Sunday, August 15, 2021


I’m sure all will remember how it was that ‘BO’ blamed all of his screwups, and I do mean every single one, on the pervious president, George W. Bush. But ‘BO’ didn’t stop there, no way Jose! Because it would be after Donald Trump defeated Hitlery, something that the old bitch has yet to fully recover from, and would go on to accomplish much that ‘BO’ would later attempt to take credit for. And President Trump was able to accomplish much despite the fact that Democrats and RINOs attempted to obstruct both him and his agenda. So we shouldn’t now be surprised that ‘Creepy Joe,’ our fraudulent president, is proud to continue the ‘blame game.’

And why is it that I say that? Well, that would be because ‘Creepy Joe’ recently issued a statement, on this past Saturday, in which he actually blamed President Trump for his monumental blunder in Afghanistan that resulted in the Taliban successfully taking control of the majority of Afghanistan’s major cities. And it was in this statement that ‘Creepy Joe’ complained that President Trump had negotiated a deal “that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001.”  Creepy Joe’ said, “When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor.” He noted that President Trump had set the troop withdrawal date of May 1 and reduced troop levels to 2,500.

‘Creepy Joe’ said he had the choice of either following through with President Trump’s withdrawal plan or sending more troops back into Afghanistan to secure the country. But ‘Creepy Joe’ set a later date for withdrawal, choosing a new deadline of September 11th before then walking that back to August 31. He said, “I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats.” And he actually claimed, “I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.” On Saturday, he announced his decision to surge 5,000 troops into Afghanistan to help ensure the safe evacuation of American personal.

Despite his choosing to blame his predecessor, ‘Creepy Joe’ signaled that he was disillusioned by the continuing Afghanistan conflict saying, “One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence, would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. An endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” His remarks were sharply different from his tone just a month prior when he indicated that the Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable. And it was then that he said, “So the question now is, where do they go from here?” Well, DUH!!!

And it was in July when speaking about the Taliban’s failure to negotiate a deal with the Afghan government that ‘Creepy Joe’ said, “The jury is still out. But the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” ‘Creepy Joe’ said he would appoint Ambassador Tracey Jacobson to be in charge of relocating Afghanistan allies in the country to get them out of danger. Right, that should make those allies feel better, right? He said, “Our hearts go out to the brave Afghan men and women who are now at risk. We are working to evacuate thousands of those who helped our cause and their families.”

And was courtesy of a recently released statement that President Trump, on Thursday of last week, chose to criticize ‘Creepy Joe’s handling of the withdrawal in Afghanistan, and rightly so. And it was in this statement that our actual president, President Trump, said, “I personally had discussions with top Taliban leaders whereby they understood what they are doing now would not have been acceptable.” And President Trump rightly noted that if he was still president, he would have focused on a “conditions-based” withdrawal.” And so it is then that ‘Creepy Joe’ continues his trend of being the most ‘f*cked up’ president in the entire history of this country.

Creepy Joe’ has had seven months in which to plan for this event, and he did absolutely nothing. Democrats committed election fraud so this idiot so they would then be able to sabotage America from within. But to be fair, thing goes much deeper than the demented moron now occupying the White House. It goes to the Leftist incompetents that he has put in place in the State department and naive policy making ‘advisors’. It took a lot of ignorance operating behind the scenes to accomplish this disaster. ‘Creepy Joe’ is an ignorant fool and suffering from cognitive failure. In truth, he’s only a puppet and his handlers are evil scumbags.

It’s the same ol’, same ol’. Democrats have no interest in governing, or even trying to pretend that they do. It’s all about power, control and money. When will the people in this country, at least those who wish not to see it destroyed, learn? History has this rather nasty habit of repeating itself. If you don't learn from it, well then, you’ll be doomed to repeat it! I believe this country may very well never recover from the sins of the Democrat left. When all else fails, blame President Trump. ‘Creepy Joe’ is nothing more than a fraudulent LOSER. Sadly, the rest of the world will be made to suffer because of our failure to not have done more to prevent this travesty.

‘Creepy Joe’ was selected and installed. The Left got exactly what they paid for, and at the expense of every TRUE American. Now there is another breed of people living in the new USSA, and they are trying to take away our individuality as well as all the freedoms. If you had told me I was younger that this is what my country would come to look like I would not have believed you. I don’t like what we’ve become. And the truly scary part of this is that we have woke Generals and a criminal CIA calling the shots as this insanity unfolds. Thousands of innocent people will die, and I will not accept the blame. This is on the backs of every single Democrat and ‘Creepy Joe!’

So we’re to believe that everything is the fault of President Trump. The left could have engineered a much better situation with their monopoly on social media and the ‘fake news’ media, unfortunately they filled the clown car with the biggest bunch of leftwing know-nothings ever to be assembled. They’re fooling no one. Anyone with a brain knows these people are full of crap! If Donald Trump were still President, none of what we are now seeing would taking place would be happening. The collapse of Afghanistan is owned,100 percent, by ‘Creepy Joe,’ the Democrat Party, their ‘Kool-Aid’ drinking bobble-headed voters, assisted by those in the ‘fake news’ media.

So, what follows here, to serve as a little bit of a reminder, is the short list of what it was that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden actually inherited from President Trump: 1. The best economy in four decades, 2. A functioning southern border, 3. Three Covid-19 vaccines, 4. A fully funded and very well equipped military, 5. An energy INDEPENDENT United States, 6. Islamist Terrorist regimes that actually feared the U.S, 7. The lowest Black unemployment ever, 8. The largest gains in wage growth ever. And it was in the span of less than seven months that this corrupt and obviously demented imbecile has managed to take us all back to the time of Jimmy Carter.

And finally, it’s the next time that ‘Creepy Joe’ the senile dunce tells the truth, that will be the very first time that he has done so at any time during the last 78 years. This pervert in the White House is obviously very seriously demented, so it is quite certain he has been and will continue to be a congenital liar for the remainder of his pathetic life. And so, it has been in just seven short months that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden has already proven to be the WORST and single most dangerous *president at least in my lifetime! The only decision yet to be made is how much longer are the American people who still love this country willing to allow it to continue?

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