it and they’re exploiting it for their own aims and ends. So that sense of unease and we must add that we’re not okay. We’re not okay.” He added, “There’s a kind of madness that has a grip on us."

He said, “We can call it a fever dream or whatever. And we’re trying to make our way to the other side of it but we’re in it. I think those numbers reflect Americans who are just grabbing on to something, trying to hold on in the face of winds and Americans who are desperately trying to make sure that we survive it. And who knows? Who knows where we’re going to land?” Glaude seems upset that President Trump wants to stop this wonderful experiment that the Democrats are bringing to us. Now I’m not sure exactly what this guy is a professor of, but it doesn’t matter. He’s likely another fine example of teaching hate disguised as ‘social science.'

And there are countless other goofs like this guy Glaude out in universities all across the country ‘teaching,’ and I use the term loosely, students under the catch-all topic of ‘humanities.’  But in a way, I do agree with Glaude. Because there is a definite madness in America, but it’s called Marxism. It equates to human trafficking, millions of illegals, fentanyl, inflation, abortion up to birth, mutilating children, rabid antisemitism, and out of control crime in our cities. This is what you get when people are so incredibly out of touch with reality that they lie even to themselves to try and remain relevant. It would seem there is absolutely nothing they won’t say.

Let’s face it, some of the most intolerant people in the world have Ph.Ds., as Glaude himself is proof of. And having a credential, or having demonstrated intelligence, does not give one the gift of reason in all matters, also as Glaude himself proves. This so-called ‘intellectual’ has called half the American people mentally ill. Dare I say the madness comes from the Democrat Party and their woke ideology and the voters who supports those who wish to destroy America and rule over its ashes. The madness comes from the fanatical hatred of President Trump by people who are too stupid to know, or too stubborn to admit, how much better things were during his term.

And yes, those of us on the right, those of us who genuinely love this country, are mad, fighting mad. Mad at the way those worthless, incompetent fascists on the left, like Glaude, work to destroy everything they come into contact with. That “madness” is called patriotism which is something Democrat know nothing about. It’s Democrats who insist upon taking this country down the same progressive path that has resulted in the destruction of so many other countries before us. Ideas like socialized healthcare, income equality, banning guns, free higher education, all the same ideas implemented in Venezuela since 2001, and just look where it has them today.

And to be blunt, we’re not changing, they’re purposely trying to change us into another communist utopia that the rest of the world is trying to flee. Our government is now the nation’s largest employer, and it continues to grow on the backs of the middle class. Does that make any sense? Government employees have a pretty good gig, good pay, better benefits, more time off and job security far beyond the average private sector employee could ever hope for. They’re squeezing out the middle class. You may believe that white replacement is some crazy conspiracy theory, but it’s happening, and it’s being done intentionally to destroy our way of life.

Personally, I would argue that this nation is NOT 50/50, maybe 60/40 in favor of the right, and that’s being generous to the left. The current polls have been skewed in an effort to make it seem that the two sides are closer than they really are in order to justify an outcome where, when the left wins by a close margin, it can be made to appear more convincing. But it’s all nothing more than pure propaganda. Transparency must be key in the coming election, and in all elections that come after. There can be no covering of windows, observers from both parties, including representatives of the ‘news’ media, must be present during the vote counting process.

And you have to ask yourself, if we were truly at 50/50 would the Democrats be going to the lengths they are going to with their crooked courts, corrupt judges and attempted assassinations of our candidate? I just don't think so. Their behavior belies their own numbers and tends to support mine. As always with this bunch, the Democrats, pay no heed to what they say, just watch what they do, as much of it as you can give the media's propensity for hiding of it. You will be much better informed. Trust your eyes and not their mouths. Your eyes do not lie, their mouths on the other hand are incapable of anything else. It comes from a lifetime of practice, I guess.

And it’s not a “madness,” we simply love our country, we hate communism, and we certainly aren’t stupid. Those in the ‘fake news’ media lie and smear us for fighting against their warped propaganda because we don’t believe them. We are fighting against the “madness.” We are fighting against those who abuse the FBI, DOJ, and IRS. We are fighting against those who hate Americans but love terrorists. Against those who want a global order. Against those who want to depopulate the Earth, and against those who want to mutilate our children, think it’s ok for drag queens in our schools, and think men can get pregnant. We’re the sane ones, not those like Eddie.

