Friday, May 3, 2024


Can someone please explain to me why it is that any ‘news’ network seeking to be seen as a credible source of useful information would choose to have a know nothing, back taxes owing, douche bag like Al Sharpton as not only one of its contributors but also as a host of a show that’s part of its regular programming. He’s not a ‘journalist,’ but then neither is anyone else on MSDNC and does nothing but incite violence with the concocted drivel he spews every weekend to an audience that likely numbers in the hundreds and that has a collective IQ of a doorknob. He is one of the least credible individuals, if not the least credible, in all of cable news. And yet there he is.

And it was during an appearance this past Thursday on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe” that Sharpton opined about how the Democrats have lost the moral high ground by not condemning the pro-Palestine student protests on college campuses across the United States. And I must say that I found it to be rather humorous to hear Sharpton pontificate regarding possessing the moral high ground. And it was fellow panelist, and leftwing loon, Donny Deutsch who said, “I don’t care about politics, about worrying about your left flank, worrying about young people. Joe Biden needs to be a leader and come out and condemn in an explicit way what’s going on here."

Joe Scarborough said, “This is something that Democrats don’t get in their gut and they never have. It’s the thing that frustrates me about Democrats. I voted for the war before I voted against the war. You know, always worrying, well, what about the 5% on the far, far left that are going to call me this or that or the other? No. Call this out. This is wrong, call this out. Say, we need to help the people of Gaza. We need to end the threat of famine in Gaza. We need to pressure Netanyahu to move towards a cease-fire and bring those hostages home. This detracts from our bigger cause.” How typical of these boobs. Yes, putting pressure on PM Netanyahu is what’s needed.

Sharpton said, “Let me say this, the politics of that, what is being robbed by them not doing that, Joe, where you and I agree. How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side say January 6 was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on on college campuses? You lose the moral high ground.” Which prompted co-host, and resident bimbo, Mika Brzezinski to say, “Good Lord, don’t make a parallel to January 6.” Scarborough then added, “That has happened, though. That has happened.” So this is what passes as intelligent commentary by those on MSDNC. None of these people have anything useful to add to the conversation, absolutely nothing.

And asking Sharpton about the moral high ground is like asking OJ Simpson for advice on how to stitch up a knife wound. Now I hate to be the one to bring it up but I’m afraid that horse bolted from the barn the moment members of ‘The ‘Goon’ Squad’ were all hailed as being the future of the Democrat Party and no one said anything about their shameless antisemitic, and rather incendiary, rhetoric. It would seem that in their quest to acquire votes for their man Joey Democrats will tolerate just about anything from the various nut groups on the left. People such as these are not the ones who should be permitted to decide the path this country takes going forward.

Democrats having the moral high ground? That is the most hilarious I’ve ever heard. A world view driven by all-hate-all-the-time, which fuels Democrats in both politics and diplomacy, is a swamp of lies, deceit, fear and oppression. There isn’t moral high ground anywhere near their platform. One of the last things to happen in the last death throes of an empire is the regular formation of circular firing squads. Ideological lines turn into snarled tangles of confusion and friendly fire. Enemies find themselves suddenly and inexplicably on the same side on critical issues with growing regularity. The narratives and lines of communication all break down.

This in modern times indicates the collapse is either very close or is already unfolding. The cascading failures due to incompetence at all levels accelerate and make inevitable the process of collapse. America will not last even another 12 months. How could a party that condones murdering the unborn, pushing the rainbow cult perversion, promotes cutting off the genitals of little boys and breasts of little girls to transgenderize them, drag queen storytelling hour, and so much more, claim to possess the moral high ground? From their very beginning, by supporting slavery until this very day, Democrats have never held any “moral high ground."

Finally, when race baiter Sharpton starts blathering about Democrats’ losing the moral high ground, you’re toast. Sharpton is just a race hustler and has no right to claim the moral high ground on anything. Sharpton again utters that which is nothing more than a bunch of disingenuous crap. For the last 20 years these same three hacks have been busy pumping up far-Left ideology that gave rise to the very communist punks out there viciously attacking Jews, whites, and America. And now they want to condemn the dividends of their decades-long politics? Someone should let them know that “you reap what you sow.” But it’s doubtful that they would pay much attention.

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