Thursday, January 9, 2025


Cleary, that which could once, and fairly accurately so, be referred to as our ‘mainstream media’ has, over time, reduced itself to being nothing more than a joke, a mere caricature of its former self that can no longer be relied upon to provide us with an accurate account of daily events. Of course, one reason for that is because today we have very few actual ‘journalists.’ Sadly, it would seem that our bona fide ‘journalists’ have all gone the way of the dodo. Instead, what we seem to have today are nothing more than a bunch of posers, those who like to refer to themselves as ‘journalists’ but who merely spew talking points they read from a teleprompter.

And it was one of those posers, none other than Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, who, during an appearance Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” said he would like to punch Stephen Miller, President Trump’s immigration policy adviser. So, it was once again that this weasel crawled out from under his rock and proceeded to do a little boasting about his virility. Rivers, another ardent defender of criminals who expresses sympathy for victims but says full steam ahead when it comes to allowing even more monsters into the country. Rivers is nothing more than another of those useless and clueless hacks who refuse to go away. Old Jerry has been a phony for most of his life.

And so it was during a supposed discussion on the subject of immigration that host Ari Melber said, “The Trump transition team wants to do what they call a D.C.-area showcase immigration raid in the first days. This would be a quote, ‘high-profile raid targeting undocumented immigrants in its initial days.'” He asked, “I’m curious what you think of this because I’ve covered this? I’ve had Stephen Miller on the show. I think we can stipulate that there are debates about immigration in this country and undocumented immigration has been rising. And there’s a question about how to deal with that in a holistic way that is humane, but protects national security."

Rivers responded in typical arrogant fashion saying, “You know, I’m an old man now. I’ve been a boxer all my life. I’ve given it up because of my frailty. But I would come back to punch Stephen Miller in the nose because he is the most hideous in terms of his policy. I don’t know the guy personally. In terms of his policy, he is absolutely draconian. He’s the definition of it. He doesn’t want to resolve the issue. He wants to scapegoat certain people that will in his mind it would resound favorably to President Trump.” Why is that liberals must always threaten violence? Raise your voice and they immediately have PTSD, but they sure like to talk about punching people.

Frankly it’s Jerry’s sophomoric comments that kinda remind me of Joey’s mind set. Jerry wants to punch people in the nose while old Joey wants to take them out behind the gym and beat them up. But which was it that was more awkward? Jerry’s juvenile macho threat, or Melber's wishy washy lead-in on immigration? Melber reluctantly appears to understand one of the two issues which put President Trump over the top on the popular vote. And if nothing else, it’s old Jerry who seems to have found a good fit there at MSDNC. After all, Rivers has a long history of confusing legal immigration with ILLEGAL immigration, along with any number of other issues.

Rivers is an insufferable jerk. He’s an old man and he’s been insufferable for as long as I can remember. And isn’t it amazing how liberals always want to hurt, hit, or kill those people who refuse to agree with their rather cockeyed way of looking at the world. Physical violence seems to come very easy to these people. they’re emotional nut bags. Rivers is a loser and has always been a loser. Notice how Jerry never shows any anger towards Mayorkas and his continuing policy of allowing murderers to cross our borders at will. It shows what he thinks of our country. Rivers, another vicious nasty trash talking, imbecilic, liberal who thinks his Democrats own America.

And you know, it’s a funny thing but I had no idea that it was considered Draconian to simply enforce the laws as written. These people are here illegally, and the law says they must be deported. And apparently Jerry is against deporting these illegal immigrant criminals. At least it’s good to know which side old Jerry is on and it’s not the side of law abiding legal/lawful U.S. citizens. The good thing is that these loudmouth losers like Rivers won’t live forever. The sun is finally setting on many of these people, they’re getting old and soon will be gone. And when they’re finally gone it will be cause for celebration because they won’t be here to spew their hate.

I’m sure others have also noticed how it is that whenever confronted with an issue for which he has no answers Rivers always resorts to anger and disparagement. The guy lost his relevance years, perhaps decades, ago. His argument simply doesn’t hold water. And while those like this boob Melber clearly don’t care, anyone with a brain isn’t going to be buying what old Jerry is working so hard to sell. And another thing, anyone who’s serious about wanting to address our ongoing immigration problem likely doesn’t watch MSDNC, therefore Jerry’s idiotic little rant about wanting to take on Mr. Miller was likely heard by a select few who still watch this useless network.

But, if nothing else, old Jerry certainly does make for some good entertainment. As for Mr. Miller, why not give him the same chance as that given to the outgoing guy who allowed them all in? What’s wrong with deporting all of those here illegally? After all, they broke into our house, why shouldn’t they be evicted? They don’t belong here!!! I don’t understand this resistance. Isn’t cutting ahead in line a no-no anymore? It’s because of those like Rivers that we have gotten to the point where there is really only one option left, the only one that makes any amount of sense. We need to round up those here illegally and move ‘em out, no explanation is necessary.

Democrats always turn to violence when the plan to save their party is threatened with the removal of those in this country illegally. Open borders has become the number one cause for Democrats. Nothing sets those people off more than someone talking about deporting illegal immigrants or cutting back on legal immigration. Why have Democrats embraced this cause? Well, for starters, their hope is that all of those here illegally can be made into a new voting bloc. But, as we witnessed by way of the November presidential election, most Americans don’t vote for those politicians who would rather represent those here illegally than the American people.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


As it is I have a very difficult time, these days, taking any Democrat seriously.  After all, most are serial liars, most are totally incompetent, most Democrat politicians have never had what you would call a real job, and most would just as soon as shove a knife in your back as look at you. They are, in short, the very last people you should ever trust. And now it seems that we have a new breed of Democrat and a first for Congress. And that would be a guy who dresses up as a girl and wants to be treated as such. And, as such, is there anyone who could possess less credibility on any subject than a guy who appears to be more than just a little mentally unstable.

And leave it to CNN to go out of its way to invite this loon, and now member of the U.S. House, Tim/Sarah McBride, on to offer up his own rather idiotic critique of President Trump. But you really do have to wonder if this guy would have ever been invited on if he wasn’t what he is. I mean, does being a freak somehow provide you with some special insight that somehow makes your opinion on global stability worth listening to? Now I suppose I could be wrong, but somehow, I just don’t think so. On the contrary, this was likely an attempt by CNN to normalize such behavior by choosing to invite this guy on. Clearly, CNN becomes more of a joke every day.

This past Tuesday during an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” hosted by that dolt Wolf Blitzer, McBride argued that President Trump’s comments about Greenland and Panama are “fostering more instability globally.” Blitzer said, “Trump also says he’s open to using the U.S. military to potentially seize the Panama Canal and Greenland as well, which is part of Denmark. Sources close to Trump say he’s very serious about this. What’s your reaction to that?” McBride said, “This is typical bluster from the president elect, this obsession with Greenland and Panama really came out of nowhere and has been filled with mistruths and misunderstandings."

McBride went on to say, “I don‘t understand why this president is so committed at a time of global instability, of fostering more instability globally, of undermining our allies. And at the same time diverting the attention of our federal government toward issues like invading Greenland or Panama. While we should be focused on bringing down costs facing workers, retirees and families here in this country, that‘s what our focus should be on.” McBride added, “If this president is serious about an America first agenda, he should be focused on domestic economic issues, not some weird obsession with invading Greenland or Panama."

So, this tranny House freshman thinks he knows best? Tells you all you need to know about this attention seeking wacko. It’s comical if nothing else. Ignorance is bliss, they say. He’s as dumb as 99 percent of the rest of the Democrats. We all know, or should, that Delaware has a long history of choosing some of the dumbest people in the country to elect to Congress. It’s long been sort of a pattern with them. I mean, here’s yet another Democrat who’s managed to himself elected and who, in reality, would probably not even make a good Barista at Starbucks, let alone serving in Congress. But he had all the right boxes checked, none of which was for experience.

This guy McBride is a total clown! Is he not aware that Communist China and Russia both have military bases in the Artic? President Trump is trying to persuade Greenland to become part of the United States so that this country could better counter the threats posed by China and Russia in the Artic with our own military bases there! This moron talks about “instability.” Seriously? This is a tacit endorsement of President Trump’s policies. The louder they wail and scream, the more “on target” he obviously is. Why would anyone believe a dude who doesn’t even know what he is? These Democrats seem to love to put on display their low intellect for all to see!