The vitriol emanating from many leftists is based on hating President Trump personally. The ability to think critically was rejected because the conformity of the left doesn’t allow debate. The elites are the easiest to control because they need to be in the club and fear not being included. They’re mentally unbalanced and completely tone deaf. They’re so deep down into their own rabbit holes that they’ve lost touch with reality. The left has tried, and will continue to try, everything within their power to bring President Trump down, but I can only assume that God is using him as a messenger to save America. We can only pray that this is the truth!

Sunday, October 6, 2024


You would think that as obvious as the Democrats have been, and continue to be, about where it is that they wish to take this country, and how they intend to get it there, it would be fewer and fewer Americans that would actually be willing to vote them into office. But oddly enough, it seems that it’s just the opposite that appears to be the case. You see, it’s millions of Americans who somehow remain convinced that those in the Democrat Party, those who very clearly care only about themselves and their party, genuinely care about them. I must say that it’s these people who have now managed to take gullibility to what is clearly a whole new level.

All of which brings me to none other than Hitlery. You see, it was this past Saturday that Hitlery appeared on a bizarre bit of CNN programming called “Smerconish,” hosted by some loon by the name of Michael Smerconish, another one of those who claims to have once been a Republican but now claims to be an Independent. It was then that she said “we lose total control” if social media content is not more regulated. I’m stunned at how much airtime this cow continues to get. Hitlery said, “We need national action and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children. So you’re absolutely right."

She said, “This should be at the top of every legislative, political agenda. There should be a lot of things done. We should be repealing something called section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter, X or Instagram or TikTok, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control and it’s not just the social and psychological effects it’s real harm, it’s child porn and threats of violence, things that are terribly dangerous."

She added, “Remove the immunity from liability and we need to have guardrails, we need regulation. We’ve conducted a big experiment on ourselves and particularly our kids and I think the evidence is in. We’ve got to do more, take phones out of schools. I’m so happy to see schools beginning to do that where kids turn their phone in when they walk in the door.”  There it is, all out in the open, the exact explanation for everything the Democrats do. She is just so self-absorbed that she forgot how much she was supposed to keep hidden. The thought of her being President is deeply troubling when you realize Democrats will do and believe anything they are told.

So, there you have it, an in your face admission that ‘the swamp’ believes that it’s in total control. Hitlery is just saying the quiet part out loud, which is the Democrats, need to be able to force social media companies to censor speech they disagree with. The only thing she left out were the left’s favorite mantra “threat to democracy” and buzzwords like “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Hitlery confirmed that the leftist agenda is all about control. The left rejects reason, logic, and relevant facts in pursuit of their authoritarian agenda. The left hates the U. S. Constitution as it restricts what the government can do to take away life, liberty, and property.

Hitlery is nothing if not the poster child for all that is wrong without government. Ugly, vile, liberal white women who were led to believe they matter more than anyone else, and hold the position as arbiters of what, how and why everyone else must live, think, act, believe, vote, talk, imagine, and support, their disgusting agenda. Hitlery is merely echoing the policy sought by her many friends in the Democrat Party establishment, including, of course, Cumala and A-Walz. Democrats and Independents should understand these people will also silence them, and continue to tell them to sit down, shut up, and vote only as you are told to vote.

Normally, I agree with no phones in the classroom, but when she calls for it, it has a rather sinister ring to it. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed how it’s always about “the kids” with this crowd of miscreants. They feign concern about their welfare while at the very same time grooming them and pushing them into mental illness. The truth is this crowd is livid because we won’t shut up and sit down. They can’t dictate our thoughts or our speech. The left plays the old routine of using children as reason for whatever agenda they have, claiming that “children are our future,” all the while as they advocate for the “right to murder children."

But let’s be clear, the only people who lose control with free speech are those who seek to enslave us, those like Hitlery, Cumala and, of course, ‘BO.’ Liberals, like Hitlery, fear freedom of speech because it provides the means for individuals to express themselves free of impediments of any kind. And as bothersome as being free to say anything you want can be at times; you must admit that it’s far better than being forced to remain silent. People need to understand that liberals are the existential threat to both democracy and individual liberties! They won’t protect any individual liberties including abortion because they don’t care about people!

