Saturday, April 29, 2023


When it comes to Democrats, I have never really understood their need, their fixation, nor their fascination with the killing of babies. And it has been over the years that simply being able to murder your baby became to be never enough, and as time went on Democrats demanded that a woman be able to kill her baby further and further into the pregnancy until, in some states, she was even able to murder her baby even after it had been born. But then, isn’t that the way it always is with Democrats? Dare I say that it was their never-ending demands for later and later abortions that finally prompted the Supreme Court to return the issue to the states.

But according to Democrats there is actually no such thing as a “a late term abortion.” Take for instance the Democrat governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz. It was this past Friday during an appearance on “CNN News Central,” that Walz defended rejecting Republican amendments on late-term abortion to abortion legislation by stating that late-term abortion is “a strawman. It doesn’t happen,” late-term abortion is an “incredible rarity”, and that “when those types of things happen, it’s because a decision was made to protect the woman’s life, to make sure that those decisions are made by healthcare providers.” This guy knows that’s not true.

And it was co-host Boris Sanchez who asked, “Governor, as this law was still in its early stages, Republicans described it as too extreme. They tried to promote a number of amendments — specifically around late-term abortion — that you rejected. Is that something you might reconsider? Late-term abortion isn’t very popular.” Walz responded, “It’s a strawman. It doesn’t happen, Boris. These are cases — when those types of things happen, it’s because a decision was made to protect the woman’s life, to make sure that those decisions are made by healthcare providers. They know that. They know the incredible rarity of these situations."

And he said, “It’s not as if someone’s making these decisions based on just a late decision that they didn’t get around to making. That’s just nonsense. And again, they continue to split hairs.” So I can’t help but wonder, if late term abortions are such a rarity, then why the big fight over making it law? According to this guy, as it is with every other Democrat, it’s never too late to kill an ‘unwanted’ baby. What this guy conveniently leaves out of the conversation is the fact that late term abortions are up to a third of all abortions, and according to Planned Parenthood, and are performed on the basis of “protecting the MENTAL HEALTH” of the mother, 100% of the time.

Look, this discussion would not now even be taking place if abortion was overturned. Abortion is sanctioned murder no matter how you choose to look at it, but their argument has always been that it’s nothing but a blob of cells. A blob of cells right up to the moment of birth, some say even after birth. So their argument is one that it is a woman’s right to murder her child at absolutely any stage of development. Late term abortion is nothing but a backdoor attempt to codify abortion. If late term is deemed okay, then the whole murderous procedure should be the law of the land. That is their rationale, and one state can set a dangerous precedent.

And I find it all rather interesting how it is that men are completely shoved out of the entire abortion discussion, as if they should have no bearing at all upon whether, or not, their own flesh and blood is able to live or die. It’s rather convenient, don’t you think, that men are only brought into the discussion when/if women choose to demand 1 to 18 years of child support. The left wants this to be a women-doctor decision only, even though it greatly impacts men, and even society in general. I get the feeling that this governor would vote for abortion right up to elementary school age if he knew there was a secret ballot where no one could trace it back to him.

Walz is a total clown. He knows abortion, while as a last resort, was always allowed at the late term for the health of the mother. He fought tooth and nail to keep that in the abortion law for everyone, at any time, and now pretends that it rarely happens. Apparently, because of the morons who live in his state, the Democrats now control all branches of government in Minnesota and this guy Walz has a King complex. All life is important no matter how far along a woman’s pregnancy is. Walz’s justification for allowing women to murder babies is reprehensible. Life is not determined by a baby’s time in its mother’s womb, life begins at conception, not when Democrats say it does.

And it was another Democrat, former governor of Virginia Ralph Northam, who, I might add, was also a physician, who was once asked point blank about what should be done with a baby who was fortunate enough to survive an abortion. He said it would be up to the mother whether to let it live or to let it die. He said, “We would keep it comfortable until the mother decided what to do.” Absolutely barbaric! It’s true that an abortion done to save the life of the mother is so rare that it rarely ever happens. Late term abortion, however, is very real and not all that rare. And the governor knows this to be true or he wouldn’t be so opposed to the laws against it.

This Democrat governor is splitting hairs. We all pray that late term abortion is a rare occurrence, as it should be. If this is something that becomes necessary, for any number of reasons, there should still be a process in place to make that decision, and at least a few requirements that must first be met. For a party that wants to control every aspect of your life, Democrats are particularly unconcerned about the life or the death for the unborn, the nearly born and the just born. They are somehow convinced that this one promise that they made to their liberal constituents is much more important than all of the other promises they have no intention of keeping.

Friday, April 28, 2023


Let me just say that the mountain of things that Al Sharpton knows absolutely nothing about would rival Mt. Everest. The guy is an absolute moron, has always been a moron and will always be a moron. And if it weren’t for his racist, imbecilic followers, along with his steady paycheck from the Democrat Party, old Al would have long ago simply faded away. But nope, we haven’t been that lucky, we’ve been plagued with his worthless, racist ass for roughly 40 years. Now I don’t know about anyone else, but as far as I’m concerned it has been over that time that Sharpton has accomplished nothing more than to make clear that he’s likely the most racist man who ever lived.

So just what might it be that is the latest thing to result in a bunch having been created in Sharpton’s shorts? You ain’t gonna believe this, it’s the fact that Don Lemon has been let go. Which is something I wouldn’t even be aware of had I not read somewhere that he has hired the same attorney as Tucker Carlson. Anyway, Sharpton is apparently now demanding an explanation from the Comedy News Network (CNN) regarding the disgraced, basement-rated outlet’s decision to finally fire old Don. Frankly, all I’ve got to say about the whole thing is, it’s about damn time! This guy hasn’t had anything to say that was worth listening to for…well forever!

It was about the letting go of Lemon that Al said, “We are completely stunned at the termination of Don Lemon. Throughout his career, Don has been a superb journalist who was very open to the civil rights community on issues others wouldn’t touch. Don’s voice has been invaluable to the conversation of how we become a more just nation. With the health of our democracy undergoing perhaps its greatest test, we cannot afford to silence his voice. We would like to know what he alludes to when he said there are greater things at play, which is why we urge for a full explanation as to why he was let go in such a fashion.” He was “completely stunned?” Seriously?

Now as I seemed to recall there have been a couple of other high-profile firings from another cable news network. I’ve already mentioned Tucker Carlson, but Dan Bongino was also fired from Fox News. But I just don’t see the same outrage from Al that I see coming from him because of Lemon’s firing. But it was in Lemon’s case that we have a racist pretending to be a reverend who’s now defending a racist pretending to be a journalist. But then, that’s just what racists do. When you stop to think about it, who the Hell is Sharpton to demand anything? I mean, it was pretty clear that Lemon’s ratings were in the toilet and, apparently, he wasn’t liked much at the network.

Both the firings of Carlson and Lemon were pretty easy to figure out, Tucker was fired because everyone watched him, meanwhile, Lemon was fired because nobody watched him. And Sharpton, or so you would think, is an expert on lousy ratings, who is it that would waste even a second of their life watching his show on MSDNC. After all, it’s usually nothing more than 60 minutes spent watching Sharpton do battle with his teleprompter with the teleprompter usually coming out victorious. While his show may be ok if you’re looking for a good laugh, it does get a little difficult to continue to watch without eventually getting the urge to run off to the bathroom!

