Thursday, May 5, 2022


You know, it’s Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, who is another of those who practice debate, Democrat style, that being when you can’t win the argument on merit, you simply attack those who you are attempting to convince to your side by raising your voice and shaking your fist. Jerry got into a heated debate with his co-host Greg Gutfeld Wednesday on FNC’s “The Five” while discussing abortion. Jerry is one of those who, while he has lived a life of depravity, has the gall to pass a judgement on someone just giving an honest opinion. Rivers is a living insult to civil society. But I must admit that five wives would have made me crazy too. Jerry needs to retire.

Rivers had another of his little tantrums saying, “Shame on Gorsuch, shame on Coney Barrett, shame on Kavanaugh. They knew when they were swearing to those senators and the conversations in the senate offices that they were going to vote to reverse or overturn Roe v. Wade. They knew it, and they lied about it.” Gutfeld said, “You ask somebody why they’re pro-life, they will say because abortion takes a life, and we believe life is sacred. You could disagree with that, but you can’t disagree with the simplicity of it. The problem with the pro-choicers is they don’t have the balls to state their case plainly. Just say I prefer freedom over fetuses."

Rivera interrupted, “My body, my choice. How much simpler could you get?”

Gutfeld said, “Let me finish. You already did your ad hominem.”

Rivera said, “Ad hominem? It was not.”

Gutfeld said, “You insulted a few people there.”

Rivera said, “Oh, that’s baloney. That’s baloney.”

Gutfeld said, “I’ll give you evidence.”

Rivera said, “Cherish the wire hanger stuck up their private parts trying to get–

Gutfeld said, “The unborn child becomes– This is exactly what I expected.

Rivera said, “You are arrogant.”

Gutfeld said, “Go for it, Geraldo. Come on, keep going. You’re making a fool of yourself.”

Rivera said, “You know something, you insulting punk?”

Referencing FNC weekend host Dan Bongino who has sparred with Rivers, Gutfeld said, “Hah, oh, am I your new Bongino?

Rivera said, “If you want that role."

Democrats lost the “my body, my choice” argument when they tried to force faux vaccines on the public. Use birth control, use abstinence, fix adoption, but don’t blame everyone for actions you are responsible for. Democrats have never really been about anything unless it grants them power. I also find it funny how they keep saying of late they follow the science, except when they don’t, which is almost always. The supporters of this heinous procedure simply use abortion, the murder of a helpless baby, as their method of birth control. Why should they be inconvenienced with the responsibility of being a good parent just because they enjoyed a one-night stand?

I really didn’t think Fox could sink lower than Juan Williams, but damned if they didn’t. Old Jerry, now 78, is the lowest of the low. Not one redeeming feature, none. Rarely does he make even a lick of sense and has demonstrated zero improvement since the opening of the empty vault. Far from being a bona fide ‘journalist,’ Jerry continues to be one of the better examples of all that’s wrong with ‘journalism’ here in the 21st century. And yet he persists in trying to convince us that he’s something other than what he is, and ‘Fox News’ seems quite content in assisting him in that rather twisted endeavor despite no one caring about anything he has to say.

Tucker Carlson was right. For a long time now, the Democrats have been ‘ruling by tantrum.’ Waah waaah waaah, we want amnesty. Waah waah waah, we want abortions. Waaah waaah waah, we want communism. Waah waah waaah, give us reparations. Waah waaah waah, let us burn down cities. Whenever things don’t go their way, Democrats like Rivers throw themselves on the floor, screaming and kicking their feet, until the RINOs cave and give them everything they want. But things are too serious now. We can no longer indulge their brattish behavior. It’s time to give these spoiled children what they deserve - a royal spanking.

And when one political party has as its top priority not what continues to take place at the southern border, or the rapidly escalating crime rate in this country, or the fact that the price of gas has gone through the roof as well as our increasingly empty store shelves, but, instead, a woman’s supposed ‘right’ to kill her baby or allowing transgender freaks into girls’ bathrooms, we have a pretty serious problem in this country. And, it would seem, that by doing so Democrats would remove themselves from being considered as a viable, political party by most intelligent Americans. And yet, far too many Americans, for whatever reason, continue to support these people.

The thing about abortion this many years after Roe v. Wade is how much more actual science there is and how much more is known about just how painful and horrific it truly is. These sickos seem to enjoy causing pain to these babies and it terrifies them that we know it. They have lost the argument and once it’s back in the States you might see some deep dark blue states ban it in the future and that too freaks these people out. Rivera has no more credibility to speak on issues such as this than most of the others on the network and who are liberals simply performing conservative roles. And we all know who they are, and so there’s no need to list them again here.

I’ve never been able to understand how murdering someone to correct a mistake you made became legal in the first place. You can’t do it to anyone but your own child. That’s truly sick! Perhaps Jerry should just stick to what he does best, opening empty vaults and broadcasting U.S. troop positions. His best days, the few there were, are long gone. These days insults and personal attacks are all he has left. If he had any self-respect he’d simply choose to retire and fade away, and spend his time texting selfies of himself fresh out of the shower to those who might want to see something like that. Jerry, the joke that hasn’t ended since the Capone vault debacle.

And finally, it’s those on ‘The Left,’ like Jerry, who have no one to blame but themselves for this recent decision, if it does come to pass. They simply went too far with abortion. They actively celebrate it, and they aggressively encourage it. They tell you it’s never too late to have an abortion, whether one is six or even nine months along. Even after the baby is on the table, alive, they say you can still kill it. And that’s why the Supreme Court rose up and will likely issue the reversal. It’s not a constitutional issue. it belongs to the states. The Left could have avoided all this by just keeping their mouth shut. But they’re unhinged, and it was inevitable.

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