What Hitlery and her fellow Democrats have shown is that they have no love for, nor do they support the Constitution. These creatures deserve the ultimate punishment swiftly and decisively, they are a the cancer that must be removed. Hitlery is fine with drag queens shaking their “stuff” in grade schools, but she’s suddenly concerned about pornography and violence on the internet? Isn’t it more likely that she just wants to shut off one of the only outlets for conservative thought? The Democrats already control nearly all of the ‘fake news’ media and most of social media but they won’t be satisfied until every last dissenting voice has been silenced.

Well intentioned people welcome freedom of speech. Only those with evil intent want to stifle the opinions of others. The Democrat Party is clearly the enemy of the individual. Democrats can’t change minds through argument and discussion, so they must focus on taking away our freedom to argue and discuss. It used to be that while I would disagree with what you said, I’d fight to the death to protect your right to say it. Not Hitlery, she’d knife you in the back before she’d fight for your right to say anything she disagrees with. Hitlery is a congenital liar. Hitlary is the wicked witch of the West and the East, rolled into one! And she doesn’t need a broom to fly!

And finally, Marxism has been around for over a hundred years and still has yet to produce a single beneficial thing for anyone on planet Earth. Yet despite that, we have people here in 2024 pushing it, risking literally Hell on earth, just to achieve a single positive thing in its name. No other ideology, government, or religion have destroyed more human lives than Marxism in that short time. That people in 2024 still support it, shows how much of a failure the world's educational system have been. Hitlery is a textbook example of the "in service to self" person. In my humble opinion, her life represents a complete failure on every level that is important.

Friday, October 4, 2024


I have likely asked this question before, but is there a bigger lying skank in all of Congress than Nancy Pelosi? Somehow, I just don’t think so. And I say that because President Trump, regardless of how it came to be, has not been in office since January 20, 2021, when Joey, and his sidekick Cumala, first slithered into office. And yet, Pelosi, along with any number of other Democrats, claims that the recent escalation of the ongoing conflict taking place in the Middle East, like everything else that has gone so horribly wrong since that day, is to be blamed on President Trump. And as ludicrous as that may sound that’s their story and, by God, they’re sticking to it.

This past Wednesday, during an appearance on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Pelosi made the idiotic claim that Iran is now in a stronger position “nuclear wise” because of the “failed policy of Donald Trump.” Pelosi said, “We want to avoid a bigger war. As you know, full well, that masterfully President Obama had a plan to reduce the capacity of the Iranians to produce a nuclear weapon. The next president in line, he came in and eliminate it that unfortunately, because now Iran is on a path again for enriching uranium or fully taking it closer to having the capacity for a weapon.” She said, “I don’t know how close they are to that and if i did, I wouldn’t say."

And she said, “So again, we want to avoid a bigger war. We do know that Hezbollah and Hamas are proxies for Iran. They are the troublemakers in the region. The fact that Israel was attacked with 200 ballistic missiles coming into Israel, thank God without any major effects shows they must be stopped. But I don’t think we should get into that with an open discussion now, as to how we deal with their nuclear. Again we had a plan to do that. I think that there are other countries as we had said before, who had worked together to do that. But the reason that they are in the strong position they are today nuclear wise is because of the failed policy of Donald Trump."

But who was it that sent pallets of cash to Iran and lifted the sanctions on Iran's oil? That would be Democrats! Ignore your lyin' eyes and ears, and your own memory of a better, more prosperous, more stable America and world when President Trump ran things and instead, heed only what Pelosi is telling you. The year is 2024. The team of Joey and Cumala has had four years to do what they wanted and now Iran is closer to a nuke. That is on the Democrats. Iran is stronger because Joey/Cumala unfroze billions of dollars to allow Iran in turn weaponize Hezbollah terrorists. ‘BO’ also gave deference to Iran’s leader, and he too gave piles of cash directly to Iran.

On the other hand, President Trump kept Iran in check during his entire time in office. Democrats know what they’ve done to bring on this war. They have to blame someone else for their actions as always. The Democrats have turned into a pathetic cabal of clowns. All they do is obsess over President Trump and make up lies about him. Pelosi is unhinged. Iran was on its heels financially in January 2020 because of the sanctions President Trump had placed against them. And it was shortly after taking office that Joey reversed those sanctions. Democrats know they can lie about anything, and their voters will believe it and those in the ‘fake news’ media will echo their lies.