Look, Sharpton usually only crawls out of the woodwork whenever he thinks can get his name in the news. Nobody owes him any explanations, in the big scheme of things he’s a nobody. But I must say that I am rather curious about something, just why is it  that Sharpton thinks anyone needs to be answering to him of all people? Or for that matter, why isn’t this race baiting, tax cheat rotting away in some federal prison? Just saying. Perhaps old Al himself should be let go from MSDNC, after all, I’d be willing to bet that his ratings aren’t any better than Lemon’s were on CNN. But then, ratings have never been all that important to MSDNC. That’s long been pretty clear.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


While I am sure there have been those days when you just wanted to laugh, because of all the bizarre goings on taking place in this country because of the Democrats, instead, if you’re more like me, it’s far more often than not that all you ever got was pissed off. I mean, here we have supposed responsible elected leaders and they’re all nothing more than a bunch of lying douche bags. They are corrupt beyond measure, dishonest to the extreme and somehow feel justified in telling us all some of the most outrageous lies that they actually think we’re stupid enough to believe. But that hasn’t prevented them from telling their lies and expecting us to believe them.

And it was just this past Wednesday, during MSDNC’s broadcast of “José Dí6az-Balart Reports,” that we saw that same scenario play out yet again. You see it was then that James Clyburn, Democrat, stated that if people want to know if he’s “satisfied with this administration’s work at the border,” then he is “very satisfied” that the Democrat Party “is responding properly, and I think adequately, to the issues on the border.” Ever notice how stupidity and racism seem to go hand in hand? Clyburn is living proof. Clyburn is a corrupt, race baiting dinosaur from a bygone era! Clyburn serves as yet another perfect example of what the Democrat Party has become.

So anyway, host José Díaz-Balart asked, “Congressman, I want to just kind of change the subjects — and hope that you can hear me well, because I apologize for the technical difficulties — but, Title 42 is set to end in about two weeks. Migrants are making their way to the border through Mexico. We recently saw 40 people that died in a fire in a migrant detention center in Mexico. People are being raped and tortured while coming to the United States just for the opportunity to ask for asylum. Are you satisfied with our government’s handling of the humanitarian crisis at the border?” And Clyburn responded, “Once again, I think you were asking me about the border."

Clyburn then went on to say, We really have some technical difficulties here. But, look, if you’re asking whether or not I’m satisfied with this administration’s work at the border, I do follow what the administration is doing. I listen to the Democratic members of my caucus who live on the border. One of the co-chairs of the president’s committee is very committed to the issues on the border and I do follow her lead and listen to her on this subject. So, if that’s what you’re asking, I’m very satisfied that my party is responding properly, and I think adequately, to the issues on the border.” We have an invasion at the border and the Democrats are welcoming it.

And just a little background about this guy José Díaz-Balart Caballero. He’s billed as being some sort of a Cuban-American journalist and television anchorman. But if this interview with Clyburn is an example of his journalistic ability then I’d have to say it’s pretty obvious that he’s not much of a journalist, if for no other reason than he’s appearing on MSDNC! And you’ll notice that never once did this supposed ‘journalist bother to ask Clyburn if he has ever visited the border or chosen to speak to any of the many brave men and women who work to protect our border. Nope, he did nothing more than to put on another usual dog and pony show. But I digress!

I have no doubt that he’s just as satisfied with how his party is responding to the Fentanyl Crisis, the homeless crisis, the rise in crime and the fact that 85 percent of black students can't read. And just think of all that money going to support the illegals that could, instead, be spent on those in the black community. And just think of all those migrants in the labor pool driving down wages in the black community. And just think of all those migrants in the community driving up the cost of rent. Clyburn is a moron and is failing to represent his constituents. Yup, I’m sure he’s very satisfied! The truth never benefits the Democrats, that’s why they never bother to use it.

So, in other words Clyburn and his Democrat Party are “satisfied” with setting about to render America into a bankrupt/corrupt/dictatorship-like third world cesspool, and since 2021 that journey has gotten shorter and shorter. He, like the vast majority of the Democrat Party will continue their crusade to literally destroy the United States of America, they have already succeeded for decades in what has been their continuing effort to make us into something other than what we are, something more to their liking courtesy of their Progressive, Diverse and Politically Correct agendas and legislations. Wake up America! When is enough finally going to be enough?

And finally, my needs are relatively simply. All I want is my country, and my culture back! I want all of the illegals gone, all the criminals in jail, the mentally ill off the streets, schools preparing children to be able to get a good job, decency laws enforced, hard work rewarded, freeloading no longer tolerated, respect for other citizens, only two options indicating your birth sex, male and female, and competent, uncorrupted people in government offices. Joey has almost destroyed the United States. He is hands down the worst *president in our history. America must be returned to her greatness, and the Democrats are clearly not up to that task.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


I find it rather difficult to comprehend how it is that anyone with a brain is able to look at all that is taking place in this country today and refuse to even consider the possibility that it is being made to take place in any way other than on purpose. And it matters not whether we’re talking about our escalating crime rate, our dismal economy, our porous southern border or even our increasingly woke military. It’s everything that seems to be purposely under assault. And yet, even after all that has taken place, and continues to take place, there are still those among us who would vote to allow things to continue as they are rather than vote for President Trump.

So anyway, it was according to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, released this past Wednesday, that nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults now believe Joey’s America is essentially out of control. But while 72 percent say Joey’s America is out of control, it’s 28 percent who instead say that it’s under control. Which does make one wonder about just who the Hell these 28 percenters might be. Personally, I would argue that the country is NOT so much “out of control” as what’s taking place is nothing more than a very meticulously planned demolition. And it’s obvious who it is that’s behind the effort to systematically dismantle this country. That would be the Democrats!

And among those respondents who believe that Joey’s America is now out of control, it was 71 percent of them who blame Joey’s leadership, or lack thereof. And it was 85 percent of them that blamed Joey’s economy riddled with systemic inflation. And it was 75 percent who blamed the citizen’s deteriorating “culture and values.” And among the 71 percent who blamed Joey’s leadership, 72 percent of independent voters agreed. Meanwhile, it was 93 percent of Republican voters who agreed. And it was one third, 33 percent, of Democrats who also agreed that Joey is the one to blame for the miserable state of our nation.

Overall, only 30 percent of Americans said things are going well in America and 70 percent said they are going poorly. Concerning the economy, 63 percent say the economy is bad and only 31 percent say the economy is going well. Yet in his first speech after announcing his re-selection bid, Joey claimed that the economy was strong and his “economic plan is working” while acknowledging inflation has remained a systemic problem in 2023. Joey’s 40-year-high inflation, on average, cost American households an extra $5,200 last year, or $433 per month. Joey’s America is out of control because Joey and his fellow Democrats are out of their minds.

And it’s those in the ‘fake news’ media who continue to tell us how fortunate we all are to have Joey as our *president. But it’s our media and our government that is lying to us, all day, every day. And when someone gets to near to the truth they’re removed, you know like Tucker Carlson. It will never end, unless we take it upon ourselves to end it. Somebody has to stand up and say to the Democrats, “Enough is enough!” You can’t ‘nice’ them into liking you, because all they are running on, is hate. When you have self-control and a sense of responsibility, less state control is possible. But Democrats have no sense of either, so they need far more state control.

But still, I truly think that you have to wonder just how many of those 72 percent will still choose to vote for Joey over President Trump, or any other Republican. That 72 percent may not like the state of Joey’s America but how many may still plan on voting for him? My best guess is that number is likely somewhere between 80-90 percent. These are diehard Democrats who continue to put party over country and who will never vote for a Republican. So what the survey really tells us is that 72 percent of Democrats are either benefiting from the destruction of America or are willing accomplices in that destruction by choosing to vote for those out to destroy it!

And how many of them will apologize for their obnoxious, arrogant, in your face insults to those of us who knew better than to vote for the obviously corrupt, traitorous, demented old fool, Joey. Easily manipulated masses can be bought off with promises of unicorns and rainbows every election cycle. Meanwhile, their standard of living is in perpetual decline as an ever-higher proportion of America’s citizenry becomes ever more dependent on the government. The globalist enterprise is directed toward placing all of America's citizenry in a position of perpetual need, looking toward their elite led world governance for literally everything.