McBride is Joey’s little DEI champion. I believe Joey wrote a foreword in McBride’s 2018 memoir and has supposedly been influenced by McBride on transgender issues. He must be so proud that this mentally unstable person is representing Delaware. I’d expect CNN to have McBride make daily appearances on their failing propaganda network. Global instability was brought about by the weakness shown by *president Joey B. on the world stage. More bullshit from yet another irrelevant liberal who nobody’s ever heard of, and because of his mental disorder has been given a platform.  Meanwhile, world leaders are already showing President Trump respect.

And so the world is in complete disarray after the past four years of Joey’s failures but now it’s time to somehow pin that all on President Trump, got it. Destabilizing the stability left behind by a mentally impaired Joey is just what the country ordered, and President Trump will deliver. I remember when they said, “The adults are now back in charge”, when Joey was ‘selected.’ How’d that work out? President Trump, not being a Democrat, is putting our enemies on notice. They are not the only game in town. If China moves on Taiwan, America takes Panama. If Russia keeps playing games in Ukraine, America moves into Greenland. Diplomacy of, and by the sword.

For the past four years we’ve not heard one word from any Democrat regarding how it was that our demented cadaver of a *president has had us on the brink of WW3 for a couple of years now. It was Joey’s open-border policies and his idiotic foreign policy that has been fostering the instability that has McBride’s panties in a bunch. Another handwringing, spineless and worthless Democrat who has virtually no problem watching Americans getting ripped off, but McBride turns himself inside-out to avoid offending anyone else. Here’s some advice, especially to this gender confused self-loather: Step aside, sit down or just shut up if you have nothing constructive to offer.

These people had four years to get it right and failed miserably. The world is in chaos right now and it’s all because American power and influence has been absent for the last four years. President Trump has made it very clear to our enemies, and friends alike, that he is back on the world stage and ready to take the lead to world peace. To placate President Trump the world leaders will have to make the necessary changes or risk retribution from the most powerful nation on earth. And while he may not get everything that he wants, President Trump will bring about peace in the world, of that I have no doubt. Democrats have no concept of “peace through strength!!!"

Finally, it’s hard to imagine anyone making the world LESS stable than the people who have been in charge for the past four years. After four years of ignoring, and of being openly hostile toward, our domestic economic issues, the Democrats now want to focus, superficially, on those issues. He speaks of President Trump fostering global instability, but it was ‘BO’ and Joey who fostered global instability on what can only be described as a grand scale. President Trump is trolling the world! I would expect nothing less. He is intentionally controversial to put the world on notice, and to make it clear to all that nothing is off the table. Welcome back Mr. President.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


I may have asked this question before so if I’m repeating myself, I apologize. So, my question is, just what might it take to get it through the thick skulls of your average Democrats that no one, and it do mean absolutely no-fucking-body but them, gives a flying fuck about the events that took place on January 6, 2021. Unless, of course, the subject of the conversation happens to be the too many political prisoners who remain behind bars for doing nothing more than showing up that day to peacefully protest an election that a growing number of Americans feel was clearly stolen from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. That would appear to be their only crime.

Other than that, it’s most Americans who have moved on. But there remains many on the left who, like a dog with a bone, simply refuse to let it go. And in the process, they continue to pull out all of the stops in their effort to keep the issue at the forefront. Take for instance ABC News legal ‘analist’ Sunny Hostin. You see, it was on Monday that this bimbo told her colleagues on ABC’s “The View” that the country should not “move on” from the events of January 6, because it “was one of the worst moments in American history” like World War II, the Holocaust and slavery. I thought that a rather bizarre comparison when I first heard it, and definitely over the top.

Hostin said, “I think we need to find moral clarity you know in this country. And I just remember after January 6 you had someone like Mitch McConnell placing the blame on January 6 where it belonged squarely on Donald Trump’s shoulders and then you started seeing people backtrack that and losing their moral center. You had Condoleezza Rice, I believe, on this very show saying, you know, we need to move on from January 6.” She continued, “I say no, you don’t move on because January 6 was an atrocity.” On this we agree, there needs to be a real congressional investigation of those who conspired and planned the attack, and those who covered it up afterwards.

Anyway, this dolt Hostin went on to add, “It was one of the worst moments in American history. And when you think about the worst moments in American history, you know, like World War II things like happened like the Holocaust, chattel slavery. We need to never forget because past becomes prologue if you forget and erase. We need to never forget because past becomes prologue if you forget and erase.” So, I’m a little curious here. Just what exactly would this legal ‘analist’ have to say about the events that occurred during what many of her ilk called the ‘Summer of Love’ riots of 2020? About the lives that were lost and billions of dollars in property damage.

This ‘riot’ that has the panties of Ms. Hostin, and numerous others, in such a bunch delayed certification by a whopping three hours. Hostin argued it was like WWII and the Holocaust where millions of people were slaughtered. This woman has zero sense of proportion. Democrats attempted to turn President Trump’s ‘transgressions’ into the means to destroy him, beginning with Hitlery’s Pee Dossier, Russian Collusion, Impeachments 1 and 2, that January 6 Committee sitcom, LAWFARE and even two assassination attempts. And it took a corrupt Soros funded District Attorney in Manhattan and New York judges who are left of Mao to find President Trump guilty.

Personally, I would argue that the issue of the stolen 2020 election is the event that we cannot, and should not, move on from. The stolen, fraudulent election, and the way the FBI, Pelosi and the Democrats essentially manufactured a disturbance at the Capitol is what we should not move on from. For this bimbo, Hostin, to say this was like the Holocaust, WWII or slavery is just the Democrats trying to keep it relevant. Which it is not, and never will be. These are people who did not experience any of those horrific events. How dare they compare a disturbance at the Capitol to these events? They deserve nothing more than ridicule and to be ignored.

Clearly there were serious legal improprieties in the 2020 election and the agencies that should have investigated them, simply refused to take them seriously. Those same agencies were deeply involved in destabilizing the Trump administration and manufacturing false impeachment evidence so had lost the trust of a sizeable portion of the population. To many of us the January 6 protesters who showed up at the Capitol are heroes who are still being pursued, harassed and incarcerated. Many have been locked away with exorbitant sentences for minor infractions. When the people feel cheated and lose their trust in government, civil unrest soon follows.

Hostin should be ashamed of herself. Because if she can equate the mostly peaceful January 6 protests, which were far, FAR more peaceful than all the protests and riots during the prior year and a half, and where security guards calmly escorted folks through the Capitol building before they left peacefully and Congress went back to business as usual, to World War II, the Holocaust and slavery, then she must think that the May 29, 2020 riots and lockdown of the White House, where over 60 Secret Service agents were injured with 11 hospitalized, was akin to the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the asteroid that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs.

And compare the actions of the January 6 protesters to those of Antifa and BLM protesters. The January 6 protesters caused damages perhaps in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. No protesters were armed, there were zero guns. Antifa and BLM have caused millions of dollars in damages and hundreds were armed. Businesses were looted and burned in multiple cities. Cries over January 6 is the ultimate act of gaslighting. Only a handful of January 6 protesters deserve any form of punishment. Equal treatment is a complete farce. If there was any semblance of justice, there would be a couple thousand Antifa and BLM protesters in prison for decades.

We are, however, supposed to simply “move on” from the numerous BLM riots which killed people, burned down government buildings and businesses and cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes, January 6 was a bad thing, it was a riot that should not have happened, but the only REAL damage done was a few broken windows and the only death was an unarmed protester by a rogue officer who had a history of mishandling his firearm and should not have been on the force anyway. Comparing January 6 to WWII, the holocaust and slavery is ridiculous to the point where we need to call into question this idiot’s mental capabilities.

So can someone fill me in on this January 6 thing? They say it was like WWII, but I can barely remember it. Wasn’t that the day President Trump was telling everyone to be peaceful and was nowhere near the Capitol? Wasn’t that the same year when there was a mysterious surge of about 15 million votes that still cannot be explained? All of which seemed to have been for Joey. And yet I don’t remember Joey having standing room only attendance at his rallies. Oh yeah, he didn’t have any. Except for that ones where nearly no one showed up. Especially since Joey pretty much stayed off the campaign trail. Mysterious things to ponder as we head into 2025.

