Saturday, May 25, 2024


There are any number viable candidates today who could easily serve as being the perfect example, or poster child if you will, for all that is wrong with politics in America today. And dare I say, in going all the way back to the beginning, it has been with very few exceptions that those who have chosen to enter the world of politics did so not out their love of country or because they sought to improve the lives of their countrymen. Most then, and even more today, chose to enter politics on a quest, a quest for power, unlimited cosmic power. And along the way they convinced themselves that the end justified means, and so they could do no wrong.

And in their quest to achieve the power they seek, they never hesitate when it comes to sacrificing the truth while, at the same time, using things such as honesty and/or trust as mere tools to manipulate the unsuspecting, the gullible and, of course, the downright ignorant.  And as is usually the case, the extremists are the ones charging extremism. The Democrats are our most dangerous enemy, clearly, unequivocally out to destroy America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic. All of which brings me to Hakeem Jeffries who, on Friday during an appearance on MSDNC declared that if the Supreme Court can overturn Roe v. Wade, then “democracy can fall."

Jeffries said, “It’s important for the American people to understand that if Roe v. Wade can fall, anything can fall. Social Security itself can fall. Medicare can fall. The Affordable Care Act can fall. Democracy can fall. Brown v. Board of Education can fall, as Justice Thomas made clear in his concurring observation and opinion yesterday. So, everything we care about is going to be on the ballot in November. Including getting the federal judiciary into a place where it can actually administer the law and make decisions in a fair and impartial fashion, not lead an ideological effort to jam their right-wing views down the throats of the American people."

He added, “The court has done a lot over the last several years to degrade public confidence in the institution, and, you know, that’s quite unfortunate, because we need a fair and impartial Judicial branch as part of our architecture. A handful of  MAGA on the Supreme Court pushed things too far in an extreme direction. I think we just have to continue to encourage the American people that at the end of the day, who they elect as president, who they elect to the Senate will determine the future fate of the United States Supreme Court. Based on the view that the public lacks confidence in the Supreme Court, I’m hopeful that will be a factor in November."

And it was during this same ‘interview that Jeffries said that the “MAGA extremists” on the Supreme Court must be controlled with a “legislative effort to implement an ethical code of conduct.” Jeffries said, “This is part of the challenge that we confront with the runaway Supreme Court that appears to want to conduct itself as if the Judiciary is above the law. For years, members of both houses of Congress have indicated that it’s time for the Supreme Court to have an ethical code of conduct that is enforceable.” Jeffries again reveals his ignorance, one branch of government can’t dictate what another branch does, no matter how much it may want to.

Jeffries said, “Last year, Chief Justice Roberts did implement a code of conduct, but it appears to be voluntary and is being ignored. And so, as a result of that, the first opportunity that we have in the Congress, I believe we need to have a real conversation about a legislative effort to implement an ethical code of conduct on the Supreme Court that is enforceable. They are the only branch of government currently that can operate with impunity. Congress has an ethical code of conduct enforceable under law. The executive branch has an ethical code of conduct enforceable under law. We’ve got to get the MAGA extremists on the Supreme Court under control."

The Supreme Court ruling that has Jeffries, and so many Democrats, upset has each state now getting to decide on abortion either by referendum or by laws passed by their democratically elected representatives. That is, by definition, democracy. The Supreme Court is the one institution the wokesters haven’t yet been able to capture, and they absolutely HATE it. It tears them up inside. And so, if they can’t capture an institution, then they work to discredit it and burn it down. It’s the woke way. Jeffries and the entire left wants to get back to the activist lefty courts to advance their agenda, since the public rejects it every time it comes up in Congress.

Funny thing about Democrats, while they have convinced themselves that abortion is somehow guaranteed under the Constitution, at the same time they deny that there is a right to keep and bear arms, despite the very clear language of the Second Amendment. For Democrats, democracy ends whenever they fail to get their way. If a Republican wins an election, to them that’s an attack on democracy. But when a liberal wins an election a threat to democracy seems not to exist. Whenever a Democrat starts hyperventilating about democracy, it’s not about you voting to further your interest. To them, democracy is them having complete power.

