Thursday, March 6, 2025


You know, sometimes you just have to laugh at these clowns, these pathetic losers, these…Democrats. I mean it’s gotten to the point where it’s now impossible to take them seriously. President Trump seems to have broken them completely, both individually and as a party. They have now been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of babbling crybabies. Take, for instance, Cory Booker, U.S. Senator, that same guy who fancies himself as the Spartacus of Congress but who is nothing more than a whiny, sniveling little bitch. And yes, it ‘would,’ in fact, all be pretty funny if it weren’t for the fact that it’s these same people who are our elected leaders.

And I say that because it was during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s ‘All In,’ that Booker declared that President Trump lied blatantly in a mocking tone during his very recent speech to a joint session of Congress. Host Chris Hayes said, “You were in that room last night if I’m not mistaken. There was a very long section. We played a little bit, but I mean, that whole section on the fraud and Social Security went he did a long riff each age bracket reading out these numbers, you could hear the boos, which I think were coming from Democrats. What was your reaction in that moment to what was what you were hearing and what and what the goal was?"

Booker said, “Donald Trump has stopped stunning me. He doesn’t surprise me anymore. But this was a lie that they’ve been perpetrating for months has been debunked time and time again. That for him to bring it up in this speech, when most of the people in that room on both sides of the aisle knew that this was a blatant lie, and he did it in a mocking tone. This is a person who’s trying to carry out what we’ve seen in the past: people trying to privatize Social Security or end the program or point to it as the problem we have in government emblematic of the problem when, in reality, it is a vital program that Americans have been paying into their entire working life."

He added, “And so here’s the two-pronged strategy. One is this de-legitimization is to make it a mockery, is to tell lies over and over and over. Again until people start to believe that this is a broken program. And then at the same time, they are firing people that are essential to make the program work effectively and efficiently. And how do we know this? Because one of the first people they fired was. The inspector general who ran that report that you just used. To expose the lies of the person that’s in charge of keeping that institution accountable to the people and free of waste, fraud and abuse.” This is really the best that the Democrats can do?

Democrats only want to discuss problems that they themselves cause so that they can then tell people they can fix but only if voted into office. They cause a problem like a war and then tell us that we need to pump billions of dollars into it in order to stop it. After all, there’s a lot of money to be made on the stocks of those companies that manufacture war materials, things like guns, ammunition, rockets, bombs and so much more. Yup, start a war, and make some money while at the same time you screw the citizens that take the brunt of it and with countless thousands being maimed, or killed. You have to be a sick sonofabitch to do that to a country, any country.

Look, this guy Booker has always been a piece of shit politician. He’s a typical Democrat and has no direction. Social Security was raided by people like him for the money they needed for their pet projects. President Trump wants to stop this. Many of us who have been taxed for Social Security will never receive any money from it. And why is that, exactly?  Because people like Booker raided it, and Social Security was spread to everyone, legals, illegals, those who put in and those who didn’t, those who got it early because of being disabled. And the fraud and waste by the Social Security Administration to pay to those who were dead. It all adds up to a massive default.

The only liars here are delusional Democrats, like Booker, who are completely out of touch, and not just with the American people, but with reality in general. President Trump is always described as a liar and Democrats as being truthful, caring, pro-American citizen and pro-democracy. Democrats claim to know what President Trump would do, but don’t have a clue. Meanwhile Democrats would reduce and tax social security and let it go bankrupt. So we need to give power back to the Democrats because they ignore the fraud, waste, abuse and failure by Democrats because it’s all lies. Lies like Joey had no cognitive deficits and ‘BO’ wasn’t the real president.

This guy doesn’t even lie all that well. President Trump has made no move whatsoever to cut Social Security other than to remove the people from the roles that shouldn't be receiving it. Does Booker actually believe that there’s a 150-year-old man still alive and apparently still collecting his social security check. There probably shouldn’t be and apparently there are millions more who shouldn’t be receiving a check every month. And while considering myself fortunate to be able to collect something from Social Security, my daughter will likely not be so lucky and so I take big exception to that. She pays into it every single month, just so those like Booker can steal it.

Spartacus really does need to spare us all of his crap. He accuses President Trump of lying when this sanctimonious windbag, and those like him, quite literally wrote the book on the subject. It’s not lying to verify that a program is loaded with fraud or firing a person who is supposed to weed out the fraud and has blatantly allowed it to happen because there was something in it for him, or her. Again, MSDNC provides some nitwit with a platform to accuse President Trump of lying. All Democrats are doing is to disagree, object, and accuse. They seek to make sure that President Trump fails even if they know it is to the detriment of the nation. They just don’t care.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


When it comes to those on the left the level of insanity now being exhibited seems to be showing no sign of letting up. I say that because it’s according to the same guy who was telling anyone within earshot that Cumala had the last election in the bag, that the guy who did win is now trying to destroy our country. I swear, for the life of me I can’t quite figure out why anyone would go out of their way to seek this bonehead’s opinion on anything. After all, if I remember correctly this guy hasn’t been right about anything in over 30 plus years. And yet he’s constantly put in front of a camera. And, of course, it’s the political strategist James Carville that I’m talking about.

And so it was, during an appearance this past Tuesday on CNN’s ‘The Situation Room,’ that the famed Democrat ‘strategist’ actually attempted to make the argument that somehow it’s actually President Trump, and not the members of his own party, that is “actively trying to destroy” the United States because it just might be possible that it’s he, and not they, who genuinely “hates” the country. Now I beg to differ with this supposed political genius because there can be no doubt about who it is that hates this country, and it’s certainly not President Trump. Democrats have made it quite clear and on numerous occasions their desire is to see this country destroyed.

And it was when asked how Democrats should react to President Trump’s speech of last night that Carville said, “This man is trying to destroy the United States, and I think we ought to treat this moment with real gravitas. I think we’ve got a very good selection in Senator Slotkin to deliver the rebuttal. But my advice is either don’t go or go and sit on your hands and look grim, because the country is in a grim position right now. I hope the Democrats act like that.” Carville said, “People are flummoxed, and I am too because I’ve come to think maybe Donald Trump hates the United States.” He added, “North America, for the past 20 years, has been an economic powerhouse."

And, of course, he neglected to mention the countless attempts made by those within his party, during 12 of the last 16 years, to weaken that economy in every way possible. Anyway, he went on to say, “I mean, if you look at the economic power of Canada, the United States and Mexico, it’s pretty impressive. You know, I don’t know, because you try to explain why is he doing this? Why is he doing this to Zelensky? Why is he voting with North Korea and Russia and, God knows, Belarus and the United Nations? I just can’t get it out of my mind that I think this man is some possibility. We have to consider the possibility that our president hates our country."

He said, “People say no, he’s just full of resentment or something and that that could be true, but that does explain why he’s going out of his way to hurt the country at every juncture that he can. I mean, to the point of siding with North Korea and Belarus.” Jimmy never provides us with any actual examples of why he seems to think the U.S. finds itself in such a grim state, nor is he asked to. Which is why he chooses to go on shows such as this one. All he has to do is to just sit there and is free to lob accusations. Inflation increased with Bidenomics. Spending and debt are out of control due mostly to members of his party. Carville is nothing but a bloviator.

And when you get right down to it, this is really the only talking point the deranged Democrats have left. They’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off as was clearly evident during President Trump’s speech last night. This is what true desperation and derangement look like. So ya, you’re right James, that’s why so many of us chose to vote for him, because he wanted to destroy our country. I think we can all agree that no one spews more hatred and more ignorance than does this moron. Including Hitlery. And it’s no one with an IQ above 50 that listens to anyone on his end of the political spectrum. And yet he continues to spew nothing but lies.

