Sunday, December 31, 2023


As I’m sure I have said before, attempting to remove one’s primary political rival from his own party’s primary ballot in as many states as possible does very little to instill confidence in one’s own supporters. But that said, I can’t help but wonder if that is even what the Democrats are actually trying do, or if it’s all nothing more than a smoke screen. Might it all simply be an attempt on their part at a little misdirection meant to focus attention away from the horrible job ‘Pedo Joe’ is doing as *president? I mean, as 2023 comes to a close it’s clear just how damage that he has inflicted upon this country in what has been a relatively short period of time, politically speaking.

And so, as we head into yet another election year the desperation being exhibited by those on the other side has, I think it fair to say, reached a fever pitch. And it’s odd, don’t you think, coming from the team that we continue to be told, and are expected to believe, received 81 million votes in the last election. I mean, really, wouldn’t you think that they would actually be looking forward to the next election as being something of a cakewalk considering the fact that they’re likely running against the very same guy against whom they received that aforementioned 81 million votes? And yet they seem to be terrified of the prospect of facing that candidate again.

Perhaps that’s because President Trump threatens to upset the applecart by returning the power to the people instead of allowing it to remain concentrated in the hands of a few powerful politicians and unelected bureaucrats. They don’t want to lose their power and they see stopping President Trump, by any means necessary, as being the key. And that becomes all the easier if they are able to get President Trump kicked from the game. Personally, I would like to think that most Americans may have finally had enough of the Democrats, their progressive supporters, their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media and their endless attempts to destroy our Republic.

As we have continued to witness, the Democrats have become so desperate in their effort to keep President Trump out of the White House that they will likely stop at nothing, they will throw the kitchen sink at him. And it’s this level of desperation that proves that the Democrats did cheat in the 2020 election in order to install their crooked career criminal and Chinese Communist Party sellout into the White House. The demented moron now in the White House was installed there for the specific purpose of destroying this country. And that should be obvious to the most casual of observer after all that has taken place since day one of this clown being in office.

While I could certainly list here all of the damage that has been, and continues to be, done to this country by ‘Pedo Joe’ and his Democrat Party, it would seem, by now, to do so would be more than a little redundant. I mean one would need to be either a complete moron or a member of the thoroughly brainwashed Democrat base to be unaware of all that has been made to go so horribly wrong in this country. There is one way and one way only out of the mess that has been created by ‘Pedo Joe’ and his radical Democrat Party. And just what might the one way be? Well, that would, of course, be by electing, actually re-electing, President Donald Trump.

Saturday, December 30, 2023


So riddle me this, just what is it that the Democrats are really trying to tell us with their continuing effort to remove President Trump from the Republican primary ballot in various states and, in effect, to prevent him from being able to run for re-election. And how stupid do they think we are that we won’t catch on to what they’re really trying to do here? I mean, you have ask yourself, if you are in any way a reasonably intelligent individual, are such actions the actions of those who are confident in the ability of their presumed to be candidate, ‘Pedo Joe’, to actually defeat President Trump in a free and fair election? I would argue that it most certainly is not!!!

Now I will admit that it is very rare event, very rare indeed, that I ever agree with anyone on CNN, either on the payroll or appearing as a guest anywhere on the network’s ‘fake news’ programming. But just such an event occurred this past Thursday when a guy by the name of Elie Honig, billed as being CNN’s ‘senior legal analyst’ appeared on “Anderson Cooper 360” and actually made the argument that that Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows’ decision to bar President Trump from the ballot was based on “YouTube clips, news reports” and “things that would never pass the bar in normal court.” The key part of this statement is, “normal court."

And it was this guy, Honig who said, “So, clearly Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says, engage in insurrection, you’re out. We all have that. The complicated part, and where we are going to see this play out in the courts, is who gets to decide and by what process.” He continued, “Let me sort of lay out the arguments both sides. And by the way, it’s worth saying, we’re all theorizing here. We’re in legally unknown territory. The argument against is, first of all, the 14th Amendment, Section 5 says Congress has the authority to pass laws to implement this. They did, they passed the criminal law, and the argument is that means Congress, not the states."

Mr. Honig then went on to say, “But perhaps, and this is the argument that the Maine secretary of state and Colorado made, the states can do it too. If that’s true, then question two is, were the processes, were the hearings fair? Did they comport with due process?” And he added, “And I think there’s a question there with regard to what Maine did, because if you look at the hearing, and she details of the this in the ruling, they heard from one fact witness, a law professor. She based her ruling on a lot of documents, but also YouTube clips, news reports, things that would never pass the bar in normal court.” In short, this is nothing more than a complete waste of time.

This ‘get President Trump at all costs’ bullshit is just so fucking stupid! If there was any real evidence against him, President Trump would already be in jail. I thought “innocent until proven guilty” was the law of the land, but apparently this is no longer the case, unless of course you’re a Democrat. It’s also stupid as a Democrat strategy, because it will backfire against them with anyone with a brain if for no other reason than because it’s so painfully transparent. People will vote against the Democrats just on principle, regardless of the individual candidate. The Democrats are painting their whole party with the brush of hatred toward populism.

President Trump hasn’t even been ‘charged’ with the crime of insurrection by any legal authority, not to mention the fact that he has been convicted of nothing. But that seems to matter to very few, if any, on the left. Maine’s Secretary of State, who is neither an attorney nor has she attended law school, is literally asserting that President Trump is guilty before he’s even been charged. So much for the American credo of “innocent until proven guilty.” But then this really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone, as the state Maine is a part of that region of the country that long ago formed what is essentially the ‘Peoples Republic of the United States.'

At the end of the day, at least according to the Democrats and their brainless minions in the media, it would appear that now everything seems to be fair game in the world of politics, as long as it’s not being used against Democrats. The Democrat’s sole goal here is to destroy the Constitution and thereby America as she was originally founded before then moving on to enslave the American populace under a perpetual Democrat dictatorship. They want to prevent President Trump from becoming the next president at all costs because if he is successful all of their utopian plans will go up in smoke. The question is...if this doesn't work, will they then try to assassinate him?

I do think that Democrats truly do want to hurt President Trump, if for no other reason that because he has already foiled their plan once, when he defeated Hitlery back in 2016. For that he must be made to pay and made to pay dearly. They want to portray him as an insurrectionist to keep people from voting for him. ‘Pedo Joe’ already showed their plan by responding that the Courts should decide, but that President Trump is an insurrectionist. The Democrats always seem to be on offense with the Republicans always on defense, instead of using the same tactics. Republicans should say, “As a Joey traitor, it’s Joey who should be removed from the ballot."

Democrat-run states are doing this because they know very well that President Trump has been leading ‘Pedo Joe’ in the polls for months. As some on the left have said about President Trump, “As long as he’s on the ballot, he might win!” So the Democrats clearly think that the best way to prevent him from winning is to keep him off their ballots. This stunt is no different that the Democrats’ totally made-up attempt to impeach President Trump over his phone call to the Ukraine president. President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong in that call, but the Democrats were desperate to come up with something that would harm his re-election chances.

The Democrats knew very well that President Trump did nothing wrong, but they impeached him in an attempt to sway public opinion to influence the next election. The saddest thing about these stunts is the number of Americans who are dumb enough to believe that they are legit charges. But as is typically the case with Democrats, rarely can they see past the next hour, much less the next 20 years. Their propensity to execute these knee jerk responses of theirs to do something, anything about what they see as problems with no consideration for what harm it may cause down the road continues to be, as it always has been, their modus operandi!!!

If it’s anyone who can very safely be considered as being unfit for public office, especially president, it would of course be ‘Pedo Joe.’ His surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan, his trying to hide the Communist Chinese spy balloon from the American public, his undoing of all of President Trump’s border efforts, his ongoing Ukraine debacle in all smack of treason. As does his idiotic preoccupation with bogus ‘climate change.’ All are sufficient reasons to disqualify him from seeking re-election. ‘Pedo Joe’ is the one who should be removed from all state ballots after which he should be tried for treason before then being thrown in prison for the rest of his life.

So why would the Democrats expend the energy required in their attempt to keep a candidate off any ballot knowing that it’s likely to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court? Answer? Because the same Democrat Party that has long accused Republicans of being the ones trying to destroy ‘democracy,’ are themselves working very hard to destroy it. Imagine the reaction if it were a Democrat candidate being removed from ballots. And it’s the producers, the war fighters, the taxpayers and the charity givers who, with each bizarre decision and attack on the America we once knew, more and more and more feel alienated from it all and may end up simply dropping out.