Everything Hostin says is completely over the top. Seriously, she’s either very stupid or simply a liar. She deserves every bit of ridicule she gets for hyping this minor event of protestors only in comparison to what recently occurred in New Orleans, when some religion-of-peace zealot drove a truck down a crowed street, killing 15 and seriously injuring another 35 innocents. These worthless sycophants who excuse daily, or simply ignore, their favored/preferred criminality for purely political reasons and for purposes of indoctrination make sane individuals want to puke their guts out. She and her politically propagandizing television show need to be cancelled permanently!!

Monday, January 6, 2025


It would seem that despite their rather lopsided defeat in the 2024 presidential contest, Democrats remain convinced that there are those Americans who will believe whatever they’re told no matter what they see taking place right before they’re own two eyes. I fail to understand how it is that people who are supposed to be so smart can, at the same time, be so oblivious. In their opinion America is doing just fine and so there’s really no need to rush when it comes to the confirmation process for President Trump’s cabinet nominees. Democrats continue to see themselves as having some say in who it is that ends up on President Trump’s team. But they do not!!!

And it was one of those Democrats who, this past Sunday, appeared on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ to make the case of how there needs not to be a rush in confirming President Trump’s nominees. It was Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat, who said that President Trump’s nominee for FBI director, Kash Patel, did not have to be rushed through the confirmation process. You see, according to this imbecile, the FBI is “very functional.” Once again, we have a Democrats who can’t see the forest for the trees. Calling the FBI “functional” would be like calling Klobuchar intelligent. It amazes me the nonsense that spews from these moron’s every time they open their mouths.

It was host Jake Tapper that said, “In light of the New Orleans terrorist attack, Trump allies are urging you and your colleagues in the Senate to move quickly on confirming the president elect’s national security team. You have signaled some opposition to Kash Patel serving as leader of the FBI but Republicans say delaying his confirmation will hurt operational security. How do you respond to that?” Klobuchar said, “We have a very functional FBI right now that is investigated New Orleans, investigated, Las Vegas came out, told the public exactly what was going on. So I don’t believe that to be the case. I believe our job. We just took an oath."

She went on to say, “I just took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have a duty to advise and consent. A number of our Republican colleagues in the Senate agree. That’s why we must have an FBI check on Kash Patel and these other nominees for these very serious security positions.” She added, “We must know what their background is. We must see their financial disclosure forms. The president elect has put in a number of billionaires that could have all kinds of conflicts into these jobs.” Apparently, the FBI does appear to be functioning quite well at influencing gullible senators into believing they’re doing their jobs.

So is Klobuchar simply trying to be funny here? Clearly the FBI has been turned into a political weapon by her party and has bought disgrace and contempt for all who are employed there. The FBI are still missing in action when it comes to preventing terror attacks. It’s a little difficult to do that when they have all of their resources tied up investigating the various political rivals of the Democrat Party and chasing down supposed ‘domestic terrorists’ who simply don’t exist. The sooner this Democrat rat’s nest is cleaned out the better it will be for all Americans. Is there a more irritating, dumber HOA Karen to be found anywhere on the planet than Klobuchar?

These people are not rational. They’re the same ones who were telling us that Joey was sharp as a tack. Fortunately, this bimbo isn’t calling the shots. She’s just another hack pretending to be a ‘leader’ in the same vein as Hitlery. The Democrats lost and the Republicans won, therefore the Democrats are essentially irrelevant in this conversation. They’ve been exposed by President Trump for who they are and what they are. Klobuchar is the perfect example of a tone-deaf Democrat still living in denial. American patriots have spoken, and they have empowered President Trump with a strong mandate. The FBI is in need of a full and complete overhaul.

And what is with this “we” stuff that these liberal clowns always use. We have a dysfunctional FBI that needs to be completely dismantled. It’s time for Kash to get in there and tear it into a thousand pieces and build it back from the ground up with personnel not beholden to Liberals and political correctness. It shouldn’t matter what any Democrat says. They continue to prove that they are just political hacks only concerned about their party. The people elected President Trump, but instead of doing anything they ‘think’ will help him, they’re going to continue to to ‘resist’ him  at all costs. If President Trump wants it, they will all they can to try to stop it.

The majority of voters have little interest in what Klobuchar thinks, says, or does. The recent election results clearly indicate that the country is ready for change. The federal government requires a drastic overhaul, an “extreme makeover,” to shed at least 20 percent of its inefficiencies. Currently, it operates as a bloated, ineffective leviathan, consuming vast amounts of taxpayer dollars while failing to function within a sensible budget due to rampant waste and fraud. Democrats have no interest in trying to eliminate neither the waste nor the fraud. Hence their hesitation when it comes to putting into place those capable to getting our country back on track.

The FBI, in its current structure, prioritizes targeting organizations based on political, religious, and conservative views while overlooking completely or simply ignoring the real criminal threats to public safety. Meanwhile, Klobuchar continues to act as if she somehow relevant, and is someone more focused on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, increasing government spending for political allies, and appeasing campaign donors than addressing substantive issues. The Trump administration must disregard the inevitable outcry from Democrats, the ‘fake news’ media, and countless NGOs that essentially function as government parasites.

Instead, it should prioritize national security as well as the interests of American taxpayers and small business owners. Excessive government regulations, taxes, and interference in the daily lives of Americans must be reduced or eliminated. When Americans recognize the opportunities available through a new, pragmatic approach, they will awaken to the dangers posed by the progressive left and the Democrat Party to the nation’s overall health and well-being. Klobuchar, like so many of her ilk, is a corrupt, anti-American, politician! She seeks to protect the corrupt FBI as they have failed in every case from the Trump assassination attempts to the more recent New Orleans terrorist attack.

Saturday, January 4, 2025


Look, we have literally hundreds of examples, if not thousands, all across this country of how being a politician doesn’t require one to possess a great intellect. And it’s many of these same people who, while they haven’t got the brains of an ice cube, have managed to maneuver themselves into positions that allow them far too much say in those things that affect our daily lives. And with very few exceptions it’s those who are of the Democrat persuasion that tend to pose the greatest threat to this country’s ability to survive. Because Democrats will lie about absolutely anything because they feel lying is justified if it helps them to advance their agenda.

And it was this past Friday that we had yet another of these Democrats who was again provided a platform from which to spew his drivel. You see, it was during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘All In,’ that Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat, actually claimed that President Trump’s second term will be an “oligarchy” in service of Tesla CEO Elon Musk and the “billionaire class.” Murphy is another of those who, together, form a cancer that has poisoned a once beautiful state in which to raise a family. He’s nothing more than just another deep state slug. He’s another upper-class twit from the Democrat Party, who went to all the right schools and has never had a real job.

Murphy said, “We are in the minority in the House and Senate. We don’t have the White House so our job is to make sure everybody understands what’s going on right now and is a wholesale takeover of the United States government by the billionaire and corporate class, we are turning into an oligarchy as we speak.” Spoken like a true servant and devoted follower of the most prominent figurehead of the Democrat party, multi-billionaire and Nazi sympathizer, George Soros. Obviously, he missed the bit about Joey giving Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Strange, but in other countries Soros has been banned, why not here in America? Just askin.'

He went on to say, “Musk is trying to get close to the White House because he makes his billions off of government policy. He makes tons of money off of production in China, so he was to manage the relationship in China so he can continue to make lots of money, and the car subsidies and rocket subsidies that come through the federal government are a big deal to him as well. He is a perfect example of a number of oligarchs, billionaires, and corporate titans who are surrounding Trump in order to steal from ordinary Americans, cut our benefits, our kid’s education, and our grandparent’s healthcare in order to turn a billionaire into a multibillionaire."

Murphy added, “Musk is well known, but he stands there is a perfect example for the American public as to what is fundamentally wrong with the Trump administration and how it is going to be an oligarchy, a kleptocracy, call it what you will, it is just in service of the billionaire class.” As opposed to being in the service of Soros, Zuckerberg, Hoffman etc. As usual, idiotic Democrats display their breathtaking hypocrisy. It seems to me that those complaining are looking for place at the oligarch table. The billionaire class is ‘out feeding’ the millionaires and it’s guys like this creep Murphy who are now complaining about starving.

