Friday, January 17, 2025


If there is one thing you can take to the bank, it’s that when someone tells you that today’s news media is not the enemy of the people, you can be sure that it is. Especially if the person doing the telling is none other than one of the many resident boobs there at CNN, Jim Acosta. We are constantly being told by those in the biased media that they, the biased media, are the saintly defenders of truth, justice and the American way! If anything, Acosta is the poster child for the anti-American legacy media that aggressively lies to the people. But I’m not sure what Acosta is upset about. He can still lie all he wants, but his lies are not going to go unchallenged.

Anyway, it was this past Thursday that Acosta, on CNN’s “Newsroom,” opined that freedom of the press was not just important to democracy. He said, “It is democracy.” The bloviating anchor also proclaimed the media not to be “the enemy of the people.” Acosta said, “I want to take a moment to talk about something President Biden said during his farewell address. He warned the free press is crumbling in this country. I would add, that’s only if we the people let that happen. Journalists exist to seek the truth, to tell people’s stories, to lift up voices that may not be heard otherwise, to shine a light on injustice and to hold the powerful accountable."

He went on to say, “We are not the enemy of the people. We are the defenders of the people.” He added, “Walter Cronkite once said, freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy. I want to take a moment to show you something. A woman sent me this sign eight years ago. She carried it here at a March in Washington. She wrote on the back of the sign to me and the press here in DC, ‘you have our support.’ To Nora, wherever you are, right back at ya.” The problem is, we don’t have a free press. The press is dominated by Leftists who try to shut down free speech, conservatives, and anything else their Democrat masters disagree with.

Of course, Acosta is going to deny it. Actually, admitting to it would prove they are as useless as teats on a bull. They run with lies, use exaggerated propaganda, and they’ve become political hack tools of the Democrat Party! How can anyone trust their reporting? It’s obviously one-sided and blatantly biased! This is like an alcoholic saying they don’t have a drinking problem. As Americans, we don’t have to agree with a story, but we should at least be able to trust, and to respect, those ‘journalists’ attempting to be impartial and objective. It’s Acosta that not only lacks these traits, but he deliberately exhibits a rather arrogant and unprofessional attitude.

It was when these people decided that their job was to decide what ‘truth’ we are allowed to know, and what truth we are not allowed to know, that they made themselves a fundamental threat to our country and therefore themselves the enemy of the American people. And regarding Acosta, he’s a bloviating, editorializing boob who broadcasts nothing more than his own personal views while trying to make you believe that he has a clue about what he’s saying though he never tells you anything that hasn’t been altered to meet his desired agenda. He excludes any facts in order to manipulate his script as well as access to information that would prove him an idiot.

And Acosta is not a ‘journalist,’ he never really has been. He’s nothing more than a paid propagandist. The people of this country are why the fake news media's viewership and ratings have fallen into the toilet. So, cry hard Jimmy boy, your days may be numbered. And Jimmy, why not report on your employer’s horrible ratings and defamation lawsuits against the company? Oh yeah, that would be “honest reporting,” something outside your skill set. Sadly, it’s the same that can be said of Cronkite who, in his day, slanted the news to the left each and every night. And he is, of course, the patron saint of liberal hacks like Acosta and was as biased as they come.

But it was back then that Cronkite had a yuge advantage in that the country hung on his every word when he did the daily narrative. That’s no longer the case with today’s ‘news’ media. They have long since been upended by online digitally available information that can be immediately examined for truth. Cronkite’s big moment came in 1968 when he falsely reported to the entire country that the Vietnam war was lost. That report he made was responsible for the death of thousands of U.S. servicemen and Vietnamese Nationals when his rhetoric gave aid and comfort to our enemies. They knew then after Cronkite's announcement that they could win.

These clowns continue to hide behind the First Amendment as they bombard the American people with propaganda, psy ops, cover-ups on crimes against our citizens like President Trump and the January 6ers and used the First Amendment like a bludgeon against us. If the courts and the Deep State uniparty won’t stop this, it’s cause for another revolution. The current breed of ‘journalists’ that we have today are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Democrat Party, and together they are a form of mockingbird media. We the People now have our eyes open to this, we see their ploy to control the citizens and we no longer trust the current media.

The right to lie and to be a Democrat propagandist is now what clowns like Acosta call freedom of the press. For instance, they still provide liars like Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff a platform from which he can spew his drivel even though he was censured for lying by the House. They bring on clowns like Michael Cohen, who was convicted of perjury and admitted to theft from the Trump Organization. And it’s anyone who is willing to spout any untruth about President Trump that is welcomed with open arms and allowed to make any sort of accusation while never being asked to provide proof to back up said accusations. They have more clowns at CNN than Ringling Brothers.

It’s only 13 percent of Americans who trust today’s ‘fake news’ cartel, and those like Acosta are the reason. All of his efforts over the years have resulted in failure. As a professional, full time, paid, hater of President Trump it must suck to have to say President Trump again. His story is an unfortunate one, he could have been quite good. But he chose the path of least resistance, the one that required very little actual effort. True ‘journalists’ present verifiable facts and allow the consumer to make his/her determination. Acosta is in the business of shaping political opinion while masquerading as a journalist, which makes him both a propagandist and a fraud.

Ok, ok, perhaps, just perhaps, the ‘news’ media, as a whole, may not be the enemy of the people, however those who present themselves as ‘journalists’ and then go on to lie and deceive the American people, are truly enemies of the American people. And their intentional lies and misinformation represents a grave danger to this country. That’s simply a fact. And it’s most of these people, likely including Acosta himself, who are out and out Communists and therefore have no qualms about government censorship by proxy via the ‘news’ media, and for the Democrat Party on their censorship of true Christians and other conservatives!

Finally, no one is stopping anyone from saying what they want to say. It’s the Democrats who have engaged in censorship. Criticism of the press is not censorship, it’s free speech. Acosta can say anything he wants, and anyone can criticize what he says. It’s the Democrats who have lied to the American people in order to protect the party. The Republicans simply pointed it out, but they never demand censorship of the political left as the political left does of the political right. Some have called the press the enemy of the American people because of their lies, because of their collusion with the Democrats. Acosta is spinning the issue and is once again being dishonest.


It takes a special kind of individual, one who is uniquely dishonest and blatantly corrupt to their core, to be able to look at Joey Biden, while being fully aware of all that he has done to this country over the course of the last four years, the suffering he is responsible for, both through those who work for him and personally, and say he will go down as the greatest presidents this country has ever had. And what purpose, do you suppose, would one have to make such an incredibly ridiculous, and easily disprovable claim? But by doing so they have provided us with a look inside the party and to the very clear and present danger it represents to the country.

And it was exactly that that happened just this past Friday. You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Chris Jansing Reports,’ that James Clyburn made the rather idiotic claim that *president Joey will go down in history as being “one of the greatest presidents we ever had.” Frankly, I’m thinking that it might be time for old Jimmy to at least consider seeking out some professional psychiatric treatment because he has clearly gone round the bend. Let’s face it, Clyburn has been wrong about everything his entire life!!! I mean he’s never been very smart. Clyburn has always been an idiot, is currently an idiot, and will always be an idiot.

Host Jansing said, “Given everything that was in place when he took office, Covid the economic challenges, do you think that this was in some ways inevitable? And how do you think history will judge this presidency?” Clyburn said, “I think that he will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. I think the same thing about Jimmy Carter, who we just funeralized. Jimmy Carter left the presidency with very, very low ratings. People who do big things, people who break with the status quo. These people do not get judged well in the currency. But when history gets a chance to look back to read the things he said and did, rather than to respond to the way he said them."

Clyburn added, “I heard people this morning or last night talking about him not being a great communicator. Well, some people are good speakers, other people are great doers, and some people just know how to write. And that is what it is all about. We are judging people on substance when we look back on them, not on style. If you’re looking for style, Joe Biden is not your guy on substance. He’s everybody’s person.” Clyburn is simply doing what he has always done, lie. He’s a disgrace. Another Democrat talking who spews nothing but nonsense. Have you ever noticed that 90 percent of the stupidest people in all of Congress are Democrats? Coincidence?