Remarkably, there are still those who continue to claim that if the Republican Party is to have any hope in 2024 it must run someone other than President Trump. So are there Americans who are really so fucking stupid that they would rather keep things going as they are instead of voting for President Trump? If that is true, then this country is truly over. But the obvious truth in all of this is the fact that any Republican candidate will be slandered, maligned, lied about, and brought down. And it’s every Republican candidate that will deemed to be, “Even worse than Trump,” and “more dangerous than the Nazis and Trump!” They are already starting this with DeSantis.

People claim to hate President Trump because of his character, lack of morals, and the constant chaos. But, frankly, that’s really a pretty lame argument and a pretty hypocritical stance, to say the least. And I only say that because it’s many of these very same people who seem to have no problem when it comes to voting for Joey, whose character, lack of morals, and constant chaos is far, far worse than President Trump’s. So they’re going to have to come with a much better reason for leaving America in the hands of someone who’s out to destroy the country and who also very clearly seems to be on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party!

And finally, what’s going on in America is exactly what Joey and the Democrats want. Their mission is to show freedom doesn’t work, that the little people can’t function without the guiding hand of their government. This is the same garbage that politicians have been busy selling for centuries of recorded human history. Politicians don’t offer solutions to problems, politicians only CREATE the problems that require solutions. This is not the unintended consequences of misguided policy. This IS policy. This is the plan. This is the oldest game in history. In any society law and order is essential. The Democrat Party has demonstrated over and over that they’re Lawless.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Well, it was this past Tuesday morning that Joey made it official that he is running to be re-selected as our *president. And in so doing I can only hope that he, at the same time, succeeded in motivating all good and decent people, regardless of party affiliation, to come to the aid of their country. Because it should be obvious to even the most casual of observers, that this country will simply not survive another four years of the madness that is currently being inflicted upon it! But for the American people to succeed in staving off what would clearly be a calamity, they must do that which the Democrats fear most and have spent decades trying to prevent.

You see, in order to prevent that which the Democrats seek to do this country Americans regardless of sex, faith and even race, will be required to come together and to act as responsible adults. It will be a difficult task, to say the least, especially after a decades long barrage by those on the left as they have tried to convince Americans that they must hate one another. So, will the American people be up to the challenge? That remains to be the unanswered question, and I must admit that, knowing the American people as I do, I’m none too optimistic. You’d think that with the country now hanging by a thread more Americans would come to their senses.

And so it was then, that courtesy of a new video that failed to name even a single achievement in his first term, nor any plan for what he might hope to achieve in his second term, that Joey announced that he intends to run for re-selection. Instead, it was during the video that Joey chose to dwell on abortion, actually describing it as being a “personal freedom,” as well as “MAGA extremists,” whom the country must defeat in what Joey described as being a “battle for the soul of our nation.” Frankly, what poses the greatest threat to soul of this nation are not those who Joey refers to as “MAGA extremists,” but the Socialist Democrats headed up by Joey.

Nor does Joey’s video make any mention of his economic policy, foreign policy, or challenges like inflation or our seriously broken southern border. Joey’s only bona fide achievement is the pain and suffering that he has very purposely inflicted upon the American people. In roughly two years, he has destroyed the southern border, orchestrated a humiliating loss in Afghanistan, created the highest inflation rate in 50 years, increased gas and energy prices, destroyed American energy independence, insured men can compete in women’s sports, queered up the military, made the DoJ and FBI into the new Gestapo, and made domestic spying on U.S. citizens routine.

Destroying this country is actually Joey’s most impressive achievement. Many before have tried, including the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Communist China specifically, but none were able to accomplish what Joey has. All it took was a bunch of traitorous Democrats to destroy us from within. What’s always amazing is the outright stupidity of your average Democrat voter. What does it take to wake these people up, or do they not wish to wake up? But they must if we’re going to survive as a nation because it’s going to take all of us acting together. It’s about priorities, and right now the priority must be to get rid of Joey.

Clearly Joey was in no mood to do any bragging about all that he has done to put this country on the wrong path and to ensure that it stays there. He clearly didn’t see the need to point out to the American people how he’s driven gas prices to record highs, or why food prices are now 50 percent higher than they were when he took office. Or to remind Americans how he has encouraged the flood of illegals across our borders, or how he handed 80 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment to the Taliban. Or lecture us on how we must accept men in the woman’s room. All of which are about the chipping away, and ultimately destroying, our American institutions.

Look, it wasn’t all that long ago that not only was this country more than self-sufficient regarding the amount of energy needed to run our economy, it had a military that was, quite literally, second to none, an economy that was booming and a southern border that was more secure than it had been in decades. Add to that the fact that we were entangled in no new wars and the old wars were winding down and a terrorist organization had been obliterated. Fast forward a mere 28 months to where we are now and what has brought us here. And it is that that is Joey’s record as *president and what needs to be the basis for whether or not one chooses to vote for Joey.

Monday, April 24, 2023


So let me be clear, I hate stupid people! And when I say I hate stupid people, I mean I hate them. And it matters not to me what sex/gender they are, or claim to identify as, what race they are, nor does their faith matter to me or if they have no faith at all. None of it matters. There is but one common thread that runs through each and every one of them. And just what might that thread be, you ask? Well, that would be the fact that they’re either Democrats or they support Democrats who seek nothing more than to destroy my country and are doing everything in their power to do so. Nothing makes it clearer that one is stupid to the extreme, than to vote Democrat.

So as you can very plainly tell I have a zero tolerance for anyone stupid enough to vote for any Democrat. Because as far as I’m concerned there is no such thing as a good and decent Democrat. They all lie, they all cheat, they’re all corrupt and they all hate this country. And yet there are still those able to find it within themselves a reason to vote for people like this. There’s no other way to describe these people that to refer to them as being nothing more than complete and utter morons! And if that sounds like you, well then, I’m quite sure that by now you’re probably pretty used to people calling you stupid. And if not, then you need to get used to it.

And so the way I see it, if it weren’t for all of those in this country who are so flipping stupid this country would be nowhere near to being in the condition that we find it in today. Because besides listening to lying Democrats it’s more often than not that it’s these very same people who spend entirely too much time listening to those in a news media that might as well be working for the Democrat Party, as they remain some of the party’s most ardent defenders. These people have demonstrated on numerous occasions a willingness to tell whatever lie it is that might be necessary. And far too many are far too happy to take whatever lie they’re told and to run with it.

And it was a recent NBC News poll that now tells us a couple of things. Firstly, that if *president Joey Biden runs, and is the Democrat nominee for president, only 41 percent of respondents said they would probably or definitely vote for him in 2024. In contrast, if Joey is the Democrat nominee, 47 percent of respondents said they would probably or definitely vote for the Republican nominee, regardless of who it is. Secondly, the poll would seem to indicate that we still have here in the U.S. a rather sizable segment of our population who insist upon being pretty stupid by actually admitting that they would once again vote for Joey B to be their *president.

It’s hilarious that those who voted for Joey actually think that they are the smart ones. And you have to ask yourself, just who are the people who make up that 41 percent that would, again, vote for Joey? What do they see in this senile pervert that so many of the rest of us don’t see? The most disastrous presidency in U.S. history and he’s only down six points? Says a lot about the stupidity of those polled. Everything that Joey has done since becoming *president has been an epic failure. I can’t think of a single success that he’s had. And yet, 41 percent of Americans feel the need to make it continue. These are the people who take stupidity to a whole new level.

