Friday, March 28, 2025


Yet again it’s another ‘all hands on deck’ moment for the Democrats, and their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media for yet another hilarious attempt to make yet another mountain out of yet another molehill. They never seem to learn. If nothing else, you must admit they are persistent. But, like always, it’s once again that they are doing little more than preaching to their very reliable choir. I mean, look, the only one buying any of this Signal malarkey are those who already think that President Trump is the Devil, and/or Hitler, reincarnate and that those on his team are nothing more than a bunch of incompetent rubes.

I’m sure all have noticed how busy those in the ‘fake news’ media have been, of late, to drag every Democrat they can lay their hands to parade out in front of the cameras and shove a microphone in their face so they can rant about what a fuck up Pete Hegseth and, by proxy, President Trump is. But what’s ironic is how they can so casually ignore the ‘Keystone Kop’ operation that preceded them. This past Thursday it was the turn of Rep. Gregory Meeks, from New York. I know, I know, who the fuck is this clown? Anyway, it was then during an appearance on CNN’s “News Central” that Meeks claimed President Trump needed to be “held accountable” for the Signal chat among senior national security officials.

And it was the intrepid ‘journalist’ Wolf Blitzer who serves as host of this bit of ‘news’ programming that started things off by saying, “I know you heard the testimony from Trump administration officials, senior intelligence and national security officials this week. Did they tell the truth about the nature of these very sensitive discussions during the course of this unsecured commercial app conversation on what’s called Signal?” Meeks responded in typical accusatory fashion saying, “They absolutely lied. They’ve been lying all along. They’ve tried to cover it up. Look, there’s been no there’s no question once you have heard these transmissions on this messaging app that there is a violation of our national security."

And it was from that this boob went on to say, “This is something that should have been taken care of in a SCIF on a secure line. Had I or anyone else tried to talk about this situation, we would probably be prosecuted. The same should go here. Mr. Hegseth should be resigned or fired immediately.” He continued, “It’s an absolute violation of our national security. It puts our pilots at risk. It is something that we’ve seen and then the cover-up afterwards. And sometimes, you know, people say the cover-up is just as bad as the act itself, when in fact, Mr. Goldberg was going to treat that confidential information better than these individuals, these secretaries that all were on that call."

And he said, “He wasn’t even going to disclose it until they denied it and said that there was nothing there. And once you read it, your eyes or you hear it, your ears are not lying to you.” Meeks added, “It’s ridiculous, and I think that President Trump and all of them need to be held accountable.” Their desperation reeks of childlike behavior wanting revenge for getting caught for doing exactly the same things. This dolt, along with all the clowns like Blitzer, fail to realize that the only ones who give a shit about any of this is shit is…THEM! And they refuse to stop talking about it because, clearly, they think if they can keep it in front of people long enough someone, somewhere, will finally start to believe their bullshit!

Look, I’m pretty sure that senior officials don’t simply sit down and click on names to be on the list. They tell someone to do it, and whoever they told “conveniently” added a left-wing journalist. I have no doubt that this was planned and executed by someone on the inside paid to do so to make possible all of the nonsense that the Democrats, aided by boobs like Blitzer, continue to spewed about the supposed incident. You know, the very same Democrats and ‘journalists’ who told us all that old Joey was sharp as a tack before then saying that he wasn’t. None of these clowns possesses an ounce of credibility regardless of what’s being discussed. They’re all nothing but a pack of liars and as such are not to be believed.

And think about this, who had a motive to pull off something like this? The Democrats are all pissed because all of their hidden stashes are being discovered, so they had to do something. This was clearly a sabotage operation from the get-go. Some low level staffer was an agent saboteur put Goldberg on the list knowing full well that this was to manufacture a scandal. And Goldberg, instead of excusing himself because he knew he was improperly invited, not only failed to excuse himself but stayed around taking screen shots. And then he makes a beeline to the various ‘fake news’ outlets to spread the word about the recklessness of those in the administration and how they represent a danger to our national security.

Need I remind these two clowns that the greatest security breach in American history was Hitlery’s secret server that first she lied about under oath multiple times and then tried to destroy. If you recall, it was both the Democrats and the ‘fake news’ media that totally ignored that and actually tried to make the argument that it wasn’t her fault. Goldberg released sensitive information with the intent to cause chaos. He lurked in that chat knowing he’d been added mistakenly. Then he wrote a misleading headline to maximize fake news impact. And now the very same Democrats and media clowns are telling anyone willing to listen that it is all President Trump’s fault that the media published a confidential chat?

This is what enemies do! Especially when they don’t care if Americans get killed due to their own malfeasance. Thirteen Americans were murdered during the Democrats’ disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and not one of these clowns so much as batted an eye. No one was fired nor was anyone even demoted, it was just all considered collateral damage and casualties of war. They treated the families of the thirteen dead military members with utter disrespect, when they even bothered to acknowledge them at all. And let’s not forget that Signal was approved by Joey’s administration and that the director of the company happens to be the NPR CEO who hates President Trump and his supporters. A mere coincidence?

These idiots need to stop with all of the nonsense or resign if they can’t get President Trump out of their head. Not one word from Meeks, or any other Democrat, on such things as: the open border, which, for FOUR years, permitted threats to our national security to walk across our border; a rampant and escalating crime rate all across the country because of soft on crime policies, the highest rate of inflation in over 40 years and the failure to intercept Communist Chinese spy balloons as they were allowed to traverse the entire country, even over our missile and military bases. And yet, we’re now supposed to believe that they are somehow so outraged over this Signal snafu? The hypocrisy is nothing short of astonishing.

Thursday, March 27, 2025


Having spent 24 years in the military myself I would never attempt to diminish the service of others. But that said, having chosen to voluntarily spend a portion of one’s life in the service to one’s country does not earn one a free pass when it comes to making slanderous accusations against those with whom one may disagree politically and that have absolutely no basis in fact. And while I will always be appreciative of the service performed by others, I have no respect for those who continually put their politics above our country. Simply because liars deserve no respect. Frankly, I have a difficult time understanding how anyone who has taken the oath can be a Democrat.

I mean, how can you swear allegiance to the country that you seem so desperate to destroy? And yet, many have done that, and continue to do so. And they seem to do so with great ease. Take for instance Navy veteran, former astronaut and now U.S. Senator Mark Kelly who thinks it appropriate to offer up a politically motivated critique of someone who is clearly doing a far better job than did his predecessor, a predecessor who Kelly was very supportive of for no other reason than politics. And it was this past Wednesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that Kelly demanded that Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth resign over the Signal chat nonsense.

Guest host Alicia Menendez said, “You’ve called for Pete Hegseth to resign. Should Mike Waltz resign as well?” Kelly said, “I think Mike made a careless mistake here. If you go back and you look at what was shared on this on Signal in this text chain, it wasn’t him that was sharing what I view as classified information but even beyond classified, this is the most sensitive information that the Department of Defense has hours before conducting a strike that was shared by the Secretary of Defense.” So here we have a guy who, as far as I’m concerned, is an embarrassment to the Navy that I was in. He strikes me as guy who likely ass kissed his way up through the ranks.

Anyway. Kelly went on to add, “We’re 60 days in, and this is not the first thing he has screwed up. On his first trip to Germany, he was saying stuff that was inconsistent with our foreign policy, that was causing our allies to really consider our relationship, you know, things that were really concerning. So this isn’t the first instance of this. I imagine there’s others that we don’t even know about. And it’s and it’s because they put somebody in charge of the Defense Department that is unqualified for the job. He should have never even be considered for this position. It’s unfortunate that the president nominated him for this."

And he said, “I think what’s really incredibly unfortunate for our country is, is the United States Senate confirmed him for this position.” Anyone remember when Kelly called for heads to roll after the horribly botched Afghanistan withdrawal? That’s ok, me either. But I don’t suppose you can really blame the Democrats for trying to milk this thing. It’s literally the only thing they have to talk about. They are a party now hanging on by a thread and on the verge of total collapse. These theatrical performances could use a little work, though. Maybe they can get some pointers from their Hollyweird friends. The condescending attitude just doesn’t work anymore.

Coming from someone who’s bought and paid for and is nothing more than another Soros stooge, I don’t really think Kelly should be speaking at all. No one really cares what these idiot leftists want. They can call for as many resignations as they want. Kelly is nothing more than a partisan hack who needs to go. He is just another lying Democrat and a do-nothing senator. Another buffoon parroting the same Democrat Party talking points. Where was this guy during Joey’s four year reign of total destruction? He was sitting on his hands with his mouth shut because Democrats hate Republicans, and especially President Trump, more than they love our country.

