Thursday, October 30, 2014


According to a new poll, Republican turned Independent turned Democrat Charlie Crist, candidate for governor here in Florida, seems to have pulled 3-points ahead of GOP Gov. Rick Scott, as ‘Independent’ voters, for whatever bizarre reason, appear to be throwing their weight behind him. I feel like I’m surrounded by idiots, because how stupid must one be in order for them to support a loser like Crist.

According to a Quinnipiac University Poll conducted Oct. 22-27 of 817 likely voters, 45 percent of those surveyed support Crist compared to 42 percent who support Scott. Among Independent voters though, 47 percent are backing Crist compared to 29 percent for Scott. Personally, I’ve always viewed Independents as being folks who just can’t bring themselves to admit the fact that they’re really Democrats.

Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement, "Independent voters are often the difference in swing states like Florida, but the size of former Gov. Charlie Crist's lead among them is truly remarkable." Obviously, these self-proclaimed, holier than thou, independents are some of most gullible folks that you’re ever going to meet. And how unfortunate for the rest of that our fate seems to be in their hands.

Brown added, "Crist, who always has sought to portray himself as a pragmatist rather than an ideologue, seems to have sold that message to independents who historically have favored problem-solvers who are less political." Crist is now, and always has been, nothing more than lying sack of shit. And the fact that anyone can bring themselves to vote for him, I suppose, tells us much more about them than it does Crist.

Crist, as you may or may not recall, served as governor as a Republican from 2007 to 2011. And his record is not something he likes to talk about all that much. He made a bid for U.S. Senate in 2010 instead of seeking re-election, but lost in the GOP primary to Sen. Marco Rubio before deciding to switch to becoming an independent for the general election, where he lost yet again. That alone should tell you something about Crist.

Shortly after his defeat, Crist then decided to take the only option left open to him and joined the Democrat Party after which he then went on to very enthusiastically support Barry's 2012 re-election bid. You’d think that the party switches might have demonstrated to most folks the fact that Crist is really nothing more than a sleazy political opportunist, but apparently not. And why more people can’t see this, quite frankly, amazes me.

You know, I just can’t believe that anyone, regardless of their political affiliation, or even lack of, would actually be so irresponsible as actually to vote for a sleazy character like Charlie Crist. But I’ll tell you what, people need to think long and hard about whether they’re really ready to go back to where it was that Crist took the state the last time he was in the governor’s mansion, because it certainly wasn’t very pretty!

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