Anyone still pretending that our justice system is fair, and once written the law must be enforced, has quite clearly been brainwashed. The self-destruct button on the Constitution has now officially been pushed by those in the Democrat Party. Nothing has changed, if a Democrats can’t cheat then Democrats can’t win. It’s a game they’ve been playing for decades and were once able to get away with only because those in our so-called ‘mainstream media’ never bothered to report on it. Only with the arrival of alternative media has the curtain been pulled back so that the American people are now able to see all the political stunts carried out by Democrats.

Now with all that having been said, there are those, mostly on the left, who claim this ploy to keep President Trump off the ballot is just that, a ploy. They claim that it’s really not about that at all. Instead, they claim that the crafty Democrats are merely using a little reverse psychology on the rubes who they think make up the majority of those most likely to vote for President Trump. They claim to want President Trump to be Joey’s opponent and that pretending they don’t will only serve to ensure that more of those aforementioned rubes will vote for President Trump thus providing the left with the opponent they actually prefer. But are the Democrat really that clever?

Friday, December 29, 2023


Let’s be honest here…anyone, and I do mean absolutely ANYONE, who purposely votes for any Democrat can, and very justifiably so, be referred to as being a totally lost cause, politically speaking. To the point where I’m not quite sure who it is that represents the greater danger to the survivability of the country that I love, these same mind numbed morons or the Democrat politicians who they insist upon voting for. You see, I just don’t understand how anyone in their right mind could bring themselves to vote for those who quite literally hate this country and whose primary goal, or so it would appear, is bringing about the complete destruction of it.

I wonder, how mentally decrepit must one be to do such a thing? After all, wouldn’t you think that that most basic instinct of self-preservation would kick in for at least some of these people, but apparently not. It should have become painfully clear, especially over the course of the last three years, that Democrats are like locusts, in that they destroy everything that they come into contact with. And as proof I would only point out that, contrary to what the Democrats would have us believe, Joey was handed a country with an economy that was essentially on solid ground, a border that was relatively secure, a nation that was energy independent and a world at peace.

But I’m not going to talk about how Joey has so badly squandered what it was that he was handed, it’s more about what the Democrats have succeeded in doing to so many of our once proud cities. These once crown jewels of this country have been reduced to crime infested cesspools. And the perfect example of what so many of our cities have become would, of course, be the city of Chicago. In 2023 Chicago voters could have done their city a huge favor but instead they chose to elect another Democrat, Brandon Johnson. It’s bizarre that voters in so many of America’s major cities, already in dire straits concerning crime and urban squalor, elect people like this to leadership!

And it was during an appearance this past Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” that Mayor Johnson, in responding to a question regarding an uptick in most violent crime categories in the city in 2023, stated that homicides and shootings have fallen before then going on to actually claim that money “for restoration and reparations” will help address the “cycle of violence” in the city. It was in making this idiotic comment that Johnson once again made quite clear that there has never been a more insipidly stupid person in charge of a major city anywhere in America, ever. And yet here he is, after having been put in his high position by equally stupid voters.

So anyway, co-host Poppy Harlow asked, “I do want to ask you about crime in Chicago, just poring through the latest data from the Chicago Police Department, the murder rate is down from 2022, but all other forms of violent crime, Mr. Mayor, are up from a year ago, up 17 percent overall. Are Chicagoans going to be safer in 2024?” Johnson said, “Well, what I’ve built within these last seven months, in order for us to have a better, stronger, and safer Chicago, it really requires the full force of government. And as you’ve indicated, homicides are down, shootings are down, but, yes, what we’ve experienced in the city of Chicago, cities all over the country are experiencing."

He went on to say, “And I’ve just released my full-out community safety plan that not only gets at the root causes of violence in the city of Chicago, but we’re making critical investments. Those investments look like what I’ve presented in my last budget, a quarter of a billion dollars to address homelessness, $100 million for violence prevention.” And he added, “We added 80 million more dollars to our youth employment program, of which we hired 25,000 young people just this summer, that’s a 20 percent increase from the previous year.” And he said, “I’m going to hire 4,000 additional young people this summer."

He said, “We have stood up an entire office dedicated to re-entry, so individuals who are returning to our communities who have been incarcerated, because of failed policies, we’ll have a welcoming space for them. I’ve added a half a million dollars for restoration and reparations to address, again, the cycle of violence, which looks like school closings, the closing of mental health facilities, [in] which I’ve invested in now. We’re going to open up two mental health clinics that were closed from two previous administrations ago. And so, in order for us to build a better, stronger, safer Chicago, it requires investments, and that’s what this budget has done."

Look, most reasonable people would agree that Increasing crime, as with poverty, has very little to do with a lack of money. This is clearly a hoax to steal more taxpayer money. Since the enactment of the ‘War On Poverty’ in 1965, over 28 Trillion dollars has been spent to eliminate poverty. Today, poverty levels are little changed from 1965. There is no mystery to how we arrived at this situation we are now experiencing. Nobody addresses the root causes of these problems; the only solution is to throw taxpayer money at them. The root causes are the breakdown of the black family unit, high rate of child illegitimacy and high rates of school dropouts.

If money was the solution, these “problems” would have been solved decades ago. Case in point, Los Angeles spent 600 Million dollars in 2018 for the specific purpose of “fixing the homeless problem,” but strangely enough homelessness increased by 16 percent. Again, money isn’t the solution, housing isn’t the solution, and neither is the paying of people not to commit crimes the solution. Serious consequences for bad behavior and long-term incarceration in controlled, secure, behavioral health care facilities are what’s needed if there is to be any hope of slowing or bringing an end to all of the ongoing insanity. But that runs counter to the Democrats agenda.

Johnson is just another of your typical, run of the mill Democrats, spend other people’s money to create an even bigger problem. Interesting how Chicago went from law enforcement to no consequences for crime to now thinking of paying people for committing crimes. What Johnson is essentially saying here is that we have a crime problem, so we’ll just pay them for the crimes they commit--we like to encourage our criminals to build a strong community of thugs. Whatever sane people there are that may still reside in Chicago need to vacate at the earliest possible moment and relocate to a state where some manner of sane leadership still exists.

If this clown spent as much time trying to fix Chicago's problems as he does on pandering on CNN, the citizens of Chicago would be far better served. But then Democrats don’t serve the people, Democrats serve only themselves. They always have and always will. The people of Chicago had a choice and they made it. And now they can live with it. They seem to very much enjoy their place there on the plantation and in chains courtesy of the many government ‘benefits’ they continue to be handed. The ‘party of slavery’ has convinced them that captivity does have its perks. When will they ever learn and finally break free? That’s a rhetorical question.

We’ve been paying reparations since 1964 in the form of ‘The Great Society’ to the tune of 15-20 Trillion dollars and the only result has been the turning of most large American metropolitan areas into third-world war zones. This has been the biggest waste of taxpayer money in American history. The black family has been destroyed with 80 percent having one parent, 50 percent of children don’t graduate and young black males, while they make up 3 percent of the population, commit 54 percent of all violent crime in America. Of course, it’s Democrats who say that it would be racist to make any changes that would in any way significantly alter that outcome.

Finally, giving the 12 percent cradle-to-grave welfare for more than half a century certainly hasn’t reduced their propensity for committing crimes. In fact, their lives of government-funded leisure have just given them more free time, and resources, to pursue their favorite activity. More welfare isn’t going to improve the situation in any way. At the end of the day, you really need to hand it to these Democrats. Not a single day goes by without one of these mental cases completely outdoing one another for a new gold standard in stupidity. There is nothing ‘elite’ about any of these bottom feeders. In fact, nobody outside their little clique respects these parasites.

Thursday, December 28, 2023


What do you suppose it might have been that convinced those in charge at MSDNC that there is anyone anywhere who might be the least bit interested in what Chris Matthews might have to say when it comes to anything even remotely connected to American politics. I mean the guy is a washed-up has-been who is clearly biased to the extreme in his views and is known for spewing some of the most toxic, incendiary and delusional propaganda heard anywhere in all of cable ‘news.’ And just who was it, in their infinite wisdom, who thought it would be a good idea to once again provide him with a platform from which he was free to utter his unique brand of drivel?