There are reasons and then there are excuses. These continued attacks being made on Hegseth are clearly nothing more than an excuse. Democrats couldn’t prevent him from being confirmed so now they’re forced to depend on hyperbole. Kelly is not for anything that is good in America. He’s a Democrat. Anyone that didn’t call for mentally incapacitated Joey B., and his merry band of incompetents, to be removed from office has virtually no right to recommend that anyone else be removed from office. And this is the very same Mark Kelly who enthusiastically approved of Joey importing millions of unvetted, mostly military aged men into this country.

Kelly is a shill and wants to remove someone who he knows is doing a great job in re-establishing American might. Something Kelly actively fights to undermine. As far as I’m concerned Kelly is a traitor to this country! Kelly is another of those who seems to think himself the smartest guy in the room, when he most certainly is not. Not even close. Kelly has less credibility than ever. Democrats hope enough people are stupid enough to believe the nonsense they spew. That politicians like Kelly that shoot off their mouths, making false allegations against others while disregarding facts, is one reason why only 29 percent of Americans approve of Democrats.

When Democrats speak in unison like this, they give the game away. There’s zero chance that this Signal debacle was engineered by the Left, right? It’s all just a complete coincidence that one of the most leftwing, Trump-hating journalists was somehow added to a national security chat just 10 days before national security officials were scheduled to testify before Congress. Total coincidence? I think not! Democrats do nothing but disrupt, destroy and detract from American superiority.  Democrats are like a who’s who of some of the most unscrupulous, disingenuous, manipulative, contentious and worthless human beings to be found anywhere!

Kelly had his chance to oppose Pete Hegseth's confirmation and he and his fellow Democrats lost that vote. So he needs to embrace the suck of being a loser, and remember that his idea of a “qualified” Secretary of Defense was that often AWOL alumnus of the Raytheon Board of Directors, Lloyd Austen. He and the rest of the Biden clown car gave the American people the unnecessary Afghanistan debacle, thirteen dead Marines, and repeated lies about Joe B. being mentally sharp. As for Kelly and his comments, he can just go pound sand. His opinions carry no weight with the vast majority of the nation. If anyone should resign in disgrace, it’s Kelly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025


I feel pretty confident in saying that today when reasonable people look at the Democrat Party what most see is a party that’s essentially been overtaken by what is a bunch of arrogant, screeching, rude, petty and ignorant do-nothings who seem to think that their only way back into power calls for maligning the opposition in every way imaginable to the point of condoning violence perpetrated against that opposition by their more devoted followers. And I’m quite sure that most Americans recognize that Democrats rarely abide by the same demands they make on the rest of us. And rarer still is when their public persona actually aligns with their personal behavior.

If nothing else, the Democrats can be said to be a rather unique bunch. Take for instance, one Jasmine Crockett. This bitch is about as classless as they come, and yet she remains increasingly popular in the party, despite her continuing vitriolic rhetoric. And it was as recently as this past Sunday, during an appearance on MSDNC, that she seemed to take exception to accusations that she is somehow inciting violence against anyone. You see, it was then that she denied playing any role in promoting the violence waged against Elon Musk’s brand, Tesla. She acknowledged participating in the so-called “Tesla takedown,” which she maintained was a “large protest."

She said “So, I’m actually going to say that I participated in a Tesla takedown.” And she added, “That is the name of the website. And it was all about this large protest that they’re calling for. And this is a nonviolent protest that they’re calling for. And in fact, when I was on there, which is why the attorney general had to say that I wasn’t calling for violence, and it’s ridiculous that I even have to say something like that. But because they are trying to twist our words, one of the things that I told people to do is make sure you are adhering to the laws in your area.” No one has to twist what this imbecile pretty clearly said. Much of what she has said is on video.

Anyway, she went on to say, “Make sure you know what it looks like to protest and to be able to raise your voices and to exercise your constitutional right to free speech. And what we see is that they want to dull our free speech rights. They want to make sure that those that are participating in the press—because we saw that there have been recent attacks specifically on this news organization—they want y’all to kind of tamp down what you say and hopefully buy into the lies instead of going out there and just telling the truth.” Crockett continued, “And so, yeah, I’m excited to see that Elon Musk, that his money as it relates to Tesla, well, Tesla’s tanking right now."

She said, “And I’m OK with that. So, just in case the slow people listening decide to clip this up later, I just want to say that I have never promoted violence whatsoever, yet I’ve also never made excuses for those violent actors such as the ones on January 6. So, Pam Bondi, if you have an issue with terrorism, maybe you should talk to your boss about locking back up those guys that he let out that participated in January 6.” And so like all liberals whenever they get caught lying on tape, Crockett simply expects those on the ‘fake news’ media to provide cover for her, and to divert attention away from herself for long enough to let the matter quietly drop.

So, I’m curious, was it the ‘real’ Ms. Crockett who, just the night before, at the 2025 Human Rights Campaign (HRC) referred to paralyzed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as “Governor Hot Wheels.” Crockett began her speech by thanking many of those present, including HRC’s Morgan Cox, stating, “I can tell you that Morgan has always been one of those people that will ask, ‘What is it that you need?’” She said, “You know, a lot of people see you out front fighting, but nobody’s really asking, what do you need to maintain that fight. So thank you so much, Morgan, because we in these hot-ass Texas streets, honey.” You’d be hard-pressed to find someone with less class!

And it was in speaking of Gov. Abbott, who is paralyzed, that Crockett said, “Y’all know we got Governor Hot Wheels down there,” generating laughter and cheers from the idiots in attendance. She said, “Come on now. And the only thing hot about him is that he is a hot-ass mess, Honey, so, um, so, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Right, ok.” And she continued, “All right, I’m gonna move on. I’m gonna move on because I got other people that’s also hot in these streets. Um, all right, I gotta make sure I got through all my thank yous, because we about to go off script.” And after clips of Crockett's remarks went viral Crockett denied that they referenced the governor's condition.

Crockett wrote on X, “I wasn’t thinking about the governor’s condition—I was thinking about the planes, trains, and automobiles he used to transfer migrants into communities led by Black mayors, deliberately stoking tension and fear among the most vulnerable.” But look, Crockett was aware, and supportive, of the derisive label for the governor before he began the migrant transfers. Remember when President Trump was falsely accused of mocking that Washington Post reporter's physical disability? I wonder how many of those celebrities who had a bad case of the vapors over that are going to apply the same standard to Ms. Crockett. Likely none!

Clearly this bitch has zero bring-em-ups. That’s just a lame excuse for anything that’s been ghetto-ebonized-bastardized by way of quotas (racism), Affirmative Action, DEI, language, manners, behavior, education, music, humor, entertainment, the legal system, our government, you freaking name it. She is a classic example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people with low ability fail to recognize their own incompetence and overestimate their skills. She wants everyone to think she’s ghetto, but she’s not. She grew up in St. Louis and her father’s a pastor, if you can believe that.

She attended a private high school and even went to a private college. And, no surprise, it was while in college that she lied about hate crimes that never took place. When you get right down to it, her entire current identity is made up. There’s a big difference between innovation and the gross backsteps in civilization and the lowering of standards that we’re supposed to accept by hook, crook, or law all for the sake of traveling down that road to hell paved with virtue signaling. Sadly, blacks have lousy, low IQ representation! Blacks can never be viewed favorably as a group because of how common and widespread this is! But oddly enough most seem not to mind.

Crockett promoted the singular destructive attention on Musk due only to his successful efforts in exposing what turned out to be a massive amount of Democrat fraud, theft and corruption involving taxpayer money. And that she now tries and act so sanctimonious without even acknowledging the extent of that fraud which runs into the trillions, is proof of her total lack of concern regarding the racket Democrats have had going for themselves for decades and used to fund themselves and their cronies. And that there are those in her party who seem quite comfortable in defending her and her comments, as far as I’m concerned, make them just as bad as she is.

She seems confused in that her followers are allowed to protest as long as she tells them to be peaceful, and that is somehow not inciting violence, but oddly enough when President Trump told people to peacefully and patriotically protest, he was somehow held responsible for all of their misdeeds. Democrats can’t have it both ways. Most, if not all, Democrats are to be considered mentally ill. They believe they can say or do anything they want and will never be held accountable. They SHOULD and MUST be held accountable for the violence that is happening now and will be happening to those who are simply trying to ‘Make America Great Again!'