Many may recall how it was Clyburn’s fault that America was made to endure four years of an incompetent fuck. And he’s to blame for the fact that we barely survived. Clyburn was the guy who made it possible for Joey to become *president. Prior to the South Carolina Primary in 2020, Joey was going nowhere fast. At the debate just before the primary, Clyburn promised to endorse Joey for president if he would, during the debate, promise that to appoint a woman of color to the Supreme Court, because was what the country really needed. Joey did it, Clyburn made good on his endorsement, Joey won South Carolina, and the ‘fake news’ media got behind Joey.

With his runaway inflation, skyrocketing crime, open border disaster, an anemic economy, boys in girl's locker rooms competing against girls in sports, the exit from Afghanistan that was a total disaster, to name just a few, Joy will definitely go down in history, but for all the wrong reasons. Oh, and I almost forgot, Joey was the first *president to have cocaine found in the White House, the first *president that pardoned his son for the many felonies that he plead guilty to and for any he might be convicted of in the future and maybe most importantly, he was the first *president to be kicked out of running for a second term within 100 days of an election.

With a 34 percent approval rating, Joey has tied Jimmy Carter. And where Carter was simply an incompetent failure, Joey was an incompetent failure, blatantly corrupt ‘and’ senile. During the Carter era, the inflation was worse, jobs were hard to find, and Carter gave the world Iran as we know it today. Carter was an incompetent boob in league with the worst leftists of the day. He never met a communist dictator he didn’t love, made excuses for their human rights abuses and was the friend of terrorists, he was antisemitic and supported every enemy of Israel. And it’s Joey who has demonstrated many of those very same traits with massive corruption thrown in.

Clyburn is a Democrat. And Democrats will never admit the braindead incompetence of Joey, because he was doing what they wanted. They think the last four years were wonderful, just ask them. Any of them! And why is it that Democrats like Clyburn feel the need to lie so much and so obviously. At this point there’s no downside to just keeping quiet about what a trainwreck Joey has always been. Is Clyburn afraid that if he starts telling the truth about anything it might become a habit? Clearly Clyburn is on drugs, Joey is clearly one of the worst presidents by every metric. So just when you thought there was no one dumber than Joey, Bam, along comes Clyburn.

But all of that said, Clyburn is nothing if not reliable. He’s another of those who can always be counted on to spew the standard Democrat Party line no matter how absurd it might be. This man should be nowhere near the levers of power, he should be in a padded cell where he can do harm to neither himself nor the country. Joey will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in the history of the nation, and whose questionable mental health decline led to some of the most historically damaging mistakes in American history. Yet he still just keeps rattling them off! There is not one person in the Democrat Party who has ever heard of the truth, what a disgrace.

It’s a very weird universe in which these Leftists reside, with their imagined ideal for a society where there is great suffering and injustice of their own making and a dystopian future bereft of all reason. Everything these Leftists touch makes life far more difficult for the rest of us. President Trump has a very hard road ahead because of those like both Joey and Clyburn. It’s on nearly every front that the country has been put on the path toward catastrophe and oblivion. We have literally become a failed state. We’re now not that far from becoming another Venezuela. And it’s Joey and the Leftist Democrats who seem quite pleased with direction they are promoting.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


As Joey takes his final bow and exits stage left there seems to be no shortage of praise, at least from those on the left, being offered for the man who cheerfully presided over one of the darkest periods in American history. But the ironic thing here is that many of those now offering up such high praise were the very same ones calling for old Joey to abandon his quest to get reelected out of fear that he would be unable to win against his opponent, the much-hated Donald Trump. But apparently that’s all water under the bridge as they say, because it’s most of those on the left who feel the party must now unite against the aforementioned Donald Trump.

Now I will admit that I did not watch Joey’s speech last night because, quite frankly, I just didn’t see the point. And as it turned out from the comments that I’ve read from some pretty objective observers I clearly made the right decision. But as I said there were those who claim to have been quite impressed by Joey’s farewell address. And one of those would of course be none other than David Axelrod, as if his opinion means shit on such things. And it was on Wednesday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘Anderson Cooper 360’ that Axelrod made his opinion known, actually describing Joey’s speech as being very “optimistic.” Imagine that, Joey optimistic.

It was host Jake Tapper who asked, “What is your response to tonight’s speech?” Axelrod said, “Listen, I think that was maybe one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard Joe Biden give. And the reason is that he made the the speech about the country. Yes. He claimed credit for progress, but the speech was about the country that he believes in, the country, that he sees the challenges and threats that he sees. And ultimately, it was a very optimistic speech that we can overcome them if we are serious about meeting them. And that, you know, when he said, the American, the America of our dreams is always within our reach. I think he believes that."

The very fact that Joey is finally leaving the White House is the only reason for optimism. Axelrod said, “You know, I remember him as a young man who came to Washington. He was a phenom back when he was 30 years old. He was going to be President of the United States someday. He was full of vim and vigor. It’s poignant to see him in this final stanza, deliver a speech that I think very much encompasses his fundamental belief in this country.” Joey was NEVER a phenom, but he was, however, considered by most of his Senate colleagues to be the dumbest guy in Congress. The fact is that Joey lied, cheated and stole his way through over five decades.

But clearly, it’s not everyone who agrees with Axelrod, and it was a far less flattering critique of Joey’s speech that was provided by conservative historian, Victor Davis Hanson. You see, it was during an appearance on FOX News with Jesse Watters that Mr. Hanson pointed out the many falsehoods and projections voiced by Joey during his little address and repeatedly broke into laughter as he did so. He said, “The subtext of that was that all of the so-called oligarchs that supported him in 2020 got tired of him.” And he added, “Mark Zuckerberg gave him $419 million to warp the 2020 election in key states, and he had no problem with that oligarch."

Hanson said, “Reid Hoffman, another billionaire, funded the E Jean Carroll lawsuit to go after Donald Trump. He had no problem with that oligarch.” And he said, “He gave the Medal of Freedom citizen freedom to George Soros, who pretty much did his best to destroy the criminal justice system in our big cities. So, he’s not credible. And when he talks about misinformation, the FBI conspired with Facebook to censor stories about the laptop that were that it was authentic, which it was.” He said, “And then 51 so-called authorities, supplied him on the prompt of Anthony Blinken before the debate with Donald Trump in 2020, to lie that it was Russian disinformation."

And now, in getting back to that moron Axelrod, these Democrats still think most Americans are pretty stupid, Joey was reading the so-called best speech he didn’t write. Joey continues to the end in his ongoing effort to divide us, to needlessly cause fear, to sabotage his opponent, and to lie to pretend Joey himself did a great job. Joey has always been a dimwitted lowlife. A vindictive, chronic liar, angry, a plagiarist and a grifter. He fumbled and drooled through his final speech and no amount of spin can sufficiently whitewash this incoherent, mumbling train wreck of a farewell address. But hasn’t stopped those like Axelrod from continuing to try.

Axelrod is an idiot. However, if Joey would have given his farewell speech back on Jan. 20, 2021 and getting out of American politics it would have been a plus for the American people. Although in reality, Joey’s farewell speech is 50 years too late. This speech, from all that I’ve read and heard, was little more than verbal diarrhea from a pedophile criminal who should be in jail for his crimes against the people of this great country. What a bunch of meaningless nonsense. These Democrat apologists are out to perpetuate the lie that they are nothing more than traitors and thieves for money. There is absolutely no end to these cocker roaches. One lies and the rest swear to it.

The Afghanistan exit debacle, the economy, energy dependence, illegal invaders at warp speed, inflation through the roof, wokeism in the military, food and energy costs skyrocketing and so much more was Joey’s vision of America. Meanwhile, he and his friends and family, get filthy rich, and we get left holding the bag. Average Americans, inundated with ridiculous inflationary expenses, as well as those who have suffered from government non-reaction or over-reaction, sit here and wonder why people like Axelrod think this was a great speech. As far as optimism goes, yes thank God for a change in leadership and cabinet positions. The Junior Varsity team is leaving.