You see, it was that during an appearance this past Tuesday on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe” that Matthews claimed that debating rural voters over their support for President Trump was “like fighting terrorism.” The harsh reality is that people like Matthews do consider us to be the enemy and they want us to react so they can then point to us and say “look at how these toothless, uneducated, trailer trash conservatives choose to behave.” Matthews is just another hardcore Leftist wackjob who sees the American people as nothing but ignorant rubes. And we ARE the enemy of those who hate America and are the cheerleaders for those whose goal is its complete destruction.

Matthews said, “I tell you, it’s very tough, because people that didn’t go to college have a pretty good rage on their hands. That’s what you really want in an election, is a rage. It can be black rage, or white rage, or rural rage. In this case is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite. They look at people on television, they say, ‘Oh, those people on Saturday Night Live those snarling rich kids, I know who they are. They’re all trust funders. They don’t need us, they don’t have to worry about us.’ And the regular guy in the country goes, ‘There they are snarling and making fun of us again.'"

And this dolt went on to say, “And every time we make fun of Trump, we’re making fun of them.” He added, “That’s the weird thing. But in a way, it’s like fighting terrorism. I mean, you know, we think we just put the army in, or Israel just puts the IDF and they’re going to solve the problem. It never solves the problem. Because you enrage people. And we did it with Afghanistan, and we did it with Iraq. We enrage the enemy to the point where they’re more fiery than ever, and they hate us more than ever. Armies don’t make peace. And we think they do.” Evidently, we’re all supposed to think as Matthews does and believe the same crap that he does!

I think we all agree, and in using Matthews himself as proof, that education in no way equates to intelligence. I have always found that folks with no college degree have an abundance of common sense, street smarts, and a very healthy outlook on life. A college degree is not a guarantee that the graduate knows how to think, trust me, I work with a great deal of college educated people and their surprising lack of intelligence in obvious. These days it’s more likely that the graduate has learned nothing more than WHAT to think. That’s not an education. If poor Chris can’t handle the incisive questions of a truck driver or a farmer, then he’s in the wrong business.

But look, Matthews, like most in today’s ‘fake news’ media, is nothing more than a bloated, grimacing bag of gas. And were it not for outlets like MSDNC very few people outside the shrieking, insulated leftist echo-chambers where he resides, would ever hear word one of what he has to say. Matthews is so utterly clueless about what all those “uneducated rural hicks” are so angry about. Useful idiots like Matthews are projecting as usual. Calling hard-working Americans who aren’t coastal elites terrorists, simply because they disagree with his ideology. Aptly shows that it’s the coastal elites who are the actual terrorists and why they deserve to be hated.

To say that rural people don’t go to college and are angry all the time could not be farther from the truth. What a pompous asshole. And his insinuation that us rural dwellers are ignorant rubes would be seen as an insult if it wasn’t always coming out of the mouth of someone like Matthews, those who believe themselves to be superior to anyone who has a different opinion than theirs. And while I may not have a PhD from Harvard, I do have a DD214. I learned far more from being in the military than I would have ever learned at most of our so-called institutions of ‘higher learning.’ Of course, the military has changed much since I retired from it. Which is sad.

Those who think as Matthews does have misused, and overused, so many of the insults regarding us on right that terms like nazi, fascist and racist have, for the most part, lost their sting. Sadly, it’s today that far too few have memories of what a real Nazi is, and racist is becoming very skewed as to its former meaning. And about debating, in the real world, attempting to debate someone like Matthews is very much like talking to an emotionally, as well as mentally, challenged adolescent, when too many facts and stats get in the way of that mighty narrative they were programed to repeat and it begins to fall apart, it’s then that the epic tantrums soon follow.

It's sad that this is so rampant today, it wasn’t always this way, in the days before leftwing thinking infested and seduced the masses courtesy of the ‘fake news’ media, entertainment, education and, yes, even those in our own government. It has become quite the mess that the leftwing thinkers have made of things. All the rage is coming from those on the Left, especially the hardcore leftist media, that find themselves unable to resist dictating to the people how they should vote, think and act as well as what they should say. It seems to know no bounds. They are willing to break and destroy everything in order to prevent the people from electing their own leader.

To the Marxist authoritarians like Matthews debating with the American people is, to quote him, “like fighting terrorism.” All because they are angry that the freedoms and prosperity that their forefathers created, and past generations have fought to defend, are being taken away from them. Matthews should study more of the actions of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao to see that journalists were among the first to be purged. The ‘fake news’ media thinks they are top of the pyramid, but soon the Marxists will be done with them, and they will label them traitors to the state, purge them all, and replace them with more compliant and cheaper newsreaders on a state-run channel.

Those on the left long ago stopped debating because they lost nearly every argument they entered. They now use name-calling as another way to stop those same debates. His arrogant, elitist narcissism, his cultural disconnect is astonishing, but not surprising. Matthews is a typical liberal snob. Were he to go onto any college campus (you know, where all the smart people are), he would find plenty of violence, from antisemitic Palestinians to anarchist Antifa and racist BLM students AND faculty. His kind lives in that liberal fantasy world of their own making, and has nothing but contempt for We, the People—informed, willing and able to debate him on the facts.

And it is in Matthews that we have nothing more that stupid man once accused of making inappropriate comments to women. But the real evil here isn’t Matthews, not really. It’s corporate led MSDNC. This time, they gave a platform to a man that just compared Republican voters who are angry about the direction of our country, to terrorists that burned children alive and slaughtered innocent people at a music concert. That’s who he’s now saying we are! And MSDNC just gave him a platform to say it. Just when one thinks nothing stupider could come out of old ‘tingly legs’ big mouth, damn if he doesn’t go on to prove one wrong time after time after time!

And how can you debate an open border after the events of 9/11? How can you debate the high cost of energy when there is 100 years of oil right under our feet? And then there’s the whole Sodom and Gomorrah thing going on and a military whose leaders are seeing just how woke they can make. And let’s not forget all the sickos who believe men can get pregnant and should compete against women in sports. If somebody in the 1990s had forecast the Democrats would become this in 2020 nobody would have believed it. The whole Covid mandate, mask, jabs, boosters, lose your job, first responders went from heroes to zeroes if they wouldn’t take the jab.

So yes, choose to believe what old Chris is telling you and vote for Democrats the next time around. If high prices and low wages buying less and less is good for you, then by all means vote for the Democrat. They claim to want to run against President Trump but at the same time they’re desperate to put him in prison for the rest of his life and boot him from ballots without due process as they continue to come out on the losing end of poll after poll. But they can’t take any chances that the people will actually elect President Trump. After all, he’s crazy enough to want to end the wars, close the border and cut gas prices by 50 percent. These uneducated MAGA folks are a cult!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


I always get a kick out of how Democrats constantly blame anyone but themselves when it comes to the lack of civility in American politics today. And, of course, it’s been over the course of the last eight years that, if you’re stupid enough to believe them, the main culprit regarding all that that lack of civility, as well as the division in this country, is all the fault of one Donald J. Trump. This country was divided long before Mr. Trump became President. He was the first President to actually implement the policies American conservatives wanted, and the response from Democrats has been violent and has resulted in the destruction of our legal system.

It was on the day after Christmas, during an appearance on CNN’s “‘Fake News’ Central,” that Debbie Dingell made the rather idiotic claim that President Trump’s Christmas message shows how he is contributing to division in the county to the point that “violence is becoming normalized.” Now for those who may be unfamiliar with this moron from Michigan, she happens to be the widow of John Dingell, who was also her predecessor in the seat she now holds in the U.S. House. And by the way, it was old John who still holds the record for being the longest-serving member of Congress in U.S. history. And much like his successor, really did nothing for the folks back home.

Anyway, it was the anchor of this silly little show, just one of many in CNN’s stable of bimbos, Sara Sidner who started things off by asking, “I want to ask you about some new information we’ve just been saying the FBI is now involved because of threats to those Colorado judges who ruled that Donald Trump cannot be on the ballot. I’d like to get your thoughts because I know in your state several of your state leadership has faced threats. And you yourself, I think, have mentioned that you have faced threats as a public servant. Have you noticed that things are getting worse, or have things changed?” Yup, a bona fide ‘journalist’ Ms. Sidner most certainly is NOT!!!