People better wake the hell up before it’s too late, assuming that it’s not already too late. After ‘BO’ got elected and with him leading the Democrat Party America was put on what was a downward spiral with the ultimate goal being, the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America. President Trump met with a great deal of success in stymying that from 2016-2020, hence the reason the Democrats and cheat to get their boy Joey into office. Now thanks to President Trump much of what Joey did is being reversed despite the attempts of numerous leftist ‘judges.’ Voting Republican is the only way of insuring America’s greatness will prevail.

And finally, his absurd plan to “get Musk” by trying to tank Tesla stock is pathetic. Apparently, none of the Democrats, including the skank Crockett, have done any homework. Yes, Musk is the majority shareholder in Tesla, but his holdings are only 12.8 percent of the total shares. Musk is worth 327 billion, so this lame attempt to tank the stock doesn’t hurt him much. The people it does hurt are those whose are dependent on state pension funds, which are heavily invested in Tesla. So, once again, the Democrats, including Crockett, are choosing to hurt the American people with their hatred for someone who is just trying to help relieve our enormous deficit.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Does it seem a little odd to anyone besides myself that what we now see taking place among so many of those in the Democrat Party is that which would at least appear to be a concerted effort to convince what few rational folks that may still be left in their party to finally throw up their hands and depart and in so doing leaving the party as nothing more than a fringe party comprised of those who can be safely described as a rather odd assortment of individuals who are clearly in need of some pretty serious psychiatric help. I mean it becomes more evident with each passing day that these people have become a danger to themselves and those around them.

Take for instance ‘The Nation’s ‘justice correspondent’ Elie Mystal. You see, it was on Monday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that Mystal claimed President Trump was an “orange man” who is “very dangerous to all of us.” Mystal is a racist and a bigot with zero credibility. An ignorant, rather obese, Q-Tip looking mo-fo criticizing President Trump’s appearance is nothing short of freaking priceless. Just looking at Mystal can lower one’s IQ several points, much less reading or listening to his pontificating. President Trump maybe dangerous to the Democrat Party but he sure as hell is doing a great job fixing the bloody mess Joey B. made of this country.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski said, “I think fair to point out that you’re not saying don’t follow the law.” Fuck you, that’s exactly what this brainless toad is doing. It’s all fat, brainless toads like him ever do whenever they find themselves in the predicament they now, once again, find themselves in. If conservatives acted this way, we’d all be in jail under suspicion. There is no justice in the U.S. any longer. Democrats NEVER go to jail. Mystal is racist, like all Democrats. It’s all they talk about. They eat drink and sleep racism.  And, of course, accuse President Trump of being “dangerous” without any example or reasoning. Basically, he’s saying, “He’s dangerous because I say so."

Mystal said, “Yeah. No, I’m not saying don’t follow the law. I’m black I and I know that that doesn’t always work out very well for us. We’re not like the people who can attack The Capitol.” You mean the people who spent as many as 1,000 days in jail without a trial? He’s right, that would never happen to a Negro. Or maybe you mean the ones who were forced to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit crimes that do not even exist in order to keep the FBI and the Department of Injustice from going after their families? He’s right again, no leftist piece of shit would be forced into having to make that choice. Mystal needs to peddle his racist bullshit somewhere else.

He went on to say, “But I am saying that many of the laws that we have in this country are absolute trash. Right? One of the reasons why I wrote the book is that somebody on my side of the aisle has to start writing Project 2029, right? Somebody has to start writing a positive agenda for the Democratic Party. I didn’t want to write another Orange Man bad book because obviously the Orange Man is very bad and very dangerous to all of us. But the Orange Man represents an aggressive Republican policy agenda. And so what I’m trying to do is point out what an aggressive Democratic policy agenda looks like.” So an aggressive Democrat agenda equals violence?

The fear mongering continues, and it seems to work quite well on their supporters. Mystal added, “Go go back to your earlier segment about Chuck Schumer and how there’s so much Democratic angst and anger about Chuck. I think one of the problems that many people in the base have is that the Democrats always seem to be in a fetal position. The Democrats always seem to be in a defensive posture. We’re always running around trying to pick up after Republicans, after Republicans smash anything. Well, let’s go out there and talk about the positive Democratic agenda. Let’s talk about the things that we can do on the front foot."

And it was during this same broadcast that this moron commented on subject for another day when he said that when in power, Democrat lawmakers should change the law so “if you’re eligible to vote, you should be automatically registered to vote.” Mystal said, “We could eliminate all voter registration laws. See, when Democrats get in charge, we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier. Now, I’m all for voter eligibility requirements. We might disagree about what those requirements should be, but you know, I’m going to say that, like, there should be an age limit to vote. I might say 16, you might say 18, but I’m not going to say 8, right? So we’re going to agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements."

But anyway, in getting back to the subject at hand, President Trump is clearly only a danger to anyone who is, or has been, on the take. The Democrat slush funds are being systematically destroyed and with luck many of these crooks will soon be going down. And also, President Trump is proving to be very dangerous to pedophiles, sex traffickers, gang members, rapists, murderers and the rest of the scum who call the Democrat Party home. Like all of the corrupt politicians and liberal/leftwing individuals who have been stealing from and lining their own pockets with funds they’ve absconded with from various bogus aid programs using taxpayer funds.

And as is always the case, this racist starts out with his usual declaration that he is a black man, like that’s something special. Then he lies about how blacks don’t get a fair shake. Thousands of January 6 ‘protestors’ were put in jail while almost none of the BLM protesters were. Who has privilege? And isn’t it always so interesting how morons like this clown Mystal always have to tell the ‘interviewer’ what their skin pigmentation is before they make inane and false claims? It just goes to show being retarded doesn’t discriminate. Every time I see this clown I have to laugh. Only the lowest IQ voters listen to guys like Mystal and fewer still believe what they say.

It would seem that us white folk might be getting on that old silverback’s nerves. We were much better off under President Trump in 2016-2020, and it will happen again. How is that a bad thing? Answer: It’s not unless your part of the freak show who hates America. For someone who looks like Mystal, a black man sporting a white/gray rounded afro, and then for the word “dangerous” comes out of his mouth, he is a danger to both himself and to society. The man is a hardcore Socialist who hates America but refuses to leave it. Most likely because no other country would put up with his bullshit. He should leave America and go live in a Socialist country.

If the Democrats want to make any sort of a comeback, or wish to be taken seriously again, they will need to change their ideology to come more in line with the values held by a majority of the American people. They are still hanging on to violence and the idea it was poor messaging that caused them to lose the last election. Good luck with that. Mystal has proven, and continues to prove, time after time, that he is nothing more than he is a one-of-a-kind idiot. He’s a hater and divider. With the reelection of Donald Trump, the winners once again are the American people rather than the wealthy global elitists and Establishment RINOs and Democrats.

Cognitive dissonance is when the real-world’s unimpeachable facts disprove and challenge what Mystal is saying so he simply babbles on with his made-up and malicious delusions that fly in the face of the real-world facts. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a debasing, debilitating, disqualifying mental illness, not a sane, intelligent, informed political policy position or platform. And it makes clear the idiocy, incompetence, indifference and insanity of today’s criminal cult politicians, propagandists, and useful idiots. President Trump has beat the Democrats at every turn and in the process has essentially decimated the Democrat Party.

Monday, March 24, 2025


There seems to be a growing number of voices on the left that would seem to indicate that the establishment Democrats may have the beginning of a mutiny on their hands. And so, it’s beginning to increasingly look like members of the Democrat old guard, those who have long been in control of the direction the party was to take on certain issues of the day may be, and not so subtly so, gradually nudged toward the exit. And if that is in fact the case, they really have no one to blame but themselves. You see, it has been in trying to pacify the younger, and more radical, members of their party that members of the old guard may have made a few too many concessions.

And it would now seem that it may now be impossible to delay what now appears to be somewhat inevitable. And it was recently another of those now decrying the need for a “new generation of leadership” in their party, is Ro Khanna, Democrat member of the U.S. House from California. And he said as much this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” And while he may be the most recent Democrat to make such a declaration, he is far from being the only one. As I said, there is a growing chorus of voices from within the party as well as among many in the ’fake news’ saying that many in the old guard have outlived their usefulness.

