Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I always find it to be more than a bit disingenuous whenever I hear someone who so very clearly has no love for this country accusing those of who do as being the true haters. Be, as we all know, actions speak louder than words and I have to be honest, it’s the Democrats who have been betrayed by their actions for the past several decades. To the point where it should be obvious to the most casual of observers that their love of this country is essentially nonexistent. And when you take into consideration their ongoing effort to destroy it, then I think it becomes safe to say that Democrats not only hate this country, but everything for which it stands.

All of which brings me to that U.S. Senator from the People’s Republic of New Jersey, Cory Booker, known to some as ‘Spartacus.’ You see, it was recently while he was out making the rounds this past weekend, that Booker landed on Sunday’s broadcast of   MSDNC’s “Inside,” hosted by old ‘Circle Back,’ herself, Jen Psaki. And it was during this rather bizarre appearance that ‘Spartacus’ actually claimed that President Trump does not love America. Host Psaki said, “I’m sure you are aware of the controversy that broke out over some comments that Trump made about Milwaukee, which is hosting the Republican convention coming up later this summer."

And it was from there that this dolt went on to say, “He reportedly called Milwaukee a horrible city. He called Washington a filthy and crime-ridden embarrassment. He has called Chicago worse than Afghanistan. He once called Baltimore a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. These are America’s cities. what do you make of his comments, and what is driving it?” Booker said, “This is the spirit of the man. This is a person who doesn’t love America. He demeans and degrades some of our most precious and beloved places. He demeans and degrades the people that live there, the people that dedicate themselves to teaching in our schools, firefighters and police officers."

He went on to add, “There are cities all over America that are standing up, businesses moving back to city centers. Really exciting stories of promise. We don’t need a president that punches down, that beats up, that puts us against each other and degrades people and places. It is just disheartening to see one of our major political parties elevating someone who doesn’t celebrate America. The rhetoric of Ronald Reagan, of George Bush Senior. I mean, they were about celebrating this country, lifting this country up and seeing it for what it is.” Booker is just another hateful Democrat trying to hide the damage that Joey has done, and is doing, to America.

So it’s in Booker that all we really have is another of those who are nothing more that socialists who hates America. He clearly hates white people and enthusiastically supports an agenda the sole purpose of which, and the ultimate goal of, is the erasing of our history and the shredding of our Constitution with particular focus on our First and Second Amendments. I mean, I could go on but what would be the point. And while Booker clearly doesn’t want to admit it, everything that President Trump has said about any of our large cities, is absolutely true. These cities are filthy, crime ridden and dangerous, and are being run into the ground by leftwing demagogues.

And it’s according to Booker that that means he hates America, when in fact he’s merely lamenting the fact that they’ve been made to fall so far at the hands of Booker’s fellow Democrats. Booker demands sugarcoating of the catastrophic destruction of American cities by his Democrat cronies. Hell, it wasn’t that long ago when he was one them, running his own city into the ground, yet look at him today. Clearly, Booker is the one who doesn’t love America. A member of the Congressional Black Caucus which has accomplished the dependency of their minority on the federal government for survival. That’s what you get for 50 years of voting for democrats.

This is just more of the same from those like Booker. Stupid propaganda meant to deceive the weak-minded. You will never hear the truth from the likes of Psaki and Booker. Real Americans know that Donald Trump loves America and wants to make America great again. Democrats hate America which is why they’re selling us out to China and giving our jobs illegal immigrants. They are using our taxpayer dollars to provide illegal immigrants with free lodging, food, healthcare and education while our military veterans are left homeless and destitute. Democrats are allowing criminals and terrorists to enter our country to terrorize and murder innocent Americans.

President Trump doesn’t love America? Seriously? Then why is it that a man worth billions and who could spending his golden years doing nothing more than exactly what he wants to, choose to give it all up to put himself through the Democrat inspired nightmare that he continues to be put through? Anyone willing to go back and look at what Donald Trump has said on the past, they would quicky find that he’s always been asking the same questions he’s asking today. He’s never once bad mouthed this country. And that, my friends is not something that can be said of any Democrat, including Booker. Because they’ve always talked trash about this country.

Personally, I don’t love America as it currently exists with Democrats in charge. I don’t want to live in an America of Democrat design. I want to live in an America that follows the Constitution, that doesn’t cater to wokeness and where our supposed ‘leaders’ actually care more about America and her people than the of lining their own pockets. If Democrats like Booker wish to live in a third-world shithole they should go live in one and stop trying to turn America into one. And enough of this shit about how President Trump doesn’t love America. That would be the Democrats, who are busy trying to “transform” America into something it was never meant to be!

How about this Booker, how about we elevate this above the tired worn-out rhetoric from 2016. Here’s an idea, how about you take two or three minutes and tell us why it is, exactly, that we need to reelect Joey. And for a change, focus on what’s important to the vast majority of America's voters, those feeling it the most in their wallets and their everyday lives, the ones who feel like there’s no way out, no hope for the future. Americans who feel abandoned and ignored by Washington DC and reviled by Hollyweird. Be honest. Be sincere. Speak from the heart. Oh, and, you can't say, name, mention, allude to or otherwise reference in any way, President Trump.

But look, there’s really nothing new here in this most recent exchange between these two Leftist bootlickers, stroking one another’s delusional and lying egos. And riddle me this, who are ALL of those “businesses moving back to city centers,” when over the course of the last decade people, and businesses, have been abandoning these enclaves of liberal insanity in droves. Democrats have been lying and making hyperbolic attacks on Donald Trump since he first announced he was running for president. No logic or proof can change their minds. The Democrats are running on fear, abortion, and that farce of a verdict. They certainly can’t run on their record.

Perhaps Booker’s most ludicrous comment was when he said that we don’t need a President “that puts us against each other.” Has this moron not been paying the least bit of attention over the course of the last three years and a *president whose party’s underlying motto is, “My Way or the Highway?” Booker, like the rest of his cadre on the left, is merely gaslighting and taking what President Trump has said out of context or, worse, simply lying about what it is that he said. But then, what is a *president, or a party to do, when they have absolutely nothing on which they can run. They have made a complete mess of things and yet expect to be reelected.

Corrupt politicians like Booker who make such outrageous, ridiculous and patently false allegations are guilty of either willfully lying or compliantly ignorant. Whichever, it is willful sinfulness and there is a price that must be to paid. If not in this life, most certainly in the next. It’s gotten quite tiresome how these leftists try to project their own personal feelings of animus onto those of us on the right. There is nothing contradictory when it comes to President Trump’s love of America yet hating the filth and bad governance in most all of our Democrat controlled cities. Because it’s these same cesspools that are essentially dragging the entire country into the sewer.

And finally, it’s only in passing that I bring up Hitlery and only because she demonstrates how it is that those of her particular political persuasion claim that,   “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” But, of course, that’s only when said dissent is being exhibited by those who are, again, members of her particular political persuasion. Hitlery once said, “I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.” But again, her words only apply to kooks such as herself.

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