Wednesday, February 24, 2021


For those who still require proof that our RINOs now serve, and quite willingly so, as nothing more the equivalent of the Democrats’ ‘man-on-the-inside,’ I think the recent behavior that we’ve seen coming from so many of these people should have removed any remaining doubt that that is now how many see themselves. And where they used to be much more clandestine in their activities, it’s like the Democrats themselves have become, these RINOs have now come out of the shadows and practice their treachery in the full light of day. An in so doing have made them much easier to spot.

Take for instance Liz Cheney, one of the ten House RINOs who saw fit to join the Democrats in voting to impeach former President Donald Trump. Cheney said on Tuesday, during a Reagan Institute event, that the Republican Party needs to “make clear that we aren’t the party of white supremacy” in the wake of the deadly Capitol riots. Cheney said, “Certainly the potential of a 9/11-style commission, I think that is very important. I think there are many aspects of what happened on the 6th and in the days and weeks and months leading up to it that have to be investigated.”

And it was our esteemed Ms. Cheney who went on to add, “It’s very important, especially for us as Republicans, to make clear that we aren’t the party of white supremacy. You certainly saw anti-Semitism. You saw the symbols of Holocaust denial, for example, at the Capitol that day. You saw a Confederate flag being carried through the Rotunda. And I think we as Republicans, in particular, have a duty and an obligation to stand against that, to stand against insurrection.” All of which should beg the question, “Just what the Hell is Cheney even talking about?”

Look, Cheney is nothing if not a total and complete a moron and as such is someone who should be viewed by every person in her district as being nothing less than an embarrassment. And she is clearly someone who is nowhere near worthy of being reelected to her current office. The Republican Party is not now, nor has it ever been the party of white supremacy. And for Cheney to make the claim the Republican Party must now disavow white supremacy is ludicrous. The Democrat Party, on the other hand, has a rather long and storied history when it comes to white supremacy.

The Republican Party has done more for Blacks than Democrats ever have and yet Republicans have spent more than twenty years denying endless accusations of racism. Our gutless RINOS have demonstrated time and again that they will do just about anything the Democrats want if only the Democrats will stop accusing them of being racists. Of course, no matter how often the RINOs cave, the Democrats still call them racists. We must never forget that the destination the RINOs have in mind for this country is the same as the Democrats, we just get there slower under the RINOs.

And am I the only one to find it as rather odd that we have no shortage of prominent black Democrats who seem willing to ignore completely the racist past of their own party? How is it that they seem to have no problem whatsoever being proud members of the same party that has spent more than two centuries treating blacks as if they are second class citizens. It’s the Democrats who are the party of slavery, of Jim Crow, and of the Ku Klux Klan. And it was Democrats who voted overwhelmingly against both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act back in the 1960s.      

And I can’t help but wonder if we’re all being made to deal the consequences of her baseless, as well as very reckless, statements because it’s Liz, herself, who might actually be feeling some level of guilt regarding something with which the rest of us have absolutely no association. Cheney should be considered as nothing other than an embarrassment, making such statements does nothing more than to play right into the Democrat narrative and are endlessly repeated by those in the ‘fake new’ media. I am so looking forward to the day when Cheney is finally sent packing.

It’s been RINOs who have for too long controlled the Republican Party, and it has gotten us absolutely nowhere. The American people are not stupid, they understand that the Cheneys, McConnells, Thunes, Romney’s and a whole slew of others, have never done anything to stem the tide of Socialism in this country. They have stood idly by as our public education system has simply become a system used by the  radical leftwing to indoctrinate our children with their propaganda. RINOs are as responsible as are radical Democrats for what has happened to our nation.

BLM terrorists were allowed to loot and to cause billions of dollars in damage to private property. They destroyed thousands of businesses and yet not one of those who participated in the violence was prosecuted. And yet we are to believe that whites are now a threat to America? Bizarre how you can drive through trashed inner cities defined by their failed lives and nonstop violence and yet they aren't called a threat to those living there. But somehow the peaceful white neighborhoods are now viewed as the flash points for “white supremacy” inspired violence.

As far as I’m concerned, the party died when the Republicans in the House and Senate failed to stand firmly against certifying the fraudulent 2020 election results. The Republic is dying, the economy will soon be made to implode because our gutless Republicans in both the House and the Senate have long been willing to go along with the grift. Those past and present with names like McConnell, Murkowski, McCain, Romney, Sasse, Ryan, Boehner, Flake and scores more, have simply sold us all out for personal profit. At this point anyone who supports such a party is a credulous tool.

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