Yet again it’s another ‘all hands on deck’ moment for the Democrats, and their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media for yet another hilarious attempt to make yet another mountain out of yet another molehill. They never seem to learn. If nothing else, you must admit they are persistent. But, like always, it’s once again that they are doing little more than preaching to their very reliable choir. I mean, look, the only one buying any of this Signal malarkey are those who already think that President Trump is the Devil, and/or Hitler, reincarnate and that those on his team are nothing more than a bunch of incompetent rubes.
I’m sure
all have noticed how busy those in the ‘fake news’ media have been, of late, to
drag every Democrat they can lay their hands to parade out in front of the
cameras and shove a microphone in their face so they can rant about what a fuck
up Pete Hegseth and, by proxy, President Trump is. But what’s ironic is how
they can so casually ignore the ‘Keystone Kop’ operation that preceded them. This
past Thursday it was the turn of Rep. Gregory Meeks, from New York. I know, I
know, who the fuck is this clown? Anyway, it was then during an appearance on
CNN’s “News Central” that Meeks claimed President Trump needed to be “held
accountable” for the Signal chat among senior national security officials.
And it
was the intrepid ‘journalist’ Wolf Blitzer who serves as host of this bit of ‘news’
programming that started things off by saying, “I know you heard the testimony
from Trump administration officials, senior intelligence and national security
officials this week. Did they tell the truth about the nature of these very
sensitive discussions during the course of this unsecured commercial app
conversation on what’s called Signal?” Meeks responded in typical accusatory fashion
saying, “They absolutely lied. They’ve been lying all along. They’ve tried to
cover it up. Look, there’s been no there’s no question once you have heard these
transmissions on this messaging app that there is a violation of our national
And it
was from that this boob went on to say, “This is something that should have
been taken care of in a SCIF on a secure line. Had I or anyone else tried to
talk about this situation, we would probably be prosecuted. The same should go
here. Mr. Hegseth should be resigned or fired immediately.” He continued, “It’s
an absolute violation of our national security. It puts our pilots at risk. It
is something that we’ve seen and then the cover-up afterwards. And sometimes,
you know, people say the cover-up is just as bad as the act itself, when in fact,
Mr. Goldberg was going to treat that confidential information better than these
individuals, these secretaries that all were on that call."
And he
said, “He wasn’t even going to disclose it until they denied it and said that
there was nothing there. And once you read it, your eyes or you hear it, your
ears are not lying to you.” Meeks added, “It’s ridiculous, and I think that
President Trump and all of them need to be held accountable.” Their desperation
reeks of childlike behavior wanting revenge for getting caught for doing
exactly the same things. This dolt, along with all the clowns like Blitzer,
fail to realize that the only ones who give a shit about any of this is shit is…THEM!
And they refuse to stop talking about it because, clearly, they think if they
can keep it in front of people long enough someone, somewhere, will finally start
to believe their bullshit!
Look, I’m
pretty sure that senior officials don’t simply sit down and click on names to
be on the list. They tell someone to do it, and whoever they told “conveniently”
added a left-wing journalist. I have no doubt that this was planned and
executed by someone on the inside paid to do so to make possible all of the nonsense
that the Democrats, aided by boobs like Blitzer, continue to spewed about the
supposed incident. You know, the very same Democrats and ‘journalists’ who told
us all that old Joey was sharp as a tack before then saying that he wasn’t. None
of these clowns possesses an ounce of credibility regardless of what’s being
discussed. They’re all nothing but a pack of liars and as such are not to be believed.
And think
about this, who had a motive to pull off something like this? The Democrats are
all pissed because all of their hidden stashes are being discovered, so they
had to do something. This was clearly a sabotage operation from the get-go. Some
low level staffer was an agent saboteur put Goldberg on the list knowing full
well that this was to manufacture a scandal. And Goldberg, instead of excusing
himself because he knew he was improperly invited, not only failed to excuse
himself but stayed around taking screen shots. And then he makes a beeline to
the various ‘fake news’ outlets to spread the word about the recklessness of those
in the administration and how they represent a danger to our national security.
Need I
remind these two clowns that the greatest security breach in American history
was Hitlery’s secret server that first she lied about under oath multiple times
and then tried to destroy. If you recall, it was both the Democrats and the ‘fake
news’ media that totally ignored that and actually tried to make the argument
that it wasn’t her fault. Goldberg released sensitive information with the
intent to cause chaos. He lurked in that chat knowing he’d been added
mistakenly. Then he wrote a misleading headline to maximize fake news impact. And
now the very same Democrats and media clowns are telling anyone willing to
listen that it is all President Trump’s fault that the media published a
confidential chat?
This is
what enemies do! Especially when they don’t care if Americans get killed due to
their own malfeasance. Thirteen Americans were murdered during the Democrats’
disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and not one of these clowns so much as
batted an eye. No one was fired nor was anyone even demoted, it was just all
considered collateral damage and casualties of war. They treated the families
of the thirteen dead military members with utter disrespect, when they even
bothered to acknowledge them at all. And let’s not forget that Signal was
approved by Joey’s administration and that the director of the company happens
to be the NPR CEO who hates President Trump and his supporters. A mere
These idiots need to stop with
all of the nonsense or resign if they can’t get President Trump out of their
head. Not one word from Meeks, or any other Democrat, on such things as: the
open border, which, for FOUR years, permitted threats to our national security
to walk across our border; a rampant and escalating crime rate all across the
country because of soft on crime policies, the highest rate of inflation in
over 40 years and the failure to intercept Communist Chinese spy balloons as
they were allowed to traverse the entire country, even over our missile and
military bases. And yet, we’re now supposed to believe that they are somehow so
outraged over this Signal snafu? The hypocrisy is nothing short of astonishing.