Frankly, I don't remember Iran launching nearly 200 ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles at Israel during President Trump’s tenure. Democrats have been in control for 12 of the last 16 years and somehow, we’re supposed to believe that its ALL President Trump’s fault. That Joey, and Cumala, has nothing to do with the fact that both ‘BO’ and Joey sent billions and billions to Iran who in turn used that money to buy weapons and to supply their proxies. And what about the billions of dollars in equipment that Joey left in Afghanistan. Try as they may wish, there’s no way that the Democrats can connect President Trump to this fiasco of their own making.

And am I the only one to have noticed how it is that over the years it’s been whenever we have Democrats in power that they always claim to be the ones responsible for every good thing that happens, while blaming any bad things on the previous Republican, even if that was four or eight years earlier! But when the Republicans in power, the Democrats claim that all good things are due to the previous Democrat administration, while all bad things are due to the current Republican administration. Kinda weird, don’t you think? But then, Desperate politicians say desperate things, especially when they’re in a losing position and on the wrong side of public opinion.

Whenever I hear some lunatic like Pelosi spewing her bullshit, the question that always immediately comes into my mind is, do these morons actually believe the delusional nonsense they spew? It’s hard to say. But every time they open their mouths all they do is further cement their status as the village idiots. They do, however, continue to get elected to positions of power. And how that happens is a mystery for the ages. The only thing Pelosi is doing right now is to go on any ‘fake news’ show that will have her to lie and gaslight. And as is usually the case, there’s literally never any questioning or pushback on it by any of our supposed ‘journalists.'

Just once I’d like to see some enterprising ‘journalist’ challenge any Democrat regarding the garbage they continually spew. To call them out and leave them babbling as try to come up something that sounds believable to back up their many lies. And it’s amazing how she continues to make up such bold face lies. She is the perfect poster child when it comes to the disgraceful and unacceptable behavior of you average Democrat politician. The truth is the exact opposite of what this feckless witch says. Imagine how different things would be if we did have a news media that took an interest in doing its job instead of simply perpetuating all of the lies.

Finally, President Trump had Iran on its belly, whimpering in the doghouse of the global community. Then the Democrats stole the election, ended the sanctions against Iran, shut down our own energy production, and stole billions of America taxpayer dollars, surrendering it all to the Mullahs. Iran is the chief sponsor of global terrorism. The Democrat Party is the chief sponsor of Iran. And if we’re being honest, we can trace this ongoing mess all the way back to another failed Democrat president, Jimmy Carter, the ultimate pacifist president. Democrats make horrible presidents; they always have and they always will. And yet, we may actually elect another.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


At first, I wasn’t going to say anything, I was just going to consider the source and let it slide. Hence my delay in making any sort of a comment on this past Tuesday night’s ‘debate’ between JD Vance, ‘Tampon Tim’ A-Walz, and the two CBS ‘moderators,’ and I use that term very, very loosely. Now while I don’t want to seem like I’m piling on, these two ‘moderators’ have clearly provided more than enough reason to never again have two female ‘moderators.’ For one reason, both demonstrated and serious lack of both knowledge and understanding of the truly important issues and it seemed like it might have been ‘that time of the month’ for both of them.

I guess my gripe is all of accusations of “mansplaining.” You see according to some at MSDNC, mansplaining would seem to know no gender boundaries, and it was two of the geniuses there at MSDNC who argued that was exhibited by Mr. Vance during his debate on Tuesday with A-Walz. Hosts Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace claimed that Vance attempted to “mansplain,” a term typically used to describe how a man talks down to a woman if done condescendingly, to A-Walz and moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, an aspect of illegal immigration. Might I just say that it would appear like Vance was the only man present on Tuesday night.

And it’s a partial transcript of their idiotic commentary that follows:

WALLACE: Can I say something about the moderators? They did a great job and they also used their mic-muting power We spent a lot of time on it before the debate. I actually think if you’re a woman, that might be the worst moment JD Vance had because he was going to mansplain right over that mute button. He was, and again, I don’t pretend to know how everyone will react to this, I think that a lot of women in positions of authority that should command respect just by virtue of that dynamic will see themselves and some dude that, disrespected them and talk over them.

There was a moment like that in the Harris-Pence vice-presidential debate, where she said, “I’m speaking.” There’s this real belief that what he was saying was more important than the debate rules and the moderators.

MADDOW: And to Joy’s point — the substance of that moment was when he was lying about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio again, and Tim Walz had called him out on it and then was saying, ‘Oh, no, no, no, I’m not lying, let me tell you why I’m calling them illegal immigrants,’ even though they are not illegal immigrants and let me mansplain the law to you. And the moderators at that point muted his mic and said, “Thank you for explaining the law. That’s not what we’re asking."