Those morons over MSDNC must practice for hours to come up with new and improved ways to lie. I mean seriously they must have meetings where they discuss the best way to present what they call reality. And it’s after four years of a Democrat administration, with Democrat in control for half that time these geniuses have absolutely nothing positive to talk about that truly impresses the general citizenry. All they can do is project how terrible things are going to be under President Trump. Since we know the story, why does it have to be incessantly reiterated? Frankly, I am sick of politicians making wild claims with zero facts to back any of them up.

Murphy is another of those who was fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he tries to project his personality type on to President Trump. He is just demonstrating what a moron he’s always been. Another rich, elitest, snob who thinks he’s smart because he went to all the right schools before then choosing a career in politics. These days he gets to attend all the right parties and cultural events which has him convinced that he’s better than we, the little people. Look, this guy is nothing more than a stooge who simply does what Chuckie Schumer tells him to do who in turn does everything that George Soros tells him to do.

Anyone paying any attention knows this guy’s record, or lack of. The goal of his party’s agenda, and therefore his goal, is to bring an end to this country. And It’s the leaders of his party who take their orders from the many big money donors who fund their efforts. These big money donors view a free and prosperous U.S. as an impediment, and Democrats like Murphy are happy to do what they can to reduce that impediment. As far as I’m concerned, January 20th can’t get here soon enough. Joey will pardon members of his little crime family on his way out. Murphy is another typical Democrat suffering from a severe case of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome.'

Murphy is nothing more than another two-bit fascist pig. It’s the ends that justify the means. Hence the reason he lies all the time. None of these nitwits actually believe what they’re saying, they’re just doing a job as they parrot the latest nonsensical talking points.  Nothing in the world is more meaningless than a Democrat’s prediction about the future. They make them only after their previous predictions have failed to come true. And they know that, when the new ones don’t pan out either, no one will remember that they made those predictions in the first place. These leftists always have something to bitch about. They’ve spent four years fucking up the country.

If you’re a Democrat you have to ask yourself, why do Democrats feel it necessary to always demonize people those who disagree with them. To me that would be a sign of a weak-minded insecure individual. And I just gotta say that anyone who believes the garbage coming out of this guy needs a serious wakeup call. Every one of these Democrats is in the pocket of a cadre of billionaire donors. And while I was worried that Democrats might learn an important lesson after November’s election, instead they learned nothing and are doubling down on the same strategy that got them defeated. For folks who are supposedly so smart, they come across as pretty dumb.

These clowns are still butt-hurt because they got themselves flushed into the political septic tank where they rightfully belong! That is so bizarre hearing Democrats talk like that! Especially with all the damage, death, and destruction, Soros has caused, using all his money to wreck our legal system with his desire to release all criminals back on to the streets so they can continue to repeatedly kill, loot, rape, beat, threaten, steal, and whatever else they can do. Knowing that there will be no consequences for them doing so. And with this happening all over the nation, the demoralization of our citizens is inevitable. Just like the leaders on the left want.

And finally, Murphy is nothing more than a babbling clown! It really doesn't matter what angry, vitriolic statements the leftists make, or how many medals are awarded to those who seek to destroy America. The fact remains that President Trump was overwhelmingly voted into office by the American people. He is the elected President of the United States. The American people rejected Democrat ideology. Whine and complain to your hearts content, but there will be a reckoning. This message is approved by the same folks who previously complained President Trump didn’t listen to anyone. Now they’re upset because he listens to the world’s most successful businessman.

Friday, January 3, 2025


For a political party that’s supposed to be just chock full of those considered to be so politically astute, many in the Democrat Party remain pretty slow on the uptake when it comes to why they got defeated in such resounding fashion in the most recent presidential election. For example, after having had a Democrat in the White House for the last four years I think it safe to say that the American people are feeling none too safe these days. And apparently, that’s just how the Democrats like it. But the American people have made it very clear that they want a change. But Democrats, right down to the last one, have no interest in allowing the change to take place.

Take, for instance, Sheldon Whitehouse, one the two less than impressive Democrat Senators from Rhode Island. You see it was as recently as this past Thursday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” that this doofus Whitehouse argued that President Trump’s nominee for FBI director, Kash Patel, has “nightmare views” that will “close the part of the FBI that helps protect us” against foreign terrorism. Whitehouse said, “Remember the history of all of this. We, for a long time as Americans, have made the determination that we did not want the CIA and other American intelligence agencies operating within the United States against Americans."

Whitehouse went on to say, “And the FBI had a criminal law enforcement responsibility, and it was focused on terrorism primarily as a criminal act.” He continued, “Then came 9/11 and people understood that the firewall between the intelligence community looking outward and the FBI only looking at criminal matters inward was a failed prescription and that we needed to coordinate better. We needed to take down the firewall, make sure that the FBI knew where its lanes were, the intelligence committee knew where its lanes were. It was actually a very successful shift and a very important development in the response to 9/11."

He said, “And to be completely unaware of that and to think that the FBI has no proper role. What does he think the CIA should come in and start doing the FBI’s work in the United States? Or we just stop looking at terrorism preventively? We just look at it when a crime takes place and go investigate? It makes absolutely no sense.” Whitehouse added, “With Patel, you don’t have to stretch. He puts it right out there. He’s going to close the part of the FBI that helps protect us against foreign terrorism. He’s going to shut down the Hoover building, which I’m no great fan of the Hoover building, but day one? That’s a lot of confusion. Where do people go to work now?"

And he said, “Then, of course, he’s got his enemies list of people who he thinks the FBI should go to work on that he’s going to be bringing with him. and he’s got his pledge to go after people like you civilly or criminally, he says, if, in his view, in the government’s view, the press isn’t telling the truth. So any one of those would be pretty disabling. and the fact that he brings all of this basket of sort of nightmare views to the job with him is going to be a lively hearing.” What he likely meant to say is that Kash will purge the FBI of the worthless deep state actors. Which will then allow those remaining to properly do its job of protecting the American people.

But it’s odd, don’t you think, that this dolt would bring up 9/11 since it’s more Americans who have been killed, or imprisoned, by their government in the name of 9/11 than were actually killed by the terrorists on 9/11. And let’s not forget they also are busy attacking parents attending school board meetings, starting riots at the Capitol, and attacking those deemed to political opponents of the Democrat Party. The current leadership of the FBI is a partisan faction that has failed miserably at protecting the American people. Mr. Patel is just the guy to clean house and to redirect the agency’s priorities to where they belong. It’s just not that complicated.

And so once again what we’re hearing from some Democrat is completely opposite from reality. Does he not realize all this happened under the existing director? The FBI is pre-occupied by instilling DEI and has forgotten its primary mission. Incompetence with no accountability. I’m sorry but I think there is something much worse than incompetence governing the actions of the FBI. The FBI, under its current leadership, is too busy arresting parents at PTA meetings and pro-life Christians for altercations outside abortion clinics and scheming to frame Trump supporters in their manufactured kidnapping plot against Big Gretch to keep us safe from terrorists.

If this fool thinks that what the FBI is doing is protecting us from terrorists, then it’s not working, and we don’t need the FBI. It’s doubtful that anyone will lose their jobs for the incompetence that was clearly shown in New Orleans. The chief of police of New Orleans, as out of touch as she is, knew and said clearly that it was a terrorist attack only a short time after the actual event. Not one minute later the young, and probably over-educated, FBI agent in charge got up and said it was not a terrorist attack. Few Americans really believe that the FBI protects people anymore. It has proven it’s willing to harm them, and worse, at the behest of the Democrats.

Whitehouse is clearly an idiot. And I wonder if he accomplished changing the membership rules at his whites only club, as he promised to do when he was caught belonging to such a club, despite lecturing others for being “racists.” He’s another mentally twisted ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ patient and a Socialist hack. Clearly both the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are both politically compromised. Obviously neither can be allowed to continue in its present form if the mission is to protect all law-abiding American citizens, instead of protecting domestic criminals and pandering to foreign illegal alien criminals and various terrorist cells.