But our esteemed Ms. Dingell responded by saying, “They’re deteriorating, and they’re getting worse. And I quite frankly, I’m going to tell you that I think it was one of the most pathetic Christmas greetings I’ve heard when a former president of the United States who wants to return tells people on Christmas Day that they can rot in hell. He is contributing to the divisiveness in division in this country.” What a bunch of bull! These Democrats are adamant about keeping the narrative alive that MAGA is somehow violent, yet they are the HAMAS loving supporters who are confronting the police and calling police on Republican politicians and correspondents.

Ms. Dingell then went on to add, “Yes, I have had people, and after he went after me, quite frankly, there were men outside of my house with assault weapons, and I have had threats. But it is hate and division are creeping into our communities far too easily. Violence is becoming normalized. Every last one of us has to stand up. We can disagree civilly. We need to respect every human being with dignity. We need to treat them like everybody’s a human being and bring that civility back because our democracy is in trouble. If we start to let the kind of anger, violence and division that’s creeping in be normalized more. It’s not right."

What seems to have Ms. Dingell’s panties in such a twist is President Trump’s 2023 Christmas message in which he said, “Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith. Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS.” I couldn’t agree more!!!

And, of course, Dingell, and this supposed ‘journalist’, would have us all believe that Democrats are all unicorns and sunshine. What a load of crap. We won’t look at Antifa, BLM or the defund the police crowd. And then there’s the warped policies supported by those like Dingell that call for the release of violent criminals with no bail, turn out convicted murderers, and more. Oh, and let’s not forget Joey’s massive border failure that has only succeeded in bringing crime and all manner of pestilence, as well as terrorists, into our country, but has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars. These Democrats are full of shit! Whining about President Trump is all they have left.

And of course, “violence is becoming normalized.” But if this old dingbat truly was interested in seeing just who it is that’s responsible, all she would have to do is to look into the nearest mirror. Because it is she and her ilk that bear most, if not all, of the blame. Or should! Violence is become normalized because Democrat strongholds refuse to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate violent criminals. Period. I keep hearing about how violent the right is, but all the violence I see is coming from those on the left. I continuously see the left calling for the elimination of ‘MAGA’ people, the elimination of white Christian males and/or of Christians in general.

And it’s not supporters of President Trump who are murdering each other in Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis (or any other large Democrat city) every week. They’re the ones calling for something to be done about it. But yeah, keep telling us how violent Trump supporters are. It’s becoming painfully obvious what these people, like Dingell, are trying so hard to incite here. All of these leftist loons are now all on the same page with these ridiculous and endless accusations against President Trump. Clearly what they’re all hoping for is to trigger one of their millions of lunatic sheep into killing President Trump. Make no mistake here, that clearly appears to be the end goal.

Dingell makes no comment about all the failed liberal policies that have made the continuing violence possible, nor is she asked to provide one by this supposed ‘journalist,’ Ms. Sidner. Dingell thinks the divisive hate, hateful rhetoric and overt violence from the people on HER end of the political spectrum is somehow all President Trump’s fault. Violence and crime that is now everywhere in the U.S. has been promoted, excused, and stoked by the left. Look at the videos of the looting and random violence, do you see any person who looks like a Trump voter? Do you see any common characteristics? Or do you close your eyes, and follow the left’s playbook?

And it is those in our ‘fake news’ media that have been only too eager to assist those like Ms. Dingell in fomenting all manner of hatred across America. And they are proving to be just as dangerous, if not more so, than the Democrats. They push division because it helps the Democrats. Those on the right don’t flip cars, loot or destroy private property, the left does that. The right has been scary silent during all the calls to exterminate them. Sooner or later, they will be pushed no further and those in the media will be at least partially to blame for what happens next. The ‘fake news’ media is dying a slow death and yet they persist with their propaganda.

And finally, perhaps Dingell needs to be reminded that her side stole the election so they could then install a ‘leader’ more to their liking. Trump is no longer president and so isn’t in charge. That’s all on the dementia-suffering, corrupt, buffoon that was installed. It’s the Democrats who own the hate, the threats and the violence that became normalized when Trump was president. The riots, the burning down of our cites that the corrupt media and the Democrat both claimed was democracy in action. And to now try to claim that the responsibility for violence having become normalized rests solely with President Trump is more than just hypocritical, it’s patently untrue!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


As the climate crazies continue to have very limited success in their attempt to convince that masses that their claims have any basis in real science, I’m sure most folks have noticed how their many predictions have now gotten as dire as they have become increasingly consequential, theoretically that is. But even as they continue to make more outrageous predictions, it’s all of their previous ones that have yet to become a reality. In short ‘climate change’ is nothing but a bunch of bullshit just as it has been since the 1970s. Only those of limited intelligence continue to fall for this line of garbage with most actually becoming true believers in the cause.

But even with all of that said, the cheerleaders of this bogus theory have yet to throw in the towel when it comes to their continuing attempts to convince the nonbelievers of the validity of their argument. And it was as recently as this past Sunday that Al Gore made another appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” to make yet another evermore inventive claim, this time stating that that if the climate continues to warm, we “would lose our capacity for self-governance.” You really do have to hand it to those like Gore, they never seem be lacking for an excuse for taking action to address what they continue to claim is the greatest threat faced by mankind.

And it was host Jake Tapper who started things off by asking, “What happens if the world doesn’t react? What’s the worst-case scenario?” Gore said, “The scientist who has warned us of these mega-storms and the floods and mudslides and droughts and the ice melting and the sea level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases and climate and migrants crossing international borders in large numbers. They were dead right when they warned us about this, and so we need to pay more attention to them now.” People need to go back and read the predictions in his books and see what a charlatan he truly is and pay no further attention to him.

Gore went on to say, “Here is one thing they say: if we don’t take action, there could be as many as 1 billion climate refugees crossing international borders in the next several decades. Well, a few million have contributed to this wave of populist authoritarianism and dictatorships and so forth. What would a billion do? We can’t do this. We could lose our capacity for self-governance.” With the possible exception of our present ‘climate czar,’ John Kerry-Heinz, is there a more pompous ass anywhere in America than Gore? What is it with these empty suits of very little brain that they gravitate to ‘climate change’ as the horse they plan to ride to fame and glory?

Gore added, “Already, we’ve seen people driven from the places they’ve always called home, and we’re seeing an expansion of areas in the world that are physiologically unlivable now because of the combination of heat and humidity. They’re relatively small areas now, but if we don’t act, they will expand to include most of India, large parts of Northern and South America, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, the list goes on. The survival of our civilization is at stake. And it sounds dire, but it is dire.” I wonder why Gore wasn’t prosecuted for “trying to overthrow our democracy” when he fought against his loss in 2000? Just sayin’!

“Lose our capacity for self-governance?” Seriously? I suppose that that would be a distinct possibility if the world were to follow his suggestions. Because in doing so we would lose the ability to govern ourselves, after all, a world without a stable supply of electricity, inadequate food distribution, huge number of deaths due to inadequate medical assistance would be plunged into total chaos. Hydrocarbons are the backbone of our modern society. Gore is a sociopath, failed presidential candidate, and an all-around hypocritical nut job. These incredibly arrogant individuals, like Mr. Gore, are getting more outrageous and more desperate with the passing of each and every day.

Ya know, one of the ways a scientific theory gains credibility, is when the theory is used to accurately predict outcomes. So far, the ‘climate change’ cult is batting zero in that regard. Under the globalists’ plan to “save the planet” we will all be enslaved under a one world government with tyrants like Gore lording over us. Gore is an example of the crooks that sold those fake tonics in the old west. He would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Enriching themselves and Communist China all the while screeching, “the sky is falling”. Their climate crisis agenda is falling apart, and they know it. And yet they all persist!!!

Most reasonably intelligent people are quick to recognize the ‘climate change’ narrative for exactly what it is, that being, of course, nothing more than pure political dogma the intent of which is the replacing of prior religious convictions with the fickleness of human thought. The elders of the modern age have continually been fastened in uniformity, chanting and parroting the same systematic message. And what a convenient phrase “climate change” is. Omnipresent and omnipotent. It causes hot or cold weather, wet or dry, stormy or calm. Normal climate variation, occurring over billions of years, is causing everything the left doesn’t like about the world.