I find it to be more than a little ironic that a person advocating for killing off his party’s future voters, seems so worried about the fall of ‘democracy.’ The Supreme Court ruling was a no-brainer. Jeffries is just another ignorant fool. The Supreme Court ruled that the States should make the decision on abortion not the federal government. Birth control products are pretty much free in this country so perhaps more people should take advantage of that. Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the Federal Government authority over abortion. The real problem here is that we have a Supreme Court Justice who seems unable to define what a woman is.

Jeffries seems to possess a rather high opinion of himself, as well as his colleagues in the Democrat Party. Who is he, or they, to decide what sort of rules the Supreme Court should follow? Perhaps he should get his own House Democrats in order. ‘The Squad’ is completely out of control. I’m sure if it was a Democrat controlled Supreme Court Jeffries would not feel the need to have rules for them to follow. Perhaps he should make the recommendation that Joey follow Supreme Court rulings instead of ignoring them and paying off the loans of rich college kids. Democrats are a vile bunch who crave and live to have power and control.

Not surprisingly Jeffries either doesn’t understand the Constitution, or he pretends not to understand it. Back when the Supreme Court first rendered this opinion, it was unconstitutional. The court was simply legislating. The majority then greatly opposed it. It is a power not named in the Constitution, so it is a power for the states. Jeffries wants to gin up more votes for Democrats so he’s trying to fool the public into thinking it’s a national issue. But unless passed in a constitutional amendment it will be overturned by a correct reading of the Constitution. Jeffries really should simply shut up, but no doubt, this nonsense will continue right up to Election Day.

Jeffries is wrong as usual. Abortion is still legal. It can still be obtained by any and every woman in the country. All the Court did was to return the issue to the states. It should never have been federalized to begin with. The irony is too delicious to pass up. Democracy was raped when the Court used raw power rather than law to announce a so-called fundamental right supposedly derived from the Constitution, contrary to law that had served as precedent for some time. The correction of Roe v. Wade via the Dobbs decision was only correcting a previous error. The left knows only power, not law. President Trump understood this when he made key appointments.

The left is really going into overdrive to delegitimize the court especially in light of upcoming rulings in respect to President Trump and January 6 defendants, as well as appeals down the road if President Trump gets convicted anywhere along the way. It must have infuriated them to get a 9-0 ruling blocking states from keeping President Trump off the ballot. Imagine the enormity of what this coven of freaks have been doing that makes them so afraid of the swamp drainer. They really think they can usurp everything this country stands for and turn it into some kind of satanic dystopia. These people are incredibly evil and deserving of nothing less than ridicule.

Jeffries clearly lacks any knowledge of history. Roe wasn’t about democracy; it was about tyrants in black robes making law out of whole cloth, in much the same manner that Justice Roberts did with Obamacare. The Supreme Court, in Roe, showed how they could act as a secondary legislature to aid the culture in sick immoral behavior. If the people of the early 70s had gotten to vote on Roe, it would have failed because the voters would not have voted for it. So, it took the left-wing social justice warrior on the Court to twist the Constitution into a pretzel in order to arrive at the worst decision ever from that court, until Robert’s created ‘Obamacare’ out of thin air.

What a ridiculous assumption that the failure of codifying a death sentence for the unborn is the equivalent of democracy failing. What level of depravity is that? What part of our Constitution do these communists not understand? Abortion is part and parcel an attack on the nuclear family no different than forced sterilization and has its origins in communism. Culling the undesirables who are inconvenient. And these Democrats call themselves Christian? We have never been entreated to a more repugnantly communist administration, even more so than that of Woodrow Wilson’s or that of ‘BO.’ This reprobate lies easier than it does in taking its next breath.

For the last 40 months there has been a very purposeful effort underway by those in the Democrat Party to destroy this country on every level, socially, economically, morally, fiscally and yes, even militarily. And it’s Jeffries who has been at the forefront of that effort. Whose life is it that Jeffries wishes to improve other than his own. It sickens me how there are blacks in this country who have become very successful, and very wealthy in the process, and can look in eye those blacks struggling to live paycheck to paycheck and tell them that they must continue to vote Democrat because the Republicans are nothing more than a bunch of racists.

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