Tuesday, July 12, 2022


C’me on man, do we really need some silly poll to tell us that ‘Shitbag Joey,’ one of only two U.S. presidents never to have been elected by the American people, is the worst *president this country has had in nearly 100 years? I mean you don’t need to be a political genius to realize that what’s now being made to take place in this country is taking place totally by design and is a direct result of those policies that have been put in place by ‘Shitbag Joey’ and the Democrats. Policies, the specific purpose of which has been nothing less than to advance a very purposeful attempt to destroy the country so that Democrats can then make it into one more to their liking.

And so it seems that after 18 months into what is nothing more than his charade of a presidency, it’s *president ‘Shitbag Joe’ Biden who now has an approval rating that is lower than any other president in more than 75 years. ‘Joey’s approval rating, which has now dropped to 38.4 percent, and is likely lower if we’re being honest, is historically lower than any other modern-day president, with the exception of Harry Truman in his second year in office. In 1946, Truman’s approval rating was at 33 percent 18 months into his term. And ‘Joey’s approval rating 18 months into his presidency is worse than the following presidents’ at the same stage of their terms:

Donald Trump (42.1 percent)
‘BO’ (46.3 percent)
George W. Bush (66.9 percent)
‘Slick Willy’ (46 percent)
George H.W. Bush (63.2 percent)
Ronald Reagan (44 percent)
Jimmy Carter (42.1 percent)
Gerald Ford (44.3 percent)
Richard Nixon (54.1 percent)
Lyndon B. Johnson (64 percent)
John F. Kennedy (69 percent)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (69.9 percent)

And it according to Gallup that only five presidents have descended into the 20s over the length of their presidency. Those presidents include:

Harry Truman (22 percent)
Richard Nixon (24 percent)
Jimmy Carter (28 percent)
George H.W. Bush (29 percent)
George W. Bush (25 percent)

‘Shitbag Joey’s approval rating has been steadily dropping due to a variety of factors. His poll numbers began to decline back in August when the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal left possibly thousands of American citizens stranded behind enemy lines. And then, of course, there’s ‘Joey’s 40-year-high inflation and record high gas prices that can also be said to be weighing down his approval rating. Also, ‘Joey’s mental ability, or lack of, has been another issue that seems to have impacted voters. It’s now 62 percent who say that ‘Joey’ is not fit to be president because he’s simply too old. And 59 percent of Americans are worried about his mental and physical fitness.

He’s the most unpopular, but he’s also the most dangerous. He has proven that he will do anything his handlers tell him to do. And all of this is based on the assumption that ‘Joey’ actually has a 29 percent approval rating. Anyone being made to live through the ‘Joey’ agenda knows that that’s NOT true. ‘Joey & Co.’ is hated by everyone except those who are considered his ideological comrades or those who see themselves as being the beneficiaries of his policies. That would, of course, include those in the abortion industry, the corporate media, those in public education, the environmentalist wackos and illegal immigrants. They add up to a lot of people.

But then this is how you take over a country. You use a fraudulent election that allows criminal politicians to be in charge and to then simply giveaway U.S. wealth to what is a growing number of enemies. This is how the liberal world order wants to succeed. ‘Joey’s job was to weaken America and subjugate us to the international order. None of his handlers expected him to be popular while doing it. I’m thinking about Carter and the comparisons write themselves. But I at the end of the day, I think, you could tell that Carter was, more or less, a decent human being, even though he was a horrible president. But, ‘Joey’ isn’t even a decent human being.

And I ask you, how is it that a candidate who, on any given day, can barely string two coherent sentences together, hides out in his basement for most of his campaign to be president, and when he does venture out has trouble drawing more than a couple hundred people, and feels the need to blockade the Capitol for his inauguration, can still go on to become the least popular president in 75 years? How did that man manage to garner more votes than any other presidential candidate in the history of the country?  Can you imagine if the press had been reporting the truth about ‘Joey,’ his corruption and the blatant incompetence of the political appointees.

Franky, it tells us much about the Democrat Party, and ‘Joey’s Cabinet members. Why in the heck have they not forced him to submit to some sort of a mental competency test. Why have they not filed the paperwork to have him removed. How much more harm do they want him to do before they finally move to get rid of him? But they won’t, because to them the PARTY comes first, not the American People. They always put the interest of the Democrat Party first and America Last. And if you doubt what I say simply look at the polices that they have put in place every single time the American people prove to be foolish enough to hand them the reins of power.

The Democrat Party is a disaster, propped up by their Leftist water boys in the ‘fake news’ media. Remember when you vote in the midterms this November that: Not one current Democrat member of Congress has voted against ‘Joey’s destructive agenda. Only two Democrat Senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, have voted against ‘Joey’s destructive agenda. Not one congressional Democrat has worked with Republicans to legislatively stop ‘Joey’s destructive executive orders and agenda. Only two Democrat Senators, again Manchin and Sinema, have worked with Republicans to legislatively stop ‘Joey’s destructive executive orders and agenda.

Remember too that not one Senate or House Democrat has demanded Hunter Biden's corruption and influence peddling, exposed by his laptop which the FBI has verified, be looked into. Not one Democrat member of the House or Senate has questioned ‘Joey’ Biden's cogitative ability, which is something that has become painfully obvious to the rest of us. They may try to distance themselves from the antics of ‘Shitbag Joey’ in the run up to the election, but they are not distancing themselves from his policies in Congress. It is their votes, not election antics that count. Do not vote for these people if you want change, they support ‘Joey’s radical destructive agenda!

Finally, it’s this November’s midterm elections that could very well prove to be our last opportunity to pull beck the reins regarding the direction in which our country is currently headed. We must be determined in our effort to rid ourselves of those on both sides of the aisle who seem to have as their main objective the destruction of our country. And those who are out of our reach this time around must be made to understand that they are squarely in our sights, and that only by doing what we elected to do will they be able to continue in their current position. And WE must understand that we might just need to get our hands a little dirty in the process.

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