Look, we all know that 81 million Americans did not vote for Joey. But that said, there were millions who, for whatever their flawed reasoning for doing so, did vote for Joey. Thus making it unnecessary for the Democrats to create more fraudulent votes than they otherwise might have had to create to get Joey across the finish line. And thanks to this recent polling data we at least have an idea of just how many stupid folks still do exist, and the Democrats also have some idea of how many votes they might need to create, come 2024, in order to get Joey back into the White House. Which is something that, I have no doubt, they’re already hard at work on.

Finally, how stupid must you be to blindly accept what it is that the Democrat Party has done to this country in such a relatively short period of time, politically speaking. This country seems filled with morons. The Democrats could literally be rounding them up to send to concentration camps and still they’d vote for them. Americans are worse off by every social, economic, and cultural metric. Seventy something percent say the country is moving in the wrong direction, yet 40 percent would still vote for Joey. That’s the government dependency effect. Far too many Americans have taken stupidity to a whole new level, a level that I’ve not seen before in my 71 years of life.

Saturday, April 22, 2023


So I ask you, is there a bigger jerkoff in all the world than that great harbinger of doom and gloom, that predictor of more things that have never come to pass, and all because of bogus ‘climate change,’ than that flaming asshole, John Kerry-Heinz? This guy must think we’re all pretty stupid. I mean, have you heard this scumbag’s most recent idea? You see, he now wants to raise the cost of oil and gas in order to make green energy ‘appear’ to be more competitive. So instead of working to bring down the cost of so-called ‘green energy,’ this douchebag, like all your typical Democrats, prefers, instead, to take the easy way out by simply raising the cost of oil and gas.

While that’s certainly no problem for him, the rest of us haven’t had the opportunity to marry some rich old widow like he did. And what continues to make absolutely no sense is the fact that here we are sitting atop more oil than is in all of the Middle East and people like Kerry-Heinz are telling us that, for the sake of the planet, we must leave it all in the ground. Just another indicator that makes it clear that Kerry-Heinz is nothing more than a fraud. And another of those ‘good for thee, but not for me’ kind of Democrats who couldn’t care less about those less fortunate than himself who have now been robbed, by Joey, of little disposable income they may have had.

So anyway, it was during an appearance on Friday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” that Kerry-Heinz made the idiotic claim that wind and solar power will become “far more price competitive than oil and gas” if oil and gas companies see their costs rise because they “have to spend huge amounts of money for carbon capture and storage and utilization.” Kerry-Heinz said, “I would say to you, Andrea, that, frankly, I’m surprised, pleasantly, on the positive side, by the amount of things that are just taking hold. We see remarkable progress on batteries and battery storage.” Once again Kerry-Heinz is merely blowing smoke. In short, he’s a LIAR!!!

This dolt went on to say, “We’re seeing the price of wind and solar coming down still, even as the technology is getting better, and it’s going to be far more price competitive than oil and gas if they have to spend huge amounts of money for carbon capture and storage and utilization. We don’t know the answer to some of those questions now. The marketplace is chasing solutions, but that is creating jobs, it’s creating economic opportunity, and it’s already producing some changes that are happening — like electric vehicles — much faster than we anticipated.” Like all megarich elites, Kerry-Heinz neither understands nor cares about the little people.

Earlier in the same interview, Kerry-Heinz stated that “I think that we are on the right track, as long as the emissions begin to be abated, they begin to be captured. And that is the key for the oil and gas industry.” So, according to Kerry-Heinz, if we artificially support green energy, it will then become economically viable. Is that an oxymoron or just plain moronic? Look, the only virtues of ‘green energy’ is that it transforms multi-billionaires like Kerry-Heinz into multi-trillionaires. It’s all nothing more than one massive get rich scheme that will not do a single thing to prevent the Earth’s climate from changing, nor will the burning of more fossil fuels.

Kerry-Heinz either lacks a basic understanding, or he just doesn’t give a flying fuck, about the issues that people are having to deal regarding the level of ‘inflation’ that, because of policies that Joey B. has put in place, is now running rampant. But still, the fact that this guy is a moron doesn’t really scare me. What does scare me is the number of people who are stupid enough to take him seriously. And it’s just when you thought he couldn’t make a more idiotic comment, damn if he doesn’t manage to do just that and to actually out do himself yet again! Nothing that he has ever said would come to pass because of ‘climate change,’ has actually come to pass. He is a LIAR!!!

So the most powerful governments on Earth couldn’t keep a virus from spreading, and yet we’re supposed believe that they can change the Earth’s temperature if only we’re willing to pay more. This whole ‘climate change’ theory is nothing other than a scam perpetuated by the wealthiest of the wealthy to further enrich themselves and to use as a political wedge. Hell, if you raised the price of food so high no one could afford to eat, I suppose eating bugs would likely be made more attractive as well. Might that be what we see next? And might I just add that making gas more expensive still isn’t going to enable anyone to buy a $60,000 electric vehicle.

Kerry-Heinz has repeatedly shown himself to be a continuing example of everything that’s presently wrong with America. He, along with seemingly everyone else in leadership positions in this regime, neither offers, nor promotes, anything that betters life of anyone but themselves. He’s insane. He advocates raising prices when people are already living paycheck to paycheck. Delusional, Kerry-Heinz, and the unelected scum trying to rule the world, are destroying everything in their way! If you’re one who buys Kerry-Heinz’s BS and are ok with him not living by the same rules that he wants for you, then I can only say you’re hopeless and I got nothing for you.

When you look at the face of the green energy man-made climate change cult what you see are spoiled, bored, guilt ridden white liberal elitists and a few well-paid minority stooges. The modern economy runs on gas, oil, and nuclear power, and the globalists think that by completely shutting down nuclear power, making gas and oil unaffordable, putting an artificial margin on our standard of living and lowering our standard of living that that will radically reduce the human population, which is the ultimate goal of the ‘greens.’ The genocidal ‘greens’ must be forced off the podium now. They are mankind's mortal enemy, give them no forum, no quarter.

Those on the Left always try to portray themselves as being the “compassionate” ones. This is one of so many blatant examples that show they don’t care ANYTHING about struggling poor folks! When many people are struggling and falling behind, even a slight increase in prices puts them ever deeper into a hole they can never climb out of. Democrats like Kerry-Heinz just look down at those people, from his high tower, and tells them he cares! What Kerry-Heinz is suggesting here is nothing but a mandate in disguise. Make the alterative so expensive that the consumer will have no choice but to buy what the government wants you to buy. Can anyone say Socialism?

Kerry-Heinz is not a stupid man, but he is an evil man. He knows full well that supposed man-made ‘climate change’ is a nothing more than a complete HOAX. It’s a SCAM and a LIE. And while we may be tempted to simply write Democrats off as STUPID, that’s only true for Democrat voters. But the Democrat politicians? They are not stupid, Democrat politicians are, like Kerry-Heinz, EVIL. Satan lives and thrives in the Democrat Party. The global warming SCAM is just one of the methods Democrat politicians use to control STUPID people. Stupid people are the life blood of the Democrat Party, and they use public education to turn out more every day.

And finally, President Trump made America energy independent for the first time in decades, something globalists didn’t want. Prices came way down from where they were during ‘BO’s years in the White House, and the economy flourished. Joey inherited all that despite the pandemic lock-down that Democrats fought for. And it was on Joey’s first day in office that he declared war on fossil fuels, something globalists did want. Prices shot up. We must not allow those like Kerry-Heinz to succeed in rewriting history. We are where we are today because the Democrats, from the top down, have put us here. President Trump showed us that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Friday, April 21, 2023


I’m pretty confident in saying that, as far as most of us are concerned, it’s on the list of those whom none of us need to be taking advice from on matters such as freedom and the Constitution that we would find Moochelle Obama, and likely right near the top. And I say that because Moochelle has joined the chorus of leftwing loons who have taken it upon themselves to lecture law-abiding citizens on the evils of wanting to protect themselves and their families from what it is that they have unleashed upon our country. An issue on which she has zero credibility when you consider how she and her family are constantly surrounded by gun toting Secret Service agents.