Now if we’re being honest, it was the Biden handlers who successfully stole the 2020 election from President Trump that really put this country on the path toward destruction. Then came the four subsequent years with these same puppet masters installing all manner of stupid programs that mostly no one wanted. President Trump used the last four years to better prepare for the next four years to deftly ‘Make America Great Again,’ like only he can do. Yes, President Trump is in the process of destroying the country that the left has created courtesy of all the WOKE nonsense, the censorship, the corruption, the theft, the insider trading, and so much more.

President Trump is merely trying to actively destroy the bureaucratic state, the criminal grift and the enemies of the American people. You have to understand when Carville says “Trump hates OUR country” he means the woke, DEI, anti-white male, flooded with third world invaders. That’s Carville’s country, and it’s those who are attacking ‘that’ country who must be seen as a threat. President Trump is working to give us the country that the creators of the Constitution envisioned and that those on the left hate. President Trump is desperately trying to right the wrongs brought about by those in the Democrat Party that Carville seems to have allied himself with.

Clearly President Trump has done more for America in the short time that he has been in office than the Biden administration did during their entire four-year term. ‘BO’ actively tried to destroy America, to “fundamentally transform” it. His legacy is still destroying America. Joey allowed somebody to control him and his administration with goals of destroying America, from within. Attempting to reverse the ongoing destruction that began under ‘BO’ and accelerated under Joey and his handlers is NOT destroying America. Yes, it can be considered destructive, but only to the anti-American and anti-family forces who controlled the U.S. for 12 of the last 16 years.

Most Americans see who it is that hates America, and we see who is out to destroy her and it certainly isn’t President Trump! It’s Carville and his party that hate this country. They oppose everything President Trump is trying to do to make this a better country. Carville and his party hate our founding, our Constitution, our freedoms and rights. They hate individualism and free speech. They hate opinions that are different from theirs. They hate capitalism and free markets. Democrats oppose all that and now seem desperate to project onto President Trump what you are. But the majority of the American people are simply to smart for that.

The Democrat Party has nothing but the rhetorical tactic of flinging crap against the wall, except nothing seems to be sticking. Democrats are all marching to the beat of their own drummer, all spouting the same blather, renting protesters, holding signs, calling President Trump childish names and accusing him of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Between open borders, out of control spending, school and economy closures, men in women's sports and ridiculous, dictatorial mandates on the American people the Democrat Party makes it painfully clear who it is exactly that hates this country. It sure ain’t President Trump or anyone in his administration.

Carville really should take the time to look at what the Democrats did over the course of the last four years. Democrat projection is nearly as bad as Democrat hypocrisy. Between those two primary attributes, the level of stupidity being witnessed is somewhat overwhelming. Carville is a moron; it’s the Democrat party that is trying to destroy America with their insane agenda. Apparently, at least to those like Carville, President Trump can only prove his love for America by throwing open our southern border, allow tons of drugs into the country, and by giving billions of dollars to our ‘enemies,’ those in the ‘deep state,’ and the climate hoaxers.

Last night during President Trump’s speech Democrats acted more like spoiled children than the responsible leaders they claim to be. Their sophomoric adolescent behavior at trying to disrupt the speech with noisemakers and hand clappers along with silly signs was embarrassing. These traitors and seditionists want civil war, so I say bring it on, they are as bad as the former Soviet Union. This all started under the man who wanted to ‘fundamentally transform’ the country, ‘BO’. President Trump is simply trying to right the numerous wrongs created by ‘BO’, and advanced by Joey and his handlers behind the curtain. And nothing Carville says will convince people otherwise.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Why do you suppose it’s every time that some dumbass Democrat member of Congress finally dies, in this case Sheila Jackson Lee, there always another dumbass Democrat standing at the ready, waiting in the wings to fill the void left behind. If there is one thing that the Democrat Party never seems to be in short supply of, it’s morons. They have them, quite literally, coming out of the woodwork. Now I could, of course, go down the list of this moron contingent, but what would be the point, after all, we all know who they all are. Hell, even the boobs who vote for these morons know they’re morons, and it certainly hasn’t kept them from voting for them.

Which brings me to none other than Jasmine Crockett, that wingnut Democrat and member of the U.S House. It was this past Sunday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Alex Witt Reports” that Ms. Crockett demonstrated her lack of political prowess by declaring that President Trump was “an enemy to the United States.” Crockett said, “We’re talking about Ukraine, a country that was invaded first, it started off with trying to change the facts we don’t live in a world of alternative facts, trying to change the reality of who invaded who. We kept saying that Trump was nothing but Putin’s puppet. We kept saying that. We’ve said it all kinds of ways."

She said, “Unfortunately, we have someone that is occupying the White House and as far as I’m concerned, he is an enemy to the United States. He swore an oath just like the rest of us. But right now, when you are literally putting us at risk, all because of what? Because you want to convince your followers that you should be a dictator too, that you should never leave the White House, because you don’t believe that elections should take place — I don’t really understand what is going on. And I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to wake up.” I think it fair to say that people are awake since if that were not the case Cumala would now be president.

Crockett added, “We are not living in a safe country when we decide that we are going to weaken our national security by getting rid of those that are watching our nuclear stockpile, by giving everything over to a private friend known as Elon Musk. We are getting rid of all of the inspector generals and so there’s literally a lack of checks and balances all around us.” So, this is the Democrat Party today. DEI is ugly and embarrassing to America. This moron should never have been elected. It’s weird that these Democrat hypocrites worry so much about Ukraine being invaded while facilitating the invasion of their own country by illegal immigrants.

No doubt that we will likely be seeing a lot more of people like her in the coming years in Congress. After all, Democrats are a cancer on this country, and cancer generally gets worse before finally killing its host. She’s just another black female racist politician just fizzing with hatred for America. The only thing President Trump is a “threat” to is the criminal cartel referred to as the Democrat party. They lie, cheat, misappropriate our tax dollars to their friends and families and the propaganda news media, all while telling us to pay more taxes. They don’t care one iota about this country, or its people. They only care about enriching themselves!

Yes, no doubt, President Trump is perceived as being a threat to them, and we the taxpaying American people say it’s about time we have someone in the White House who cares about us, one who’s willing to pose such a threat. President Trump is one of the best things to ever happen to this country. It’s Democrats like Crockett that pose the greatest threat to our democracy. Their policies remove the freedoms that we are guaranteed in the Constitution, and its Amendments. Democrats are against religious freedom, free speech, right to bear arms to name a few and they are all racist putting people into categories based on race creed culture or sexual preference.

When are the Democrats going to figure out that no one with more than two functioning brain cells pays any attention to them? Crockett may be the stupidest member of Congress, and that’s saying a lot. This fake haired hoodrat, is looking to be chief lunatic of the crazy woman wing of the Democrat Party. Just another black ‘elected’ to Congress to be there and to be black. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no mandate for Crockett to do anything, accomplish anything or participate in any way. Just mouth off like an angry black, which she’s doing pretty well, and her voters will think they got their money's worth. I give you the dumbing down of America.

And answer me this, just what has Crockett accomplished for America during her relatively brief tenure in Congress except to run her big mouth every chance she gets? Has she offered up legislation that helps poor people of color? Has she championed a cause other than hatred of President Trump? Look, identity politics and class warfare certainly are not new, but each generation needs a boogeyman to attack, and this one attacks everything white and praises all else. She is far more divisive than President Trump, just listen to the drivel that comes out of her mouth. She is a hateful, spiteful hater and nothing she says can undo the words she has used in the past.

And so, as the left elects dumber and dumber politicians the rhetoric becomes all the more incendiary and self-defeating. President Trump pals around with Putin? Where the Hell do they get such unhinged idiocy? Democrats are totally insane. European Union wants the Ukrainian war to end, Americans want the war to end, Ukrainians want the war to end, the Russian people want the war to end, the only ones who don’t want an end is Zelensky and the Democrats. There are only three kinds of people dumber than her. The people who give her a microphone, the people who listen to her and people who chose to vote for her.