‘Womansplaining’ is the only thing that I saw on display Tuesday night. Also known as being a bitch. Vance’s closing remark should have included, “Thank you for the opportunity to debate the three of you.” I mean, clearly, we had one young man who’s clearly comfortable in his own skin and perfectly confident in his own masculinity. And then we had an old man who looked a bit like Don Rickles on massively high doses of amphetamines. Yes, Vance is a man, he is both educated and successful. Meanwhile. A-Walz and moderators are all clearly stupid. So, what should Vance have done instead, simply allowed them to continue to be stupid?

“Mansplaining” is, of course, nothing more than a liberal sniveling catch phrase, a euphemism, to enable liberals to focus their hatred or their prodigious sniveling about some imaginary thing. Just like systemic racism, global warming, white supremacists, voter suppression, diversity training, democratic socialism, safe space, social justice, undocumented immigrant, human infrastructure, structural racism, common sense gun control, hate speech, toxic masculinity, micro-aggression, racial justice, white privilege, gun violence, community activist, climate justice, white nationalists, white Christian nationalists, implicit bias, moral infrastructure, non-binary and more.

I mean, do these women really not understand just how truly stupid they sound when using the term “mansplaining?” They sound like unserious, sophomoric, little college girls. Personally, whenever I hear this type of leftist girl jargon, I completely tune out anything that comes forth from the speaker’s mouth. I get the impression that these women live in a world of feminist cliches where real men are few, submissive or condescending toward them. They sound totally brainwashed, as if they live in a cult. And may I just point out that O’Donnell and Brennan are clearly both idiots, to the point where no amount of “mansplaining” is going to help them to understand.

Mansplaining is term that feminists like to use to harass intelligent men. They get aggravated any time any man shows the least bit of intelligence because it contradicts their bigoted ideology that claims all men are stupid. Any woman who claims to have been “mansplained,” most likely needed it. Feminists hate the fact that they women; they want to be men and therefore hate men because they aren’t one. And if you think that sounds crazy; you would, of course, be spot on. They are crazy, bat shit crazy. In fact, it’s Maddow who spends every broadcast “mansplaining.” I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she has more testosterone than old A-Walz.

So, to believe their claim you must believe two things: 1) A-Walz is an effeminate girly-man, who cannot defend himself, and 2) The moderators KNEW the premise of their argument was faulty (a lie) and could not emotionally handle being exposed to the truth. Ladies, you really shouldn’t be offended when someone sees that you’re obviously confused, or negligent of the facts, and goes out of their way in an attempt to bring you up to speed. When all else fails, those on the left will always try to play victim. If you’re a man and you take time to explain ANYTHING to others, they always try to hide their stupidity by making you seem like the bad guy.

These race whiners and sex whiners, the flakes and the fairies are really that all the left has, and they’re absolutely pathetic. The lack of self-awareness is always stunning. Laying out the FACTS in the face of aggressively biased media types is NOT “mansplaining” (an Ebonics based ghetto term if ever there was one), it’s called discourse, the arguing of facts. Maybe there shouldn’t be women moderators, if a candidate can’t respond to lies that they’re pushing? Have only men do these debates and be a bit more insistent regarding the ‘news’ organizations involved. These are quite the trash talkers, but they clutch their pearls at anyone pushing back on them.

And when a man responds to a woman who is being rude, disrespectful and blatantly lying, it isn't “mansplaining.” These clowns should at least try to be adult enough to acknowledge when you’ve been caught out in a lie and corrected. I must say, that Mr. Vance was far more respectful than he needed to be when addressing those two biased idiots. No matter what President Trump or Mr. Vance may say, the left is going to dig up ways to criticize them. Again, it’s all they have. They can’t talk about policy or achievements, and they don’t do interviews. They simply use teams of people to dig up excuses and dirt on any candidate but always go overboard.

If “mansplaining” is defined as correcting a false narrative or statement, which is exactly what Mr. Vance was doing, then I’ll accept that definition. More often than not, you have to mansplain to liberal women. Most of the time they only hear what they want to hear the first time you say something to them. So, often times you find yourself having to repeat yourself in small, easy to understand bit and pieces for them in order for improve the odds of them actually being able to understand what was being said. Then when the dim light above their head finally lights up, they get all mad because you treated them like the child they are. It’s really quite bizarre.