Tuesday, June 6, 2017


So I’m wondering, can we now safely assume that draining “The Swamp” is proving to be a much bigger task than one man can undertake, even if that man is the President?  Because I gotta tell ya, I’m getting more than a little frustrated with those whom we now have in positions of leadership in our current Congress that is supposed to be under complete Republican control.  These days our congressional Republicans appear to be more of an opposition party than they were when Barry Obummer occupied the Oval Office.   And far from being united with their president to get things done, they seem far more interested in uniting with the Democrats in effort to make sure that absolutely nothing gets done.  And in so doing they seem to not mind at all that they are effectively cutting their own throats, politically speaking, in the process.

It is because of our ‘Establishment Republicans’ that we are now faced with the reality that President Trump is now nearly halfway through his first year as president and has yet to achieve a single legislative victory.  And I found it rather telling when RINO Senator John Cornyn, of Texas, in a radio interview during the recent recess said, “We just need to work harder.”  No ASSHOLE, what you need to do is to finally get to work doing that which you’re being paid to do!  Sadly, we’re stuck with this useless POS until 2020, and when that time comes it would be nice if the people of Texas would see the wisdom in getting rid of him.  As a member of the Senate leadership team he has proven himself, time and again, to be quite pathetic, and it’s rather disappointing that the people of Texas are unable to see that.

As of today, the Republican Party’s major agenda items remain undone, and that includes the repealing and replacing of ObamaCare and reforming taxes.  Although President Trump claimed in a recent tweet that his tax plan is ahead of schedule, critics, of which there are many Republicans, contend that it is unwritten and in dispute.  The time has come for Republican lawmakers to get moving on healthcare and tax reform as this year is quickly running out with, if you can believe it, only seven legislative weeks remaining.  Congress is planning to leave for a five-week August recess (vacation) during which they will likely lose whatever momentum that may have been gained on reform efforts and have to face frustrated constituents complaining that they have again not delivered on their many promises.

Overshadowing the Republican agenda is, of course, the ongoing, and very bogus, investigation into supposed allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and purported Russian connections with the Trump campaign.  And the ONLY reason that this lunacy has been allowed to continue and to become the distraction that it has is because of our own limp-wristed Republican leadership team that seems to be more than willing to allow it to go on if for no other reason than because it provides to them a readymade excuse for the fact that they’ve done absolutely nothing since assuming complete control of Congress!  Control they told us that if provided to them they would then use it to assist the new president in moving the country forward and far beyond the dark years known as the ‘Obama Presidency.’ 

These idiotic Russia investigations have masked some notable Republican accomplishments to date including overturning numerous Obummer regulations, reaching compromise in May on spending legislation for the remainder of the 2017 budget year that featured a large increase for defense, and the Senate confirmation in early April of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.  And yet as far as this Russia nonsense goes, if there was actually a true desire to get to the bottom of it all there would be far more attention being focused on Hitlery’s campaign team and their Russian connections.  The fact that there isn’t simply proves that the entire matter is nothing more than a means of trying to derail Trumps presidency and that it’s both parties that are in favor of, and very actively involved in, keeping it going.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that far too many of our Republican members of Congress have very little interest in getting anything done and far too many Republicans seem quite content to continue tolerating, and even encouraging, that which is really nothing more than a distraction at best and at worst a blatant attempt to bring down a duly elected president.  And they seem unable to concentrate on anything other than this completely bogus Russian investigation.  We are not just fighting to get past the Russia thing, we are fighting for our political lives and it's not going well!  That said, Trump has actually managed to do some really good things in spite of the opposition and protesters.  But he's accomplished nothing significant legislatively and, I would argue, through no fault of his own.

Those in our state-controlled media continue to expend a great deal of both time and effort in their attempt to convince us that what the American people really want to know is just how it was that the Russians were able to influence the last election and to what degree they may have been successful.  Inquiring minds, or so we’re told, want to know.  But they don’t!  I just wish somebody would ask me what I want.  Because thus far I think President Trump has done a pretty good job in spite of the many road blocks that have been set up by those in his own party.  He is for the people and for the American worker.  Get off his back and get over the fact that he won and start working together and not against.  And the Russia story is all lies, get off that track already because I don't think anybody believes it is a real story.

What we need to do is to start calling our members of Congress in both the House and the Senate, and remind them, in the strongest possible way, who it is that they work for.  This is our government, and we need to make our presence known.  We need the Republicans in the House and Senate to grow a spine and to push legislation through and the hell with the Democrats.  The Republican Party has been in disarray for so long that it's become pretty much unworkable.  There is so much controversy within the Republican Party instigated by establishment RINOs like Graham and McCain, right along with ‘RINO Paul’ Ryan and they don't seem to be the least bit interested in coming together for the sake of the country.  Meanwhile, it’s the Democrats march in lock-step regardless of the issue or how much damage it does to the country.

I've been banging that drum ever since I first saw how determined the Democrat Party, with help from more than few Republicans, were going to be in their effort to obstruct President Trump in every conceivable way.  He can't get squat done when he's dealing with such a recalcitrant majority.  And while there are those who could prove instrumental in turning the tide of discord more in Trump’s, and the nation’s, favor, it seems much more important to diddle away legislative resources running down every rumor, initiated by so many unnamed sources, who are the real enemies of our Republic.  We don’t need to be chasing any more rabbits down anymore holes!  What we need is to have our ‘leaders’ working on those things they’re paid to work on, instead of blaming the President for a stalemated government!

I have heard many saying that if the Republicans cannot get their act together then why should we continue to vote for them?  Would we be any worse off with the Democrats in charge?  Well then answer to that is a very resounding, YES!  What we need to do, what we MUST do, at least those of us who remain interested in getting our country out of the ditch that Barry put us in, is to focus all of our efforts on getting as many of these RINOs out of office as we can and to replace them, not with Democrats, but with conservative Republicans who share our desire to “Make America Great Again!”  And while I would certainly not expect them to simply become a rubber stamp for the president, they must possess a commitment to working with President Trump in moving forward on the agenda that got him elected. 

There is this train of thought being perpetuated by many in the state-controlled media that if Trump remains unpopular and if his unpopularity drags down the reelection prospects of other Republicans, as they claim this year’s special elections have thus far suggested, even though the Republican has won both contests that have been held thus far, then conditions will be especially ripe for Republican pushback. And, at the extreme, if Trump’s presidency at some point really does look like it’s going down in flames, Republicans might sense the chance to develop a bipartisan reputation for heroism by vigorously opposing him.  The ONLY thing that the Republicans will gain for themselves by opposing Trump, is a permanent return to minority status which is something, quite frankly, I think they secretly yearn.

And if the American people, have within themselves any desire for self-preservation and love for their country, then when next they are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate that they must vote out of office as many of those as they can who have continued to place obstacle after obstacle in front of President Trump.  And if “The Swamp” is in fact winning, then we the American people have but one, and only one, option available to us.  We can allow those who comprise ‘The Swamp’ to prevail in which case America will never be great again, or we can take it upon ourselves to join forces with the president and bring down as many of those as we can, regardless of party affiliation, and replace them with those who, like us, want to make American safe again, strong again and, most importantly, Great Again!

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