What’s wrong with these Democrats? Firing federal workers and trying to balance the budget are traditional Democrat policies too. I guess they just want the country to be full of unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens. And these Leftists now complaining about Musk? Musk did what ‘Slick Willy’ did, and other Democrats have tried to do? The Democrats have learned nothing, they’re arrogant, conceited, snobs. If she thinks President Trump is an enemy to the U.S., and thinks white men are an enemy to the U.S., then it's safe to assume that she thinks 50 percent of America is an enemy to the U.S. as well. More like 75 percent since we know half of the Democrat vote is fake.

I’m curious to know just how much longer the ‘fake news’ media is going to trot out this clown. As a conservative and Trump supporter I absolutely love that she’s out there spewing this insane stuff. They just don’t know what to do. The Ukraine war is going to end. Everyone knows what the terms are going to be and that it’s gonna happen fairly soon. But they will never credit President Trump for it. They will say that Europe really did it and it would’ve happened sooner if President Trump wasn’t blowing it up. Just watch. By that point, though they’ll be distracted by his constant haymakers. Get ready for the reconciliation bill to watch them really lose their minds.

And can we all agree that the Democrat Party hates America. How could you look at what they do and come to any other conclusion. They stand up and shield criminal illegal aliens, even those who have committed violent crimes against Americans. They don't want to talk about the border or how President Trump has reduced border crossings from roughly 15,000 a day under Joey B. to a new low of 185 in one month and WITHOUT passing an immigration bill in Congress. Musk has found billions of dollars in waste of your taxpayer dollars but, Democrats don’t want to talk about that either. They want only to stop Musk from searching out even more waste.

And finally on the subject of Musk, he’s working hard to drain the trough that Democrats use to fund their agenda, and as a result Democrats are squealing. The country is massively in debt, and you would think that Democrat would be cheering him on in his quest to root out fraud and waste. But if you thought that you’d be wrong. Leftist judges appointed by the Democrats are now getting into the act trying to stop President Trump at every turn even though everything he is doing is helping to save America and the American people. The Democrats put themselves first. President Trump puts America and Americans first. Zelensky also learned that the hard way.

Monday, March 3, 2025


I think it safe to say that we have arrived at a point where Democrats are officially in need of a rubber room. Clearly, they’re unable to deal with the fact that we now have a president who actually dares to act presidential. And what really pisses them off is the fact that that president is a Republican. But what has driven them totally over the edge is that Donald J. Trump is that president. And what also has their panties in a bunch is something that I’m sure most folks have heard about. That being that recent little get together in the Oval Office where President Trump pretty much bitch slapped that little wannabe dictator from Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

It was as recently as this past weekend that we saw another example of what has been the continuing of what has been a bizarre exercise in stupidity, on the part of the Democrats, where they continue to behave as if the November election never happened. You see it was this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ that Chris Murphy, Democrat Senator, claimed that the White House under the second Trump administration has become an “arm of the Kremlin.” This guy is truly a one trick pony. It’s either “Russia, Russia, Russia,” or “Putin, Putin, Putin.” Clearly he needs to give it a rest until he’s better able to reconnect with reality.

Those of us able to deal with reality are able to recognize that all President Trump and his administration are doing is to refuse to bash either side so that they can get both sides to the negotiating table calmly. Zelensky simply won’t shut up about how evil Putin is. Even if that’s true, which it is, he needs to shut up if he truly wants peace!! Just as President Trump has clearly stated that over and over. President Trump is not on either side. He says nice things about Zelensky, and he says nice things about Putin. He’s stuck in the middle attempting to stop a war. If a Democrat was doing this, the ‘fake news’ media, and the entire Left, would be fawning all over them!!!

Host Dana Bash said, “Do you think there’s hope of salvaging this relationship with Ukraine?” Murphy said, “So it is absolutely shameful what is happening right now. The White House has become an arm of the Kremlin. Every single day you hear from the national security adviser, from the President of the United States, from his entire national security team, Kremlin talking points. For the last week, the White House has been pretending as if Ukraine started this war. That’s essentially saying that Poland invaded Germany at the beginning of World War II. There are still facts in this world and the fact is this Vladimir Putin is a brutal dictator."

He said, “Russia started this war, and the entire pretext for that meeting yesterday was an attempt to rewrite history in order to sign a deal with Putin that hands Putin Ukraine.” He added, “That is disastrous for U.S. national security. That means that China will be on the march. Putin may not stop. America may be at war with a nuclear power. And for what? It appears as if America is trying to align itself with dictators that Donald Trump wants us to have our closest relationships with despots all around the world because that makes it easier for him to transition America into a kleptocratic oligarchy where Musk and Trump steal from the American people."

It was painfully obvious from Zelensky’s approach in this last meeting that he was completely unaware that there is a new Sheriff in town. And I think it’s a fair to say that Democrats may have played a role in an effort to sabotage President Trump’s efforts to bring an end to war that would not have started had he been in office. Democrats have gotten so crazy that even dimwitted Democrat voters are finally beginning to wake up to their antics. The Democrats, courtesy of their decades of vicious lies, have managed to thoroughly destroy what credibility they may have once had. And the majority of the American people are now able to plainly see it.

Apparently, this boob Murphy and the rest of the boobs in his party, seem to have forgotten who it was that was in the White House for the last four years. And how it was that it took that long to screw things up so bad on every level that it was possible to screw up. And now they’re all bitching because President Trump hasn’t yet got everything fixed in just a little over a month. These Democrats are the enemy of the American people. Always slinking in the shadows fearful of the light. Their opinion is irrelevant. And when it comes to Ukraine the Democrats want this war to continue without a definitive end game along with an endless stream of our tax dollars.

President Trump is demonstrating what it means to be a leader. He’s proving that the Democrats only care about money and power while the Democrats constantly show their butts and to prove that they have no other strategy beyond “Orange Man Bad”. If the democrats had any brains, they would support at least some of the issues the president raises but they just don’t seem to have it in them. It truly is amazing how President Trump seems to have broken the Democrat Party. And it’s enjoyable to watch as they’re finally getting what they deserve. It is going to take a decade for the democrats to crawl out of this deep hole that they continue to dig for themselves.

Murphy takes the side of a corrupt foreign president over our own president who is simply trying to bring an end to another needless war. And in so doing he accuses President Trump of working for the Kremlin. We’ve heard this all before, it was a lie then just as it’s a lie now. These are the same people who had been using USAID to illegally funnel billions of taxpayer dollars in what was clearly a concerted effort to spread their twisted ideology of wokeism and corruption all over the world. President Trump is not the bad guy here, instead it’s the majority of those in the Democrat Party. You can see the fear in their eyes every time they’re one of these stupid shows.

It's in Murphy that we have another Democrat moron who would rather continue with Joey’s failed foreign policy and that which is the Democrat Party’s proxy war with Putin wasting both taxpayers’ money and thousands of lives. Even Ukrainian lawmakers lambasted Zelensky for engaging in “absolute idiocy” at the White House. Frankly, I’m not all that sure that Zelensky even wants peace. I mean, he shows up to the White House and insults our president and vice president, as well as the American people. Then not only does he not apologize but sees no need to. Cut off Ukraine. No money, no military aid, no intel, no nothing. The war would be over in short order.