It was this past Thursday, during an appearance on “CBS Mornings,” that Moochelle was heard to comment on how American citizens having an “unfettered access to firearms” is not a good thing. And so, here we have yet another typical delusional leftist who believes that law-abiding citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights amounts to “unfettered access” in a country Moochelle has habitually been ashamed to claim as her own. And host Gayle King asked, “Do you think we will ever figure out a way to reconcile gun violence in this country? Because it does keep me up.” Moochelle said, “I hope and pray that at some point enough becomes enough."

King then went on to ask, “What is the point?” Moochelle said, “We wondered that throughout our entire presidency, thinking that maybe this time.” Yup, eight years in the White House and it’s obvious that in all that time she never once went to the National Archives to read the actual Constitution. King said, “Barack Obama said Newton was one of the worst days of his presidency, and we still didn’t get that message.” Moochelle said, “We are the only developed country on the planet where its citizens can have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing.” What Moochelle seems totally oblivious to is we’re the only country with a Constitution.

And it was at that point that perhaps Ms. King might have mentioned the fact that we already have over 20,000 laws regulating firearms and point out that what Moochelle should really be complaining about is a lack of enforcement in her blue cities. But then, as we all know, Ms. King likely doesn’t see that as being her job. Her job is to allow leftist nutcases to come on to her show and say pretty much anything they wish and to go completely unchallenged no matter how big the lie might be that is uttered by her ‘guest.’ Anyway, Moochelle continued, “More of us have to feel strongly about it, particularly our young people. This is where democracy comes in."

And she went on to say, “Voting — all of this stuff is decided in the ballot box.” Democrats love calling us a Democracy. Cheap lies to bypass the Constitution. We are a Constitutional Republic, as long as freedoms don’t become a distant mirage. Moochelle added, “Now the problem is that our young people have to understand that just because an issue doesn’t affect you today doesn’t mean it’s not going to matter in five or ten years. Voting matters, that’s all I can say.” And that’s true, if you value your freedom never, EVER, vote for a Democrat!!! But thanks to our public school system and our colleges the desire to be free is being drummed out of our young.

Moochelle speaks like the arrogant elitist bigot that she is. The violence that occurs daily in this country isn’t caused by the ordinary people who make up the vast majority of its citizens, it’s caused in large part by people who look like Moochelle. Rather than controlling inner city criminals, liberal bigots, like Moochelle and her husband, constantly seek to shift the blame elsewhere and use inner city crime as an excuse to control everyone else with arbitrary, ineffective, burdensome anti-gun regulations. Clearly both Moochelle and her husband are racist bigots at their core and they don’t hate inner city crime as much as they, very clearly, hate YOU.

Gun control/confiscation elites, like Moochelle, all live in gated communities or in homes behind walls with security that is armed with lots of GUNS. They send their darling children to private schools with resource officers that are, again, armed with GUNS, and work in buildings that have guards who are also, armed with GUNS. That is why so many see them as being nothing more than hypocrites because they do not, or will not, follow the rules that they put in place for the common people. So many are so badly tainted with this stigma that none of them can promote gun control when they are so blatantly not abiding by the spirit of the laws they are proposing.

And I’d like to ask Moochelle exactly where it is that this “unfettered access to firearms” actually exits. But then, I think, we already know the answer to that. That would be in 90 percent of Democrat ‘owned’ demographics. It’s they who do not buy their firearms in a gun store and less than 2 percent obtain them at a gun show. They steal them! It’s 90+ percent of all criminals that are not prosecuted for the firearm crimes that they’re caught committing. So violent crime and mass shootings are allowed to occur due primarily to Democrat social policies. The only “unfettered access to firearms” is among criminals, who don’t follow the law anyway.

It's criminals, including those in politics and, apparently, those married to those in politics, who want their victims unarmed and unable to defend themselves. Perhaps she and her husband need to give up their Secret Service protection to get those guns off of the streets. Moochelle knows full well, as does every other Democrat, that without the Second Amendment, the government would then be free to move quickly to justify a totalitarian police state in order to protect the people from the criminals. Once done, they will then move on to repealing other parts of the Constitution on until we’re all reduced to obedient subjects not free American citizens.

And I can’t help but wonder how many firearm-bearing Secret Service agents the Moochelle and her husband have protecting them at all times? But we ‘peons’ are not to be allowed the means of being able to defend ourselves and our loved ones. All laws restricting any facet of firearms possession by law-abiding citizens should be declared un-Constitutional and stricken from the books. Now I have no doubt that Moochelle is quite proud of being the wife of the former Liar-in-Chief more than she ever did as the wife of mealy-mouthed community activist because she gets round the clock secret service protection, for everyone else it’s “unfettered access to firearms."

And finally, on a bit of a side note, the American people handed to Moochelle’s husband a historic opportunity to lead, but instead he failed because of his politics. And together they could have encouraged ALL young people to become productive members of our society by encouraging marriage, fatherhood, education, faith, literacy, sobriety, respect, duty and lawful work! Instead, they both encouraged our young to blame, to covet, to riot, to loot and, most certainly, to hate. They were both then, and remain so today, silent as urban youth culture descends into mayhem and despair. They do so because that’s the only way that the Democrat Party is able to continue on.

Thursday, April 20, 2023


I think we can all safely agree that the one of the dimmest bulbs in all of cable news is none other than she who is known to all as a racist homophobe, Joy Reid. There is nothing this loon will not say in what seems to be her continuing effort to remove any and all doubt that she is little more than a raving leftist lunatic. But she is, at least, in good company there at MSDNC, as it’s her colleagues there at the network who also demonstrate, on a daily basis, that they too are far less interested in reporting on the actual news of the day than they are in spewing all manner of radical leftwing propaganda. But then, isn’t that what they actually get paid to do.

Their primary focus seems to be on the slandering of those who disagree with them as well as the endless regurgitating of Democrat Party gibberish. And it was Reid’s most recent trip into la-la-land that came just this past Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” when she made the idiotic claim that ‘Fox News’ is making Americans “paranoid,” which then causes them to buy more firearms. And while I am certainly no longer a big fan of ‘Fox News,’ Reid’s claims regarding the network are nothing more than completely ludicrous. Reid said, “It’s actually not uncommon to knock on someone’s door, at least, it shouldn’t be. Plenty of folks knock on doors."

She said, “The Girl Scouts used to do it during cookie fundraising season sometimes little kids selling candy bars, census workers, salespeople and election years, those essential election canvassers maybe a community member running for office. That part of American life, it seems dead these days, doesn’t it? I mean, who would feel comfortable doing any of that with the tragedies that we so often hear about a 16-year-old boy shot for going to the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers, a 20-year-old woman shot dead after her boyfriend pulled into the driveway of a home they mistakenly believed belonged to a friend."

Reid said, “And now, two Texas cheerleaders shot, one critically after one of them mistakenly got into the wrong car in a grocery store parking lot. This is, at least the third time in a week, that a young American was met with gunfire for making an apparent mistake. There’s this running theme in America today where so many people walking around or behind those neighborhood doors are so heavily armed and paranoid. And more and more of these people feel increasingly empowered to shoot people based off this constant fear that danger is lurking everywhere. I wonder where that paranoia seems to be coming from? Thinking, thinking, thinking."