Host Dana Bash said, “The Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, who of course, you’re referring to the fact that he voted to keep the government running, and there’s a lot of anger about that, so you think that he should be primaried? Should Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is very much a part of the new democratic generation, should she challenge him in New York?” Khanna said, “Well, that’s really her decision. I will say that there were a lot of people at the Democratic retreat who had encouraged her. I was just in New York, and I was surprised how much support there is.” Bash the proceeded to ask, “Are you one of those who encourage her/"

Khanna said, “I haven’t talked to her directly, but I think it’s for her. Here’s what I will say, the American people are fed up with the old guard. There needs to be a renewal. You know, in Silicon Valley, when a company isn’t doing well, you don’t keep the same team. I think there’s going to be a new generation in this country. They want to see a more compelling economic message. My biggest problem in disagreement with Senator Schumer in the New York Times, he said, you know, we we did everything right. We just have a PR problem. No, we didn’t do everything right. We didn’t get a living wage. For many decades this country has offshored jobs."

Khanna then went on to say, “There hasn’t been a compelling vision for manufacturing in the working class. We haven’t articulated a vision for Medicare for all. It’s not just a pr problem. People are upset with the status quo, and we need a new generation of leadership.” Actually, what the Democrats seem desperately in need of are policies that the vast majority of the people actually support and not more of their typical woke and illegal invader loving bullshit that no one supports except the more leftward leaning members of their party. Democrats need morality, virtue, patriotism, and a conscience. But then they wouldn’t be Democrats any longer.

So, just who is it that might satisfy those now talking about this supposed need for this “new generation of leadership?” Now I know I’m not exactly in the position to be making suggestions, but might I throw a name into the ring. I mean it only makes sense since the jackass is the symbol for their party might it make a great deal of sense that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) would be the perfect choice. From where I’m sitting, she would seem ideal since couldn’t find her own ass with both hands and a flashlight. She would likely finish off what’s left of the dying party which would be the best thing for this country. Let’s all hope they’re dumb enough to do that.

AOC would be the biggest flop ever. She is dumber than a rock but of course those in the ‘fake news’ media endlessly try to make her into some sort of a genius. The Democrats keep digging when they’re already well into the ditch. Now I’m far from one who should be offering up any advice to these people and am likely the last one they would be seeking advice from anyway. What the Democrats should do, what they need to do when searching out new leaders, they need someone who is more of a middle-left person as leader not someone who represents less than 10 percent, or less, of the party. But then, they’ll do whatever they feel is best for them.

But don’t be fooled by this call for new leadership. What they really want is someone that’s more progressive, meaning more Marxist. They want someone who’s a little meaner, more viral and without any morals and/or values. They want someone who has no problem with walking all over our rights, that has no issue with ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law. They want someone that’s not religious but looks at the state as their God. They want someone that’ll use government against the people, so they keep permanent power. They want someone who wants to destroy the Republican Party, so we have one party, again insuring them of permanent power.

Right, what the Democrats now need a new generation of self-centered, radical, left wing, socialist anarchists to keep insulting us and in so doing lose a little more of the dwindling support. In the past both Democrats and Republicans sought a different means to attain what was best for the American people. Today Democrats are only interested in pushing their Marxist agenda bent on destroying this country. What the Democrats need is a new generation of thought, because the new generation in age are simply younger more radical versions of the same bullshit that got them into the mess that they’re now currently in. But you can’t tell them that.

Democrats can start getting new leadership by getting rid of this phony, Ro Khanna who those on CNN, and others in the fake news media, try to pass himself off as being a moderate voice in in the Democrat Party when in reality he is as partisan, anti-Trump and out of touch with the American people as every single other Democrat in both the House and Senate. Every ‘new’ generation of Democrat leadership always proves itself to be more radical than the last. That’s what contributed to the blatant rejection of Democrats in the last election by the voters. I would think that their inability to learn from their mistakes, bodes well for Republicans in future elections.

The Democrat party needs more than just new leadership. It’s not just about them!!! And if they think AOC, Bernie or any other obvious losers can pull them out of the sewer, then they’re sunk for sure. Democrats don’t need new leaders; they need new voters who know how to think critically. Right now, they have robots who will burn Tesla dealerships if they call Musk a Nazi. It’s like their voters have been programmed to be programmed, the closest thing to mass hypnosis I’ve seen in American politics. America-haters will always have a home in the Democrat Party. The job of the Democrats is to stimulate and grow hatred for America to grow their constituencies.

Democrats promoted Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff, one of the most despicable, disgusting, dishonest, and disreputable members of the House to the Senate, so never underestimate the idiocy and/or the stupidity of those who believe the left-wing media and their paid propagandists. What Democrats continue to do can never be forgiven because of the damage they have done. Nothing matters if it’s not abortion, border, illegals, drugs, wars, crime or bogus ‘climate change.’ Those of us who dare to oppose their position on any of these issues are always painted as being the ones who are guilty of being intolerant. Democrats never see the need to change their positions.

The Democrats don’t need new leadership; they need to abandon their lunatic ideas and embrace reality and common sense. Just say no to their six decades of predicting climate disasters along with their delusion of an infinite number of genders. They also need to abandon their love of socialism and of a one-world government. Until Democrats stop lying to the people and burning our cities, they’re doomed. They’re out of ideas because they don’t care about people, the only thing they care about is power. The American people, for the most part, are fed up with the Democrat Party, which continually fights against anything that would be good for our country.

Saturday, March 22, 2025


Have you ever noticed, I’m sure you have, how it is that Democrats are always so forgiving and somehow able to justify the violence perpetrated by those who are essentially supporters of theirs and yet decry how there is never any justification for those on the right for committing any level of civil disobedience. And Democrats are always ready to hang those on the right despite the fact that the level of damage inflicted by those on the right pales in comparison to that which is routinely inflicted by their own followers. Democrats are far accepting of the violence committed by those on the left because more often, than not, they’re guilty of inciting much of it.

And it was as recently as this past Friday that we saw yet another example of that when, during an appearance on Friday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “Cuomo,” Jamie Raskin, member of the U.S House from Maryland, actually said that the anti-Tesla violence and property destruction are wrong, but…“this is the kind of civil disorder that has been unleashed in the country and licensed by Donald Trump, who pardoned more than 1,500 insurrectionists, including hundreds of people who violently assaulted our police officers.” Their continuing go-to play whenever faced with the reality that their side are the criminals is to simply say, “I’m rubber and you’re glue."

Host Chris Cuomo asked, “[P]eople burning Teslas, I think they’re acts of terrorism. And I don’t hear Democrats trying to grab some high ground here and say, who’s doing this? Who’s doing this? This is not America. You don’t burn up people’s property like this. These are acts of terror, what they’re doing to these Teslas. I don’t hear your guys saying it. Why?” Raskin responded, “Well, number one, let me say it right now, and I absolutely deplore and oppose any act of violence against human beings, like we saw on January 6, with the massive violence leveled against our police officers. And I’m opposed to burning other people’s property. That’s against the law."

This ignorant dolt Raskin then went on to say, “And this is the kind of civil disorder that has been unleashed in the country and licensed by Donald Trump, who pardoned more than 1,500 insurrectionists, including hundreds of people who violently assaulted our police officers. So, that scene you’re showing me [of burning Teslas] makes me sick, not as sick as the attack on our police officers, but it’s in the same domain, and it’s all because of the same reason.” Raskin is a mouth breathing moron. He says it’s against the law, then he calls it “civil disobedience.” This is the same rationale these idiots used to justify the BLM/George Floyd riots.

And let’s not forget how it was that ‘Tampon Tim’s wife once admitted that she kept the windows of the governor’s residence “open as long as [she] could” to smell the burning tires from the violent 2020 riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death. How the fuck sick is this bitch? And I’m quite sure that she, like most Democrats, lost little sleep over the fact that moms and pops lost their livelihoods during the “mostly peaceful expressions of democracy” throughout 2020’s ‘Summer of Love.’ Or, when businesses were set ablaze across the country by ANTIFA and BLM during those same “mostly peaceful gatherings,” where $2 Billion in private property was destroyed.

Democrats are known for blaming the victims, it’s easier than blaming their voting base. Raskin is far more than just a liar. It’s been proven that the Democrats stole the 2020 election. Republicans were protesting the obvious steal. And while the events of January were more of a protest than a riot, what it most certainly was not, was an insurrection. Democrats, like Raskin, can, and will, continue to call it an insurrection over and over, but that means absolutely nothing to anyone with a brain. They are comparing the January 6 molehill to the Everest-size Mountain of Democrat violence that we have continued to see since Donald Trump was first elected in 2016.