The Democrats saw fit to install a corrupt old geezer in the White House and ran the country with a cabal of unnamed, unaccountable operatives for four years. Then, when their scheme was finally revealed, they chose an imbecilic, hard-core leftist replacement in his stead, totally sidestepping their voters. The only thing that President Trump can be said to be guilty of is restoring normalcy and revealing that same cabal that’s run the country into deeply into debt and the Democrats graft and bribes at the expense of American taxpayers. All they can do is whine and lie. And I firmly believe that they do themselves no favors by doing so.

This is the kind of destructive foolishness that Democrat propaganda produces. And because Zelensky believes all this garbage Ukraine may just have lost the only friend who could have helped them out of this war and to save their country. The European Union (EU) doesn't have the kind of money to throw at Ukraine and the only NATO partner with any real clout, equipment, and weapons is the U.S. Putin had his best day when Zelensky chose to go ballistic in the Oval Office. At least Putin is smart enough to know where the real power is, and it's not the EU. The only person in the world that Putin is genuinely worried about is Donald J. Trump.

This type of language is enemy of the state level. And it’s to be expected from those on the left, those who provide the most incendiary anti-American rhetoric. The whole purpose for Zelensky coming over here was to assist in the messaging, leftist helped to prepare him to create conflict and be did. Now let’s see if his people are foolish enough to keep him in power. Ukraine is not the responsibility of the U.S., nor should it be. We are stewards to western ideals but it would seem that Zelensky doesn’t seem to get it, nor does he care enough for his people to pursue an end to their unwinnable conflict. Let Europe go save them. Oh wait, they can’t or won’t.

Putin’s puppet, Putin’s puppet, yadda, yadda, yadda. That’s all we heard during President Trump’s first four years in office. If anyone was to be considered Putin’s bitch it would have been Joey B. Joey B., who allowed Putin to invade Ukraine in the first place. The Democrats have nothing to offer this country but the same old diatribe they’ve been spouting for 10 years. It’s clear that President Trump wants peace. He wants the killing to stop. Putin is less likely to do anything with American engineers on the ground working with miners to extract rare materials. But Zelensky, as do the Democrats, seems to want nothing more than a forever war!

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Let’s be honest, shall we? If there is anyone who seeks to make this country appear weak, it would be those who are members of the Democrat Party. And they seem to be motivated to do so out of the hatred they seem to possess for their own country. I’ve never really understood why one would want to be an elected leader of the country they so very clearly hate. Unless, of course, it’s nothing more than a means to an end, a way for them to essentially kill two birds with one stone. They can make themselves quite wealthy while at the same time working to bring a rather untimely end to the country that they so vehemently hate. So, it all kinda makes sense.

Which brings me to none other than Mark Kelly, former astronaut and now a Democrat U.S. Senator from Arizona. You see, it was this past Friday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Chris Jansing Reports” that Kelly attempted to make the argument that President Trump’s Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was an “utter mess” that “makes us look weak.” So says the guy who has to run to MSDNC to snivel. You either have a pair or never will. What’s ‘your’ pronoun, Mark? People like Kelly make me sick. And I ask you, does this idiot actually think that by handing over billions of dollars to Zelensky we’re somehow made to look stronger?

Anyway, Kelly said, “What a complete and utter mess. And this is a gift to Putin. And make no mistake, and I hope the American people get this, that this makes us look weak and it’s not normal behavior.” He continued, “The United States. Chris we are a superpower. Our power is our military, our economy, our diplomatic corps, our professionalism. This was not professional. We don’t gain anything by acting like bullies. And this is what bullies do. Just because you act this way, by the way, it doesn’t mean that you’re tough. So this is a mess. I hope we can repair this relationship. President Zelensky and his country, they are grateful."

Kelly went on to add, “Our entire history there have there have been a lot of tense negotiations. between countries. We don’t do this in public. this did not this did not. Get us anything. And I think it’s important for the American people to understand. Because of what happened today. We are all less safe. And I’ll tell you, there was one winner in this, Chris one winner and if you watch Russian TV tonight or tomorrow morning you will see that they’re going to cover this. They’re going to be happy about this. Putin and his cronies are probably popping champagne bottles right now.” Kelly is another of those sounding like nothing more than a broken record.

And doesn’t he really mean that it makes the Democrats look weak because it was Joey who gave Zelensky everything he asked for and then some, no questions asked. Not once did old Joey ever stand up to this punk. And I’m more than a little curious when it comes to just how much of a kickback Kelly might be getting for his continued support of sending American taxpayer dollars to the blatantly corrupt Ukraine leader? Kelly is such a dipshit. So, it’s weak to finally stop shoveling cash to this tinhorn tyrant when Europe doesn’t have the stones to fund his losing war? Just more drivel coming from a member of the political party that castrates and sterilizes children.

From most everything that I’ve read, or heard, the majority of the American people applaud President Trump for seeking peace! Obviously, President Trump’s rebuking of Zelensky and throwing him out of the White House did not reflect weakness. It would have been weak if President Trump had allowed the disrespect to go unchallenged. So here we have another Democrat narrative that is the just opposite of what actually transpired. The utter nonsense that spews from these ignorant gaslighting liberals is beyond compare. But, on a positive note, their constituents are finally wakening up to the reckless disregard for the truth which may come to haunt the Democrats!

Zelensky took a gamble and in so doing tried to air things out in front of the ‘news’ media. But he miscalculated rather badly and is the one who comes across looking weak. And he ended up leaving with his tail between his legs and emptyhanded. I’m afraid he didn’t choose wisely. After this little episode he’ll have to grovel if he hopes to get anything from President Trump. After all, President Trump can’t have a leader from a small country half a world away coming to America for help only to argue in front of the press on how it is that the world somehow owes him for saving the world from Putin. President Trump had no choice but to put Zelenskyy in his place.

It’s always the same with these Democrats. It’s as if they’re in competition to see who it is that can tell the biggest lie or make most ridiculous anti-Trump comment that gains for the winner some face time on MSDNC or CNN. Frankly, it’s become more than a little tiresome, unoriginal and rather boring. Kelly is just another delusional, whiny, clueless braindead politico who loves war, loves spending billions of taxpayer dollar on endless wars, and loves watching innocent people suffer from the brutality and recklessness brought about by a irresponsible leader who, in this case, the corrupt money grubbing grifter, Zelensky. This insanity has to come to an end!

Shutting this little tyrant down and kicking him out of the White House is the opposite of weak! Comparatively speaking, there is nothing on Earth that could possibly make us look weaker than did the last four years of Democrat control of the White House. If Zelensky had been able to push over President Trump, that would have made us look weak. Did Zelensky leave the Oval Office in a better situation than when he went in? No, he did not. Zelensky came out of the White House in a much weaker position than when he walked in. President Trump just didn’t get the deal he wanted. That said, not bowing to a petulant little beggar was in no way a display of “weakness."

So I’m still trying to figure out how it makes us look weak. It’s not our war, it’s Zelenski's war. And I firmly believe that had Donald Trump been president this war that has now gone for three years with hundreds of thousands of dead and/or wounded, would never have started in the first place. And once again it’s because of weakness on the part of Joey that we have another mess left for President Trump to clean up. For years we’ve had weak-minded nimrods like Kelly in the business of running our country. So it’s no wonder that as a country we are in such disastrous shape. Kelly is one of those who never leaves home without a white flag in his pocket.

It’s Kelly and the Democrats who are weak. Their agenda is one that has as its goal the death of America. Their version of foreign policy is to finance America’s enemies overseas. These pearl clutching Democrats have never seen an alpha male and tough businessman in action. Everyone in the world knew who the boss was in that meeting. Thank God we now have President Trump fighting for us and not Cumala. We’d be sending billions more dollars home with Zelensky. Then they’d walk out patting themselves on the back for protecting our interests with nothing to show for it. Zelensky got a good, old-fashioned ass-whipping. He was reminded of his place!