And it was after running clips of ‘Fox News’ hosts talking about crime that Reid said, “What we are seeing is the outgrowth of Fox and other right wing message constant message that people who don’t look like you or worship like you are out to get you. When you combine that with a country that has more guns in civilian hands than any other on Earth, and NRA-backed laws that encourage people to use them.” Reid added, “You have a good percentage of the country who own the preponderance of the weapons and firearms and who are mainlining things like Fox News, constantly saying Black Lives Matter is terroristic, black people are coming to get you."

And she continued by saying, “It’s all crime it’s all crime. What’s frightening about that is that the NRA has pushed these laws like stand your ground that I think have convinced people, we have always had racist people, now they think they can get away with shooting people because of those laws.” Reid seems rather hypocritical with her intense and ongoing hatred of white people. Everything out of her mouth is vilification of people she considers her enemy. The woman who thinks there’s a white supremacist behind every bush says we’re paranoid. But then, having Democrats in power is enough to make anyone paranoid and want to buy more guns.

And speaking for myself, I’m not heavily armed and paranoid because of ‘Fox News,’ I’m heavily armed and paranoid because of MSDNC and because of people like Reid. There are three things that Reid knows all about: selective-ignorance, unchained-mouth, and gross paranoia! The news industry, in its entirety, including cable news, network news all manner of print media, have all been sowing fear for years, perhaps decades. They’re simply trying to spin the rampant crime caused by Democrats policies. We’ve seen a huge increase in crime especially in cities and states run by Democrats with their soft on crime prosecutors and “defund the police” city councils.

Over the last five years, with no encouragement from ‘Fox News,’ the American public has purchased more guns than every military force on the entire planet combined. Here in the U.S., there are over 400 million civilian-owned guns. Every law enforcement agency in America, combined, possesses roughly 1 million firearms in their inventory. That means American civilians have about 400 times as many firearms as do America’s police. Similarly, the American military is estimated to hold roughly 4.5 million firearms. That means American civilians have 100 TIMES as many firearms as does every branch of the American military COMBINED.

Furthermore, the Small Arms Survey estimates all the world's law enforcement agencies, combined, hold roughly 22.7 million guns. In 2017 alone, the FBI processed 25.2-million-gun checks. The American public bought more guns in 2017 than every police agency in the world combined. What holds our increasingly tyrannical government at bay is the fact that there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. And what I find to be more than a little ironic is the fact that if you throw out all of the statistics from all of the Democrat controlled cities and states, what you would find is that the U.S. is far safer than most other countries.

And if we follow the liberal logic presented by those on the left, including the Democrat Party, based on the numbers above, and after listening to the endless lies spewed by Reid and her many colleagues spread all across cable news five nights a week, how exactly is it that anyone in this country is actually able to survive from one day to the next? And why do an estimated 2.5 million people come to this country illegally if they know, after listening to the many imbeciles like Reid, that they may not live to see the next day after they arrive? I don’t think the 400 million guns being in the hands of law-abiding citizens is really the problem here.

Americans and America is heavily armed and has been for centuries. Paranoid? Seriously? How about incensed and alert? You can’t possibly observe what is happening in this country right now and believe you will never be called upon to defend yourself. There’s amplified danger everywhere according to the Democrat and leftist narratives and we are all under attack by each other. So, in other words the idea placed in everyone’s head is if you unfortunately show up to a knife fight with nothing but your skin as a defense, you’ll likely become a victim at the hands of someone else. What exactly do you expect the average person to do with that information?

And quite frankly, what paranoia there is that exists in America today comes straight from all the division, derision, hate, and chaos sown by the left and their media puppets, like Reid. What’s happening right now will continue to intensify until we return to family, sanity, church-type values, and actually start prosecuting violent offenders. It is the radical left, who are upending every civilizational, demographic and cultural norm that once comprised ‘America,’ screwing it up into an alienating, crime-ridden hellhole of unpunished crimes, loons, drug addicts who are causing the ‘fear’ in what used to be a rather cohesive and orderly society.

And finally, when the government can force you to get a shot and wear a mask, shut down the entire country because of a flu, the people with weapons are not the paranoid ones. And with this administration allowing millions of unvetted immigrants into our country is a reason to be armed. And if people ‘are’ paranoid, it’s because they saw hordes of violent deranged leftists rampaging in the streets and getting away with it throughout much of 2020. They also see that if they speak the wrong words or support the wrong causes in public, violent leftist mobs will try to shut them up under the threat of violence. So no, it’s got nothing to do with ‘Fox News,’ it’s because of the behavior of the leftist mob.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


It’s a sad day when anyone with a brain is willing to waste any amount of time watching ABC’s ‘The View’ for any reason other than to get a good laugh. Because to purposely watch it for any other reason would require the viewer to possess that which is clearly a special kind of stupid. And that would only be because the show’s star players themselves possess a very special kind of stupid. How else can you explain the endless stream of pointless BS that spews from the mouth of these hapless hags? And just when you think they’ve uttered the most insane thing ever that damn if one of them don’t come up with something that is even more outrageously insane.

Take for instance the most recent utterance heard from one Caryn Elaine Johnson, aka Whoopi Goldberg, aka ‘The Black Know!’ It was just this past Monday that Johnson/Goldberg once again chose to expose to the show’s viewing audience just how ignorant she truly is. You see, it was then that she told her co-hosts that she was tired of the self-righteous attitude of those who believe abortion is actually the taking of a life. Johnson/Goldberg said, “The Republican Party is ramping up its battle against abortion rights. The Supreme Court is reviewing the ruling of a conservative federal judge in Texas who banned the so-called abortion pill."

And Johnson/Goldberg went on to say, “Governor Ron DeSantis just made Florida the latest state to impose severe restrictions to abortion access.” And she added, “This is my question. I want to know, particularly this judge. I want to know, what’s your background, sir? Have you worked for the FDA? Do you have a science background? Do you know anything about how many different drugs work on many different people? It’s not just one drug for one thing. What is your background? I’m kind of getting tired of everybody’s self-righteousness about what they believe. I believe that I’m entitled to speak to my doctor and not be guided by you."

She said, “This is not the state’s right. This is not anybody’s right but mine, according to America. This is my right. I respect your feeling that abortion is taking of a life. I respect that you feel like that. I need you to respect that I have a different opinion. I need you to respect that my doctor and I will figure out what’s right for us and move forward. That’s what the FDA is for. That’s why we have it.” It never ceases to amaze me how it is that the father of the unborn child could be totally ignored in the consideration as to whether or not the child should be born. But these baby killers are so narcissistic they have no respect for life, only their own orgasms!

Those who are so eager to kill babies, and to help others kill babies, deserve no respect. They have no conscience, and they have no souls. Johnson/Goldberg demands respect of her ‘opinion’ while at the same time she condemns all others as being “self-righteous?” In short, she’s nuts. But then perhaps, just perhaps, it’s a good thing that those on the Left who love abortions don’t reproduce more of their kind. Those like Johnson/Goldberg live in a delusional self-righteous echo chamber claiming ‘diversity, diversity, diversity’ while accepting only one thought process…theirs! You’re considered to be open-minded only as long as you agree with them.

Disagreement with another human being about the worth of human life is understandable, and, to a point, does merit respect. Disagreement with God, the Creator of human life, is another matter altogether. Johnson/Goldberg is taking the position that it’s merely one human versus another human, and that there is no higher power with an opinion of His own. This is the position of the ‘real’ self-righteous person, Johnson/Goldberg. It’s not an inanimate object inside a woman's body. It didn’t just pop up in there one day out of nowhere. It is a life, you can’t deny that. She proves herself dumber and dumber each and every time she opens her mouth.