Finally, Joey is absolutely the lowest form of human life on the planet. He spent his entire adult life in politics and waits until his final handful of days to preach optimism and cooperation. And the few people who actually watched, or listened to, it say the same thing. No one believes anything the soon to be former Imbecile-in-Chief says anymore and almost no one is paying attention. Joey is soon to be nothing more than a very small footnote in the annals of American history. I’m so sick of these idiotic pundits lauding politicians over their speeches. They are literally reading someone else's words off of a teleprompter. January 20th cannot come fast enough.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


I seriously doubt there is a creepier dude in all of the U.S. Congress Hakem Jeffries. I mean this guy just oozes creepy. To be honest, he makes my freaking skin crawl. But apparently, he doesn’t have the same effect on the folks back home in his district or his fellow Democrats there in Congress. But, as we’ve seen over the past few decades, it’s most of them who are pretty creepy as well. I mean, just look at some of the things these people enthusiastically support. And I only say that because they seem not to be bothered on the least when our young children are placed in situations where they come in close proximity with adults that are clearly mentally ill.

And it was during an appearance on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “All In,” that Jeffries attempted to make the argument that legislation backed by House Republicans and two House Democrats banning biological men from federally-funded K-12 women’s sports “would create a situation where [child] predators would be unleashed on the children of this country. And that’s why you saw a significant number of Democrats say this is federal government overreach, and it’s unacceptable.” Unacceptable? Jeffries is a rather sad reflection of the intelligence level and moral fiber of the voters who reside in New York’s 8th Congressional District.

Jeffries said, “House Democrats believe that fairness and safety in sports, particularly as it relates to our children, our girls and boys who are playing either noncompetitive sports, recreational sports, and competitive sports all across the country, these are important principles and we support that. However, House Republicans are not serious about addressing any issues related to competition and safety. Their legislation is irresponsible.” What the Hell is this moron even talking about?! A “non-competitive” sport isn’t a sport. It’s either a hobby or a pastime. All sports are competitive, and men don’t belong in women’s sports. No matter how they dress up.

Anyway, Jeffries continued, “Effectively, what it would do is sanction, without any guardrails, adults, including predators, for engaging in inspections of genitalia [on] children as young as four years old. Now, in the sports arena, we’ve seen repeated instances of sexual abuse. Gymnastics, that’s been the case. In wrestling, that’s been the case. In football, that’s been the case, and in many other areas. And to have the federal government weigh in aggressively and sanction this type of invasions — invasive inspections, clearly, would create a situation where [child] predators would be unleashed on the children of this country."

Jeffries said, “And that’s why you saw a significant number of Democrats say this is federal government overreach, and it’s unacceptable.” Ya know, I used to believe that the Democrats’ insane attempts to completely reverse reality and pawn it off on other people as the truth was some incredible form of mental illness. I have since realized that these assholes, and I do mean every last one of them, are simply evil to their very core. I mean, if I have this right, it’s according to this boob Jeffries that keeping predators away from our children will somehow unleash predators on our children. Only a Democrat would fall for that pile of steaming bullshit.

I don’t know where these people get this nonsense. Nothing he said was factual. He’s trying to tell people that the way they determine the sex of a child is to tell them to ‘pull your pants down.’ What a jerk. They have nothing except to try using fear. This might actually be the stupidest thing any human being has ever said. The Democrat Party is a dumpster fire. He wasn’t speaking to people who actually have a brain, he was speaking to people so dumb they actually believe his idiotic statement, those who vote Democrat. This is true mental illness on display, if he actually believes this. But that’s just it, does he believe it or is he just using fear to make points?

The gaslighting going on here is beyond credulity. Jeffries is actually saying that taking sex predators OUT of the girls locker rooms will ‘unleash’ sex predators in girls locker rooms. It truly does take a special kind of stupid to be a Democrat. This is why we must banish them from our schools. Their usurpation of language, terms and definitions has enabled their dishonesty and corruption on levels unprecedented in all of human history. In the Democrat’s world, keeping groomers out of women's spaces will only encourage groomers. It’s kind of like fighting terrorists creates more terrorists. This type of idiocy is why I don’t have any Democrat friends.

We’ve had decades upon decades of women’s sports without having to inspect genitalia of children as young as four years old. We would just be going back to the way things were before the woke insanity. The Democrat pervert talking points are getting stranger and stranger every day. The shear mental gymnastics this guy displays is really something to behold. How one can manipulate facts and common sense and get to the area where the mentally insane looks.....well....sane, is truly amazing. I mean you do have to hand it to the Democrats they get gays to support Hamas who would actually kill them on sight. True mental gymnastics.

The Democrats are stuck trying to support policies the country has rejected. They have no alternatives to offer and no leaders that people will follow. There simply is no low so low and slimy poisonously reptilian Democrats will not slither under it. No one will be inspecting little boys and girls for proper biological characteristics and Democrats know it. What will end is the political misuse of persons with genuine or faked mental illness named gender disorder. That will be recognized as a mental illness properly treated by psychotherapy or exposed as a confidence game run by fakers for gain. Drag shows will return to theaters where they originated.

Democrats are the most perverted people walking the face of the Earth. For this man, to imply that all of a sudden the gates would be open and people would be playing with, as they inspect, the children’s genitals is absurd. First of all, most of these people will know whether or not someone is a boy or a girl, because they would’ve been proceeding forward in their life as a boy or a girl. However, if somebody is inspecting a child’s genitals without discussing it with their parents and asking their parents about the sex of their child, or referring to her birth certificate that right there is perverted. And should there ever have to be an inspection of a child’s genitals?

There certainly had better be at least two to three other people in the presence of the situation, so that nothing like this can happen. Secondly, the other sports that he listed were not overrun with sexual assault and abuse because of things like genital inspection they were overrun because of perverted jerks that were within the sport. Some Coaches, etc. are the ones that are blamed for this, and these people knew good and well whether or not it was a boy or a girl. The Democrats are lowlife uncaring, sick human beings. And for them to come up with this argument as to why there should not be males competing in female sports just proves that point.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Those in the ‘fake news’ media world continue to be more than a little confused when it comes to why it’s so many Americans that seem unable to recognize the obvious, at least to them, connection between ‘climate change’ and the fires that still rage out of control in California. And they remain determined in their efforts to convince the nonbelievers that ‘climate change’ does exist and that it is all the fault of humans. And in that endeavor, it’s no claim that is deemed to be too outrageous. Too many hurricanes, too few hurricanes, usually hot weather and now even wildfires known to have been sparked by arsonists and allowed to burn out of control by Democrats.

One of those confused individuals is CNN senior ‘political data’ reporter, Harry Enten. And it was this past Monday while on “News Central” that he claimed that Americans just don’t understand the connection between ‘climate change’ and wildfires. Well, no shit, Sherlock, because there is no connection! I mean, is this dolt serious/ Does he actually think that if we had given up our cars, plugged the cow farts, and recycled more that these fires would never have happened? And does he really think that if we embraced all the measures the left wants us to embrace in order to combat ‘climate change, it would have made any difference, or make any difference going forward?

Host John Berman said, “Just a few minutes ago, you heard FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell talking about the role that climate change has in helping create the conditions for these wildfires burning out of control, the most destructive in some ways that we’ve ever seen in and around Los Angeles. So how do Americans feel about climate change and the danger it poses? Do they feel the same way that they used to?” Enten said, “I mean, look, I don’t think Americans are making this connection. And the way we can see this right here and now, take a look at the monthly change in Google searches. Look at the searches for wildfires up 2,400 percent."

And this moron went on to say, “My goodness gracious. This is the most amount of people searching for wildfires ever, ever going back since Google Trends began back in 2004.” He added, “But look at climate change. Look at the change. It doesn’t go hand in hand with wildfires. It’s actually down. It’s down 9 percent. And I also looked in California. There has been no increase in the number of searches for climate change. So the bottom line is this. Americans are definitely interested in learning about these wildfires. They’re interested in following the news about the wildfires, but they are not making that connection with climate change. That’s the bottom line here."

Lies. Lies. And more lies. These disastrous fires are nothing more than the result of criminal negligence on the part of Democrat politicians. And contrary to what this dolt is claiming, ‘climate change’ is not why the fire hydrants had no water. Look, I’m now going on 73 years old, and I’ve seen, and heard, all the scam predictions going all the way back to the 1970s. Now if Enten wants to try and show me something new I would be happy to listen before I then scoff at it too. But I welcome him, or anyone else for that matter, to show me something new. Because I’m still hearing the same old claims which are no more believable today than they were 50 years ago.