One could easily come to the conclusion that the entire ‘climate change’ movement is nothing more than one giant hoax. And that would be correct. It’s not that the climate isn’t changing, because it is, but that’s only because it always has been and always will. Numerous factors influence ‘climate change,’ including that big fireball called the Sun, a million times larger than Earth, and only 94 million miles away. One of the issues in the global warming debate is whether modern scientists have sufficient data to determine that current warming trends are indicative of long-term climatic changes rather than relatively short-term weather pattern variability.

Short term weather patterns and cycles, measured over 30 years have little if any bearing on long term climate trends. The Washington Post declared this past July as Earth’s “Earth’s hottest month on record.” Buried in the article was the fact that said “record” was “40 years of global observations”. Scientific American piles on, warning that despite the hot summer, “It will still be one of the coolest summers of the next few decades.” A few decades are background noise given the Earth’s age. Succumbing to global climate demands IS losing our sovereignty. Give in on this, and what EXACTLY do we have left? Not much of anything, really. And that’s the goal here.

Failed climate predictions are a staple of our state run scientific and media organizations. Their arrogance has destroyed their credibility, just as it did with the myriad COVID pronouncements which turned out to be false. Gore seems not to understand, or maybe he does, that if the entire world stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow. We’d have massive worldwide starvation on our hands. Which we all know would cause worldwide chaos, fighting for food everywhere. Gore is great for flashing the danger signs, but he never has a clear, concise, logical way to resolve any of the  problems he presents. All he ever says is that we just gotta do something.

For a guy who says he invented the internet, he certainly appears to be dumber than a box of rocks. But, honestly, this guy has made so many bad predictions, and if any of them had come to pass, we already would be frozen, overheated and all be living in a desert. What is incredible, is the fact that Gore actually thinks people listen to what he says! This grifter has been at it since he lost his election in 2000. Why is it that they can fear-monger We the People, all while flying around the world on their private jets and buying up mansions with their ill-gotten gains right on the beaches they claim will disappear because of rising oceans? It’s all a bunch of lies.

Gore will have zero credibility as long as he’s flying around spewing carbon dioxide or until he downsizes his own personal living accommodations. Self-governance has NOTHING to do with the climate change scam, because the ability to govern ourselves stems from the concept of nationhood, which is slowly being dismantled by the opening of the immigration floodgates throughout the western world. Make no mistake, this is not happening by accident. However, as we reach the end of 2023, there are some hopeful signs that people are, albeit very slowly, beginning to wake up to reality, especially in parts of Europe and the United States.

The funny part regarding their insistence that we are causing the changes in the climate is that we have climate refugees coming from the south. And why is that, is because it wasn’t hot and humid there before? That’s absolutely absurd. They are coming because here because the American government, and the Democrat Party more specifically, is rolling out the red carpet and providing all manner of benefits including food, transportation, phones, all of it free, and providing other financial incentives. People aren’t coming to America because their climate has changed, they’re coming here to get a free ride paid for by the American taxpayer.

And what Gore never bothers to point out is the fact that if humanity does the things that he seems to truly believe are needed, then rather than taking mitigating steps that allow humans to adapt to changing climatic conditions, many billions more will die because of the mitigating steps that he wants us all to take in the vain attempt to stop a natural cycle. He also is not telling you that the CO2 values today, as well as the Earth’s temperature today, are far below the mean values for them over the evolutionary existence of life on Earth. He should be challenged about the consequences of what he proposes on the fate of mankind.

In the 1970s, we are heading for another ice age that would destroy civilization as we knew it. In the 1980s, acid rain is going to completely wipe mankind from the face of the Earth. In the 1990s, the ozone is being depleted and deadly rays from the sun will destroy all life on earth. In the 2000s, current population growth will result in unprecedented, famine and disease in 20 years. 2015, there is no turning back if we don’t, address climate change in the next five years. In 2021, they said if we shut down for two weeks we could flatten the curve. Masks will prevent the spread, as will maintaining a distance of six feet. Science died 50 years ago. Now it’s simply propaganda.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


There is not a bigger defender of, or a more vocal provider of political cover for, *president Joey than those who, together, form that which the rest of us commonly refer to as, the ‘fake news’ media. Very rarely is there ever a negative word heard from these supposed ‘journalists,’ more often than not that’s because they’re far too busy telling us what a Nazi, what a racist, what a crook or what a misogynist President Trump is. And still there are those within the Democrat Party who complain about how it is that those in the ‘fake news’ media go about their reporting of *president Joey’s many ‘successes.’ Chief among these complainers is perennial racist, James Clyburn.

It was during an appearance on Saturday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Saturday Show,” that Clyburn, another Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair, complained that “Joe Biden’s campaign is suffering, not because…the media have it wrong, I just think that it’s a bit incomplete with its reporting.” And he said that no one is reporting that Joey got most of his student loan plan through despite the full plan actually being struck down by the Supreme Court. Clyburn said, “I think Joe Biden’s campaign is suffering, not because it has been — the media have it wrong, I just think that it’s a bit incomplete with its reporting. Take, for instance, student loan debt relief."

He said, “One part of what President Biden tried to do was challenged by Republican attorneys general all over the country and this right-wing Supreme Court agreed with them, and stopped him from doing it. But then he took another route, and he has now forgiven $132 billion in student loan debt for 3.4 million people. Nobody’s reporting that. They only reported the fact that he could not get done one part of what he was trying to do, but he has done 75 to 80 percent of that. Now, that’s not a high passing grade, but that’s a passing grade.” And that Clyburn could make such an idiotic claim with a straight face tells us much about Clyburn, the Democrats and the media.

He added, “I think that if you were to look upon this campaign as just being a contest between President Biden and former President Trump, that, to me, is a pretty good scenario.” That statement alone makes crystal clear just how detached from reality that Clyburn really. And it was later during this same exchange that Clyburn predicted that strong Democratic turnout in South Carolina will be a “bellwether” for the rest of the country. Yup, ignorant Americans voting for corrupt Democrat politicians, the source for all of America's problems. To continue to vote for those like Clyburn means you get nothing in the end. And the fools have not a clue, or they simply don’t care.

Anyone who has spent even the briefest of time watching those in the ‘fake news’ media, is well aware that their number one priority is not now the presenting of accurate news and information but is instead doing everything they can to continually prop up, and to offer all manner of praise for, the most incompetent, incoherent, corrupt *president in all of American history. In short, those in the ‘fake news’ media are doing little more than blowing smoke. Clearly, Clyburn is doing little more than talking out his ass. The truth is, Joey’s campaign is suffering because the American people are suffering. We can’t take another four years of this socialist crap!!!

Clyburn is your basic idiot, he became a member of the House not because of his intelligence, not because of his character but because of the color of his skin. His constituents are as dumb as he is to consistently vote for this moron who has done nothing for them. He’s simply being the good house ‘servant’ to the Democrats. When they want to shame the media into doing the DNC’s bidding, they drag out Clyburn and he’ll say what we want them to hear. It’s the ‘fake news’ media that’s the ONLY thing keeping Joey afloat. If they actually told the truth Joey would never have been elected in the first place. And dare I say, no Democrat would ever be elected.

When Clyburn accuses the media of “incomplete media reporting,” I very much doubt what he’s talking about is the purposeful omission of appropriate adjectives such as what a liar, cheat, hustler and con man our *president truly is. Frankly, you would think that he would be very grateful for that “incomplete reporting.” After all, those in the media said nothing about how Joey’s student loan is illegal. They’ve said nothing about how the real inflation rate is 18 percent. And, of course, they’ve said nothing about the real numbers of Joey’s illegals that have flooded across the border or how his administration has been flying them to locations all across the country.

I swear, sometimes I think these leftwing morons actually believe the bullshit they continually spew! There’s no way the entire lot of them would repeat the same thing over and over again knowing damn well that reality is so completely different. But, no, not one has acknowledged that Joey’s policies are the direct cause of our dire straits. What this phony race hustler really means is that the media isn’t sufficiently gaslighting the people when it comes to Joey’s many failures. He shouldn’t worry, though, half the country will still vote and cheat for the senile, corrupt, feckless, incompetent fool no matter what. Clyburn is another poster boy for term limits.