Democrats calling President Trump weak after standing behind Joey for the last four years is pretty rich. Why don’t they just come out and admit the fact that they’re plan is to oppose anything President Trump does, no matter what. Democrats never seem to take a pass on an opportunity to look stupid. When the deal gets done and President Trump gets the thing done on his terms, he will once again have the last laugh. At that point the people who were so quick to jump in on this dust up as being a failure will quickly try to pivot and claim some other delusional result. President Trump knows the U.S. can just walk away or wait patiently until our terms are met.

President Trump, as imperfect as he is, is on the side of life, not death and destruction. It was because of Joey’s lack of leadership, incompetence, greed, and his outright selling us up the creek that this mess was dumped in President Trump’s lap. I see no weakness in President Trump’s stance on this issue. Instead, I see pragmatism. What would Kelly have him do? Personally, I would let Ukraine sink or swim on its own and let Europe do the same. There comes a time when you bite the hand that has protected you since WWII one time too many. And I find it all rather hysterical that Europe wants us to police the world and then when we do they whine about it.


So, I find myself wondering just when it might be that the Democrats will finally come to the realization that the majority of the American people simply do not believe, or trust, them when it comes to addressing those issues that are truly important to them. Democrats continue to demonstrate that the issues important to most Americans are, quite simply, not worthy of attention despite their many claims to the contrary. And it’s those issues that are most important to Democrats that are not even on the list for the majority of Americans. So what is a party to do? Lie, of course!!! And lie they do, with their lies then being echoed by our joke of a ‘news’ media.

Democrats would like us all to believe that while they are unable to determine what a woman is, they are still more capable than the opposition when it comes to addressing such issues as border security, energy independence, our broken education system and our economy. And we saw that once again this past Friday. You see it was then during the broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by that dweeb Wolf Blitzer, that Hakeem Jeffries argued that the Trump administration hasn’t focused on the problems of everyday Americans, while Democrats are “continuing to make sure that we focus on trying to make life better for everyday Americans."

And Jeffries went on to say, “We have to drive down the high cost of living. We have to secure the border.” Jeffries said, “Look, what we’ve seen from the Trump administration over the last several weeks is just a flood of unprecedented extremism and a parade of horribles that continue to be unleashed on the American people, while, at the same time, the Trump administration is not focused on solving the problems of everyday Americans. We’re continuing to make sure that we focus on trying to make life better for everyday Americans. Fundamentally, that’s why we were sent to Washington, D.C.” This level of brazen lying is really beyond the pale.

Border crossings have dropped to a couple hundred per day in a month. But is Jeffries challenged on his ridiculous assertion? Jeffries continued, “We have to drive down the high cost of living. We have to secure the border. We have to keep communities safe. We have to protect our DREAMers and farm workers and families. These are the things that matter, as opposed to creating crisis-like moments when we should be coming together and demonstrating leadership for the free world.” The Democrats had four long years under *president Biden to secure the border and to bring down the cost of living. Why didn't they do it? Because it was counterproductive to their end goal!

And let’s face it, if Jeffries really wanted to help secure the border he should be called for blue states to start rounding up these illegal immigrants, and to start delivering them to ICE to take part in the great exodus back to wherever they came from. I’m curious what the Democrats are doing to secure the border and bring down prices. Surely if they are focused on these things, they ought to be able to tell us. Apparently, they just don’t have time to go over the details with us. They’re far too busy working night and day to help the American people and save our democracy! Do we want them to stop and explain it or do we want it done? No time for both.

All we have seen thus far from President Trump is “unprecedented extremism and a parade of horribles” like securing the border, cutting the cost of government, expanding fair trade and a whole lot more. Jeffries, like all the Democrats, is a very clumsy hypocrite who fools no one. Democrats had a wide-open border and had the Border Patrol acting as the ‘welcome wagon’ for illegals. Now they are being deported as fast as they come in. But perhaps calling those like Jeffries hypocrites is a bit of a stretch. Because they have no belief in truth, nor do they value it. They love power and will do whatever it takes to gain it, maintain it and to abuse it.

Mr. Jeffries clearly has some ‘splaining’ to do because, frankly, I’m more than a little confused. I say that because the official numbers under Democrat rule show hundreds of thousands of illegal invaders at the borders every day. And within one month of Republican governance those numbers have literally plummeted to less than a couple hundred a month. Jefferies was against the border wall during President Trump’s first term. Jefferies was one of those who wanted mass amnesty for dreamers and the majority of illegals. Jefferies wanted the detention centers, that he applauded during ‘BO’s term, closed and illegals allowed unfettered entry to the U.S.

Now he’s out there championing border control as little progress has been made on barriers along the border. This is nothing more than an attempt on his part to make the Republicans look like the bad guys at the upcoming midterm elections and nothing more. Expect Jefferies to go head-to-head with President Trump more frequently. He will most certainly espouse all the things that President Trump ran for, while saying President Trump is making no progress and that the Democrats can. Democrats worked tirelessly for the last four years to ship illegals into every city in America. They did nothing to secure our border, and they endangered Americans. And it was intentional!

Democrat policies are what put us where we are today. This man was one of the loudest voices in that regard. Not one truth comes out of his mouth. And he is well aware of that. On his first day back in office President Trump did more to secure the border than the Democrats did in the four years of the Biden regime. Democrats fought hard to keep it wide open, and they screwed Americans every day. Illegal border crossings are way down under President Trump. Drugs are being stopped from coming in. Human trafficking is down. Meanwhile, Democrats are focused on attacking Elon Musk and keeping men in women’s sports. So who isn’t focused on key issues?

Jeffries is clearly speaking to the people who weren’t paying attention for the last four years. You know they’re out there; they would be the millions who voted for Cumala. Just how stupid does a Democrat voter have to be to believe this? ‘Open borders’ was their mantra. Cumala, the then border Czar, never once went to the border until the end when she finally realized she had no choice. And even then, it was nothing more than a photo op. And it amazing how easy they’re able to lie to their followers, and the absolutely useless media just sits just there and nods in agreement. And more amazing still is how their followers never seem to catch on.

And finally, it’s all the issues that Jeffries said are in need of being fixing, that the Democrats created. Whether you’re talking about open borders, high inflation, crime, education, or whatever, the Democrats’ fingerprints are all over all of them. President Trump has addressed the border in a very positive way, he’s working on inflation, addressing government waste and fraud and so very much more. I have to wonder what color the sky is where Jeffries is. President Trump has delegated very a capable team to execute the mission. The Democrats seem not know what the real mission is. And until they’re able to figure that out they should be banned from public office.

Friday, February 28, 2025


I must admit that I always get a bit of a kick out of hearing from Democrats about how it’s President Trump who’s the one acting as if he’s nothing short of the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. Because actually, what’s much closer to the truth is the fact that it’s the Democrats who, at least over the course of the last 15 years, have come to bare a much closer resemblance to both the man and many of those policies that he not only talked about but put into action. And yet it’s these same people who we’re supposed to believe when they warn us about the evils of President Trump. And it was this past Wednesday that we saw another of these pricks in action.

You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that JB Pritzker, governor of the ‘People’s Republic of Illinois,’ once again made the claim often heard from Democrats about how the Trump administration is threatening democracy by removing rights and favoring one group of people over another. Clearly Pritzker is more than a little confused. What President Trump is actually doing is to remove the discriminatory laws that Democrats have stacked against whites and Asians. Pritzker is another typical Democrat who would gladly rob from the American public guaranteed to us by our Constitution and then point a chubby finger at the opposition.