And why search for a connection that doesn’t exist? I mean, after all, it wasn’t ‘climate change’ that caused power lines not to be properly maintained, and/or updated, to spark and cause fires. And ‘climate change’ didn’t cause reservoirs to be drained before the fires or cause arsonists to start fires. ‘Climate change’ didn’t cause a $100 million cut in funding to fire departments, didn’t cause the extinct smelt fish to be prioritized over people and didn’t cause a record amount of rainfall the past couple of years to be allowed to run off into the ocean rather than be collected and stored. And ‘climate change’ didn’t cause the fire hydrants to run out of water.

But people are making the connection between the policies put into place by inept progressive Democrats and the disastrous consequences. The incompetent lesbian DEI Fire Chief and the incompetent DEI DPW Superintendent who makes $750,000 a year don’t communicate about the incredible importance of having full water reservoirs going into the fire season. The both of them should be immediately fired for that reason alone. Because ‘climate change’ isn’t real and these Democrat policies are bad, period. Only when voters finally wake up and start voting these leftwing idiots out of office will things get back to normal like most of the rest of the country.

Cleary this boob must think that ‘climate change’ causes people to become arsonists. And it must also cause Democrats to stop all manner of fire prevention maintenance, such as fire creating breaks and clearing dead trees and such. But just for the sake of argument, let’s say that ‘climate change’ actually was the cause of these devastating fires. And since the Democrats running the state and city literally “knew” that ‘climate change’ was an existential threat, why weren’t they better prepared? If politicians honestly believed in ‘climate change’ causing more wildfires, wouldn’t they have taken extreme measures to do everything they could to mitigate the risk?

But nope, they did the exact opposite, they bought up ocean front property, passed laws banning rainwater to be stored, diverted fresh water away from communities that needed it most and dragged their feet on building reservoirs that were publicly approved and funded. It almost seems like all of this was by design, to destroy everything and to then conveniently blame ‘climate change,’ something they never seem to be able to prove which absolves them from ever lifting a finger to help or to accept blame for their failures. So, Americans aren’t making the connection because there is not a connection to be made despite what the FEMA director says.

She is simply trying to whitewash the situation trying to make the case that California officials were, in fact, “very prepared” and that ‘climate change’ was the sole cause of these horrific fires. That is just nonsensical. There was no pressure at far too many hydrants, no water in too many places, basic precautions like clearing underbrush were not taken, and fire protection budgets were severely cut. And why is Newsom setting aside $50 million dollars to stop President Trump when that money needs to be diverted immediately to hiring more firemen and other measures that will actually help. California leftwing bureaucrats like Newsome and Bass are the problem.

Like I said if ‘climate change’ is to blame then wouldn’t that make the political leaders in California twice as culpable. They virtue signal about the issue 24/7/365, but they’re apparently unable to make any kind of commonsense assessment of the problem, or to offer viable solutions other than whining that the climate is changing or asking for more money, and they’re apparently unable to understand that their job isn’t to save the world, it’s to run a municipality it’s to govern and it’s to be there and to do all the little nasty crap that comes with the job. Getting elected doesn’t mean you’ve made it, it just means that you have much work ahead of you.

And because failure is incentivized in government, the solution to every failure of government is naturally to spend more money and give more power for those who failed. They never have to account for the money they’ve wasted on ridiculous things. With failure incentivized, is it any wonder all we ever get are massive government failures? And, you know, blaming ‘climate change’ for California’s wildfires is similar to calling people racist because they choose not to vote for blatantly incompetent black candidates, like Mayor Bass. ‘Climate change,’ just as with accusations of racism, has essentially lost its credibility due to years of overuse.

To put it another way, even if ‘climate change’ was the cause, why should we ignore the mass incompetence of those who are supposed to be in charge and with the blatant government mismanagement that allowed it to be so severe? It’s California’s government that first failed to plan and then failed to act. And still many have not learned their lesson. And it is those in the Democrat Party, and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media who are still perpetuating these lies at every opportunity. The American people, for the most part, are pretty smart and all most are still waiting on is some actual scientific proof that man-made ‘climate change’ actually exists.

Not a single one of these woke fools seems able to grasp the concept of forest management, where excess tinder, brush and dead trees equate to fuel and is a primary culprit of these blazes. Just as they fail to acknowledge that urban sprawl, putting homes closer to forests, also contributes to this issue. Their only interest is in budgets that place a higher priority on promoting LBGTQ policies and pretending that gender dysphoria doesn’t exist or green initiatives rather than investing in the development of infrastructure that allows for the capture the billions of gallons of water from rain and snow melt and utilizes a reservoir system to manage water.

And finally, for the sake of argument, let’s pretend there really is man-made ‘climate change.’ Is it only occurring in California? And if it is ‘climate change’ that’s causing these fires, why is it only in California? Sure, there have been forest fires throughout the country over the past decade. as will always be the case. But why is there multiple forest fires every single year in California? From my perspective, this is a California problem, not a ‘climate change’ problem. Fix all the known contributing factors like poor water management, poor forest management, etc. first and then, maybe, we can determine if ‘climate change’ is even a factor. Sound like a plan?

Monday, January 13, 2025


So, what am I missing here? You have a state that is under the total control of the Democrats and yet there are those who remain confused regarding why it is that the wildfires now plaguing that state continue to burn out of control and are only partially contained. And what would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic is the fact that we now have a Democrat calling for an investigation into the rather botched response. You see, it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ that California’s newly minted Senator, Adam Schiff, said that an independent commission should investigate the local and state response to the wildfires in Southern California.

And in so doing this guy demonstrates a total lack of seriousness because it’s not the response that needs to be investigated, it’s what was not done to mitigate any of this. That’s the real crime. And what’s to investigate? Democrat politicians run the state, city and districts there in California, and have for decades. So just how is it that any of what has, or has not, taken place can be blamed on anyone other than these Democrat politicians who demonstrated a total lack of leadership and incompetence at every level. Yet I have no doubt that even though California is a one-party state, they will find a way to blame Republicans, and there will be those who believe them.

Schiff said, “The governor’s called for an independent review of why we didn’t have enough water in places like the Palisades, there were also water pressure issues in Altadena. I support that independent review. I think we should go further and, frankly, do an independent commission review of all of this. What went right in our response? What went wrong in it. I’m deeply concerned about these erroneous alerts, these erroneous evacuation alerts that have gone out. If people can’t trust when they’re told that they do need to get out, then it not only severely impacts the whole effort, but people ignore the alerts, endangering themselves and the firefighters."

He said, “So, there’s a lot to get through. I think we need an independent commission to look at all of it, and beyond that, Jonathan, we’re going to need to rebuild and with a sense of urgency. We need cleanup operations when the flames are out. We need the rebuilding to go forward.” I think we can all agree, knowing Democrats as we all do, the sole purpose of any “independent review” would be to concoct the supposed reasons that brought this inferno about that ignore completely what it was that was actually to blame and in so doing provide the necessary cover for those Democrat politicians who failed so miserably when their constituents needed them.

More than likely the claim that will be made is that it was somehow caused by ‘climate change’ and, as such, more taxpayer money will be needed if there is to be any hope of making sure that something like this never happens again. When it comes to blaming others, Democrats can work magic. And I have no doubt that they will find some way to blame Republicans. Likely that ‘global warming’ was exacerbated by Republican inaction on the environment. And they’ll likely blame, or try too, President Trump for pulling us out of the Paris Accords and that somehow it wasn’t the fault of the idiotic Democrats in charge of this engineered clusterfuck!!!

And we shouldn’t be fooled, any “independent review” will likely drag its feet and when all is said and done the result will be no fault, no consequences for any of his Democrat pals. Schiff asking for an investigation into Democrat malfeasance is like Hitler asking for an investigation into antisemitism. Schiff is simply shilling for a ‘climate change’ narrative. If this scumbag is calling for an “independent review,” it can only be to cover up Newsom’s and Bass’ incompetence and stupidity. Schiff is just trying to muddy the issue in order to save those two idiots’ political careers. They’ll end up blaming ‘global warming’ and creating more onerous laws to try to stop it.