And I can’t help but to be more than a little curious. I mean, what might be Johnson/Goldberg’s “background?” What are HER supposed “qualifications?” I mean, besides the fact that she is nothing more than a has-been actress who was in a couple of mildly successful movies and as a supporting character on one cult television show, and had to resort to retreating to ‘The View’ in order to prevent herself from fading away into obscurity. But then, I don’t really suppose that there are many roles these days for a 300 pound angry black ‘woman.’ She is so self-deluded. It is unfortunate that so many choose to listen to, and even to believe, what a fool like this says.

As usual, Johnson/Goldberg gets it all exactly backward. Taking a human life is the ultimate in self-righteous behavior. Sure, she’s entitled to her own opinion but not to her own facts. The FACT is that the American College of Pediatrics says that life begins at conception. Those are scientists saying that. So if Johnson/Goldberg admits to being a science-denying self-righteous egotist, she can have her opinion on baby murder. The entire purpose of abortion is to end a life. And it is 99% of the time that it is for an act of irresponsible selfishness without conscience. What could possibly be more self-righteous than believing you have the right to kill a totally innocent baby?

You can respect the differing opinion of someone about a favorite ice cream or even the best football team. You don’t respect someone’s immorality as just a ‘different opinion.’ We are talking about the non-negotiable morality of taking a human life, not ice cream. It’s not about opinion, it is about giving a baby the same opportunity to live as she was given. She needs to reread her statement about who is self-righteous!  Abortion is murder, that is a fact. And it doesn't matter whether the baby is two weeks or nine months, it is still a human. A baby’s value isn’t determined by its size, level of development, environment, or level of dependency.

These Hollyweird types are not known for their intelligence and their opinions hold the same degree of accuracy and worthwhileness as does a park bench. Anyone that pays attention to what they say is more stupid than they are. And it’s as surely as life ends when the heart stops beating, that it begins when the heart starts beating. Abortion IS the taking of a life when that little heart stops beating all because the mother was too irresponsible to use birth control. Self-righteousness comes from those who think they have the right to take another life and then lecture those who disagree. It’s called ABORTION for the simple reason that something is being ABORTED.

And finally, Johnson/Goldberg ignores the science that she knows is true and unchallenged. The baby in the womb is a unique human being from the moment of conception. Before two months of growth is complete, the baby has a working brain and heart. The terms blastocyst, embryo and fetus are stages of growth of the baby, not something other than a baby. And being dependent upon the mother does not make the baby any less fully human than someone needing some sort of medical life support. Sadly, reprobates like Johnson/Goldberg cannot be expected to use logic, science or possess any spiritual wisdom or understanding.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


I’ll start out by saying that while all Democrats are not perverts, I think we can all agree that all perverts, or at least 99.9 percent of them, are either Democrats or vote for Democrats. And it’s Democrat politicians who love to portray themselves as being those who care far more about “the children” than those who do not happen to share in their uniquely perverted political persuasion. And the most recent Democrat to make that very same, yet easily disprovable, argument was none other than ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton. So, the very same people who continue to demonstrate that they couldn’t care less about “the children” again profess to care so much about them.

What Democrats so seem to excel at is their rather bizarre willingness to repeatedly exploit “the children” in what is always nothing more than yet another sick attempt to advance that which is their twisted agenda. Anyone who uses the death of children to advance their agenda is a garbage human being. We don’t have a gun problem in this country, what we clearly have is a mental illness problem, and one that clearly involves those on the left. We have a failure to parent problem and a lack of personal responsibility problem. Most of all we have a lack of leadership problem, because the people we continue to elect are unwilling to deal with the aforementioned issues.

Anyway, old ‘Slick Willy’ once again makes the argument that the so-called gun debate can only be solved if some kind of consensus is reached on how to do it. If was earlier this week during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that the ‘Slickmeister’ explained how he believed it would be done. However, he called the status quo “not rational.” He said, “One thing that is pretty clear is whatever we do, we need to it more together.” And he added, “And I think we need to start talking across this divide.” And it was according to old ‘Slick Willy,’ that those who broke away from long-held beliefs on Second Amendment issues faced consequences.

He said, “It is not rational that we should have a dramatically higher death rate among school-aged children because of gun violence than any other country in the world.” And he went on to say, “And you know, a lot of people get mad about this thoughts and prayers. But if you believe that you have to — if you believe you are compelled to let kids die in order to keep your freedoms, that’s sort of the way this debate is.” So says the face of the party whose Number One priority is the completely unfettered murder of babies in the womb, and the neutering of preteens which tends to leads to their early demise thinks he’s knows what’s best for our children.

Spoken like a true Democrat. Pharmaceutical drugs for everyone, no mental hospitals, victim and oppressor obsession pushed on children, no armed guards at schools equal recipe for mass shootings created by the left. ‘Slick Willy’ says the children will keep dying until we give up our Second Amendment rights. He never once mentions the fact that the last five school shooters have been gender-challenged Democrats, or that the laws already in place were not followed and the weapons were legally purchased or stolen from a relative. Democrats tell us that we don’t need guns, then Democrat voters take to the streets and remind us exactly why we do need guns.

Yes, and how ironic is it that the same leftist morons who condone, and dare I say even demand, that it be legal to murder babies up to, and even beyond, the moment of birth are the very same ones who now claim to be so “concerned” about our children’s safety. Democrats seem compelled to allow children to die to keep their freedom to indoctrinate, groom, and corrupt other people’s children, rather than to give parents a refundable tax credit so they can educate their respective children in a safer setting where their moral values are reinforced, not undermined. How dare parents be permitted to raise their children according to their own beliefs!

If they were truly worried about our children, Democrats would aggressively prosecute criminals for gun violence and put them away for a very, VERY, long time. Instead, what do Democrats do? Well, they release criminal scum back into their various communities so that they can then gun down children on the streets, they downgrade felonies to misdemeanors, they open borders so fentanyl poison gets in the hands of children, so the revolving door of drugs, violence, and mayhem spins away unhindered all under another Democrat administration. And yet we are somehow expected to believe that Democrats are all caring when it comes to “the children."

If Democrats actually cared about our children, they would protect them in the same style that is used to protect politicians, movie stars, professional athletes, airports, and the money in our banks. And that would be with armed security guards, what a novel idea. Keep in mind that Democrats are also the same people who ‘defunded the police,’ went soft on crime and released violent criminals. They refuse to prosecute criminals and refuse to enforce the law and pardon felons. They’ve done just about everything in their power to promote and encourage crime and criminal activity, then they have the audacity to call for ‘gun control’ in a lawless world that they’ve created.

Democrats are always pushing to take away individual liberties based on the lie that it will somehow improve personal, and public, safety. Taking guns from law-abiding citizens will do nothing to improve our safety. Every city in America with strict gun control laws is absolute proof of the fallacy behind this lie. Gun free zones are one of the main problems. That puts a target in everyone’s back. Bad people don’t follow the laws and the mentally ill sometimes are looking to die after their carnage so why not speed up the process. If our kids are in need of being protected, and they are, then make the schools safer. Telegraphing that it is a gun free zone doesn’t do that.

The Democrats’ only solution, regardless of the issue being discussed, has always been to reduce our freedom. Unless, of course, you happen to be some pervert or criminal, then allowing such creeps to remain free is what then becomes imperative, even crucial. It is not an exaggeration to say that Democrats have made our public schools a target-rich environment for any crazy with a psychotic urge. And they have done so very much on purpose by denying teachers and, and other staff, who wish to be armed, their Second Amendment rights. Sadly, Democrats are perfectly willing to allow our children to die if it can be used to further their gun control aims.