Frankly, I’m just not sure what the FBI’s mission is these days. But one thing is for sure, I don’t believe it’s keeping the public safe. Joey & Co. have proven time and again that they don’t give a shit about anyone who isn’t a trans or a criminal. It would seem the only thing the FBI has done under this administration is to harass President Trump and conservative parents. Everyone involved in Joey’s bizarre little brain trust is just as clueless, complicit, braindead and criminal as Joey himself. And that would also go for the entire Democrat Party. Just 17 more days before this long national nightmare comes to an unceremonious end. And it can not come soon enough.

And finally, Whitehouse either forgets, or blatantly ignores, the fact that it was his party that invited terrorists from all over the the world to come here by not enforcing immigration laws already on the books. They stopped construction on President Trump’s wall and still give out all manner of free stuff to the invaders. Thousands of Americans have been killed, raped and murdered thanks to the incompetent illegitimate boob in the White House! The FBI is led by thugs paid to go after political enemies and those opposed to a Progressive agenda. They lie, fabricate evidence, do political favors for the Swamp, and persecute ordinary everyday people. Patel will fix this.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


It’s been since the most recent election that we’ve been witnessing shades of 2016 when everyone and their brother was coming with all manner of excuses as to why it was that Hitlery ended up having her rather sizable ass handed to her by then political novice, Donald J. Trump and in rather humiliating fashion. I say that because if we fast forward eight years, we find that which was old is now new again. Because it was then that another female Democrat had her rather sizable ass handed to her by the much less of a political novice, President Donald J. Trump. And it is once again that excuses abound for her defeat that was just as humiliating as the one in 2016.

One of those floating excuses for Cumala’s defeat is supposed Democrat strategist James Carville. Carville admitted that he was “wrong about the 2024 election” in recent a New York Times op-ed, stating that President Trump defeated Cumala by “putting the economic anger of Americans front and center.” When was the last time you heard a Democrat, any Democrat, actually admit they were wrong about anything? Carville, whose only claim to fame is getting ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton across the finish line first in a three-man race, conceded that his belief that Cumala would beat President Trump in the days leading up to November 5, was incorrect.

His opinion piece, published Thursday, began with, “I thought Kamala Harris would win. I was wrong. While I’m sure we Democrats can argue that the loss wasn’t a landslide or take a little solace in our House performance, the most important thing for us now is to face that we were wrong and take action on the prevailing ‘why.'” Carville went on to argue that the reason behind the Democratic Party’s failure to hold on to the White House was, is, and “always will be the economy, stupid.” Sorry Jimmy, it’s not just the economy. It’s also illegal immigration, DEI, attacks on Christians and all the gender perversion were very important to Americans.

Anyway, he said, “I’ve been going over this in my head for the past two months, all the variables, all the what-ifs, all the questions about Joe Biden’s re-election decisions and what kind of Democrat or message might have worked against Donald Trump. I keep coming back to the same thing. We lost for one very simple reason: It was, it is and it always will be the economy, stupid. We have to begin 2025 with that truth as our political north star and not get distracted by anything else.” He then said that most Americans do not care about President Trump’s indictments or other controversies when they “cannot provide for themselves or their families."

Carville called on Democrats to stop focusing on President Trump in general because he cannot be elected again. He wrote, “Mr. Trump won the popular vote by putting the economic anger of Americans front and center. If we focus on anything else, we risk falling farther into the abyss,” before concluding that Democrats will “live or die by winning public perception of the economy.” But Democrats are clueless when it comes to the economy. And despite what Hiterly once said about the economy always being better when there’s a Democrat in the White House, old Joey definitely proved that that wasn’t the case. Thanks to Joey our economy is in a shambles.

I still can’t figure out why those in the ‘fake news’ media insist upon trotting this decrepit old cadaver out every election cycle even though he hasn’t been right about anything for decades. And I really think it’s very few people who actually care about what this moron has to say. In an October op-ed for the New York Times, titled, “Three Reasons I’m Certain Kamala Harris Will Win,” Carville wrote that “Mr. Trump is a repeat electoral loser. This time will be no different.”  He wrote, “The biggest reason Mr. Trump will lose is that the whole Republican Party has been on a losing streak since Mr. Trump took it over.” Carville was again grasping at straws.

And it was in an MSDNC interview just two days before the election that Carville doubled down and, sounding like a truly credible and rational individual, claimed that Cumala would defeat President Trump because the Republican is “stone ass nuts.” And Carville then had a complete meltdown on his podcast shortly after President Trump won the election saying it was “sickening” and “depressing” that a “felonious bigot” won the presidency once again. All we get from those like Carville is just more of the same. They’re all far more interested in attacking President Trump than they are in looking within themselves to see what most Americans see when looking at them.

These left-wing liberal/progressives are still struggling to understand why they have been rejected by the majority of Americans. To all rational thinking Americans, it’s very clear why Cumala lost, and it was due to many issues, not just one. Let’s face it, it was in Cumala that the Democrats has a babbling, unelectable, blowjob queen of the California State Capitol. A lying prosecutor of mostly black fellas for offenses that did not merit the harsh sentences that were handed down. Carville is a lot of things but even he wasn’t dumb enough to actually believe Cumala was going to win. All of Democrats internal polling showed she was going to lose, and likely lose big.

That’s why they resorted to the “fascist” and “threat to democracy” attacks. You don’t go negative like that when you’re confident about winning. Carville is just lying. Again. It didn't matter to Carville that the Democrat candidate was a chuckleheaded DEI dud, and it didn't matter that all of their party policies are toxic and destructive. All that mattered to him was Democrat victory, so he jumped into the propaganda parade because he believed he is just so far above everybody else when it comes to delivering the verbal axe blow to a political opponent. This Carville evaluation about the economy is somewhat true for Cumala, but not as a single fallacy.

The open border, a woke military, tolerance of transgender demands on society, a foreign policy no enemy ever feared, were all part of the country saying a big fat fuck you to the Democrats. Why listen to Carville? When was the last time he actually accomplished a goal? The economy was part of it, but asking us to lie and pretend men are women was part too, so was her astounding ignorance, so was her fear of unscripted interviews. Remember she couldn’t get enough support to make it to Iowa in the prior election cycle. She had worse numbers in California, where people know her, than elsewhere. She was likely the only politician less likable than Hitlery.

There are many reasons she couldn’t win, even with more than the billion she spent. If Carville was worth his salt he could have seen that before she was nominated, but he didn’t. Carville continues to spout hot air as if he’s relevant. He was too stupid to figure out that the Democrat candidate was a moron and lost because she wanted to implement Marxist economic principles which would destroy the economy. Carville is a poster child for what happens to your mind and soul when you combine end stage dementia with alcoholism. What a mean vile old man. The only people who vote for Democrats are the racists, the elites and the welfare crowd addicted to free stuff.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


And so it was that we recently had a guy who were it not for Affirmative Action and/or DEI would likely be bagging groceries down at the corner market than being a ‘professor’ at a prestigious learning institution teaching the bullshit course of ‘African American Studies, whatever the fuck that is, go on MSDNC to do nothing more than to rant about what he sees as being the evils of what he referred to as Trumpism. But just how stupid must one be to take a guy like this seriously? I mean, here we have a guy who ‘teaches’ a bullshit course, and we’re somehow supposed to view him as being some sort of an expert on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

So, the dolt to whom I am referring to is Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude. And it was during an appearance this past Monday on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that Glaude attempted to make the idiotic argument that greed, selfishness, and hatred is what motivate those of us who voted for President Trump. We’ve been called every name in the book and yet we’re described as the hateful ones. Typical lefty nonsense. What does this say about Princeton? It says to me, “Do not send your kids there.” This guy is nothing more than just another typical ivory tower, out of touch intellectual elitist who gets paid to indoctrinate university students while spouting off nonsense.

Glaude said, “It’s an important point that requires I think a bit truth-telling about the Republican Party in its modern iteration. There’s always been at least these three elements corporatists, libertarian and nativist. Right. So this is a really important point, right? In the sense that you’ve always had these three components and Ronald Reagan was able to balance them in interesting sorts of ways.” To be a leftist like this professor, all you need is the heart and soul of a common ordinary thief along with the ability to project the reality of your thieving ways onto your opponents. Confession by projection. These commies always out themselves in this manner.