Recently, I did my own “independent review” and it only took me just a few seconds. And it confirmed that these fires were the result of decades of Democrat destruction, and incompetence, enabled by a majority idiot population. And I also took the time to come up with a solution that would virtually guarantee that something like this never happens again. And it’s so simple I surprised no one else thought of it! People just need to quit electing corrupt, incompetent career politicians, like Newsom, Bass and Schiff. If they were ever able to do that virtually all of their problems would be solved. But the $64,000 question remains, can they actually do it. Likely, not!

Schiff seems not to believe that the federal government has any business trying to control his state’s government. But now that he needs cash to support his corrupt state, he wants to have an ‘independent review’ to make sure California gets cash. Schiff was none too concerned about those states that were devastated by massive storms. Schiff is a sneaky fuck who only wants to help his fellow corrupt California politicians get their hands on taxpayer money that they can then use to address all of the damage that was done because of the blatant negligence on the part of everyone for the governor on down. I, as a taxpayer, should not be made pony up a single dime.

Yeah, Democrats cover up blue state corruption and failure. The fires in Los Angeles were brought about by members of the Democrat Party of California. Every official involved in preventing, or fighting, these fires in Los Angeles, from the governor to the vacationing Mayor of Los Angles, to the person who let the water reservoirs used to fight fires run dry is a Democrat with a huge salary. These are all bloated six figure salaries paid to those who have demonstrated that they are clearly incompetent. These Democrats are acting like it’s some sort of mystery why it was that these fires happened and continue. It isn’t! It’s stupid leftwing policies enacted by Democrats.

And again, we don’t need an “independent review.” What’s needed is to recall both Bass and Newsom and to start electing Republicans. The folks in California had a chance a few years back to dump Newsom, but nope they kept him in office. And hindsight being what it is I’d be willing to bet that most of them would now like a do over. Democrats caused tens of thousands of homes to burn by their insane policies. But let’s be honest, there’s no such thing as an independent review in California. They will hire/employ a corrupt, politicized entity that will only report what the state pays them to report. This is what California does, we’ve seen it over and over.

It's another waste of time and he knows it. Schiff is just trying to slow down any action by starting an expensive and time-consuming charade to make it look like he is doing something good. When is it that an “independent review” has ever solved any problem? It’s just more government nonsense, the net result of which will always be the creation of more regulations meant to interfere with individual liberties. Democrats love to be able to blame ‘commissions’ instead of noting the obvious. That, of course, being the failure to simply ignore the rabid environmentalists and to practice responsible land management. People need to be put first.

Same shit, different year. Build/live in dry brush/vegetation with no precautions and guess what can happen? You would think that after decades of their lather, rinse, repeat mentality they would have learned something. It’s now a state disaster and they’re waiting for an infusion of taxpayer money to rebuild their multi-million-dollar homes in the same places their old ones burned to the ground. And the cycle continues. Look, it’s a terrible thing to lose all of your stuff. But at the end of the day much of this loss could have easily been prevented. And again, it wasn’t. So how many times will this cycle be repeated? Most likely not until the money runs out.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Riddle me this. What useful purpose do Democrats serve? That would, of course, be…none! And there is nothing that serves as a better example of that than what we’ve been watching take place out in California. Because, clearly, if California has shown us anything it’s that electing Democrats is dangerous to both your life and your property. And yet even when those who live there are provided with what most would consider a viable alternative, they still elect Democrats. It’s just the craziest thing. And now, because they chose to elect some of the most incompetent people on the planet, I’m expected to pick up the tab for the damage from their bad choices.

Which brings to ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters and her appearance this past Friday on NewsNation’s “Cuomo.” Because, you see, it was then that Waters stated that while she doesn’t want to get into politics about the fires in California, “services cost money and we should be willing to get the richest people in this country, the richest 1 percent that is protected, make sure they pay their fair taxes so that we can have the money to provide the services. With that money and with those resources, the people who have been selected or elected to do the job should do the job.” Cleary this isn’t a tax issue, it really isn’t. It’s far more of an issue of competency.

Morons like her keep telling us how everyone needs to pay their fair share but they’re always rather vague about what that is. Waters began by saying, “I’m not into the blame game. I’m not into talking about whether or not Gov. Gavin Newsom is trying to protect himself and run for president, none of that.” Hilarious that ‘Mad Maxine’ claims she doesn’t want to play the blame game. Appropriate, don’t you think, since this is a Democrat mess created by years of blatant mismanagement. And oddly enough at no time did she even bother to mention the empty reservoirs or the nonfunctioning fire hydrants or how DEI contributed to this horrific disaster.

She added, “The first thing we’ve got to understand is, services cost money and we should be willing to get the richest people in this country, the richest 1 percent that is protected, make sure they pay their fair taxes so that we can have the money to provide the services.” Anyway, she continued with her idiotic rant saying, “With that money and with those resources, the people who have been selected or elected to do the job should do the job. I don’t care who it is. It could be Democrat, it could be Republican, it could be whatever.” But if those “selected or elected to do the job” are unable to do the job, all the money in the world will make no difference.

‘Mad Maxine’ went on to say, “But the fact of the matter is, we all should have heavy hearts right now, but we should have faith, and we should be on point by making sure that we do everything to help the people that need us. Dammit, you can do the politics later. You can come and talk about Gavin Newsom later. You can talk about the Democrats later.” Gag me with a spoon. ‘Mad Maxine’ talks about having faith and how we need to make sure to do everything we can to help those people in need. She doesn’t give a shit about those people in need unless, of course, it’s the rich celebrities who have the idiotic habit of giving Democrats lots and lots of money.

And even then, it’s more than competence and a blatant misappropriation of public funds. The politicians extract taxes from hard-working citizens and then lavish it upon themselves and their cronies who are awarded over-priced contracts which in turn are skimmed for social engineering and laundered back to the Democrat party. In the midst of this hellish conflagration, it was reported that one LA Department of Water & Power employee is being paid $750,000 per year. Every large city in the U.S. managed by Democrats is in ruins. What’s happening in LA should come as a surprise to no one. Democrats have to be run out of office. With pitch forks if necessary.

So ‘Mad Maxine’ seems content to blame this disaster on rich people and not on the governor and mayor, the ones who set policies and hoarded money set aside to fight fires. And it’s kinda funny how it’s always “the rich” who aren’t paying their fair share that are the problem. Contrary to old ‘Mad Maxine,’ the wealthy not only pay their “fair share,” they subsidize everyone else. Typically, it breaks down something like this: The top 1 percent pay about 25 percent of federal income taxes; the top 10 percent pay about 50 percent; the top 50 percent pay 95 percent; and the bottom 50 percent pay about 5 percent. And millions of Americans pay absolutely nothing at all.

There is an eerie similarity here with the Democrats effort to deflect from their failed DEI policies and the law fare effect that occurred every time they indicted President Trump. People saw right through their BS!! Regardless of the narrative California Officials are attempting to create; no one’s buying it. California has the highest state income, sales, and property taxes in the country. The issue is liberal bureaucratic overreach that sends the tax dollars to the homeless and illegals and not the Fire departments and water storage facilities. Incompetence and corruption. Get rid of those two significant issues and we won't need to raise taxes on anyone.

‘Mad Maxine’ and Democrat Party criminal cult implement stupid policies that cause hurt, harm, pain, suffering, loss of property, and loss of life to the people who illogically vote them into political office. And then use the disaster and dystopia that ensue to demand the confiscation of more of the people’s possessions. This woman is completely delusional and so far down the leftist rabbit hole that she can’t even see daylight. She “won’t play politics with the fire” but the first thing out of her mouth is a political jab, a left wing talking point. What she really wants is more money for the government to piss away on DEI and immigrants and everyone knows it.

“Fair share” has been the Democrats mantra for at least the last 60 years. The Democrats’ answer to everything is to throw more money at it. All of them should be stripped of power because they’re fucking incompetent. A woman making $800,000 a year to be a DEI water director who can’t keep a reservoir full when needed proves money isn’t the problem. And the Democrat's first conclusion, even before there’s an investigation, is that they need more money and that it has to be confiscated from those selfish rich. There was plenty of money to address the very issues that have plagued this catastrophe, and it was lost through corruption and mismanagement.