Clyburn is nothing more than another useless politician who spouts nothing but nonsense. Despite his act, he really isn’t very smart. The only thing that is preventing Joey from tanking completely is the fact that those in the ‘fake news’ media doesn’t like to report anything factual about the Biden Clan. If only we had real ‘journalism’ in this country, but that hasn’t been the case for decades. If those in the ‘fake news’ media actually reported on what was actually happening both Joey and his family members would be rotting in prison. But because Joey is a Democrat, he can rest assured that his many secrets are very safe with those in the ‘fake news’ media.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


One thing you can say about the Democrats, if there is one thing at which they can be said to excel, it’s the accusing both President Trump, and the Republicans, of somehow being guilty of what they themselves are actually guilty of. It’s a practice of theirs that has been going on for decades and continues to be something that works quite well for them, especially when it comes to the weak-minded among us. A most recent example of this is, of course, the accusing of both President Trump, and the Republicans, as somehow being enemies of Israel. Meanwhile, it’s the Democrats, and their supporters, who continue to undermine Israel as it fights for its very survival.

We again saw evidence of this this past Friday’s during the broadcast of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe.” You see, it was then that Democrat Senator, Chris Coons, Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair, went so far as to argue that *president Joey now needs to be much tougher with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and push him towards “a counterterrorism strategy, rather than a massive ground campaign lasting many more months.” Coons also stated that “if Hamas were to lay down arms tomorrow, if Hamas would release the hostages, the fighting would stop the next day.” Because, according to Coons, the humanitarian toll of Israel’s ground campaign is too high.

And it was Washington ‘Com’Post columnist David Ignatius who asked, “Senator, do you think it’s time for President Biden, your friend, to be tougher with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, not simply for the sake of the United States’ interests, but for Israel’s interests as well? What do you think?” Coons answered, “Yes. David, as you well know, as the viewers know, the cost in human life in Gaza, the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza is horrific and the humanitarian circumstances there are unacceptably hard.” Coons is your typical Jew hating Democrat. And it’s every word that comes out of his mouth that is nothing but a lie, distortion, or full of venom.

And he went on to say, “But we also need to remind folks that if Hamas were to lay down arms tomorrow, if Hamas would release the hostages, the fighting would stop the next day. It is important to remind people that what began all of this was a horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on innocent civilians in Israel. But two months into this intensive ground campaign, the captive population of Gaza is suffering at unacceptably high levels.” Coons has a reputation for being a pathetic loser and has proven multiple times that he’s someone who should be ignored. Israel is doing the world a favor, Democrats either need to help them, or get out of the way.

He continued, “So, when I was in Israel last, part of a bipartisan group of senators there to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and the war cabinet and other leaders and to meet with hostage families, a point I made to the Prime Minister was that he had a choice between going into Gaza, Israel only, for months and months and months and doing roughly what we did in Fallujah or in Mosul and carrying out a very tough, very expensive, very costly campaign on the ground with no clear end in sight and risk increasing the number of extremists and losing support globally over the human suffering.” As far as I’m concerned, not one member of Hamas should be left alive.

Anyway he said, “Or to engage in a brief, intense campaign to knock down Hamas, and then step back and renew their negotiations with the Saudi kingdom and others in the region to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and launch a region-wide, longer-term campaign against Hamas with the active support and partnership of Egypt and the Saudis and the Jordanians, a campaign more likely to succeed in the long run and bring peace to the region.” Personally, it’s in my humble opinion that Joey should perhaps be more than a little tougher on the murderous, racist, Moslems that started this latest round of violence against Israel. But that’s not likely to happen.

And Coons added, “I recognize that’s not something Prime Minister Netanyahu is likely to accept, but our President has been pressing and pressing for more humanitarian relief, with some recent success in getting Kerem Shalom opened for the release of hostages, with some success a few weeks ago when there was a pause, and for a reduction in settler violence in the West Bank. But it is time for us to be clearer and more forceful with our Israeli partners about the need to change to a counterterrorism strategy, rather than a massive ground campaign lasting many more months.” I guess was unaware that Hamas supporters had now infested Delaware.

Hamas slaughtered Israeli citizens and our politicians now want Israel to play nice? If Israel destroys Hamas there will be less of a need for Israel to worry about terrorism. I mean at least one source of terrorism would be eliminated. They might need to repeat the lesson again, but at least Hamas would be gone. Coons is one of the dumbest people in government. His comments are without logic. The people in Gaza voted for Hamas. They elected a group of terrorists to lead them. The terrorists lead them into war. This was all a forgone conclusion. The people of Gaza are getting what they voted for. I have zero sympathy for them. Stupid is, as stupid does!

I’d like to remind both Mr. Coons, and rest of his party, that Israel did not start this war, Hamas did. Liberal pukes such as Mr. Coons make me sick. If they had their way we would all be speaking Japanese or German today instead of fighting to stop Hitler and Tojo. And so, our ally Israel, which is a democracy, suffers an unprovoked and barbaric attack by Islamic fundamentalists who ascribe to Sharia Law from the middle ages and who profess to want to commit total genocide of all Israelis and Jews and these radical Democrats want us to get tougher on Israel? Only in the dystopian Hell of a Communist mind could this be considered in any way as acceptable.

Israel is at war with Hamas for the murder, rape and kidnapping of its citizens. Civilians always pay the biggest price in war, so the Palestinian support of the Hamas murderers and rapist has very definite consequences. The solution is simple. Stop supporting terrorists and stop supporting genocide of the Jewish people. Palestinian leaders live in luxury while their people starve. The corrupt leaders of the Palestinian movement are the true enemies of the Palestinian people. Joey should be telling Hamas to return the hostages and stand down for the sake of its people. Israel has no duty, moral or otherwise, to stop until Hamas, and its leadership, are destroyed.

The population of Gaza is suffering because of bad choices they themselves have made. They are the ones who choose to put these Hamas thugs in charge. They love Hamas and are responsible for the decisions they made. The German and Japanese civilians suffered during World War II, but they were as culpable as their leaders and received their just rewards. Gaza residents overwhelmingly elected Hamas to govern the region in 2005, and all residents, including Israelis, have suffered ever since! The stated goal of Hamas is to destroy Israel and they have spent most aid money over the years in that effort at the cost of improving living conditions for Gaza citizens!

Lastly, I doubt that Coons was worried about civilian casualties when the U.S. was cleaning ISIS out of Fallujah or Mosul where the “western powers” killed many times more innocent civilians. I don’t recall anyone. not the U.N., not the media, nor Mr. Coons saying a word. No hand wringing. Yet Israel may not defend themselves. Coons is a complete hypocrite, it’s acceptable to be antisemitic because the Jews will still vote for you but the Muslims, on the other hand, don’t want the U.S. to do what is right, so simply side with them in order to acquire the Muslim vote. Pander much, Senator Coons? Typical democrat, talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Friday, December 22, 2023


Now I will be the first to admit that there is more than enough sleaze in our nation’s capital to go around, on both sides of the political aisle. But it’s the more toxic form of the aforementioned sleaze that is very clearly on the left, those who support the Democrat Party and are even within the party itself. Their win at all costs, ends justify the means, attitude, while it has done great damage to this country it has also prevented the Democrats from being relegated to the dustbin of American history. It has also managed to allow them to thrive, much to the regret of those who actually love this country. Because it’s the mission of these people to destroy our country.

But be that as it may, these people of the left, these Democrats, have been very successful in their effort to convince a certain segment of our population that far from wanting to destroy our country, their only goal, their only desire, is to make it better for all. More fair, more equitable, yada, yada, yada. And it’s in so doing that they constantly paint those on the other side of being all that they, the left, the Democrats, truly are. And where they once were content to operate behind closed doors and keep their true mission close to their chest, for fear of their goal being discovered, it’s these days that they operate in full view for all to see.

And one of the more sinister of these many players is a guy by the name of Andrew Weissmann. Mr. Weissmann is billed as being an attorney and professor. But he really is so very much more. Weissmann was the lead prosecutor for former special counsel Robert Mueller bogus investigation into the just as bogus Russia hoax. He is a virulent hater of President Trump who has said that he believed it is “inconceivable” that President Trump will not be charged in special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents probe. Weissman also seems convinced that President Trump will likely receive “significant” jail for his involvement in the supposed “insurrection."

