Saturday, June 1, 2024


Personally, I think it safe to say that things have now gotten to where I’m of the opinion that Joey’s entire campaign team is in desperate need of a piss test, because that are all obviously higher than a damn kite. I mean, seriously folks, who but some braindead, leftwing loon is able to look at the circus like goings on in New York, that recently came to and end, and come to the conclusion that President Trump somehow contributed in any way to the bizarreness of the proceedings that took place. And yet, there are those who seem to be saying exactly that. Of course, that would be the very same people who claim that everything was above board regarding this farce.

And it was on this past Friday during the broadcast of “CNN News Central,” that Joey’s Campaign Co-Chair, Mitch Landrieu, actually stated that in order for 2024 Republican presidential candidate, President Trump, “to be President of the United States, he has to destroy democracy.” So again I ask, just how stupid does this jerkoff think we are? Because from where I’m standing, it’s not President Trump who’s trying to destroy our democratic process, that would be the Democrats and those like Landrieu. Look, the labels may differ, racist, transphobic, deplorable and more, but with the Democrats the message is always the same…dissent will not be tolerated.

Landrieu said, “Yesterday a very sacrosanct principle that is necessary to sustain democracies was upheld, which is very simple, in America, that everybody is subject to the rule of law and nobody is exempt from it, not even somebody who was President in the United States. And yesterday was a very sober and somber day for our country. It’s not good for anybody that we have an ex-President that is now a convicted felon. However, it is really important for us, in order to maintain our democracies, to make sure that we are, in fact, a rule of law, and not the opposite, which is a rule of the mob. It is a fact now that Donald Trump is a convicted felon."

And he went on to say, “It’s also a fact that he’s been held civilly liable for defamation, sexual abuse, and business fraud. It is a fact that, in order for him to be President of the United States, he has to destroy democracy. And nothing that happened yesterday is going to change the fact that only the American people on Election Day can stop him from becoming President again.” And so it would seem that Landrieu’s definition of democracy is to “take away choice from the American people.” Kinda sounds like the opposite from what I understand democracy to mean. This sounds like Adolf Hitler blaming his Jewish victims for his tyrannical Nazi regime.

Now I hate to be the one to have to explain things to Mr. Landrieu, but clearly someone needs to. When it comes to his supposed concerns regarding our supposed “democracy,” you can’t destroy what doesn’t exist. As I have tried to point out to these people before, we are a Republic and have been since day one. And so the problem and the solution are one and the same. The problem is how many people really don’t know much about our Constitution. The solution is how many don’t really know much about our Constitution so fooling them and using them is really rather easy. America is in desperate need of a good house cleaning these days.

It is beyond tiresome to keep hearing these communists claiming someone else will destroy ‘democracy’ when that’s what they have been doing for decades. A malicious prosecution where the defendant was railroaded in plain view of the public. Found guilty by a kangaroo court and denied Constitutional rights in court, yet they have the gall to say President Trump is the threat to ‘democracy.’ In fairly short order the bloom has already come off the rose regarding President Trump’s conviction. And now the Democrats are panicking that it’s not going to affect President Trump’s popular support at all, but the polls were showing that even before this circus got started.

This was a textbook banana republic or Soviet style conviction. And so from now until November the Democrats will have the talking point they were so desperately seeking. This is the only thing they have and are going to run it into the ground while losing the election as they have no real accomplishment to show for their time in office that will help them win. Joey will smile and grin and yell that he’s running against a felon and that alone means he should win again. The risk to our democratic process has much to do with the ignorance and arrogance of Democrat partisans and those in the ‘fake news’ media. Together they are destroying the country.

The Democrats try to take their political opponents off ballots, imprison their opponents and rig elections - but somehow President Trump is the one who is trying to “destroy democracy?” Do we have a democracy or a democratic system? And what part of our democratic system is it that President Trump would like to destroy? The electoral process? I believe this was already stomped into the mud in 2020 by the Democrats! So what part is left? We are a Constitutional Republic, this means that ‘We the People elect those to temporarily represent us. The voices of the 330 million Americans no longer matters, the intent and will of the globalists is what matters.

“Threat to democracy,” another phrase rendered meaningless by the left as has been “the rule of law” and “racist.” Democrats are the ones trying to forever damage our democratic process. President Trump never had that intent. Democrats would love to get rid of our Constitution and become dictators themselves. President Trump never behaved in the manner that Democrats and the ‘fake news’ media describe him. It’s actually the Democrats who behave like dictators and persecute their competition with lies through corruption. The Democrat Party needs to be relegated to the political ash heap along with communism and socialism, that is what they represent.

Democrats are working to set the stage that if President Trump wins, they can ignore the outcome, and even go so far as to keep him from assuming the presidency using whatever government forces they may deem necessary, including the military. The Democrat Party has done literally everything possible to destroy our Republic and to rob us of our freedoms, our constitutional rights, our prosperity and our future! It’s the Democrats and their covey of freaks and degenerates that are a threat to everything we hold dear, and especially to our nation! It’s right before our eyes that the Democrats work to dismantle democracy and to turn America into a Banana Republic.

“Democracy”' as seen by Democrats it is not really democracy at all, it’s a sham for what they would like you to believe is democracy, but isn't. It’s a type of totalitarianism. President Trump has no desire to destroy our way of life, he IS our way of life. They, the left, despise and fear him which is why they want so badly to destroy him. They know that we, the ordinary people out beyond the beltway, know instinctively that President Trump is the answer to the problem we’ve had with government for decades. Basically, that it’s not for us, but for the elite. President Trump wants to make the government work for us and they’re terrified he will succeed.

I love the way Democrats throw the word democracy around as if it means something that it really doesn’t. Once again our form of government is a representative Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Our freedoms are not granted to us by our government. Our rights are recognized as coming from a higher authority. The Constitution places limits on the government. Democrats aren’t worried about changing anything, they’re worried that people are waking up to the fact that they have overstepped their limited powers to govern and won’t stand for their overreaching and control of our lives as they move us from Capitalism to Socialism.

The game is over Democrats. They are the emperor with no clothes. We all know what the game is, and we refuse to play. These Democrats believe everything they say except the part about where nobody is above the law. Because they obviously think that they are. They fear him closing the border, drilling oil, going after deep state actors they refer to as patriots on the inside. They prefer a lying shameless media to string people along from one lie to the next but the intent is to save their precious democracy of deception. If democracy is locking up political opponents and murdering and locking protestors questioning the 2020 elections. Than to hell with Democracy!

Joey spends four years destroying the country and then shuffles off to retirement to eat ice cream cones all day. Never mind the $65 billion in military equipment and 13 lives lost in a humiliating defeat exiting Afghanistan. Never mind the 10 million or more illegal immigrants thrust upon this country creating havoc on our communities. Never mind the endless attacks on the oil and gas industry threatening our own automobile industry and resulting in ever=increasing utility bills and gas prices. Never mind all of this because of an endless government boondoggle that keeps young people from being able to afford a home and struggling to make ends meet.

These people live in a bubble. They have no idea what the true pulse of the nation is. We see them for what they are. We hate every single thing this installed regime has done and is doing to us and our country. Our current *president boasts of circumventing the Constitution and the Supreme Court and Democrats cheer. President Trump gets railroaded by a corrupt judge and DA, and they cheer. Their braindead minions destroy businesses, and they cheer. They flood the country with illegal immigrants, and they cheer. Members of Congress talk about refusing to recognize the Electoral College results if President Trump wins, and they cheer!

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