And finally, once again we have this creepy old letch trying to lecture us on what’s the best way to protect “the children.” Yet how many schools have been protected with security? How many were beefed up after a shooting? Democrats love to pretend they do so many good things for the American people. Their mission to disarm us is paramount if their plan to destroy America is to be successful. They are already attacking people who don’t agree with them. Interfering with elections so nefariously that I would be surprised if Republicans ever again win an election. This is truly scary stuff, and we ill afford to surrender any more ground to an increasingly radical left.

Monday, April 17, 2023


At the risk of sounding like the proverbial broken records while once again stating the obvious, the number one priority for all who vote Republican has got to be the complete and total eradication of the species of Republican known to us all as , ‘The RINO.’ If we are to have any hope of ever being able to right this ship then we must cleanse the party of those politicians who, while they may claim to be Republicans clearly are not. Instead, what they are, are covert scum hard at work on the inside to assist the Democrat Party in advancing its anti-America agenda. And anyone who believes any of these frauds is nothing more than a fool.

And it was just this past Sunday that another of these political lowlifes popped out from under her rock to once again warn Republicans of some sort of impending doom should they fail to become a bit more ‘moderate’ when it comes to their approach regarding the permitting of women the right to murder their children if they are to ever again have any hope of winning elections. This time around it was a RINO by the name of Nancy Mace who, during an appearance on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” made the argument that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade “changed the entire electoral environment” in the 2022 midterms.

Mace said, “I mean, some of these groups have gotten so over-the-top and extreme, we need to find a middle ground on this issue. And I have a great pro-life voting record, but some of the stances we’ve taken, especially when it comes to rape and incest, protecting the life of a mother, it’s so extreme, the middle — the independent voters, right of center, left of center, they cannot support us.” Mace is clearly a liberal disguised as a ‘moderate to conservative.’ Liberals don’t care about the will of the people! Mace continued, “Again, I represent a purple district. I talked to a voter the other day, and she left the Republican Party or this issue."

And she went on to say, “She’s independent voters. She’s pro-choice. Her gestational limits are at 14 weeks. I’m pro-life legislator, and mine are at 15-20. There’s a lot of middle ground. I think it’s important how we talk about the issues and offer solutions.” She added, “Even though I’m pro-life, I represent a pro-choice district, and I saw the tide change after Roe was overturned. We went from mildly pro-choice to being a vast majority of voters being pro-choice after Roe v. Wade. It changed the entire electoral environment in ’22.” Mace concluded, “We have not learned our lesson from the midterm election."

And just what is it that this moron thinks was the lesson yet to be learned from the midterm elections? Overturning Roe-v-Wade has somehow changed the entire electoral environment? That one, single issue? Nothing else? Not the economy, the threat of nuclear annihilation, the end of the dollar as reserve currency? Only a “woman’s right to abort?” Fascinating logic this lady has. In a way she’s calling the entire electorate single-minded idiots. Maybe there’s a lesson in that. Stop helping Democrats! These people make me sick. Mace is a typical watered-down politician who wants it both ways. Claims to be pro-life, but then promotes abortion.

Mace is very clearly a RINO, one with no convictions other than to do all that she can to retain her sad ass in Congress. The good people of South Carolina should get rid of her at the next opportunity. “I’m a pro-life legislator,” she says as she declares her desire to see abortion limits set at 4-5 months, which is later than all but seven countries on Earth, including most of Europe. She seems totally cool with butchering babies in the womb up to 5 MONTHS gestation, when they are clearly recognizable as human babies with 10 fingers and toes and an observable sex and a heartbeat What a murderous ghoul. She needs to join the Democrat Party and be done with it.

I just love it when some RINO argues against their own party as to what is, or is not, extreme. What about the extreme positions that the radical leftwing Democrats possess, including infanticide. Why doesn’t she put that out there to draw a contrast in extremes. Anyone who puts abortion above national sovereignty, security and the economy is self-serving in the extreme. Joining those on the left, instead of opposing them, is what RINOs like Mace have long been known for. Murdering unborn babies is nothing short of barbaric, this is the year 2023 for crying out load. I would hope that history will look back upon this modern-day savagery very harshly.

Republicans have been pro-life for as long as I can remember. And now that we finally got Roe ‘overturned,’ which again has been a stated goal of the Republican Party for a half-century, now we’re supposed to cave and become pro-choice? Mace claims that overturning abortion hurt the Republicans in the 2022 election. Actually, what hurt Republicans were the RINOs who worked against America. She’s a follower, not a leader. Mace knows it’s not about abortion, elections were stolen in 2020 and in 2022. She’s trying to make Republicans weak on abortion because she’s a RINO! There is no middle ground to be taken when it comes to the slaughter of the unborn.

Protecting unborn human life should be a matter of sacred principle, not political positioning. But since the Supreme Court decision essentially sent this issue back to the states, why would the laws made by state representatives, elected by the people, not reflect the will of those people? Why does Mace think otherwise? Someone needs to tell Mace that having a majority is absolutely pointless if you’re not going to do something with it. Meanwhile the left wants to murder all children and mutilate those that are left. Where exactly is the middle ground? Perhaps you should try calling a spade a spade and a duck a duck instead of playing games that you always lose.

The Supreme Court made the correct, and constitutional, decision to return abortion to the states and the people, where it always belonged. Every moral person with a love for babies, children, and families knows abortion, the killing of an unborn baby, on demand, is wrong. Those rejecting the abortion morality wrongness tend to reject morality as a concept with resulting disruption of other aspects of their lives. It seems Democrat socialists revel in their personal, family, and societal chaos. As far as it goes for the Republican Party, it should take some lumps while it tries to raise subsequent generations to respect traditional honor, virtue, and morality.

The great thing is, that this is a winning issue for the right. The majority of the nation is against abortion, and especially against abortion on demand. This doesn’t hurt Republicans, it helps them. Of course, that is why Mace is so up in arms. RINOs prefer to be in the minority. It’s far more comfortable to sell your fellow citizens down the river when you can pretend you are powerless to stop it. If you are in the majority, people expect you to actually fulfill your empty promises. Mace is simply promoting murder of the innocent unborn and yet, somehow, she feels that it’s a winning position. How does that in way make any sense to any rational individual?

And so these so-called middle-of-the-road Republicans are now losing their composure over the just and proper legal ruling on Roe v. Wade. After decades of working and fighting for that, now they wilt in the face of leftist bullshit. These fools that are voting for Democrats over the issue, which doesn’t even affect most of them, need to suffer the full consequence of their nonsensical votes. Let them have the full measure and then they’ll realize how they’ve sacrificed everything for the sake of killing children. If one isn’t willing to lose an election for the sake of what's right, and what’s humane, then one is not really able to call oneself pro-life.

Now is the time to confront this modern murder cult before it completely overtakes us. Abortion is NOT birth control. It is the termination of a life. A fetus is not a parasite. A fetus is life, a viable human. A woman should control her own body, but she should not have the right to indiscriminately terminate the life of the human within her body. Defend your position! Be articulate and convincing. Force these women to think for themselves, to recognize the value of human life, to see abortion as the death of an individual, to recognize what it is to be a woman, to bear a child, to be a mother and to celebrate it rather than spurn and deride it.

If we can’t agree on the sanctity of human life, what can we agree on? Especially when the very people arguing for abortion right up to, and in some cases ever after, delivery are the very same people who would burn down a KFC because they think chickens are being mistreated! Having said that, Roe was heard, and a ruling made in 1973, they’ve had a 50-year head start. And as with everything because of a completely biased media, the Republicans are always on defense and bringing up the rear on the issue. Republicans should just simply say a flawed ruling was corrected. Abortion is still legal, individual states will deal with it accordingly. We’re moving on!