This past Thursday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline” Weismann muttered more of his leftist drivel arguing that Americans died in the Civil War, so leaders “who engaged in insurrection,” like the Colorado Supreme Court found President Trump did, can not run for office.  said, “This is not new. It is true that this provision of the Constitution is new to lots of people because we’ve never been in a situation where you would have somebody running for office who engaged in insurrection or a rebellion. What’s remarkable to me is that the story isn’t really, the unanimous finding in the Colorado case because you had no one dissenting on the issue of did he do it."

He continued, “No one was saying, oh, no, this was insufficient proof. There were lots of procedural issues, and I don’t mean to minimize them, that the dissent raised, but there was a district court finding and there was a majority opinion with no dissents on the fact that the leading contender for the Republican nomination had done what we had a civil war about. And the reason for this amendment was because after the Civil War, people said, if you have engaged in this kind of conduct you cannot be any longer the president, the vice president, or any federal position. So this is historically really important in terms of what many people died for in this country."

Weissmann added, “I mean this is the largest loss of life in America at the time was over the Civil War and why we have this amendment. So people should take it seriously. It’s important for the Supreme Court to hear it and make a decision and people should be behind that.” The left is showing an extreme pathological fear of President Trump. They are showing mass psychosis insanity over President Trump. They have been propagandized, by those like Weismann, to believe that President Trump will seek to round them up, put them in chains, or worse. We need to ban these leftists, limit their ability to spew their lies. They are dangerous people.

Weissmann is nothing more than just another too slick for his good, piece of shit scumbag who will say anything he feels he needs to. Granted, I may not be an attorney myself but that doesn’t mean that I’m not allowed to wonder how it was that he got his job as an assistant U.S. attorney, because it would seem that it was obviously not based on intellect or an understanding of the law. The Colorado Supreme Court didn’t find President Trump guilty of insurrection. He was not tried or even accused of insurrection. What they did do was to unilaterally declare him guilty of insurrection, and the last time I checked that’s not how our justice system is supposed to work.

These Democrat elites really do feel they have the right to herd you and decide on your behalf who you may vote for. And now Democrats in four States, including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts will only put ‘Pedo’ Joe on the Democrat ballot with no opposition allowed. What Democrats are trying in Colorado is just an extension of what they have already done to those in their own party. Many Democrats know they will have to sit out one election cycle or vote for someone else if they are ever to have a voice in their own party again. Because if Joe, wins, these elites of the Democrat Party will continue to tell them to sit down and shut up.

It's difficult to accept that people like Weissman can be so detached from the reality of the present, as well as our history. President Trump questioned whether his election loss was because of voter fraud, something I, and half the country, still believe is a plausible explanation. He was simply trying to follow what he believed to be a legitimate process for raising that question in Congress. He didn't ask anyone to break down doors or windows. That is all quite different from taking up arms in a war against the Union in which over 600,000 soldiers were killed. So, are they detached from reality, or do they actually believe the garbage they’re trying to sell us?

All the Left has is projection. They are calling for a civil war themselves as they melt down about President Trump’s rising poll numbers. Make no mistake, they want war. Communists crave bloody revolution. War is a fever that affects the brain, and the Left is rabid with it. Weismann is a proven liar who delights in using/abusing the law to ruin people that he doesn’t like to advance his own rather sketchy personal reputation as a take-no-prisoners prosecutor and litigator. For him, the facts are, at best, optional, and then only when convenient. That’s exactly what fascists do. When they know they can’t win at the ballot box, they seek to destroy their opponents.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


In light of the recent ‘decision’ by the Colorado State Supreme Court am I the only one now wondering if such a thing is the action of a party confident in its ability to defeat its primary political opponent. And make no mistake that this was a ‘decision’ that was based solely on politics. But then what else are the Democrats to do as their candidate, Joey, continues to crater in the polls and support for the primary target of their political shenanigans, President Trump, continues to grow. And also, this ‘decision’ also lends credence to the claims that the 2020 election was stolen. So with so much now at stake can we finally expect Republicans to play by the same rules?

And so was just this past Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” that Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick pondered doing exactly that. You see, it was then that Mr. Patrick said that considering the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that President Trump did not qualify their state presidential ballot that perhaps Texas should follow suit and consider taking *president ‘Pedo’ Joey off their ballot. And it was in discussing a new Texas law that allows police to arrest migrants who cross the border illegally, anchor Laura Ingraham asked, “The White House said today this law won’t make communities safer your response?"

Patrick said, “So, we spent a lot of time writing this bill along with the governor and we believe we have a bill that will survive any type of Supreme Court challenge because we are being invaded. Arizona tried this about 10 years ago but our law is different. it simply says that our law enforcement can arrest anyone, take them in, do a background which can photograph, do fingerprints. If they saw them cross the border illegally, we can do that or if they happen to reveal in the arrest stop that they crossed illegally. Then the magistrate will send them back and will escort them to the border. They have a choice, they go to jail or they can go back."

He said, “And if they go back and dry to come back again and rearrest them again, the penalty gets even higher. We are fed up.” He added, “Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state for more than anything anyone else has done in recent history. And so this is so outrageous. 10,000, 12,000, 14,000 people a day crossing the border. 8 million since we have been in office. It’s enough to be the 12th largest state it’s incredible."

Personally, I have long complained about the refusal on the part of so many Republicans to play the game in the manner that the Democrats continue to play it. After all, if Colorado can re-interpret the Fourteenth amendment and then deem President Trump to be an insurrectionist, then I can only assume that Texas can then re-interpret the Twenty fifth Amendment and deem ‘Pedo’ mentally unfit for office. Colorado set the precedent, after all, simply get a few judges to rule Joe mentally unfit  and done deal. All red states should follow suit, starting right now. If we simply allow Democrats to get away this, where is it that things will finally end up?

At the very least all of the states now being impacted by the illegal border opening encouraged by the traitorous admin could sign on if they so choose. And with Maine and California now looking to follow Colorado in trying to remove President Trump from the ballot, as far as I’m concerned, if President Trump can be removed from the ballot over an insurrection that never happened, then ‘Pedo’ Joey can be removed for accepting bribes that most definitely did happen. Let’s face it, old ‘Pedo’ Joey has done several things that disqualify him from being president. First and foremost is how he has allowed the flooding of this country by those who don’t belong here.

What ‘Pedo’ Joey has done to this country in such a relatively brief span of time, politically speaking, goes way beyond his border debacle. From the insane Afghanistan withdrawal, all of the Xiden family grifting, the shutting down of oil production, being in illegal possession of classified government documents, having cocaine in the White House to putting peaceful protesters in a gulag while paying anarchists millions for burning down cities. There’s plenty more that ‘Pedo’ Joey has done that disqualifies to be president. There is more than enough evidence, all of it well documented, to remove ‘Pedo’ Joey from the ballot. All one needs is the gonads to do it.

And I would also argue that the time for playing by Marquess of Queensberry and Robert’s Rules now appears to be over in the world of politics. Progressives hate our country and want to see it destroyed before then making another attempt to remake it into their ever-elusive socialist utopia. Democrats are worse than the most malignant, most virulent form of cancer and they are destroying us from the inside out. Joey refuses to do the basic constitutional duties of the President, like defending our border. Allowing enemies to pour in sounds like aiding and abetting an insurrection to me, it’s no bigger of a stretch than what the Democrats are continuing to do.

But perhaps taking steps to remove Joey from the ballot doesn’t take things far enough. Perhaps every Democrat should be removed from every ballot. They don’t believe in fair elections, they don’t believe in free speech and they don’t believe in capitalism. It’s every solidly red state that should immediately sue to remove ‘Pedo’ Joey from the ballot if President Trump is not included in every single Democrat led state. The only solution here is to fight fire with fire. The Democrats are in a total melt-down panic, fearing that if Joey is not reelected their years of corruption will be exposed, and they will lose their position at the taxpayer money trough.

If President Trump committed insurrection on January 6, then surely ‘Pedo’ Joey has committed insurrection since his first day in office over illegal alien migration. If this is allowed to stand by the U.S. Supreme Court, then it will be the end of elections in this Republic. And yet, it’s in these times that there is no guarantee that The Court will come down on the side of sanity. We seem to have members of The Court who are very easily intimidated, but this is not the time for cowardice when the country has been made to hang by a thread by those who are now claiming victory regarding this recent decision in Colorado. Now is the time to act with courage and conviction.