Pritzker said, “I am very grateful to be an American and believe very much in protecting all the rights of American, the American people. I also built a Holocaust museum with Holocaust survivors here. And I can tell you that in 1933 and 1934 the German constitutional republic was converted into a dictatorship in a very short period of time. And you know, anybody who walks through a Holocaust museum and sees the chronology can see that. When rights get taken away, when you know people, the services to people are diminished, when all of a sudden we’re favoring one group of people over another that’s a danger that we ought to all pay attention to."

He said, “I’m seeing that in his country right now. And I needed to speak up. I needed people to hear that. I think that, you know, we’re seeing gradually an understanding that we’ve got to speak up. People need to show up and speak out.” He added, “You know, you got to remember that the things that I’m speaking out about now about, you know, the threat to our democracy, this is not a message to win elections on. It’s something people need to know. They need to know that that’s happening. But, you know, if you talk to 100 people, knock on 100 doors, and I’ve knocked on an awful lot of doors running for office, and you say to people, you know, democracy is at risk."

Pritzker went on to say, “Nobody knows what that looks like. They’ve never experienced it before.” I can only assume that this must be a game Democrats play where they see how stupid a thing they can say before getting called out for it. It’s their version of pushing the envelope. And have you ever noticed how these leftwing hypocrites and their corporate-media surrogates always parrot and regurgitate the very same phrases, over and over? You know the ones, “Threat to democracy,” “Constitutional crisis,” and more. Meanwhile they are the ones subverting the will of the voters, subverting the Constitution, and disseminating blatant disinformation.

Lying corrupt politicians, like Pritzker, cheerfully throw out bullshit like “threat to democracy” all the time with no explanation. It serves to trigger liberal lunatics into thinking that something bad is going to happen. They’re not sure what, they just know that it’s something very bad. These fools have thrown around the “democracy” word so much it is almost as bad as every other overtaxed word they like to use like, “racism” or “misogyny.” These imbecilic liberals just open their mouths and shit falls out. You’d think that by now they would realize that everyone is hip to their crap. There’s a reason all the liberal talking heads and media types are sliding into oblivion.

It was Democrats like Pritzker who took away the rights of little girls to have their own sports, to have their own locker rooms, to have their own bathrooms, to have control of their own bodies beyond the gaze of mentally ill boys and men. Clearly Pritzker is on the attack and trying to position himself as the 2028 anti-America presidential candidate, all 600 pounds of him. Democrats have been working to take away rights from the American people for decades! Leftists like Pritzker always accuse the opposition of doing what they themselves are guilty of doing. How many of our rights were taken away under Joey’s White House and Democrat governors?

Do these people ever think about how ridiculous their words sound in light of their own behavior? For the four years that Joey was in the White House, the federal government, and every Democrat governor and mayor, conferred more rights, more privileges, and more money on illegal immigrants than they did on bona fide American citizens or lawful immigrants. Pritzker prattles on about favoring one group over another yet he and the Democrats have been favoring illegals over American citizens for years. Taking away rights? That’s rich, coming from a hypocrite like Pritzker. He’s the guy who took away property rights from landlords, declaring a rent ‘moratorium.'

The Democrat agenda is built on fear. Any time they don’t get their way, they claim the opposition is a “threat to democracy.” Contrary to what he says, it’s every leader that should put the people of the country, first. President Trump is not taking away anyone’s rights. What he’s doing is preserving the rights of Americans to live in a safe country. He’s trying to stop the sexualization and mutilation of our children. And he wants to stop the wasteful spending. Democrats exist on identity politics, and the talking heads and whining politicians bleating about "threat to our democracy" is getting tiresome. Pritzker is disgusting, both physically and ideologically.

Pritzker is the guy who forced, and continues to force, people into experimental genetic medical trials, mutilates the genitals of minors who can’t consent, promotes anti-white hate and racism, attacks freedom of speech, puts criminal foreign nationals above citizens, promotes indentured servitude, and denies basic rights of self-protection. Pritzker didn’t seem too concerned about democracy when he was forcing businesses to close left and right during Covid. I love the way all of these liberal governors and mayors forget about what they did to people during Covid while at the same time accusing President Trump of taking away people’s rights.

Did you ever happen to notice that this governor never happens to say what rights are being taken away? And he either forgets to mention, or simply chooses to ignore, the fact that President Trump not only won the Electoral College but also the popular vote, which is the definition of democracy. And something else he fails to mention is the fact that President Trump’s actions thus far have been to identify and remove corruption and fraud. President Trump’s administration has been very open and transparent, far more than was his predecessor, who was a Democrat, I might add. The continued usage of the Nazi card says it all. Those like Pritzker are the enemy.

Pritzker has been a damn nightmare for Illinois. He keeps trying to prove that he’s presidential material while at the same time finding new ways to make Illinois worse in the process. The threat is not to our democracy, it’s how he and those like him seem to define democracy. The people have spoken. Politicians like him have been weighed and measured and have been found falling far short of what is good for America. It’s only a matter of time before people realize how they’ve been manipulated, lied to and kept out of the real change that is happening in front of their eyes. Once that happens, Democrats will be forever banned from public office.

Finally, there simply are not enough descriptors in the English language to accurately and/or adequately describe how vile, awful, and disgusting the Democrat Party has become. Those who still vote for people like Pritzker should be ashamed of themselves. These people seem to be not bothered in the least by the massive amount of fraud and waste that has thus far been discovered. All of their outrage seems to be focused on those who are uncovering it. These people have no shame. They are nothing more than selfish, power-hungry politicians who will say anything, true or not. This, ladies and gentlemen, is our elected class. How far we have fallen.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


So at what point will those in both the ‘fake news’ media and the Democrat Party finally figure out that a growing number of American people are no longer buying what it is that continues to be sold to them by these people. But that seems to matter very little to these people evidenced by how they continue to show no willingness to alter the perception that they spew nothing but propaganda and incendiary rhetoric. These people remain consumed by their hatred and, dare I say, fear of Donald Trump and in so doing they have literally driven themselves quite mad. The claims they continue to make about the man defy all logic as much as they ignore the truth.

But then liberal logic has never really made much sense to me, and we all know that those in both the ‘fake news’ media and the party have a very questionable relationship with the truth. Which, of course, brings me to former U.S. House member and now U.S. Senator, Democrat Adam Schiff. And it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by Wolf Blitzer, that Schiff ranted about how we’re to believe that millions of Americans are “downright ashamed” of President Trump’s actions in dealing with Ukraine. This is really no different than everything we’re heard from this boob for the last ten years.

Now granted, there are, in all likelihood, millions of Democrats who are likely “ashamed” of President Trump. But that number pales in comparison to the tens of millions of Americans who were not only ashamed of *president Joey, but also completely embarrassed by him and disgusted by the level of corruption that we all witnessed. Schiff said, “This is an effort to pressure Zelensky into giving up something for nothing. And I have to say this, on top of the resolution at the United Nations– where the United States sided with Russia, betrayed Ukraine – is one of the most shameful incidents in modern history.” All we have sided with is peace.

He went on to say, “I think millions and millions and millions of Americans watching this not only disagree with the president but, maybe for the first time, are just downright ashamed of the president because we have betrayed an ally.” He continued, “We not only betrayed an ally, but we betrayed our principles. Are we to be nothing except transactional now? We have no commitment to democracy, no commitment to our allies. It’s all going to be about the money. That seems to be Donald Trump’s orientation. But what a sad chapter of our history.” No, what was a sad chapter in our history is the bogus impeachments of a duly elected president.

Schiff added, “Ukrainians have made just tremendous sacrifices and to be reduced to this by his most important ally, the United States, coming hat in hand with some kind of fig leaf offer of the mineral wealth of his country in exchange for little or nothing,” Schiff concluded. “It is really just tawdry, but it is, you know, what this administration has reduced our allies to.” Schiff should be in prison for the lies he has told and the taxpayer dollars he has wasted on ridiculous investigations and bogus impeachments. And the fact that Californians chose this lying sack of shit over Steve Garvey to be their next Senator shows very clearly just how fucked up California truly is.