That Democrats continually attempt to both exaggerate and to exploit the events of January 6 while at the same time choosing to ignore, and to justify and even encourage violence by Leftists both now and throughout the ‘Summer of Love’ exemplifies and exposes for all to see the obvious double standard they embrace. The Left is awash in hypocrisy. Democrats incite violence and rodents like Raskin try to blame President Trump because he’s trying to fix government inefficiency, waste and fraud, the majority of which was created by them. Therefore, logically, it must be true that Raskin is opposed to fixing government inefficiency, waste and fraud.

Raskin again speaks of 1500 supposed insurrectionist? But if memory serves, and I’m pretty sure that it does, there wasn’t anyone, not even one person, who was actually charged with insurrection, let alone convicted of insurrection. The Democrats, being atheists, operate with no solid foundation as to their moral integrity. That’s why Raskin can stand up there and knowingly lie and continue to use the term insurrection when it is clearly nowhere near being applicable to what occurred that day. But like that other lying sack of shit, Adam Schiff, Raskin is convinced that anything he says that promotes the Democrats cause is justified even if it is blatantly untrue.

And I’m surprised Raskin didn’t fit in the Russian hoax and the “they’re very fine people” hoax along with the other BS he was spewing. Democrats have no come back on anything except to continue to point fingers at Donald Trump though anybody with two brain cells knows that’s incorrect. And despite what Raskin may claim, hundreds of people did not attack police officers that day. Police officers were not killed, one police officer died the next day of a heart attack. Two of the people of January 6 were killed both murdered by the Capitol Police. I know truth doesn’t matter to Democrats, but it would be nice if they would at least try to stick to the facts.

Democrats are always in search of a justification to fulfill their inherent violent tendencies. The irony in all of this Musk insanity is that the Tesla owners, who did all of the woke finger-wagging and virtue signaling, are the rich folks who could easily afford them. Now they’re being targeted by the woke finger-wagging virtue signaling people who were too poor to afford one. Look, I don’t like lawlessness in any form, but part of me really doesn’t care about the dupes who bought a Tesla to begin with. Frankly, I have little sympathy for these holier-than-thou people who think they are somehow better than me because they see themselves as protecting the environment.

These people on the left have become incapable of rational thinking. They pretend to promote democracy when in reality it’s the exact opposite that they are promoting. Democrats are some of the most dishonest, most vile and most miserable people you will find anywhere. They never take any responsibility for their lawless and violent behavior and, not only that, their behavior is always said to be someone else’s fault. In recent years, it’s always been President Trump and those of us who are his supporters who have been to blame. The good news is that the vast majority of Americans see the light. Support for the Democrat Party is now roughly 20 percent.

People like Raskin want you to believe that the chaos you see, and may be affected by, is mere civil disobedience. That’s not exactly correct. This is an extremely distorted view of right and wrong and is once again nothing more than the condoning of criminal activity. This chaos is not President Trump’s fault, it’s nothing but more of the same old violent Democrat resistance to President Trump that we have seen so many times before. And this guy, Raskin, somehow expects us to accept the fact that it is all to be blamed on President Trump. Democrats appear to be in a panic over the fact that so much of the waste and fraud they created is now coming to light.

And finally, all the Democrats have is January 6, it’s like Radar’s ‘Teddy Bear’ on MASH. As I recall, by way of facts, the only life that ended on January 6 was a young woman. A Veteran, honorably discharged from her service to her nation and who was murdered by a Security Officer who, to this day, is walking around free. I think the country is beginning to realize that violent actions are a result of rabid anger, anger brought on by a lack of argument to justify their cause. We see this all over on college campuses where violent physical outbursts take place because they have no definition of what a woman is, or an explanation of why a man cannot become pregnant.

The Left’s insanity continues with men’s restrooms on many college campuses now being fitted with feminine hygiene products simply because it’s easier to allow the nonsense to continue rather than to try and reasonably articulate the absurdity of it all. All the craziness we are seeing take place all around us was once nothing more than a parody, and yet here it is today playing out in front of us in living color. And it’s those who comprise roughly 90 percent of the population that are told to abandon their values and morals, and to be more accepting of the 10 percent who are certifiably insane. Sorry, but that’s just not going to happen, I’ll not alter my beliefs for anyone.

Friday, March 21, 2025


You know, sometimes you just gotta laugh at these dipshit Democrats. They seem to be in complete disarray and it’s all their own fault because of their blind hatred of President Trump. And after all they have attempted to do him, from multiple impeachments to multiple assassination attempts, they somehow still think that by continuing to attack President Trump they can somehow convince, or coax, enough people back to their side. Listening to them go on about the danger that President Trump represents you almost have to wonder if they’re watching the same guy the rest of are. Democrats show just how detached from reality they’ve become.

And we saw that once again when ex-U.S. Senator, and one who has been relegated to MSDNC contributor, Claire McCaskill claimed Thursday on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that President Trump has gone further than Hungary’s leader Viktor Orban or Turkey’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an authoritarian direction. Clearly McCaskill knows nothing about Mr. Orban of Hungary. Hungary is one of the freest and safest countries in Europe. Which is likely why she seems to hate him. Orban has done a wonderful job defending Hungary and its people. The reason EU leaders and their U.S. supporters hate him is because he defends Hungary from all of the EU’s insane leftist policies.

McCaskill said, “If I was going to really criticize some of my former colleagues in Congress, it is that I don’t think people have fully grasped people who have been in the system for a long time and who have great faith in our constitutional checks and balances. I don’t think they’ve yet fully grasped how far this guy has gone so quickly. He’s gone much further than Orban ever did, or Erdogan or any of these autocrats across the globe that have tried to shut down the free press, use censorship, tried to change higher education in this country so that you are censoring and ousting anyone who disagrees with the executive’s position."

She continued, “He is really taking this to a place that is absolutely autocratic, absolutely saying forget the checks and balances.” She added, “I’ve got a Congress that is bending the knee to me. I don’t have to worry about them. I can do whatever I want. Congress is not going to stop me, even though it’s a very small majority. He has in the House particularly, and now he’s going after the other branch so that he has absolutely, he’s got no guardrails in his administration like he did last time. He’s wanting to have a field with no defenders of the Constitution.” And she added, “He wants to blow it up and be in charge."

McCaskill went on to say, “And frankly, way too many people who know better in his party are going along with it quietly. I cannot believe there have not been more United States Senators, especially those on the Judiciary Committee, that have not spoken up about what he’s doing, calling for the impeachment and therefore endangering the federal judiciary.” Ok, so I’ll bite, what exactly might the purpose be of continuing to provide this washed-up, irrelevant old hag airtime? She was one of the dumbest senators during her brief tenure and was soundly rejected by those who mistakenly elected her. Now she appears on a barely watched ‘news’ network.

McCaskill accuses others of trying to create an autocracy and yet we’re to believe that there was nothing autocratic about the Democrats ramming Cumala and ‘Tampon Tim’ onto the ballot in what was nothing more than a backroom power play reminiscent of some third world tinhorn dictatorship?  McCaskell was a career politician who got caught being just that. Until she was tossed out by Josh Hawley. She was the daughter of two career politicians. Her net worth is now over $60 million. All she has ever done is get rich off Missouri and U.S. taxpayers. Why anyone still listens to her clucking is beyond me. She was never relevant and is even less so today.

She’s nothing more than an ignorant hack and a bit confused when speaking of President Trump when I think she must have meant to say it was Joey who was the autocrat. It was Joey who had his political rivals silenced and cancelled, who raided the home of his political rival at gunpoint, targeted parents that attended school board meetings and Christians who regularly attend church and on and on. Why does anybody care what an ex-Senator, and a backbencher at that, like McCaskill has to say. She was a nobody when she was in office, and more of a nobody today. Her 15 seconds of fame ended years ago. Go away Claire and let the adults do the governing.

McCaskill is irrelevant and there is nothing she can say or do that will change that fact. That said, I would like to hear Ms. McCaskill explain how decreasing the number of federal employees and decreasing federal spending in any way increases the power of the Trump Presidency. Her claim simply makes no sense. But then, as a MSDNC contributor, McCaskill is paid to continually dump on President Trump. What the heck would she be doing if she didn’t have this gig? And yet, she’s boring, repeating the same ridiculous smears over and over again to a relatively small audience. Another sleazy politician kicked to the curb stuck working for propaganda outlet like MSDNC.