He continued, “And so we have here is the plutocrat, right, in Elon Musk, right? Greed, you know, pulling, kind of advancing his interests and you have right-wing populism that sometimes is expressed in terms of an emphasis in the American worker but it takes the form of xenophobia, it takes the form of nativism, it takes the form of hatred.” What an ignorant jerk. He knows absolutely nothing about President Trump or his supporters. His explanations are wordy, trying to sound educated but he comes across as having pure hate for anyone whose politics he happens to disagree with. He’s a rich, privileged anti-white bigot. There is no one more hateful than this guy.

Glaude added, “So we have the collision of greed and hatred right in front of us and that’s at the heart of Trumpism, of Magaism. It’s always been greed, always been selfish, it’s always been hatred and now it’s in full view.” He concluded, “What’s interesting about Bannon is that it carries forward this deep ugliness about who should be at the center of our imaginations, who we should care about. We don’t need five million Indians coming to the country, right? So it carries forth.” Only an insecure, frightened, racist asshole would resort to such old, sad, soiled and discredited rhetoric. But it’s all that people like him have, so they cling to it!

Contrary to what this imbecile says are the reasons I voted for President Trump, I am not consumed with hatred, racism or xenophobia or anything else this so-called ‘educated’ man claims that I support. Personally, I think these are the things that consume him, therefore he deflects by casting his own feelings upon others. The irony here is that it comes from the absolute focal point of his elitist privilege. The Ivy League believes that they are insulated from both the “deplorables” and the illegal flood. I feel more similarity with, and respect for, the working class illegal than with the Ivy League cool kids. I want them to be deported, but I respect them more.

And it’s interesting that his definition of greed is people wanting a strong country, his definition of selfishness is people wanting to feel safe and his definition of hate is people understanding how bad the left has denied those things. And apparently being greedy is wanting to keep more of the money that you earn and not being greedy is wanting more of the money that others have earned. Every time one of these leftists speaks, they reveal how things would be if they had won, if they were now in the majority. Greed, hatred and selfishness are at the heart of anti-Trumpism. We’ve seen examples of that time and time again and they’re always ignored by those like Glaude.

And I must say that it’s difficult to agree with a college professor who makes a six figure salary and never manages to get his hands dirty. Glaude, like all liberals, accuses but never gives any examples. I’m not greedy or racist or hateful. I voted for President Trump. He’s not my idol or hero or king, he’s just a man who best represents my beliefs. The problem this ‘professor’ has is that he’s black, and as such is afraid to lose his victim status. He’s ridden that to his current position. This guy is just pissed off because his side lost. The country pissed on his party at the polls in November. Get used to it. Keep on doing what you’re doing, and you’ll lose the next ten elections.

MAGA folks have a love of country and all that it stood for before the modern-day Democrat Party destroyed a good deal of it. Democrats are now defined as being full of hate. Hate for America loving/appreciating, free market participating, freedom loving, kind, decent folks. That hate runs even deeper towards those of us who are not of their creepy persuasion. Hearing statements like this from those like Glaude only reinforces my view of higher education and degrees. A degree is not a measure of one’s intelligence or level of education. It’s simply a piece of paper showing that a person has successfully completed a course of study to the satisfaction of the institution.

But he is right, hate drove my vote for President Trump. I hate our wide-open border that Joey allowed for over three years until an election. I hate that my electric bill went up 70 percent under Joey and I hate my food bill rise 28 percent. I that hate gas is still almost two dollars more than it was under President Trump. I hate that Joey allowed 13 service members to be murdered in Afghanistan because he couldn’t be bothered. So he’s right I voted with hate. Of course, this leftist dolt fails to mention the leftist billionaires like Buffett, Soros, Hoffman and others, he’s quite hypocrite. The left has spewed unadulterated hatred against conservatives for decades.

For someone who’s supposed to be educated, he sounds very uneducated. I mean, why is it that just because I want to keep more of what I earn, rather than have the government take it from me and give it to someone who isn't willing to work for it, I’m called “greedy.” And why because I want the government to stop grooming our kids and exposing them to adult sexuality topics when they’re in kindergarten I’m called “selfish.” And why because I am adamantly opposed to your open borders, and I said to filled with "hatred" toward foreigners. It’s for all of those reasons that I have a tremendous amount of animosity toward this guy and all of his liberal pals.

What standing does some Marxist stooge pretending to be a professor have these days beside none? One group doesn’t want anything from anyone, they just want to keep what they earn and to basically be left alone. The other group wants to take what the first group earned while not having to earn it themselves. And yet it’s the first group that this dolt Glaude refers to as the greedy people! He’s just another radical leftist professor who lives in the middle of a radical leftist college campus who’s claiming to know the minds of half the country! And he continues to be given a platform to spew his garbage because those who provide him with that platform agree with his drivel.

And who is this guy other than some unknown quota filler at Princeton? Why does he believe anyone cares what he thinks, and why is he continually been given a platform from which to spew his drivel? He’s nothing more than another butt-hurt so-called intellectual running his mouth after the election results didn't go his way. Too bad, cupcake. If the current climate of patriotism offends you, there are many other garden spots on the planet far more suitable for you. In other words, leave now. And take all the other tantrum throwing, spittle spewing, screaming whiners with you. These sour grapes, twerpy losers are irrelevant. What they think is of no importance.

A political movement whose primary strategy is based on hating half of the population is never going to be in power. When will Democrats finally understand that? Those like Glaude are the same scumbags who piously lectured all of us about the threats to democracy and the rule of law. President Trump won the election both electorally and by majority votes, and now these lowlifes don’t trust the democratic process of electing a president. Shows ya how seriously to take these enemies of liberty and the Constitution. Yes, I will admit that I hate Democrats. But where I differ with those like Glaude, it’s not personal. I hate that they are trying to destroy my country.

It is the containment of greed and selfishness that causes us to have our internal integrity, mores, policies, standards and principles. Collectively, as a society, we have government, and we create laws. These things change over time. And so, we follow the law. There have always been laws to protect us from greed and selfishness because we will always have selfish, greedy men. MAGA is focused on following the law. The government’s responsibility is to enforce the laws. End of conversation. Look, here we have another radical leftist professor who lives in the middle of a radical leftist college campus who’s claiming to know the minds of half the country!

And finally, when will it be that Blacks and Hispanics will finally come to realize they are being used by the Democrat Party? And when will Blacks finally tire of having the Democrats’ boot on their throat? Our Democrat run cities and states all have something in common, and they’ve been doing it for years. It’s known as the plantation mentality, that’s when Blacks and Hispanics view the Democrat Party as their masters, and likewise the Democrat Party view Blacks and Hispanics as their subjects. And it is the job of those like this ‘professor’ to convince those in the various minority communities that the Democrat plantation is the best place for them.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Why is it always only after an election that those in the ‘fake news’ media decide to finally come clean about whatever it is that they should have been telling us about, but weren’t, before said election? And they never accept any responsibility, instead they simply claim ignorance telling us that they were somehow fooled just as the rest of us were. All of which has become further proof of how it’s become such a waste of time to listen to anything that these people may have to say. They’re never going to tell us the truth, they’re only going to tell us their perception of what the truth is in the hope of being able to convince us that it’s an accurate portrayal of things.

Take, for instance, how it was that everybody, and I do every-fucking-body, in both the party and in the ‘fake news’ media, that was very much aware that old Joey had most definitely gone round the bend. And not only did they all know, but they worked very hard to prevent the American people from catching on. Even after the abysmal debate performance there were still those stubborn hold outs telling us it was just nothing more than a bad night for Joey, and who is it that hasn’t ever had a bad night. But now that the election is over it’s the same ones who worked so hard to convince us that Joey was as sharp as a tack that are now fessing up that he wasn’t.

And it was during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” that supposed network legal correspondent, and resident bimbo, Jan Crawford did as much when she said *president Joey’s “obvious cognitive decline” one of the most undercovered and underreported stories of 2024. But let’s just call it what it was, shall we Ms. Crawford, it was the biggest lie told from 2020 to 2024. But hey, all is fair in politics, right? Especially when one is running against Donald Trump. During his half-century in Washington Joey was never known for possessing a keen intellect, he’s always been as dumb as post. As were the folks who kept voting for him.

