Thursday, October 23, 2014


What is it that North Carolina, Georgia and now the People’s Republic of Maryland all have in common during this election season? Well, all three have Democrats who are, to one degree or another, in trouble, electorally speaking, and all three have demonstrated little hesitation in resorting to now playing the race card. From implying, in North Carolina, that the impeachment, portrayed as the political lynching, of Barry "Almighty" will take place should the Republicans win control of the senate, to the using of Ferguson, Missouri to imply that open season will be declared on blacks unless blacks vote for the Democrat running for the Senate in Georgia, the race card is being played loudly and played often.

Which brings us to the People’s Republic of Maryland where Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown was supposed to have, according to many, what was to be an easy victory come this November. He’s the Democrat in a state with a two-to-one voter registration advantage over Republicans and was expected to coast to victory in the deeply blue state and become its first African-American governor. However, that’s not shaping up to be the case. Now make no mistake, Brown is still favored to win, and heavily so, but polls have it as being much closer than conventional wisdom thought it would be. Republican challenger Larry Hogan is within single digits and gaining steam. If he were to win it would send shock waves clear across the country.

The unpopularity of Gov. Martin O’Malley, a devout socialist and 2016 presidential wannabe, together with Brown’s rather questionable leadership in the state’s failed $288 Million health-care exchange website, have come together to hamper what was expected to be nothing short of a coronation. Also, Brown performed poorly in each of the three candidate’s debates, and his campaign ads, as is usually the case with Democrats, have been mostly negative attacks on Hogan, a small business owner and founder of the non-profit Change Maryland. He’s also been accused of constantly ducking the media. He even got the name of one of the state’s largest cities wrong, saying he visited "Fredricktown." The city is Fredrick.

Another complication has to do with the fact that enthusiasm for Brown is pretty low. So it is then that all of these factors appear to have led the Democrat Party of Maryland into a panic. And it’s that panic that has resulted in a rather distasteful new mailer with the authority line "Paid for by the Maryland Democratic Party." This particular piece of campaign mail targets black voters and actually tries to tie the Republicans to the Democrat Party’s own very racist past. The mailer’s front page reads, "It’s been a long journey…" over a picture of Martin Luther King and civil rights marchers. This pathetic little stunt gives the phrase, "grabbing at straws" a whole new meaning. In the end I’m sure blacks will fall for this stunt, Brown will win and the bullet will have been dodged.

But isn’t it sad that here in 2014 we still have a political party using this sort of tactics? And isn’t it sadder still that we have people stupid enough to fall for them? And what’s really so ironic is the fact that it’s the Democrat Party which remains so determined to keep blacks forever dependent upon government. Little has changed over the course of the last 150 years, or so, when it comes to Democrats and their perception of blacks. It was the Democrats who were the driving force behind slavery, who created and gave life to the Ku Klux Klan and who were the biggest proponents of segregation. With the creation of his "Great Society", LBJ said he’d have ni**gers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. And blacks are on the way to proving him right.

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