And finally, Liberals and the Democrat Party have done everything in their power to ensure that wildfires in California can rage out of control. And then when they do they want others to pay for all of the damage their inaction has brought about. ‘Mad Maxine’ She doesn't want to talk about the Democrats that failed the people of California. She doesn’t want to talk about the money that was available but cut and reassigned for God-knows-what! She is as unprepared as ever, no idea what she is talking about, but content to trot out the same old tired excuses she has been doing for decades. No solutions, just typical political gamesmanship that folks are tired of.

Friday, January 10, 2025


And now a word on the ongoing fires in California. It was on the very first day of this catastrophe that we had Democrats stepping all over each other in an effort to get in front of any microphone to scream about how it’s ‘climate change’ that’s to blame. On the contrary, what’s to blame is lousy forest management on the part of those in charge of running the state. They knew this was coming, and the steps that should have been taken to prevent it. The fault of this entire disaster lies 50 percent on the Democrats, 50 percent on natural events, and 0 percent on President Trump, global warming, conservatives, toxic masculinity, warts, as well as the Easter Bunny.

And it was during Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central” that one of those previously mentioned Democrats, Rep. Brad Sherman, stated that the cuts to the Los Angeles Fire Department’s budget will likely be reversed “and should be. And they were perhaps ill-advised, but they’re not a reason why the Palisades have suffered this. This was money to train people in 2025.” He said, “And if, for political reasons, you can explain that that somehow affects firefighting on the ground now…I don’t know how you would do that.” This goes way beyond the subject of funding; this is incompetence. This is exactly the kind of stupidity that caused this problem.

Sherman said, “Well, the budget cuts relate to money that’s going to be spent in 2025 and were chiefly for training. And I’m pleased to have gotten the federal government to give us a new site that we’re going to use for firefighter training in my district. I would expect that there will be appropriations at the L.A. city level for our firefighters that go beyond what they’ve done so far. Looking back, it’d be, — obviously, you can say we should have done — these cuts, I think, will be reversed and should be. And they were perhaps ill-advised, but they’re not a reason why the Palisades have suffered this. This was money to train people in 2025."

He continued, “And if, for political reasons, you can explain that that somehow affects firefighting on the ground now then you’re — I don’t know how you would do that.” But it is not ‘political’ to blame gun deaths on guns, rather than on the person who pulls the trigger? Duh! But in this case, it certainly was political to cut the budget. Just as it was political to fire all the firemen who wouldn’t take the shot and was political to have a DEI chief who focused on training social issues instead of on putting out fires. Democrats all have this incredible ability to ignore the truth. They never fail to find creative excuses to justify their own blatant incompetence.

And because Democrats are all very well aware of the many reasons behind this disaster, I think it safe to say that they’re now quite desperate to convince the victims their disaster that what they seeing occur right before their own two eyes has a very plausible explanation. And that Democrats are in no way to blame for the continuing disaster. We’ve heard every excuse imaginable; they’ve even resorted to blaming it on their catch all excuse for every ‘weather’ calamity that might come along, ‘climate change.’ After all, there’s no way it could be blamed on budget cuts or the failure to make it a priority to properly prepare for just such a calamity.

And it would appear the Mayor of LA is a perfect example of what the voters get when they elect the DEI and Affirmative Action ticket. They don’t get qualified individuals with the necessary skillset to do the job. But they do get leaders based on sexual orientation and skin color. And LA County’s push for DEI sure saved the day, as LA’s Fire Marshal Kristen Crowley possesses a rather impressive level of incompetence, which encompasses others negligence in water management and their omissive forestry-controlled burns. And she can be proud that so far it is only tens of thousands of acres that have thus far been burned.

Sherman is nothing more than another example of your basic Democrat nitwit. Any moron who votes for morons like this deserves exactly what they get. This is the perfect example for why one should never again vote for any Democrat. Never! Sherman personifies Democrat Party criminal cult incompetence and arrogance. They do stupid stuff. Disaster results. People suffer pain, loss, and die. And then the depraved, deranged, dysfunctional politicians whine about it being “political” to draw attention to their incompetence and arrogance! If these wildfires don’t sour California voters on the Democrat Party criminal cult then I don’t suppose anything will!

Had California allowed landowners to clean up deadfall and not been so worried about some ‘three toed spotted newt,’ this would never have happened. The environmental regulations that created this mess were all done in the name of “species protection,” not the human species. Farmers and landowners faced large fines for cleaning up their properties on the premise that it might displace some protected species. And not to revel in some rich Hollyweirdo’s problems, it’s now finally hitting home for these actors/actresses/celebrities, hopefully it wakes them up too. But it likely will not. Most are simply too far gone, they have the money to rebuild, so it’s no big deal.

Look, I’m certainly no expert on the subject, but I’m pretty sure the issues regarding the lack of water, not enough firemen, the lack of reservoirs and failure to clear the deadwood, are all political and it’s about damn time the Democrats were forced to own up to their blatant failures. Oh, and because the majority of Californians have been voting for these failures for decades, no bailout for them. They lost their insurance coverage because they voted to put price controls on property insurance rates. The fools screwed themselves. Sadly, there are good, intelligent people who were still in the LA area who have been harmed by everyone else’s stupidity.

And of course, it’s political, when Democrats are concerned it’s always political. One party has ruled the state and major urban areas for over 50 years. They’ve systematically defunded both the police and the fire departments. They’ve installed DEI boobs in positions of power. Crime has exploded and now fire departments all across the state lack the ability to contain very predictable fires. And what response does that same party have? It’s not our fault, it’s ‘climate change,’ nobody could have predicted, blah blah blah. Complete lack of leadership and no solutions. Californians voted for this. Your state is swirling around the toilet. What are you going to do?

And why is that every time the Democrats find themselves in a situation such as this does just the mere mention of it by those on the other side earn accusations of playing politics. And yet these same Democrats see nothing wrong with politicizing, and/or exploiting, any tragedy or catastrophe if they think there are any points to be made. Such as a weather event like Hurricane Katrina or some school shooting. They always see themselves as being above reproach when it comes to incidents like Palestine Ohio or Hurricane Helene. And if Federal agents act politically like refusing aid to people with Trump signs, well I guess that's just an isolated incident, eh?

Experts have been warning the state to build more catch basins and reservoirs, but the politicians laughed and said it wouldn't do us any good for the thirty years it took to build them. Now it’s more than thirty years later and look where we are. These types of politicians are beyond disgusting. They use one level (training) and base their position on that issue hoping the citizens are simply too stupid to grasp their misdirection. Money is fungible, there is not money that says ‘training’ and Sherman knows damn well his argument is total BS for nothing more than political cover. Sherman provides an effective example of the dishonesty of too many politicians.

Someone should explain to Sherman that most stupid policies are political, with some being rather dangerous. This is an example of that. DEI and the environmental hoax led the state to hire firefighters who can’t fight fires or save people, gut the budget for the equipment and resources to do so, all while pushing the alphabet soup agenda with precious dollars by pursuing an agenda that has nothing to do with fighting or preventing fires. California should have built reservoirs years ago instead of letting millions of gallons of water flow into the Pacific. This fire is a man-made disaster made worse by bad political decisions. And it’s fair to blame those who made those decisions.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Cleary, that which could once, and fairly accurately so, be referred to as our ‘mainstream media’ has, over time, reduced itself to being nothing more than a joke, a mere caricature of its former self that can no longer be relied upon to provide us with an accurate account of daily events. Of course, one reason for that is because today we have very few actual ‘journalists.’ Sadly, it would seem that our bona fide ‘journalists’ have all gone the way of the dodo. Instead, what we seem to have today are nothing more than a bunch of posers, those who like to refer to themselves as ‘journalists’ but who merely spew talking points they read from a teleprompter.