Look, I doubt very much that McCaskill actually believes much of what comes out of her mouth regarding President Trump, but it does make for good fodder for the nuttier side of her party. And I’m pretty sure that after watching the snooze-fest that was the Joey regime do nothing for four years, the whirlwind of activity from a real leader, must truly look, by comparison, to be autocratic. So, I’ll give her that. I mean, President Trump actually shows up to work every day, doesn’t require several naps a day or drugs to stay awake and he has hit the ground running. He’s like a bull in a china shop. He moves, he walks, he talks, he acts, he works, non-stop.

Look, she can call President Trump whatever she wants, but her comments tell us far more about her and her pathetic party than they do about him. When she and her comrades are fresh out of ideas, when they stand for nothing and believe in nothing, when they have absolutely no plans, what’s left other than to spread lies about someone who does? And, as I said, I’m sure remarks made by those like McCaskill, Schumer, Pelosi and any number of others, strike a chord with their loyal followers, but to others they fall flat. They’ve used the same lines ad nauseam, and not just for the two months President Trump has been in office, but for the last 10 years!

When it comes to Democrats it’s always the same plays from the very same playbook that they’ve been using for decades. But what Democrats are finding out is that that playbook doesn’t work quite as well as it once did. Sure, it still serves a purpose when it comes to the weak-minded among us, but more and more people seem to be catching on. And sadly, I have no doubt that because Democrats have zero policies that resonate, their next move will be to resort to encouraging violence! Democrats will be telling anyone willing who will listen that they need take to the streets and to get in the faces of those who dare to disagree. It’s the last play in their playbook!

Obviously, whoever controls the Democrats feels that they can make President Trump into a dictator in the eyes of the public if they make that claim a sufficient number of times. And, as we have seen, they continue to get much help in that regard from those in the ‘fake news’ media. But even that is not working for them as well as it once did. And for the very simple reason that and growing segment of the public no longer trusts those in the media or the vast majority of those in politics. As I said Democrats are trying to use the same playbook that they have utilized for the past 50, or so, years. I, for one, am happy to see that it seems to be working against them.

Thursday, March 20, 2025


So, I can only assume that the Democrats continue to operate under the rather misguided assumption the most Americans are just as stupid as they think we are. And too, they must also think we’re all too blind to see what’s really going on here. Because no matter what they, or their little ‘fake news’ robots, might say, most Americans are very well aware of who is doing what to who and to what. And we’re also not so stupid that we’re unable to recognize that everything they’re accusing President Trump of doing is what they themselves are doing. The days of being able to keep us all in the dark are long gone, but that doesn’t keep them from trying.

And case in point would be none other than Jamie Raskin, Democrat and member of the U.S. House from Maryland. You see, it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Prime” that Raskin actually tried to make the argument that it’s the Republican Party that is now “at war with the government of the people.” Raskin said, “The Republicans are in a full-blown attack on Medicaid. They want to cut $880 billion from the Medicaid program. Elon Musk has said Social Security, of course, is the big one.” Once again Raskin does his best to divert attention away from what is really going on, which is ridding the system of massive fraud and waste.

Anyway, Raskin then said, “That’s the big target that they’re aiming for, and they are hollowing out all kinds of federal agencies and departments that the American people depend on, like NIH, which does the cutting edge medical research. And it’s now got swept up in their whole anti-science crusade. Same thing with, you know, the FAA. They sacked the director of the FAA on the first day of their administration, January 20th, because Elon Musk doesn’t like him, and they got rid of his top coterie. And what do you know? We have the first fatal airplane crash in 17 years, followed by a whole bunch of other collisions and near collisions that have taken place."

He added, “So people are beginning to recognize that the GOP is really at war with the government of the people, and they don’t like the idea that the government is an instrument of the common good. They want to use it for the billionaires, and it’s a billionaires cabinet. And we saw who was sitting behind Donald Trump on his Inauguration Day. It was Elon Musk, and it was Mark Zuckerberg, and it was Jeff Bezos and behind them was a cabinet of billionaires.” Raskin is such a pathetically dishonest individual. And he once again demonstrates that there is nothing Democrats will not say in their effort to prevent President Trump from cleaning up the mess they made.

And he said, “So, it’s a government that represents much less than 1 percent of the American people. And what’s happening in these town hall meetings across the country is extraordinary that the vast majority of Americans are turning out to say they want their government back.” Please, spare me all of the pointless drivel. Democrats didn’t have a problem when ‘BO’ diverted $750 billion from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. Raskin, and every other Democrat, was fully onboard with that. So once again it just goes to show you the level of hypocrisy of those on the left, and once again proves how little they truly care about the American people.

And contrary to Raskin’s idiotic claims, what we have today is not a government of, by and for the people. The government of the United States has long viewed the American people as nothing more than tax cattle. We’re expected to be content with ensuring the coffers of the state are full so that those like Raskin can then spend that money on whatever pet schemes that benefit them the most in their quest to buy votes. So I guess the real question here is, who in their right mind actually believes a single word uttered by a guy like Raskin, another of those elected to office to be a servant of the people and yet who hasn’t worked for the people since he took office.

And the strange thing here is that those in the Democrat Party really have no intention of serving the people and, with few exceptions, they never have. They constantly commit crimes against America. They steal, they lie, they commit treason, they allow, and even encourage, illegal immigrants to kill Americans. Raskin’s version of government is not about the people, it’s about destroying America. Raskin is a sick joke of a person, hellbent on lying with every word that comes out of his mouth. He has virtually no record, he has no shame and no common sense. He and his colleagues there on the left are on a pathetic, robot like, mission to destroy America.

Democrats continue to defend the indefensible while being on the wrong side of every 80/20 issue. Who is it that’s actually in favor of: government waste, fraud, corruption and grift. Or child genital mutilation and chemical castration. Or keeping an illegal immigrant who is a murderer, rapist, thief, violent gang member or child sex trafficker from being deported. If Democrats continue to support such things they will likely continue to lose voter support and will have difficulty winning elections. And Raskin fails to understand, or refuses to acknowledge, that what the American people want is smaller government that works. But the Democrats want just the opposite.

And much to the displeasure of Democrats, President Trump remains more popular than ever. Each time someone like Raskin ramps up the hysteria, President Trump gets more popular still. Clearly, it’s not the Republican Party that’s at war with government; it’s ‘WE the People who are. That’s why millions voted for President Trump. And as is usually the case Democrats use projection, with a touch of diversion, accusing President Trump of being the one who wants to destroy government. Meanwhile President Trump works to eliminate waste, fraud and war, while Democrats want men to compete against women in sports, raise taxes and bankrupt the country.

What we have here are desperate statements of an evil man trying to keep the foolish from seeing the truth. Raskin is a low life constantly lying and gaslighting. Sadly, there are still those Americans who believe his nonsense. Cutting waste and fraud is not going to reduce services or reduce assistance to those legally in need of such assistance. President Trump is not taking money from the poor and giving it to billionaires. He’s taking money away from those who have been funneling taxpayer money into their own pockets. Over a hundred billion dollars has been found that was being misappropriated, and that money can be used to help American citizens.

Raskin is confused. Our so-called “government of the people” ceased to exist decades ago when leftists essentially seized control of it. It’s very obvious that those on the left have now settled in on how they’re going to continue attacking President Trump, lying and having their friends in the ‘fake news’ media echo those lies. Lies about how President Trump intends to slash Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security. The only monies being slashed from those programs under President Trump is the cash going to illegals and/or to dead people, and I firmly believe the American people are totally behind that. If you aren't, then you’re likely a Democrat and part of the problem.

President Trump was democratically elected by the American people to enact the agenda he campaigned on. The American people want the government President Trump is working to deliver. The Democrats are nothing more than disgruntled violent perverts seeking only to ruin the lives of working-class Americans. Every society has its dregs and America’s dregs seem to congregate in the Democrat Party. Nothing the Democrats ever say should be taken at face value. There is nothing that Democrats will not say or do in their quest for power. Power that allows them to achieve the goal of controlling every aspect of our lives. President Trump seeks only to prevent that.

