Thursday, May 23, 2024


You must admit that, even to the most casual observer, MSDNC, which still hysterically continues to bill itself as being a ‘news’ network, employs some of the most outrageously dishonest, and downright craziest, people you will likely find anywhere on all of cable television. And the really funny thing is the fact that they actually expect to be taken seriously. Even though they possess zero credibility regardless of the topic being discussed. In short, these people, and the network on which they appear, are nothing more than a joke. But that would seem to bother neither themselves, nor the gullible fools who continually tune in to watch, in the least.

And I say gullible because there is so very little that any of these say that can be, or should be, believed. They are nothing more than liars with a cause. Which, of course, brings me to just one of the many resident bimbos of this here network, Nicolle Wallace. Now it’s the geniuses in charge of running this organization who, in their infinite wisdom, actually saw fit to give this moron, of near biblical proportions, her own program, ‘Deadline.’ And it was just this past Wednesday that Wallace again showed off her rather limited intelligence when made the argument that “shrinks and cult experts” needed to explain Nikki Haley’s endorsing of President Trump.

And it’s part of this incredibly idiotic exchange that follows:

NBC ‘reporter’ Vaughn Hillyard (Dumb): Nikki Haley, in 2015, said, ‘Donald Trump is everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten. I told my little ones, you don’t lie and make things up.’ She ended up serving in his administration.

Wallace (Dumber): Who are these people?!

Dumb: On, January 6, she called it “an ugly day.” She then went and said – a couple months later that she wouldn’t run against him for president. She ended up running for president. And then we saw Nikki Haley – while her husband was deployed to Africa with U.S. armed services – mocked by Donald Trump for being away. And it was the words of Nikki Haley that were very explicit about Donald Trump. [She] said in part that, ‘They were disgusting, awful and unhinged,” and said that “somebody that makes comments like that doesn’t deserve to be commander-in-chief.” Her own husband got on social media and fired back and said, ‘The difference between humans and animals – animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack.”

His allies pushed extramarital fair rumors about her. This is somebody who suggested that she may not even be eligible to run for president because her parents are immigrants. And today, her announcing she’s going to vote for Donald Trump is just, I think, another chapter in something that we’ve already lived out with the likes of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio eight years ago. She did raise her hand in that Republican debate and said that she would vote for a convicted felon if Donald Trump was found guilty. And today, as evidence that she’s sticking to her word.

Dumber: We need shrinks and cult experts to explain this because what you’re reporting doesn’t make a lick of sense to me, and it’s so recent. I mean, J.D. Vance, in 2015, said something similar. But for her and her husband to both have been feuding publicly with him just days and weeks before endorsing him is inexplicable to me at a human level.

Dumb: I think it’s power. And I think in American politics, access to power and a party that you identify with is a future. And I think that we have a great share of individuals that have proved this time and again, that staying closely associated to Donald Trump is a guarantee that you are relevant within politics if you choose to remain in politics.

Dumber: It’s unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Actually, what’s so unbelievable is the fact that an administration led by someone so senile he can’t string together a single coherent sentence, or has difficulty navigating a flight of stairs, wants to run again. What’s also unbelievable is how those like Wallace are covering up for him by feeding us lies that no one believes. Gas-lighting on steroids. Haley is a realist and likely considers herself a candidate for vice president, although that is highly unlikely. Democrats will not discuss or debate. Because there is no defense for the twisted evil they have been brainwashed into believing, they will only deflect by name calling and spewing hatred.

Perhaps we need “shrinks and cult experts” to explain how Wallace can be so stupid as to have been taken in by Joey and his war on freedom. Does Wallace really not understand that literally everything about Joey, and his policies, and the Democrats are far worse than any of possible defects that one might acknowledge and anticipate in any Trump presidency? It’s just not that complicated. You don’t have to believe that President Trump is the second coming in order to prefer him over the alternative. Her comments tell us everything we need to know about how this dimwit views the voting public that disagrees with her. She is a vile elitist who hates us.

Yes, “shrinks and cult experts” are needed to explain to MSDNC hosts and many of their panelists what’s wrong with themselves. Everyone out here is just fine and understands Haley is a politician doing what politicians do. Maybe they can also explain to Wallace how Harris was able to trash Joey for being a racist and yet still joined his ticket as his running mate. Maybe she can explain why that wasn’t a problem for her. Funny how she and all her friends have successfully memory holed all of that, and yet never questioned neither Harris’s sanity or her allegiance. But then, look, this is how these people always operate because they all think we’re stupid.