And it was one of those posers, none other than Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, who, during an appearance Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” said he would like to punch Stephen Miller, President Trump’s immigration policy adviser. So, it was once again that this weasel crawled out from under his rock and proceeded to do a little boasting about his virility. Rivers, another ardent defender of criminals who expresses sympathy for victims but says full steam ahead when it comes to allowing even more monsters into the country. Rivers is nothing more than another of those useless and clueless hacks who refuse to go away. Old Jerry has been a phony for most of his life.

And so it was during a supposed discussion on the subject of immigration that host Ari Melber said, “The Trump transition team wants to do what they call a D.C.-area showcase immigration raid in the first days. This would be a quote, ‘high-profile raid targeting undocumented immigrants in its initial days.'” He asked, “I’m curious what you think of this because I’ve covered this? I’ve had Stephen Miller on the show. I think we can stipulate that there are debates about immigration in this country and undocumented immigration has been rising. And there’s a question about how to deal with that in a holistic way that is humane, but protects national security."

Rivers responded in typical arrogant fashion saying, “You know, I’m an old man now. I’ve been a boxer all my life. I’ve given it up because of my frailty. But I would come back to punch Stephen Miller in the nose because he is the most hideous in terms of his policy. I don’t know the guy personally. In terms of his policy, he is absolutely draconian. He’s the definition of it. He doesn’t want to resolve the issue. He wants to scapegoat certain people that will in his mind it would resound favorably to President Trump.” Why is that liberals must always threaten violence? Raise your voice and they immediately have PTSD, but they sure like to talk about punching people.

Frankly it’s Jerry’s sophomoric comments that kinda remind me of Joey’s mind set. Jerry wants to punch people in the nose while old Joey wants to take them out behind the gym and beat them up. But which was it that was more awkward? Jerry’s juvenile macho threat, or Melber's wishy washy lead-in on immigration? Melber reluctantly appears to understand one of the two issues which put President Trump over the top on the popular vote. And if nothing else, it’s old Jerry who seems to have found a good fit there at MSDNC. After all, Rivers has a long history of confusing legal immigration with ILLEGAL immigration, along with any number of other issues.

Rivers is an insufferable jerk. He’s an old man and he’s been insufferable for as long as I can remember. And isn’t it amazing how liberals always want to hurt, hit, or kill those people who refuse to agree with their rather cockeyed way of looking at the world. Physical violence seems to come very easy to these people. they’re emotional nut bags. Rivers is a loser and has always been a loser. Notice how Jerry never shows any anger towards Mayorkas and his continuing policy of allowing murderers to cross our borders at will. It shows what he thinks of our country. Rivers, another vicious nasty trash talking, imbecilic, liberal who thinks his Democrats own America.

And you know, it’s a funny thing but I had no idea that it was considered Draconian to simply enforce the laws as written. These people are here illegally, and the law says they must be deported. And apparently Jerry is against deporting these illegal immigrant criminals. At least it’s good to know which side old Jerry is on and it’s not the side of law abiding legal/lawful U.S. citizens. The good thing is that these loudmouth losers like Rivers won’t live forever. The sun is finally setting on many of these people, they’re getting old and soon will be gone. And when they’re finally gone it will be cause for celebration because they won’t be here to spew their hate.

I’m sure others have also noticed how it is that whenever confronted with an issue for which he has no answers Rivers always resorts to anger and disparagement. The guy lost his relevance years, perhaps decades, ago. His argument simply doesn’t hold water. And while those like this boob Melber clearly don’t care, anyone with a brain isn’t going to be buying what old Jerry is working so hard to sell. And another thing, anyone who’s serious about wanting to address our ongoing immigration problem likely doesn’t watch MSDNC, therefore Jerry’s idiotic little rant about wanting to take on Mr. Miller was likely heard by a select few who still watch this useless network.

But, if nothing else, old Jerry certainly does make for some good entertainment. As for Mr. Miller, why not give him the same chance as that given to the outgoing guy who allowed them all in? What’s wrong with deporting all of those here illegally? After all, they broke into our house, why shouldn’t they be evicted? They don’t belong here!!! I don’t understand this resistance. Isn’t cutting ahead in line a no-no anymore? It’s because of those like Rivers that we have gotten to the point where there is really only one option left, the only one that makes any amount of sense. We need to round up those here illegally and move ‘em out, no explanation is necessary.

Democrats always turn to violence when the plan to save their party is threatened with the removal of those in this country illegally. Open borders has become the number one cause for Democrats. Nothing sets those people off more than someone talking about deporting illegal immigrants or cutting back on legal immigration. Why have Democrats embraced this cause? Well, for starters, their hope is that all of those here illegally can be made into a new voting bloc. But, as we witnessed by way of the November presidential election, most Americans don’t vote for those politicians who would rather represent those here illegally than the American people.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


As it is I have a very difficult time, these days, taking any Democrat seriously.  After all, most are serial liars, most are totally incompetent, most Democrat politicians have never had what you would call a real job, and most would just as soon as shove a knife in your back as look at you. They are, in short, the very last people you should ever trust. And now it seems that we have a new breed of Democrat and a first for Congress. And that would be a guy who dresses up as a girl and wants to be treated as such. And, as such, is there anyone who could possess less credibility on any subject than a guy who appears to be more than just a little mentally unstable.

And leave it to CNN to go out of its way to invite this loon, and now member of the U.S. House, Tim/Sarah McBride, on to offer up his own rather idiotic critique of President Trump. But you really do have to wonder if this guy would have ever been invited on if he wasn’t what he is. I mean, does being a freak somehow provide you with some special insight that somehow makes your opinion on global stability worth listening to? Now I suppose I could be wrong, but somehow, I just don’t think so. On the contrary, this was likely an attempt by CNN to normalize such behavior by choosing to invite this guy on. Clearly, CNN becomes more of a joke every day.

This past Tuesday during an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” hosted by that dolt Wolf Blitzer, McBride argued that President Trump’s comments about Greenland and Panama are “fostering more instability globally.” Blitzer said, “Trump also says he’s open to using the U.S. military to potentially seize the Panama Canal and Greenland as well, which is part of Denmark. Sources close to Trump say he’s very serious about this. What’s your reaction to that?” McBride said, “This is typical bluster from the president elect, this obsession with Greenland and Panama really came out of nowhere and has been filled with mistruths and misunderstandings."

McBride went on to say, “I don‘t understand why this president is so committed at a time of global instability, of fostering more instability globally, of undermining our allies. And at the same time diverting the attention of our federal government toward issues like invading Greenland or Panama. While we should be focused on bringing down costs facing workers, retirees and families here in this country, that‘s what our focus should be on.” McBride added, “If this president is serious about an America first agenda, he should be focused on domestic economic issues, not some weird obsession with invading Greenland or Panama."

So, this tranny House freshman thinks he knows best? Tells you all you need to know about this attention seeking wacko. It’s comical if nothing else. Ignorance is bliss, they say. He’s as dumb as 99 percent of the rest of the Democrats. We all know, or should, that Delaware has a long history of choosing some of the dumbest people in the country to elect to Congress. It’s long been sort of a pattern with them. I mean, here’s yet another Democrat who’s managed to himself elected and who, in reality, would probably not even make a good Barista at Starbucks, let alone serving in Congress. But he had all the right boxes checked, none of which was for experience.

This guy McBride is a total clown! Is he not aware that Communist China and Russia both have military bases in the Artic? President Trump is trying to persuade Greenland to become part of the United States so that this country could better counter the threats posed by China and Russia in the Artic with our own military bases there! This moron talks about “instability.” Seriously? This is a tacit endorsement of President Trump’s policies. The louder they wail and scream, the more “on target” he obviously is. Why would anyone believe a dude who doesn’t even know what he is? These Democrats seem to love to put on display their low intellect for all to see!

McBride is Joey’s little DEI champion. I believe Joey wrote a foreword in McBride’s 2018 memoir and has supposedly been influenced by McBride on transgender issues. He must be so proud that this mentally unstable person is representing Delaware. I’d expect CNN to have McBride make daily appearances on their failing propaganda network. Global instability was brought about by the weakness shown by *president Joey B. on the world stage. More bullshit from yet another irrelevant liberal who nobody’s ever heard of, and because of his mental disorder has been given a platform.  Meanwhile, world leaders are already showing President Trump respect.