Not only do the Democrats still not have any idea of why they lost in last November’s election, most still seem totally uninterested in learning the answer. Astoundingly, even after losing as badly as they lost, they persist in hitching their wagon to a worldview where they reflexively oppose everything that President Trump says and does. So, President Trump, quite reasonably so, is emphasizing all the 80/20 issues where the 80 percent is firmly on his side. Observing the Democrats right now is like watching a man set a shovel on the ground so that he can intentionally step on it. These guys make Wile E. Coyote look like a tactical genius by comparison.

Now knowing this guy as we all do, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to figure out how it was that he came up with this cockamamie theory of his. And, of course, Blitzer never asks him to provide exactly what it is that he bases his theory on. What I do know is that President Trump is currently experiencing his highest approval ratings ever. According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris survey President Trump currently enjoys a 53 percent approval rating. The Democrats, on the other hand, are experiencing an all-time low in their approval ratings. According to MSDNC, only 21 percent of voters approve of congressional democrats while 68 percent disapprove.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, this nation had an agreement with Russia, made by President Reagan, that said NATO would never be offered to Ukraine in exchange for the Russians walking back their impositions on central Europe and entering into SALT Treaty. And then along came ‘Slick Willy,’ Bush 41 and 43, ‘BO’ and Joey who all chose to ignore that agreement! And so now President Trump is again left to clean up yet another mess left to him by his predecessors and return stability to Ukraine, putting an end to the killing of those on both sides, putting an end to the destruction of lives and communities on both sides and walking the world back from the brink.

I have no doubt that President Trump will end this war. Ukraine is a country with a leader who functions as a dictator and who has been allowed to grift billions from this country. People are ashamed of how we’ve been played by such a character. The U.S. has no national interests in Ukraine, but the Biden Crime Family, along with more than few RINOs, and most Democrats certainly do. As does anyone involved in the military/industrial complex. Known for its corruption, billions of taxpayer dollars have gone unaccounted for in Ukraine. Russia/Ukraine is Europe's problem, not ours, and despite all of the bitching from those on the left, Europe needs to handle it.

Those like Schiff would rather see a million more Ukrainians and Russians perish needlessly than to see President Trump being heralded as a peacemaker. Schiff is incorrect. Ukraine is not an “ally” of American and never has been. If it were, we would be obliged to put boots on the ground, just like we are now required to do if a NATO country were invaded by Russia. Zelensky would dearly love for Ukraine to join NATO so we would be forced into putting boots on the ground. In fact, that was one of his early demands for any peace settlement. But that won’t happen on President Trump’s watch or, hopefully, under that of any other U.S. president.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Every day those in the ‘fake news’ media come up with a new Democrat to push out in front of a camera and spew the same nonsense. Frankly, it’s beginning to feel a little like Ground Hog Day. And just why is it that Democrats continue to be of the opinion that government efficiency and government accountability have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. And not only that but the mere mention of bringing any level of accountability to our government sends the Democrats into an absolute frenzy. I mean, why is it that Democrats are so adamantly opposed to bringing accountability to those who ‘work’ for the government and so vocal about that opposition?

Democrats seem totally oblivious to the fact that the America people are fed up with being ripped off by their government. And I’m quite sure that over the years most Americans have come to recognize the aversion Democrats have to bringing about any form of accountability. So, their opposition to something like DOGE is understandable. The most recent Democrat to voice his outage was Adam Smith, Democrat member of the U.S. House. This past Tuesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports” Smith argued that President Trump is telling the American people an “absolute lie” that DOGE is about making the federal government more efficient.

Smith said, “If we identify what Trump and Musk are doing as what it is, which is basically trying to smash the federal government so that they can have greater power and control, this has nothing to do with efficiency and effectiveness. You line up 100 CEOs in the country and say, ‘Is this the way you run your business if you wanted to make it more efficient and effective?,’ absolutely zero would say yes. This is about Trump and Musk creating a situation where they have the power to do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it, without any checks on that power.” Smith said, “Call it what it is and build support in the country against it."

He said, “And then also sue, which we’ve been doing. Use the courts to block the illegal actions that they’re taking. But this is a basic messaging campaign. We’ve got to get our message out aggressively so that we can get more people to agree with us.” Smith said, “Republicans make two arguments for the idiocy of what they’re doing with our federal workforce. One ‘Oh, we got to be more efficient and more effective.’ As I just said, the way they’re doing it is the exact opposite of that. And second, they give impassioned pleas about the debt and the deficit. ‘My gosh, I know it’s a little chaotic, but goodness, we have to get this under control because the debt and the deficit are just so bad.'"

Regarding those 100 CEOs that Smith references, it’s likely that every one of them would tell you that what President Trump and Musk are doing is exactly how you make our bloated government more efficient. This is exactly what a new CEO would do to a large corporation that’s failing and on the verge of going bankrupt. Gaslighting is really the only thing that Democrats have anymore. They’re freaking out because their money laundering apparatus is being systematically dismembered. And they’re coming with all manner of cockamamie reasons to keep it going. The desperation of Democrats and their minions in the propaganda media couldn’t be any more obvious.

Look, Smith is another of those who has spent his entire adult life sucking on the taxpayer teat. He knows absolutely nothing about how business works. Another partisan ideologue trying to spread nonsense. Musk and President Trump have both been successful CEOs. Meanwhile, Smith briefly worked as a lawyer and has been a Democrat stooge in either the state or federal legislature since 1991. Smith has been an elected official since he was 26 years old. He’s never owned, or run, so much as a lemonade stand. And yet, he chooses to lecture President Trump and Elon Musk, two of the country’s most successful businessmen, on how a business should not be run.

The sophomoric arguments that he makes against what President Trump is trying to do sound like something a college freshman would say. He’s the quintessential Democrat. Clearly the Democrats have an entirely different definition of ‘efficiency.’ To them, efficiency is the ease with which money paid out by the federal government finds its way back into the Democrat Party coffers. When a system is so broken that it cannot be fixed, the only solution is for it to be dismantled and removed, then carefully rebuilt. But Democrats just don’t see it that way. So instead, they try to somehow justify in their own unique way and point bony fingers at President Trump and Musk.

President Trump and Musk are simply calling out the wasteful spending and it’s idiots like Smith, if they were responsible legislators, who now need to vote to get rid of it all, which they won't because much of it ends up in their pockets. You’ll notice that Democrats, including this dolt Smith, never acknowledge the level of wasteful spending; they only disparage those who are searching for it out and finding it and assign their own motives to those trying to curb what is turning out to be a massive amount of corruption. They either refuse to acknowledge the fraud or simply say that this isn’t the way to fix it. Coming from those who presided over it, that’s pretty rich.

Translation, “We’ve got to get our message out aggressively so that we can get more people to agree with us.” That’s what this guy is really saying. Essentially, he is stating that only their viewpoint is correct and will result in a far better government than what President Trump is trying to bring about. I find that amazing. Only now have we been given lists and lists of bogus projects our government have been involved in financing. Why when President Trump sounds the trumpet it is not about efficiency, but it would be if the Democrats were to do it? But we can’t count on them to even do that much, they are far too deeply involved in secrecy and deceit.

Those in the political class cannot allow President Trump to be successful because they can’t risk the people waking up and realizing who it is that’s better at running the government, A businessman with experience, contacts, knowledge and an understanding of efficiency or a group of corrupt politicians whose only interest is in filling their own pockets. But the people are seeing for the first time how politicians have been squandering their tax money. The Democrats make clear that they are all in for squandering tax money because they’re defending it. The more they talk like this guy the more they are exposing themselves to be irresponsible and dishonest.