And what doesn’t make a lick of sense is how people like Wallace, with children, could actually support, protect and vote for a pedophile and a traitor. President Trump is guilty of one thing, saying mean things. Wallace is clearly an angry, hate filled, no talent shrew. I feel it safe to say that her Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has reached Stage 4. Soon there will be uncontrollable tears, followed by fits of barking and howling and in the end, after President Trump has been re-re- elected, I have no doubt that her head will, quite literally, simply explode. And I gotta tell you, it would be so very cool if it were to happen during one of her shows.

Those like Wallace are either overpaid shills, or they are so completely out of touch with the reality experienced by average Americans. Everyone I knew was doing better under President Trump, and in every way. Everything Joey has done; has hurt everyone I know. We made more money, and it went further, dollar for dollar. It’s always amusing how those who worship the government always accuse MAGA of being a cult because their cult will not allow you to see that their God, the federal government, has ordered them to see any disagreement with their gospel as heresy whenever believing the obvious corruption and evil committed by their almighty deity.

And what those in our ‘fake new’ media cannot grasp is this: their cult hero from Delaware is so disappointing, that even people who hate President Trump will very likely be voting for if for no other reason that to get rid of Joey. It’s every sane American that is able to see that Joey is literally destroying the country. Meanwhile, this nutcase Wallace is discussing gossip with another boob of a guest on MSDNC. Watching the left’s inability to understand reality has never gotten old. They just have no concept of how things work in the real world. It confuses them and it scares them. The desire to crush and destroy everyone who refuses to live in their fantasy world.

Calling people ‘cultists’ is typically only something that people with no argument do. She can’t explain how economics works and doesn’t seem to understand why it is that people want a stronger dollar. So, because they want to be able to afford to live, and the only guy bringing sensible domestic policy items to the table right now is President Trump, they must be ‘cultists.’ Look, I don’t agree with everything that President Trump says, or has said. But I agree with him far more often than I disagree. But with that said, I have never agreed with anything that Joey has said or done, and I don’t ever see myself being able to stoop that low. So, there you go!

Let me explain something to Wallace. Harris knew her future in the Democrat Party was over unless she made nice with the senile old racist Democrat’s nominated for president. Likewise, Haley was on the outs of a new Republican party that is more diverse and focused on blue collar workers instead of the old Bush party of forever wars and flooding the workforce for billionaire businessmen like the Koch brothers with cheap labor from illegals. She knew her political future was over unless she bent the knee. We accept her endorsement but unlike that cackling hen that is vice president, Haley should not be in a cabinet position. She simply can’t be trusted.

Clearly, the people in need of a good shrink are the people who support: Killing babies, multiple genders, child sex trafficking, sex trafficking of woman, rewarding terrorists, rewarding those invading the nation. These are the same people who actually lock up their fellow citizens with glee for protesting what was, at a minimum, a suspect election. They support inflation, higher energy costs, higher food costs, higher housing costs. They believe that CO2, which is a building block of the environment, is poisonous to the environment. They support a faux vaccine and a useless mask lockdown. They hate God and themselves and mankind. Need I go on?

Actually, what requires an explanation, is her support for Joey. Wallace is paid handsomely to shill for the Democrats. She is also a woman who greatly overvalues herself. And she never seems to be the least bit embarrassed by her ignorance. The only cult at work in America is that of the woke, where everything should be free, actions have no consequences, my rights trump yours, morals are irrelevant, and truth is relative and flexible. A cult requires mindless shills and the ‘fake news’ media provides for that. A cult ridicules and cancels anyone who thinks for themselves. Cult members falsely accuse others of what they themselves are doing.

Let’s face it, for those like Wallace there is nothing scarier than a man who just wants to be left alone and allowed to live out his life playing by the rules and raising a family. And they’re always surprised at the outcome when they try to take that away from him. That man now has nothing to lose, and it’s then that that man will become their worst nightmare. Elitist Democrats are so out-of-touch with regular Americans, they just don’t get it. It just makes sense. We don’t like open borders, high taxes, high gas prices, inflation, forced to pay for college tuition for colleges that produce students who hate America, and are force fed climate change at every turn.

Most Americans think that it’s inappropriate for there to be explicit books in school libraries, males allowed in female bathrooms and locker rooms, or to have men participating in female only sports. We like our gas stoves, secure borders, feeling patriotic, flying our American flags, free speech, and to be able to keep ourselves and our families safe. We love our country, and want to safeguard our constitutional rights and freedoms, and do not want that to change. That’s why we’re conservatives and that’s why millions of us will be voting for President Trump in November, flawed as he is. Because it’s the other guy who is completely unacceptable.

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