Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Those in the Democrat Party continue to work to minimize the impact of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the 2024 presidential contest. And apparently it is their most recent ploy that has them trying to convince Democrat voters that there will be far more supporters of President Trump who choose to side with Kennedy than supporters of Joey. But anyone who has spent any amount of time actually listening to Kennedy, other than his concerns for government sponsored vaccinates, which do make a certain amount of sense, there really isn’t all that much there that actually separates him from so much of what we’ve spent the last 40 months hearing from Joey himself.

And yet there are those who still claim that a significant number of voters will choose to vote for Kennedy rather than to choose to vote for President Trump again out of their sheer hatred of the man. Now granted, I am far from being any sort of an expert on American politics, but even according to my limited knowledge of it, that notion seems nothing less than absolutely ludicrous. And in my very humble opinion, it’s anyone who would be voting for Kennedy that is someone who would never even consider voting for President Trump. And yet there continues to be those on the left, for whatever their reason. Insist upon claiming that that is in fact a viable scenario.

And it would be one of those continuing to make that claim/argument that is none other than that one hit wonder, that blast from the past, James Carville. And it was just this past Monday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Inside,” hosted by faux ‘journalist’ and political hack Jen Psaki, that Carville argued that as a presidential candidate Kennedy will actually take more votes from President Trump and from Joey. Psaki said, “Let me ask you about RFK Jr. because this is like another question that comes up a lot as you are talking to people. He will not be on the first debate stage. You told my colleague Ari Melber, you think he might hurt Trump more than Biden."

She went on to say, “That is what the NBC polls say too for people who are anxious out there, given how much he is getting in the polls. Should the Biden supporters be anxious? Or do you feel less anxious about it now?” Carville said, “I will put this into this in the River Parishes vernacular. I ain’t stuttering about no RFK. I think RFK is almost sure to hurt Trump more than hurting President Biden. And we shouldn’t be worried about him.” He added, “The president and the people around him have to focus on abortion issues and focus on this billion dollar promise for donation. They have to focus on Social Security and Medicare. They have golden opportunities."

Carville’s parting shot was to say, “Don’t worry about RFK Jr. He is loonier than a toon.” Spoken like a true Democrat. Personally, I would argue that it would be Carville who is loonier than all of them put together. Carville no longer has anything left to offer. This is all just another weak attempt at projection, at best, and old ‘Circle Back’ Psaki is only too happy to play her part and go along with it. Carville knows Kennedy kills Joey’s chances and is only trying to get him out of the race. Won’t he be surprised when the Democrats end up dumping Joey at the convention and pick Bobby who’s waiting just off stage. Carville is whistling past the graveyard.

And as far as siphoning off any votes from President Trump, again it’s anyone who’s been paying any amount of attention that knows Kennedy has been campaigning very far to the left and his running mate is basically a communist. However, that said, I do think that if Kennedy accepts his party’s nomination, it will do significant damage to himself. He’s far more appealing as a rogue anti-establishment candidate. Clearly Kennedy is a dyed in the wool leftist. He supports abortion up to the time of birth, ‘green energy,’ DEI and gun confiscation. I very much doubt he’ll be pulling any votes away from President Trump! The Democrats are death cult, abortion is all they have.

I just love it when this idiot talks. I know whatever he says is 100 percent the opposite. It’s more than a few Democrats who prefer the Democrat platform and realize what a disgusting turd Joey is that could easily make the transition to Kennedy, if for no other reason than because they can’t comprehend the many larger problems that we have. It would take a major awakening and paradigm shift for them to ever consider voting for President Trump. And you know they’re scared when they completely abandon American democratic principles and bring in 15 million foreigners to cast votes to try to overcome the ones they’ve lost because of their *president.

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