And so, not being a lawyer myself, I’m having a rather difficult time trying to understand Colorado law. Because it would appear that in Colorado, at least, one can simply be accused of a crime, yet not indicted, not have a trial, nor be convicted of a crime and still be legally treated as if one actually has been tried and convicted. Does that sound about right? If so, then I hereby accuse ‘Pedo’ Joey of buggering his daughter. There’s plenty of information out there about his blatantly ‘inappropriate’ behavior with her and with more than a few others. When does his name get removed from ballots? So much easier to skip the whole charging, trial, and conviction thing.

According to this court, President Trump “participated in the January 6 Insurrection” despite that that he has been found guilty of absolutely nothing. And yet they are free to unilaterally remove President Trump from the Colorado ballot? On the other hand, ‘Pedo’ Joe blatantly peddles influence for Communist China and Ukraine among others and no worries. Clearly this court doesn’t see this as a problem when compared to the actions of President Trump. A high schooler could see the absurdity of this. These ‘Justices’ on the Colorado ‘Supreme Court’ should be reprimanded immediately for this blatant malfeasance. They obviously have no interest in the rule of law.

This would appear to be where we are now, where courts arrive at decisions based not on the Constitution and/or the rule of law, but on one’s own political philosophy. The blind, vicious hatred of an American citizen, President Trump, and by extension, America, must not stand! If you thought President Trump is popular today, wait until a week from now! This makes the possibility of an October surprise next year by the Democrats a very real possibility! Will it be another plandemic of some sort that will be made to suddenly appear out of nowhere and just in time for the general election in 2024? We have to be ready for whatever trickery the Democrats are preparing.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


It doesn’t take a genius to recognize what’s going on on the part of the RINOs and the Democrats. Their coordinated attack, if you will, on the American people that comes in the form of multiple, and simultaneous, attempts to prevent President Trump from running for reelection. And it’s rather strange, don’t you think, that while the courts wanted no part in determining if election interference took place in 2020, they seem all too eager to commit election interference themselves, on the part of the Colorado Supreme Court, as we head into the 2024 election. And such interference seems to bother not a single Democrat or RINO. Which tells you what? But I digress.

And it was during an appearance this past Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that RINO Chris Sununu made that rather bold claim that President Trump was using “extreme” language on immigration because he’s “nervous his base is going to leave him.” It’s these days that Sununu has become pretty much of a fixture on both CNN and MSDNC. And there’s very simple reason for that, it’s because he’s someone with an -R- after his name who hates President Trump and his supporters as much as they do. But too bad for Sununu is the fact that few people outside of New Hampshire have even ever heard of him, so his words of wit end up having a rather negligible effect.

Anyway, Sununu said, “Everyone knows Donald Trump’s record. You know, as Republicans, we want that border secure. You know, we want the right fiscal policies in place. We wanted to drain the swamp. He didn’t do any of it. And there’s no, you don’t even have to run ads on that. He just didn’t get it done.” He continued, “You know, it’s funny when you he was here over the weekend, and he spent all this time saying this, this horrible, you know, rhetoric against illegal immigrants and all this sort of thing. And all he’s doing there is trying to spur up his base.” And he said, “He’s nervous his base is going to leave him at this point."

And, he added, “That’s why he gets so extreme in some of these speeches he’s giving. And he does it around the immigration issue because he doesn’t want people to remember. By the way, you were there for four years, buddy.” Actually, it’s Sununu and the rest of his ilk who are afraid that President Trump’s base won’t leave him. Hence, they’re resorting to more desperate measures. Sununu said, “You had a chance to secure the border. You had a chance to make Mexico pay for it, as you told us you would. You didn’t do any of it. So he’s doing everything he can to distract from the fact, almost like he wasn’t president."

Sununu concluded his idiotic little rant saying, “He was in charge for four years, and look what didn’t get done. So he’s he’s running scared. He knows that he doesn’t have any momentum.” But here’s a little news flash for both Sununu and all of his buddies there at CNN. President Trump’s base ain’t going anywhere but to the polls during the primary process to make sure that he is the ‘America First’ Republican nominee for president, and not the globalist establishment choice Nikki Haley. All of their tricks are going to accomplish nothing more than to solidify the support that President Trump currently has, and may even gain for him more than a few new supporters.

Those interested in fairness are not going to buy into what has been, and continues to be, an attempt by both the Democrats and the RINO scum like Sununu to derail President Trump. Sununu, is nothing more than a willing tool of the corrupt ‘fake news’ media. Let’s face it, if they genuinely thought that they had nothing to worry about regarding President Trump they would be doing nothing more than sitting back waiting for him to flameout. That old adage that says actions speaking louder than words is playing out in real time right before our eyes. It’s all of our establishment types who have become increasingly desperate in their effort to sideline President Trump.

The delusional coping and lies from people like Sununu is getting truly pathetic at this point. It was people like him that worked hard to sabotage President Trump’s immigration policy his entire first term. It’s amazing to watch the people who stood in the way of every attempt to secure the border now running around saying, “why didn’t it get done,” as if anyone has forgotten their betrayal of the voters. People like Sununu, as well as Christie, Cheney and others too many to list, are the garbage of the Republican Party, nothing but a complete waste of space who do nothing but work against the voters and try to stop everything the voters actually want.

President Trump knows how the American people feel about our country being overrun by the skyrocketing number of foreign welfare shoppers. There are only so many parasites that the U.S. taxpayers can provide for before our nation is simply made to collapse, which appears to be the current gameplan. Everybody knows what open borders will lead to. A bankrupt and balkanized shit hole of a country which is what those like Sununu, and their Democrats friends, seem to prefer. We have been with Donald Trump since June of 2015. The same day the left started to lie about everything they have said about him. Don’t think this lie will cause us to drop him.

You would have to be a complete moron not to recognize the fact that President Trump did more to turn this country around than has any president, from either party, in recent history. And all while being undermined every step of the way not only by the Democrats but many within his own party as well. Add to that the fact that he has been made to face numerous weaponized government agencies and you can see why his supporters stick by him. A lesser man would have long ago chosen to surrender and simply return to private life. President Trump is far from perfect, but he does love the country which isn’t something that can be said about most of our elected officials.

There has been no indication that President Trump’s base is going to abandon him! On the contrary, he seems to get stronger with each and every attack/indictment made against him. Sununu is simply blowing smoke. Americans have figured out that President Trump truly does put America, and Americans, first while Democrats and these fucking RINOs put only their careers first. Which is why President Trump’s numbers keep growing. Sununu is simply stirring the pot and hoping his supporters will leave him. He is totally ignorant of the base. The more people like him that attack President Trump, the more people are gathering to support President Trump.

And even after all this time those like Sununu still don’t seem to get it. President Trump’s supporters are more galvanized now than ever. And what they don’t get is that we are not blindly, and rabidly worshipping the man, we are supporting him because he says what we have all been thinking for years, maybe even decades. He is our spokesman. Perhaps if President Trump were to suddenly turn into your typical spineless Republican, and be more like Mr. Sununu, he would lose his supporters, so I’m guessing it’s a smart strategy not to sound like a spinless swamp creature. Poor Chris, his party is slipping away, and he has nowhere to go but to the Democrats.

This snarky RINO dressed up like he knows something about constitutional conservatism, along with all of his Democrat, RINO and repulsive media friends are the real threat to our Republic. Wake up America, they are the real insurrectionists. And it matters not to them if in the process they systematically destroy the greatest country on the face of the Earth, they don’t care. They have not one iota of concern about this country, its culture, its sovereignty or its people. They are repulsed by all of it and want to replace Americans with millions of illegal immigrants pouring in from every country on the planet and giving them rights they have no claim to.

Finally, Sununu is a pathetic traitor and an obvious Democrat infiltrator. Like all commies and leftists, they project their faults and fears onto their opponents just as their ideological ancestors did before them. It is they who are terrified of President Trump’s supporters and of the fact that his support in the polls continues to grow. Sununu appears to be the face of RNC/RINO opposition right now, so pay attention to what he says even if it sounds crazy because there may be some pertinent info in his babbling. The Republican Party must be put down like a lame horse. President Trump’s reelection is the only path for the Republican Party to restore its honor.