Anyway, it’s a partial transcript of the idiotic discussion that took place that follows:

Major Garrett: One of the things we also do in the year-end correspondents roundtable is dig into what was undercovered or underreported. Jan?

Jan Crawford: Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate.

Garrett: At the presidential debate with Donald Trump.

Crawford: Unquestioned. And it’s starting to emerge now that his advisers kind of managed his limitations, which has been reported in The Wall Street Journal, for four years. And yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats.

It could have changed the scope of the entire election. Yet still, incredibly, we read in The Washington Post that his advisers are saying that he regrets that he dropped out of the race, that he thinks he could have beaten Trump. And I think that is either delusional or they’re gaslighting the American people.

So, she actually admits that Joey’s cognitive decline was the most undercovered and underreported story in 2024. Ya think? Talk about dishonesty. And they couldn’t be more blatant about it. They all knew exactly what they were doing, and why. What a crock. Even discussing this is ridiculous. And it was every one of them who lied to anyone who would listen. They knew in 2020, they knew in 2021, they knew in 2022, they knew in 2023 and in 2024, which makes it a very purposeful and deliberate lie. And to come out now and act shocked is as transparent as all the jabber after the ‘debate’ performance. They all knew, and they all lied. So, what’s to discuss?

What are we doing here? Everyone with a brain knew the media was ignoring Joey’s cognitive decline. Everyone with a brain knew they were ignoring it because they’re not really journalists, they're nothing but partisan propagandists. Do they think because they admit it now it will somehow make it alright? And another thing, if no one in all of the ‘fake news’ media was unable to recognize Joey’s obvious cognitive decline until 2024, that makes these supposed ‘journalists’ some of the dumbest fucks on the entire planet. And if they try to claim in any way that they are not that dumb, well then, that makes them liars. Either way, we can no longer afford to trust them.

So here we have more lies being told in an attempt to explain their total lack of ethics. The ‘fake news’ media ‘under reported’ Joey’s decline and ‘over reported’ the Russia-Trump hoax and in the process receiving Pulitzer Prizes, which they have yet to relinquish. The worst part is that they tried to lie and gaslight people and expected everyone to believe it. And what’s the point of now acknowledging what any sane person has known for at least the past five years? Are they seeking redemption and forgiveness? Maybe they can win another ‘journalism’ award for not reporting the biggest story, leaving the country in peril because our president was/is incompetent!

The Democrats are famous for their lies of omission. It was a complete coverup by the ‘fake news’ media not just in 2024 but throughout Joey’s entire four years in office. And we know they will now concoct every lie they can against President Trump to try to destroy him. They were all complicit in the cover-up of Joey’s cognitive state that went on for four plus years and they continue to be complicit today, by soft-pedaling his decline as he exits the White House. The true story about Joey’s decline can be written by anyone who has been in the presence of a family member who had dementia and struggled with trying to perform simple, everyday chores.

The ‘fake news’ media worked to cover up stories of Joey’s corruption and incompetence. Any time a Republican attempted to mention Joey’s corruption or incompetence, some ‘fake news’ media shill would immediately interrupt them, talk over them or try to change the subject. And they weren’t just gaslighting us, they were trying to blow smoke up our asses. And Joey is obviously delusional if he actually believes he would have defeated President Trump. That’s why they lost, it was all just a ruse. And by ignoring it they succeeded only in getting President Trump elected. They had plenty time to primary Joey and get a worthwhile replacement, but didn’t.

Undercovered and underreported? This is pure obfuscation. It was not covered and not reported. The White House, the Democrats, and the ‘fake news’ media all lied about Joey’s cognitive decline. He bordered on being in a vegetative state, coming off as a moron, a mental incompetent. What’s more, the shady dealings of the Biden Crime Family were not covered as they should have been. And now those in the ‘fake news’ media wonder why the people don’t trust them! Give me a break! The press, which has certain constitutional obligations, has failed us beyond miserably for decades. And why they are coming out of the closet now is beyond head scratching.

Joey’s dementia and lifelong stupidity and corruption was the most ignored, covered up story from 2019-2024. This slob reporter is patting herself on the back for saying this now, when they all knew about it from the time he announced his decision to run. The most important thing for Democrats, and their media sycophants, in 2024 was to stay in power and ensure President Trump stayed out of power. It didn’t matter to them that Joey was demented, and Cumala was incoherent. They weren’t going to be making the decisions anyway. The left was fine with that arrangement, until they got thumped on November 5. Now, they point fingers and make excuses.

Look, this is why the ‘fake news’ media will very soon go the way of the dodo. When your stock in trade is credibility and you choose to betray that trust as often as these people do, it’s not long before there simply becomes no value in what it is that you provide. And I have no doubt that there is going to be much more the will eventually come out, one way or the other, about Joey and his corrupt administration after he leaves office. And, trust me, it ain’t gonna be pretty folks. And you can take that to the bank. And you can also take to the bank the fact that there will be those in the ‘fake news’ who will ignore all that comes out and pretend none of it ever happened.

Monday, December 30, 2024


Only when under the influence of liberal logic would one be able to go from proclaiming one of their own completely worthy of re-election after touting his stellar record, to then forcing him to step aside out of fear of his being unable to win re-election before replacing him with an even worse candidate. And it now seems to be the general opinion that the same guy who was so staunchly defended and decried as being “sharp as a tack” will now leave office in disgrace. You see, it was during an appearance this past Sunday on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ that contributor Scott Jennings pointed out that *president Joey will leave the office of the presidency in “disgrace."

Host, and resident moron Dana Bash asked Mr. Jennings, “Look, it is going to be really just days from now. Joe Biden will no longer be president. How will his time in office be remembered?” Jennings said, “Look, I think he’s going to, I think he’s going to leave office in disgrace. The Hunter Biden pardon was disgraceful. He’s going to be remembered largely for inflation and for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout.” He sounds so shocked, but how is that possible. After having watched Joey during his half century in politics how could anyone come to any other conclusion than that this guy would leave office in any other way than as a complete and total disgrace.

Anyway, Jennings continued saying, “I think as we continue to, we’re just getting the first draft of this now, but as we continue to learn about the massive cover-up that went on, not about his health, but about his mental acuity to cover that up, the efforts that were undertaken by the White House staff, by his family, not in the last couple of months, but for all four years. I think it’s going to be a really ugly chapter.” He added, “It is a diminished presidency because of it, and I think we still don’t know the full extent of what they did to try to hide what they’ve been doing over in the West Wing.” He’s a garbage human being. Garbage will never be more than garbage.

The coverup to which Jennings makes reference to was only possible because of the ‘fake news’ media’s complicity and the Democrats’ willful blindness. Anyone with 20/20 eyesight knew the truth back in 2020 before this entire debacle got started. And, of course, the corruption will be remembered, too. Joey was a true overachiever in that regard. The influence peddling was not a ‘conspiracy theory’ and after Joey leaves office, or maybe passes away, there will no longer be a reason to sugarcoat it to the American people. Many said four years ago that there was little doubt that Joey would go down as the worst president in our history, and he did not disappoint.

But Joey isn’t just leaving office in disgrace. He entered the White House as a disgrace and spent four disgraceful years in office. And in the process became even more disgraceful. Joey spent five decades lying and grifting. He has a history of plagiarism and bribery and of deceit, corruption and racism. Then he opened the border allowing in millions of those who do not belong here. And let’s not forget how it was that he got involved in a war that is not our fight and in so doing lead us to the brink of WW III. Joey is without a doubt the most disgraceful individual to have ever entered the White House. He’s been a disgrace the entire time he was there.

And by the way, the White House didn’t perpetrate this cover up all by itself. Not by a long shot. Those in the ‘fake news’ media were very much complicit in what took place. It was impossible for anyone who was around him on a daily basis to not have noticed the obvious signs, his shuffle, his hallucinations or his slurred speech patterns. The Biden presidency began with a fraud in the form of a stolen election and went downhill from there. We all knew it from the start, and now these people are all trying to play ignorant. CNN stated they were just now learning of the massive cover-up, but they were a part of it! So, they are continuing to lie or just stupid.