Raskin and the members of his party are at war with themselves and with the American people. The Democrats are blaming everybody except themselves for their epic defeat in the recent presidential election. Calls can now be heard for new, and younger, leadership, but the old guard will likely not go quietly into the night. They think they can pacify those younger members of the party but all that is likely to accomplish is moving the party, as a whole, even further to the left. Which likely does not bode well for the party regarding future elections. Much depends on the level of success President Trump is able to achieve, hence the effort by Democrats to stop him.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


We constantly hear from both Democrats and clowns in the ‘fake news’ media about how the evil Republicans, and the even more evil President Trump, are now hard at work trying to destroy our Constitution. But it’s a funny thing, because it’s the very same ones sounding the alarm that are actually doing nothing more than practicing the fine art of distraction. Because at the same time they’re pointing their boney fingers at Republicans they’re busily doing everything they can to do exactly what they’re accusing the Republicans of doing. In short, the Democrats are lying. But then why should we be surprised by that, Democrats are famous for telling whoppers.

And it was as recently as this past Tuesday that the string of whoppers, regarding President Trump, told by those on the left continued. It was when Bernie Sanders, self-professed Socialist from Vermont, appeared on CNN’s “The Source” and essentially lied when he claimed that every American should be frightened because President Trump did not “respect our Constitution.” This pathetic old fuck has made a career out of lying but apparently that seems to bother the people of Vermont very little. Perhaps lying is an accepted practice in Vermont. And maybe they too go around lying to everyone they meet so when Bernie lies it’s just no big deal.

Anyway, it was during this particular appearance that Sanders said, “Look, you know, the guys who wrote the Constitution back in the 1790s when nobody’s fools, what they wanted to do is have a separation of powers between the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary so that one person could not assume enormous power. And what you are seeing right now is a president who is authoritarian. He just attacked the media the other day. I think he called CNN illegal because I gather that now and then, you criticize him. He has tried to encroach on the constitutional responsibilities and spending powers of Congress, and now he’s going after the courts."

He added, “If somebody is a corrupt judge, that person can and should be impeached, but not because you voiced an opinion. That’s why these guys have life terms: they are immune from these types of attacks and can be objective in their judgment.” Sanders added, “We live in a society of rule of law. The Supreme Court has its power, judges have their power, and it should frighten every American, whether you’re conservative or progressive, that you have a president who does not respect our Constitution and wants more and more power for himself. It’s very dangerous.” Nothing this old fossil said is true. It’s him and his party that are dangerous.

Look, all we have here is an antique commie-want-to-be, speaking with a washed up “no talent” talking head from yesterday’s news. CNN and MSDNC are the only places that these Democrats go, because they know anything they say, and I do mean absolutely anything, will never be questioned. Whomever the supposed ‘journalist’ might be that’s conducting the ‘interview’ will simply sit there nodding in agreement like one of those dogs we once put in the back window of our car whose head would bob when we hit a bump. And they have no more brains than said dog. But I digress, we all know that today our ‘mainstream media’ is anything but ‘mainstream.'

The judge to which this bonehead refers to was not just some random district judge. He was a ‘BO’ appointed activist district judge specifically selected to hear this case. And President Trump is right as usual. This judge strayed considerably out of his lane in deciding a law that explicitly gives the president authority to do something, doesn’t count. But let’s face it, Democrats are bound and determined to protect all illegal aliens who are murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves, violent gang members and child sex slavers from being deported. And Democrats are quite willing to use any means at their disposal and that would seem to include their cadre of activist ‘judges.'

And you know, I don’t seem to recall hearing old Bernie protesting when old Joey, and rather pointedly so, chose to ignore Supreme Court rulings because he declared the Justices to be nothing more than a bunch of “right wing fanatics.” Now, suddenly, the entire federal government seems comes under the purview of some left-wing kook of a district judge? Someone really does need to tell this creaking old Commie that his hypocrisy is showing. It seems to me that what was good for the goose should be good for the gander. Liars on the left like old Comrade Sanders would have us all believe that Joey somehow revered the Constitution, and didn’t simply trample all over it.

The Democrats remain very hard at work in their attempt to make good on ‘BO’s promise to “fundamentally transformation the United States of America.” But that mission was not initiated by ‘BO’. It began with Woodrow Wilson and has continued under every Democrat president since. The not-so-subtle dismantling of our education system, our families, our children’s health and welfare, our religions, and every other institution that bonded us together as a country is, and has been, under attack for decades. Turning us against each other is their best means to destabilize and destroy the fabric that unites us. Study history. It’s repeating itself before our eyes.

President Trump doesn’t respect our Constitution? Seriously? Name the political party that in 2024 essentially abolished the primary process and, for the first time in our history, simply appointed/installed an individual (Cumala) as their presidential nominee that wasn’t an incumbent president. For the record, it was the Democrats who did exactly that. They didn’t allow a single vote for or against Cumala, they simply declared her to be the nominee. The people were denied their rightful say. Such behavior is reminiscent of third world dictatorships where citizens are simply told who to vote and to like it. Such things are not supposed to happen in America.

Why are Democrats always trying to incite fear? They try to frighten people because President Trump is of the opinion that activist judges have no place on the bench, and millions of Americans agree. And it’s these very same Democrats who impeached a duly elected president twice based on blatantly bogus charges. They even tried to ‘impeach’ him after he had left office. And we won’t even go into all of the ‘lawfare’ nonsense or the assassination attempts. And it was also these same Democrats who had no issue with Joey choosing to ignore the Supreme Cout regarding the government paying off student loans which was nothing more than a blatant attempt to by votes.

What is truly frightening is the massive amount of fraud that has been, and continues to be, uncovered. Fraud perpetrated upon the American public by those on the left. From the Covid scam to the IRS targeting conservatives, the coverup of Joey’s cognitive decline, the climate change scam/new green fraud deal, voter fraud, insider trading by legislators, campaign donation bribery, USAID, DEI discrimination, Facebook censorship, open borders, unchecked inflation, the list goes on and on. Sanders is a liar, plain and simple. President Trump respects the Constitution much more than any Democrat.  More importantly he respects God and hardworking Americans.

And last time I checked, it was the Left saying that the Constitution is outdated, racist and such. The Left wants to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. The Left has no regard for the Tenth Amendment. The Left also wants to infringe on our First Amendment rights to fight “hate speech” and “disinformation”. It was the Left who ignored due process rights for President Trump and anyone connected with him in what were politically motivated witch-hunts. Who is it that doesn’t respect the Constitution? The left wants to call the Constitution living and breathing. They want to shred it. You have to be willfully ignorant, or purposely blind, to not see this.

So says the guy who would ignore the First and Second Amendments if he could. And he’s never required to articulate exactly how it is that President Trump ignores the Constitution. Wouldn’t a judge interfering with the Executive branch's authority be ignoring the Constitution? Arbitrary rules issued by fellow traveler judges are most certainly unconstitutional. But the Democrats courtesy of their ACLU thugs are just the opposite of what their name suggests and work to subvert, via judicial fiat, what the American people voted for. The ultimate goal of the left’s agenda is the end of America as we know. And they will leave no stone unturned to attain that goal.

And finally, Sanders is but one of many blowhards in government and as such perfectly represents all of what’s wrong with American politics. He’s a sellout! He claims the moral high ground and does what all Washington insiders do, he lies! He’s talked a great game for years and has become quite popular with the younger crowd. And while he was certainly a victim of the Democrat political machine, he likes to present himself as the common man, blaming millionaires and billionaires for the problems in America. Always looking for someone else to blame our problems on, because it’s never the Democrats who can be said to be the cause of all our problems.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


I must admit that there is nothing on God’s green Earth that gives me a greater amount of pleasure than to watch Democrats eat their own, to watch as these pathetic individuals reduce themselves to that which is nothing more than political cannibalism as they devolve into separate warring factions, those who will become the eaten and those who are now determined to be the ones who will do the eating. It really doesn’t happen all that often, Democrats are usually good at sticking together which makes it all the more pleasurable to see them at each other’s throats. And I think the only logical result will be that the party will go even further to the left.

All of which, of course, brings to none other than Jasmine Crockett, Democrat member of the House from Texas. You see it was just this past Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” that Ms. Crockett claimed that many Americans want young, fresh leadership when she was asked if Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer should continue in his role. So yes, Democrats do want more fluff and less substance just like Cumala offered. And we saw where that got her. And the fact that CNN would give airtime to this clearly ignorant woman and pretend that she is in any way someone of substance, again proves they’re not to be taken seriously.