What President Trump and Musk are really doing is showing how poorly the elected leaders of this country have been doing their job, and that goes for both parties. Our elected leaders have not passed a balanced budget in God knows how many years. They all cry but they don’t do their job. Democrats keep trying to sell Americans the lie that nothing President Trump has done is working. Ask the illegal immigrants going home if that’s true, ask the lazy government workers who now are collecting unemployment checks instead of our tax dollars, ask the Democrat politicians who will be forced into the private sector or may yet end up in jail after all this.

To some small degree I agree that this isn’t just about efficiency, it’s also about finding all the holes Democrats have been hiding their ill-gotten gain in for decades and used to finance their criminal and treasonous enterprises. So, I agree this isn’t all about efficiency, it’s also about removing the criminal and illegal Democrat stashes of taxpayer funded money. It’s about working to lower our nation’s dept by removing all of these stashes and in the process of removing the ability of Democrats to fund their evil agenda. The fraud must end, the corruption must end. And it’s finally that someone is making an honest attempt to do so. Despite the Democrats!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


To be blunt, I have virtually no respect for anyone who, whether for personal and/or political gain or simply out of spite, chooses to attack anyone who seeks only to, at least, make the attempt to repair the decades long amount of damage that has been done to this country by our supposed leaders of both parties. How pathetic of an individual must one be to do such a thing? But it’s Chris Christie who seems to be just such an individual. So I’m curious, does Christie still possess delusions grandeur about becoming president? Most likely so! And yet he very clearly cares very little about the future of this country or the welfare of its citizens. Christie only cares about himself.

Scum like Christie will routinely say whatever they think necessary to get themselves put in front of a camera. And it was as recently as this past Sunday that we once again saw Christie in action, kowtowing to yet another ‘fake news’ media hack while attacking President Trump in what was very clearly another sad attempt on his part to somehow make himself appear relevant. Christie appeared on ABC’s “This Week” and made the accusation that the Trump administration was functioning like a “clown car.” Christie is such old news. He’s a relic, a political dinosaur. And he reeks of desperation as he is more willing than ever to gain a little attention for himself.

Christie is the epitome of all that it means to be a loser, both in politics and in life. He represents everything that people hated about the Old Republican Party. Christie doesn’t know anything, he governed New Jersey like a Democrat and put Leftists in judgeships. The man is a clown himself, so why pay him any attention. RINOs love to show how ‘tough’ they are, but they are anything but tough. And I find it all more than a little odd that anyone wishing to be taken seriously as a ‘journalist’ would actually take the time seek out this morbidly obese RINO who left office with an 11 percent approval rating for comment. He’s even more incompetent than the media.

Anyway, it was resident hack and host Martha Raddatz who asked, “I want to start with what Elon Musk did on Saturday which was order all federal employees to list their accomplishments or basically be fired. Can he do that?” Christie said, “Well, no, he can’t. Let’s look at it a few ways, Martha. First is from a legal perspective. You have a situation where it is a complete overstep for him to be asking people, what did you do in the last week, and then use that as a basis to evaluate whether someone should be retained or fired. You know, as with everybody’s employment, things vary from week to week.” So typical for ABC and very predictable for Christie.

Christie went on to say, “I think that if that went to court with an employee who was fired, if Mr. Musk and his minions didn’t find what they did in the last week acceptable, there would be very little, if any, legal basis for them to be able to prevail, meaning the government.” He added, “Secondly, as a former governor too, from a management perspective, you can see what a clown car this is right now because you’ve got, for instance, FBI Director Kash Patel appropriately emailing his people in response saying, don’t answer it. Don’t answer the questionnaire. Any review process will be done internally by the FBI."

He said, “Same thing from the National Security Agency. Same thing from the acting U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia. So, you know, you have people doing this, pointing in each direction. You do this, you do that. It shows that, again, this type of idea of Musk coming in there with the chainsaw that he was famously brandishing at a political event in Washington, D.C., this week, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Running government is a lot more complicated than that. Hopefully they get their act together at some point.” No, it isn’t “a lot more complicated”. In 2023-24, federal revenue was 4.4 trillion, and spending was 6.1 trillion. It’s basic math.

When you’re spending 39 percent more than you earn, you have to make cuts, or you end up bankrupting your entire enterprise. You have to cut non-essential spending. And first, you have to figure out where that is. Christie is amazingly ignorant. Even in businesses, you will have people who say you can’t make cuts. It’s called entitlement. Bless his little heart. His political career is over, he has no real skills of any kind, so he has to get by making the rounds around Trump bashing circuit. It must be tough knowing that’s all you’ve got. But those like ABC are constantly on the lookout for disaffected ‘Republicans’ and/or Trump haters. And Christie certainly fits the bill.

Christie must realize that his days in politics are over, that he’s irrelevant. He has joined a long line of RINOs like Michael Steele, Bill Kristol, Jonas Goldberg, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Barnes, and many more that would simply take too much space to list. Christie is but the latest clown to emerge as a political darling to the liberal media. The media loves to question failed, bitter critics of Donald Trump and try to pass them off as legitimate conservatives. America knows the truth, these people are sellouts who have turned their back on conservative ideology and principles all in the name of making a buck. No one takes them seriously anymore.

Christie is a national embarrassment. This RINO has proved himself to be completely worthless the moment he had that bridge fiasco in New Jersey when he was governor. His subsequent and embarrassing presidential campaigns were also all bluster and no substance whatsoever. He was simply there to act as a thorn in the side of his opponents. We’ve had enough of the shysters running Washington. Look at where it’s gotten us. It’s time to bring in business professionals to clean up the mess. Being a federal employee doesn’t come with automatic tenure. It happens with every administration. There’s really nothing new here, nothing sinister despite what he claims.

Christie seems to be off on a false tangent here. “Failure to reply to the email” is considered resignation, not the content of the bullet points themselves. I could see how some bullet points may lead to a request for more information, but failure to reply is what’s stated. Perhaps DOGE simply needs to learn who actually monitors and responds to their email. I would imagine full-time employees who work diligently from home would have no problem with this request and the ones who do not are likely part of the problem. Every boss should know what his subordinates are doing, from regular staff meetings to informal discussions. There must be accountability.

Christie bet on the wrong horse and has been reduced to a blathering irrelevant nobody. He can appear on all of these left-wing talk shows, and they can pretend that there’s an ounce of truth to what he says, but there isn’t. Christie is one of the clowns that the media hacks always run to when looking for a ‘Republican’ to trash President Trump. President Trump is his bread and butter; he’d be nothing without him. Christie is a failed Presidential candidate and a governor who was booted by his constituents. He literally has nowhere to run and zero party recognition or acceptance. So, he’s only too quick to accept the only offers that still come his way.

President Trump’s greatest contribution to the American republic has been to pull back the curtain to reveal just how much the Republican and Democrat Party establishments hate the American people. Securing our nation’s borders, seeking equitable trade deals, reforming the corrupt tax code, acknowledging basic biology, working to audit government spending and treating Americans with dignity and respect is the action of a “clown car” to our elites. In just one month this administration has accomplished more than Joey did in four years. You may not agree with their direction, but you can’t say that they haven’t been moving at high speed.

President Trump has a finite amount of time to get this country headed back in the right decision. And it’s great to see all of these RINOS and Democrats melting down over what President Trump is doing because, if nothing else, it means that he is directly over the target and is doing exactly what it is that needs to be done. Christie has long made his living by saying stupid nonsense that a small group of rich people desperately want to believe is true. His nonsense then gets bounced around the ‘fake news’ media regardless of the fact that it patently untrue. In reality it’s nothing but noise and has absolutely nothing to do with what’s actually happening in the world.