Why would anyone choose to support a person to be president who had a near perfect record of being on the wrong side of every important foreign policy and national security issue for 50 years? Then he destroyed the economy, gave us massive inflation for the first time in decades and now they whine about what they caused!!! And frankly, I’m not so sure if the Democrats might have been better served by keeping Joey on the ticket, I’m pretty confident that most Democrats would have likely voted for him despite knowing full well that most of the time he doesn’t know what planet he’s on. I would think that that’s fairly disgraceful as well. But maybe that’s just me.

Partisan impeachments brought without convictions are apparently disgraceful only to the Democrats who brought those ridiculous charges. We all know that there are two standards of justice, Democrats get a pass on money laundering, on taking bribes from Foreign hostile governments, and on the proven dementia of the *president. January 6 was a protest, yes those that went and caused damage or punched police officers, should be punished and are in jail today for long stretches, we probably all agree on that. But to ascribe those actions to President Trump, is again simply disgraceful. Thank you CNN for proving once again, how irrelevant you are to America.

Any President who purposely thwarts the will of the people will leave office a failure, and Joey certainly meets that criteria. The American people never wanted unfettered illegal immigration into our country; the American people never wanted males to participate in female sports, yet he attempted to make it acceptable; Americans did not want our country flooded with fentanyl and yet he allowed it to happen; Americans wanted to leave Afghanistan with dignity yet, under this president, that exit it was far less than honorable and Americans never asked that violent criminals be released back onto the streets, yet that’s exactly what was made to happen.

And so, everything that ‘We the People’ have long suspected, and have been referred to as conspiracy nut for even suggesting, is now being admitted to by those on the left. The Joey/Cumala legacy is forever sealed. It will always be remembered as the most incompetent and most corrupt administration in American history. And not only is Joey leaving the office in disgrace, but he has disgraced the office itself. Joey has repeatedly shown himself to be a reprehensible and morally corrupt person completely unworthy of the office regardless of his diminished mental capacity. Joey is the worst president ever in the entire history of America and it’s not even close.

Sunday, December 29, 2024


Call me a cold-hearted bastard, if you wish, I really don’t care, but it’s whenever any Democrat who did, or attempted to do, damage to this country departs this world for the next that there should be cause for a great celebration. Such is how we should address the death of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President. The only good thing that can be said about him is, “That at least he wasn’t as stupid as our current *president.” It’s not much, but it’s something. But with that said, it did not make him any less of a threat to this country. Carter will go down as being the best of the three worst presidents, all Democrats, that this country has ever been made to endure.

At least he left this world comfortable in the knowledge that he was not the worst president in U.S. history, which, I’m sure, had to have been a concern of his. First to take that title from him was none other than ‘BO,’ but even he didn’t keep the title of being the worst for long. Nope, that title now goes to Joey. Carter was guilty of plenty of negligent behavior and bad stewardship, but I think he also underestimated the evil in the world. And while he may not have been the Antichrist, he most certainly was one of his henchmen. Carter traveled the world telling his foreign hosts how terrible America was. That alone should cause him not to be missed.

Carter wasn’t stupid, but he was, I think, terminally naïve and rather ignorant in the ways of the world. And I have no doubt that he could clearly see what his beloved Democrat Party had become over the years, and yet he chose to remain an ardent defender of what the party had become, commiserating with the most pedophilic, degenerate scum that the party possesses. And another thing, I find it rather difficult to reconcile his unchristian pro-abortion attitude with his long-held position of being a Sunday school teacher. Being pro-abortion is totally incongruous with being a Godly man. So I say, good riddance to this pathetic piece of shit.

And any of those familiar with the man knows that Carter was not a nice man at all and those who claim that he was, are nothing more than delusional. He was a vindictive, petty little man who managed to get himself elected on the tide of America’s long national nightmare of Richard Nixon and then Gerald Ford’s pardon. That more than anything, I think, is what got him elected. And let’s not forgot, that Carter was also a 2016 election denier. It’s sad, really, how so many people can so casually forget, or simply chose to ignore, that Carter said Donald Trump was an illegitimate president. And that President Trump was put into office by the Russians!

Carter even once went so as far as to suggest that if there was to be a full investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election ever conducted it would most certainly show that Donald Trump hadn’t actually won the presidency. This fraud was just one of many Democrats who tried to destroy America! Carter was proof positive that religious belief alone does not make you a good person, or even a ‘decent’ President. And make no mistake about it, Carter was as politically deranged as any other Leftist, he was just a bit more adept at controlling his crazy side. But still, there were those times when we got at least a glimpse of it.

And it’s whenever my now adult daughter expresses her concern when it comes to just how bad things are these days, I tell her about Jimmy Carter’s presidency. That rather dark time when interest rates were as high as 22 percent, the Saudi oil embargo that caused Americans to wait in line for hours just to buy ten gallons of gas, the humiliation of the Iranian Embassy hostage crisis and the botched rescue attempt, and the country's general “malaise” and so very much more. Thank God we had a strong, conservative leader in Ronald Reagan that was able to come in and correct a great many of the wrongs and reverse much of what Jimmy Carter had caused.

I remember counting the days that Americans were held hostage in Iran, his decision to give the Panama Canal away and his making a total mess out our energy situation. I see no reason to wax poetic about his incompetence. There are many parallels between Carter and Joey in the White House, but today, I’m not sure the American people are smart enough, or informed enough, to realize just how bad things have gotten under Joey. If we don’t discard him, and those like him, after only one term, America will never recover. Such are the perils of electing any Democrat. And yet we have those in this country who insist upon voting for these people.

Arguably, all our problems in the Middle East this century emanate from Carter’s blatant ineptitude. There is no question that the Shah of Iran was despised by a majority of his people, so his reign was going to end regardless. But Carter did nothing to maneuver it so that the Shahs replacement would at least be pro-Western and secular. Carter was your typical Democrat in that he never met a terrorist he didn’t like. And you know that the Mullahs of Iran will be eternally grateful to Carter as he is the only reason that they are in power today. So thanks, Jimmy, thanks a lot. And I have no doubt that they consider him to be some sort of national hero.

And Carter has routinely defended our current administration, Joey’s administration, this odd assortment of leftwing imbeciles that are even more incompetent, more corrupt, and more destructive to American values and to the Constitution than was his own presidency. Carter was just another dufus who, other than his time in the Navy, never worked a real job in his life, and he never accomplished anything positive for the American people or for the country. He was just another leftwing boob who came from a small state to become president.  Gee, where have I heard that before? The more things change, the more they seem to remain the same.

And I have no doubt that the world, today, would be a far better, and far safer, place had Carter never been president. Think about it, the damage he caused was reprehensible. Carter’s failed foreign policy made us the laughingstock of the world. He was viewed as weak and inept by our adversaries, in much the same manner that Joey is perceived by those same enemies today. And while we were somehow able to survive the Carter years, it was only because of the election of Ronald Reagan. Perhaps that’s what drives the attempt by Democrats to destroy President Trump, to prevent him from reversing all that Joey has done to destroy this country.

To be perfectly blunt, Carter was an idiot as President, but became evil as a latter-day Leftist ideologue, pushing all manner of radical anti-human garbage. He was both a testament to, and a manifestation of, all that is wrong with those on the left. And like all Leftists and communist sympathizers, he left nothing but misery in his wake, and his demise can only be viewed as being a positive event for this country and humanity in general. And while I’m glad that he’s gone, the fact that he’s gone really changes nothing. It’s not as if we have the ability go back and fix any of the many things that he managed to so badly screw up. There are simply too many.

And finally, it’s in a weird sort of way that we may actually owe Carter, just as we also may owe Obama, a sizeable debt of gratitude. Because I have no doubt that had we not been forced to live through the Carter presidency, Ronald Reagan would have never been elected. And likewise, had we never been made to endure the eight years of Obama, Donald Trump would likely never have been elected. Because without Obama, I think it’s highly unlikely that Donald Trump would have ever chosen to run. Similarly, it’s Joey who has repeatedly made clear just how great of a president Donald Trump was, and hopefully has shown just how badly we need him back.