And so the world is in complete disarray after the past four years of Joey’s failures but now it’s time to somehow pin that all on President Trump, got it. Destabilizing the stability left behind by a mentally impaired Joey is just what the country ordered, and President Trump will deliver. I remember when they said, “The adults are now back in charge”, when Joey was ‘selected.’ How’d that work out? President Trump, not being a Democrat, is putting our enemies on notice. They are not the only game in town. If China moves on Taiwan, America takes Panama. If Russia keeps playing games in Ukraine, America moves into Greenland. Diplomacy of, and by the sword.

For the past four years we’ve not heard one word from any Democrat regarding how it was that our demented cadaver of a *president has had us on the brink of WW3 for a couple of years now. It was Joey’s open-border policies and his idiotic foreign policy that has been fostering the instability that has McBride’s panties in a bunch. Another handwringing, spineless and worthless Democrat who has virtually no problem watching Americans getting ripped off, but McBride turns himself inside-out to avoid offending anyone else. Here’s some advice, especially to this gender confused self-loather: Step aside, sit down or just shut up if you have nothing constructive to offer.

These people had four years to get it right and failed miserably. The world is in chaos right now and it’s all because American power and influence has been absent for the last four years. President Trump has made it very clear to our enemies, and friends alike, that he is back on the world stage and ready to take the lead to world peace. To placate President Trump the world leaders will have to make the necessary changes or risk retribution from the most powerful nation on earth. And while he may not get everything that he wants, President Trump will bring about peace in the world, of that I have no doubt. Democrats have no concept of “peace through strength!!!"

Finally, it’s hard to imagine anyone making the world LESS stable than the people who have been in charge for the past four years. After four years of ignoring, and of being openly hostile toward, our domestic economic issues, the Democrats now want to focus, superficially, on those issues. He speaks of President Trump fostering global instability, but it was ‘BO’ and Joey who fostered global instability on what can only be described as a grand scale. President Trump is trolling the world! I would expect nothing less. He is intentionally controversial to put the world on notice, and to make it clear to all that nothing is off the table. Welcome back Mr. President.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


I may have asked this question before so if I’m repeating myself, I apologize. So, my question is, just what might it take to get it through the thick skulls of your average Democrats that no one, and it do mean absolutely no-fucking-body but them, gives a flying fuck about the events that took place on January 6, 2021. Unless, of course, the subject of the conversation happens to be the too many political prisoners who remain behind bars for doing nothing more than showing up that day to peacefully protest an election that a growing number of Americans feel was clearly stolen from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. That would appear to be their only crime.

Other than that, it’s most Americans who have moved on. But there remains many on the left who, like a dog with a bone, simply refuse to let it go. And in the process, they continue to pull out all of the stops in their effort to keep the issue at the forefront. Take for instance ABC News legal ‘analist’ Sunny Hostin. You see, it was on Monday that this bimbo told her colleagues on ABC’s “The View” that the country should not “move on” from the events of January 6, because it “was one of the worst moments in American history” like World War II, the Holocaust and slavery. I thought that a rather bizarre comparison when I first heard it, and definitely over the top.

Hostin said, “I think we need to find moral clarity you know in this country. And I just remember after January 6 you had someone like Mitch McConnell placing the blame on January 6 where it belonged squarely on Donald Trump’s shoulders and then you started seeing people backtrack that and losing their moral center. You had Condoleezza Rice, I believe, on this very show saying, you know, we need to move on from January 6.” She continued, “I say no, you don’t move on because January 6 was an atrocity.” On this we agree, there needs to be a real congressional investigation of those who conspired and planned the attack, and those who covered it up afterwards.

Anyway, this dolt Hostin went on to add, “It was one of the worst moments in American history. And when you think about the worst moments in American history, you know, like World War II things like happened like the Holocaust, chattel slavery. We need to never forget because past becomes prologue if you forget and erase. We need to never forget because past becomes prologue if you forget and erase.” So, I’m a little curious here. Just what exactly would this legal ‘analist’ have to say about the events that occurred during what many of her ilk called the ‘Summer of Love’ riots of 2020? About the lives that were lost and billions of dollars in property damage.

This ‘riot’ that has the panties of Ms. Hostin, and numerous others, in such a bunch delayed certification by a whopping three hours. Hostin argued it was like WWII and the Holocaust where millions of people were slaughtered. This woman has zero sense of proportion. Democrats attempted to turn President Trump’s ‘transgressions’ into the means to destroy him, beginning with Hitlery’s Pee Dossier, Russian Collusion, Impeachments 1 and 2, that January 6 Committee sitcom, LAWFARE and even two assassination attempts. And it took a corrupt Soros funded District Attorney in Manhattan and New York judges who are left of Mao to find President Trump guilty.

Personally, I would argue that the issue of the stolen 2020 election is the event that we cannot, and should not, move on from. The stolen, fraudulent election, and the way the FBI, Pelosi and the Democrats essentially manufactured a disturbance at the Capitol is what we should not move on from. For this bimbo, Hostin, to say this was like the Holocaust, WWII or slavery is just the Democrats trying to keep it relevant. Which it is not, and never will be. These are people who did not experience any of those horrific events. How dare they compare a disturbance at the Capitol to these events? They deserve nothing more than ridicule and to be ignored.

Clearly there were serious legal improprieties in the 2020 election and the agencies that should have investigated them, simply refused to take them seriously. Those same agencies were deeply involved in destabilizing the Trump administration and manufacturing false impeachment evidence so had lost the trust of a sizeable portion of the population. To many of us the January 6 protesters who showed up at the Capitol are heroes who are still being pursued, harassed and incarcerated. Many have been locked away with exorbitant sentences for minor infractions. When the people feel cheated and lose their trust in government, civil unrest soon follows.

Hostin should be ashamed of herself. Because if she can equate the mostly peaceful January 6 protests, which were far, FAR more peaceful than all the protests and riots during the prior year and a half, and where security guards calmly escorted folks through the Capitol building before they left peacefully and Congress went back to business as usual, to World War II, the Holocaust and slavery, then she must think that the May 29, 2020 riots and lockdown of the White House, where over 60 Secret Service agents were injured with 11 hospitalized, was akin to the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the asteroid that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs.

And compare the actions of the January 6 protesters to those of Antifa and BLM protesters. The January 6 protesters caused damages perhaps in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. No protesters were armed, there were zero guns. Antifa and BLM have caused millions of dollars in damages and hundreds were armed. Businesses were looted and burned in multiple cities. Cries over January 6 is the ultimate act of gaslighting. Only a handful of January 6 protesters deserve any form of punishment. Equal treatment is a complete farce. If there was any semblance of justice, there would be a couple thousand Antifa and BLM protesters in prison for decades.

We are, however, supposed to simply “move on” from the numerous BLM riots which killed people, burned down government buildings and businesses and cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes, January 6 was a bad thing, it was a riot that should not have happened, but the only REAL damage done was a few broken windows and the only death was an unarmed protester by a rogue officer who had a history of mishandling his firearm and should not have been on the force anyway. Comparing January 6 to WWII, the holocaust and slavery is ridiculous to the point where we need to call into question this idiot’s mental capabilities.

So can someone fill me in on this January 6 thing? They say it was like WWII, but I can barely remember it. Wasn’t that the day President Trump was telling everyone to be peaceful and was nowhere near the Capitol? Wasn’t that the same year when there was a mysterious surge of about 15 million votes that still cannot be explained? All of which seemed to have been for Joey. And yet I don’t remember Joey having standing room only attendance at his rallies. Oh yeah, he didn’t have any. Except for that ones where nearly no one showed up. Especially since Joey pretty much stayed off the campaign trail. Mysterious things to ponder as we head into 2025.

Everything Hostin says is completely over the top. Seriously, she’s either very stupid or simply a liar. She deserves every bit of ridicule she gets for hyping this minor event of protestors only in comparison to what recently occurred in New Orleans, when some religion-of-peace zealot drove a truck down a crowed street, killing 15 and seriously injuring another 35 innocents. These worthless sycophants who excuse daily, or simply ignore, their favored/preferred criminality for purely political reasons and for purposes of indoctrination make sane individuals want to puke their guts out. She and her politically propagandizing television show need to be cancelled permanently!!