Crockett said, “I understand that the American people are frustrated. Please believe many of us did not sleep because we were calling and trying to impress upon the Senators the importance of pushing back in this moment. As you saw, we had all but one Democrat in the House that voted for this. So that’s 212 Democrats in the House. And then you had the vast majority of senators vote for it or vote against it as well. And so the idea that Chuck Schumer is the only one that’s got a brain in the room and the only one that can think through all of the pros and cons is absolutely ridiculous.” What’s “absolutely ridiculous” is the fact that this moron managed to get elected.

Host Jake Tapper said, “Some progressive groups are calling for new leadership in the Senate for Democrats. Even House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries is your leader. He was asked if he supports Schumer as leader of the Senate Democrats, and he said, “Next question. Do you think Senate Democrats should replace Chuck Schumer?” Good old Jake, always quick to ask a question he likely already knows the answer to but is never willing to dig a little deeper when it comes to asking those answering the questions to provide just a little substance to justify the idiotic responses typically given. But that’s not his job, because he really doesn’t care about the answers.

Anyway, Crocket said, “I think Senate Democrats have to sit down and take a look and decide whether or not Chuck Schumer is the one to lead in this moment.” She added, “I definitely think that younger, fresher leadership may be something that many of us, not just depending on what part of the spectrum you’re on, but many Americans may be looking for, especially in the state of New York.” That may be true, but she shouldn’t fool yourself, she’s not what the majority of American’s want. And why is she complaining? The average age of Cabinet and White House officials is 54. The youngest leadership team in decades. She asks and President Trump delivers!

So here we have yet another example of where the Democrats send out another loudmouth ethnic woman whenever they want to stir up those in their base so that they fill the streets to riot. Lately, look at the news and see who it is that’s wagging their tongues. Their bizarre behavior tells you all you need to know about them and makes clear what they’re really up to. Those like Crockett are a Godsend. They’re destroying the Democrat Party, and their acts of lunacy have opened everyone's eyes. Democrats offer nothing. Their policies are designed to subtract, not add to our country. They’re a failure because finally, Americans have been exposed to the truth.

Crockett’s been getting a lot of airtime of late. Obviously, some invisible hand thinks she has something to offer and is ready for advancement. I’m assuming they didn't actually inquire whether or not she had more than a couple brain cells. If nothing else, it makes pretty clear just how weak the Democrat Party is in terms of bona fide talent. Crockett is nothing but a fraud, she grew up in private schools and with money. I keep waiting for someone to call her out on her antics and her history of fronting for the masses. Certainly, Tapper isn’t going to do it, he’s as much of a phony as she is. Like ‘BO’ she’s all made up to appeal to the ignorant among us.

And you know, you don’t need to fool all of the people all of the time. You don’t even need to fool all of the people some of the time. All you really need to do is to fool enough of the people at the right times, and considering what we’ve gotten at times in Congress, there are plenty of easily fooled people out there. Her ghetto schtick is an act, she had a privileged upbringing and only puts on her hood rat act for the cameras. In other words, another criminally elected poser, destroying our country. Imagine a representative from Texas that cheers for the defeat of American teams in international competition! Democrats are toxic and thoroughly corrupt.

What a brain-dead, loud-mouthed politico. Crockett is the new Sheila Jackson Lee, and that’s a hard act to follow. But Crockett seems to be pulling it off quite well. The Democrat Party has become the choice of our society’s malcontents and miscreants. Simply drawing on the misfits of society. All they have to do is open their mouths and exhibit their lack of understanding and their shallow and biased, reasoning, and voila, another freak is outed! Their policies are toxic, they will not grow, nurture or revive anything. Remember, Democrats need a giant all controlling government and poor subjects so they can hold it like a gun against the head of the peasants.

To be honest the Democrats do need new leadership, but the problem is, they don’t have anyone. The Type C and Type Ds that make up most of the party have pushed all the Type B and Type As out of the party. The modern Democrat Party is a corrupt grifting operation designed around a single purpose, generating power and wealth via money laundering of taxpayer debt. They get rich at the price of engineered social unrest, misery management and inflation. Simultaneously, they use that wealth to bribe like-minded grifters in order to cheat and defraud the public making it far easier for them maintain their control of the government.

And they then use that control to create and weaponize government departments to maintain their money laundering streams and target dissent to prevent the loss of control. With all the corruption spread throughout the Democrats like a cancer, I do not believe there are any Democrats left worthy of leading it into the future. Most of those that could have either been pushed out of, or have simply left, the Democrat Party. Those like Musk, RFK, Gabbard and any number of others. The Democrat Party is dying, and it must be left to die. It is long past a time for a new center left Party to rise from the ashes of this odd assortment of political parasites.

Crockett makes the claim that many Americans want “younger, fresher leadership,” but I would argue that what most Americans want are those with experience and real-world successes to run their country. We’ve seen what inexperienced people in government have done for the last four years, it was disaster after disaster. Running the government is not an on-the-job training situation. For instance, a bar tender who gets elected to office is not qualified to be involved in the running of our national government. Americans want honest people with integrity and competence not radical America haters and racists. And it doesn’t matter how old or young they are.

Unfortunately, most of those on the left are too mentally deficient to understand the fact that we also need people who, at the very least, like America and want to do right for the American people. Americans also want some form of intellect in their leaders. Right now, the Democrats have these young idiotic activists/politicians who don’t give two shits shits about their constituency, let alone America, their oath of office or the Constitution. All of which are the reasons they lost so badly in the last election. People want representatives with an IQ larger than their shoe size. They also want representatives who are not obsessed with identity politics.

The problem with young Americans wanting younger leadership is that most have been lied to by supposed educators. They’re ignorant of how their freedoms were won and are full of contempt for America and the Constitution. They tend to be Socialist as well. They’re the perfect target for the Democrat Party. This can change over time with experience and education via reality, but for now, it’s a problem. Cumala was, in all likelihood, the dumbest and most potentially destructive candidate in history and she still got tens of millions of votes. Every one of her voters was misinformed or foolish or reprobates. Reprobates are running ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSDNC.

You know a political structure is in trouble when these ‘youngsters’ start talking about the age of the ‘leaders’ of their party. The ‘youngsters’ want the goodies for themselves and plan to toss all of the old farts overboard. This can only be good for the country as the coming coup will keep the Democrats in disarray, potentially leading to even more election losses. It’s a fantastic view watching ultra-leftist, anti-American Democrats destroying the simply corrupt anti-American Democrats! Eat each other alive and it will be that much easier to dispose of what is left. Crockett and the Democrats are facing a self-destruction event kind of scenario.

Schumer and Durbin should brush up on their Shakespeare and look around---there are knives out for them from the younger more radical members of their party. Chuck and ‘Little Dick’ allowed the hard left loonies into their circle and may pay the price. Eating their own, we love it. The far left of the party has most of the momentum, most of the media support, and the new ideas. But their problem is twofold: Their policies are not popular with the vast majority of American citizens. And politics is all about money, and few people are interested in financing those who come across as a bunch of anti-American kooks. Clearly Schumer’s days as leader are numbered.

Democrats demand we dump money into social programs that have simply fed the decline of these people and this nation. Across the board all they have demanded and been given has caused the issue to grow, not be reduced! We went from one of the top industrial nations to below middle of the pack; we went from a two parent family, limited to be dependent on society to a one parent totally dependent on government handouts; we went from an industrial base plentiful in all manner of manufacturing positions that provided the needed income to raise a family, to watching many of those positions be off shored by insane regulations and costs!

One can only believe that their solution is one that leaves us all slaves to our government. It’s past time for a proper correction and today we see those demanding to lead in the demise of this nation screaming the loudest that we maintain what was the money laundering, debt pile up that gave them control! It’s time we push forward and take back our nation, that we send these abusers packing, replacing them with people willing to actually act as adults and make adult decisions! Younger party leadership used to be desirable. But for the Democrats their young are too inadequately informed making it necessary to draw on older members to lead them.

Democrats always concentrate on the visual, not content of who they are and what they want to do with America. Telling their true intentions makes people run away from them. Democrats want all logic to be eliminated in favor of emotional focus on and expression of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome.’ Schumer is ‘old’ school, and Crockett is ‘new’ school, but both have abandoned any real principles except for “Trump is bad!” And the American public no longer believes their lies. President Trump values America and its protection, while the Democrats choose to ignore America and its citizens in favor of personal power and financial aggrandizement.