Thursday, July 23, 2015


You ever have the feeling that you’re living through what would be a real life version of that Bill Murray movie ‘Ground Hog Day?’  At least as far as our GOP ‘leaders’ in Congress are concerned?  Remember how it was during the lead up to the last election, how we heard all manner of promises being made about how, if we were to hand to the Republicans complete control of Congress, they would then fight Barry tooth and nail and put a halt to his ongoing effort to fundamentally transform our country.  Republicans promised they would put a stop to Obamacare, get a handle on our debt and put an end to Barry’s unlawful actions regarding immigration.  And what happened?  Absolutely nothing!

And so it is that we are now once again hearing much the same nonsense.  We had House Speaker John Boehner who, just yesterday, saying how it is that the chamber's priorities are "the people's priorities," and that lawmakers will continue to fight the recent "bad deal" struck with Iran over its nuclear program.  Continue to fight?  And he went on to say, "Here in the House, the people's priorities continue to be our priorities."  And as amazing as it might sound, Boehner was actually able to get through his entire spiel with a straight face.  He actually seems to think that there are still people out here beyond the beltway who will still believe what he has to say.  And there just isn’t anymore, or at least very few.

Boehner went on to say, "And while the president's Iran deal may have been applauded at the United Nations, I think he faces serious skepticism here at home. Let me just assure you that members of Congress will ask much tougher questions this afternoon when we meet with the president's team. Because a bad deal threatens the security of the American people — and we're going to do everything possible to stop it."   Blah, blah, blah.  Not one word of this drivel is anything that we haven’t heard before and on any number of occasions.  And it has been every single time that Boehner, as well as that other boob McConnell, have been proven to be nothing more than pathetic liars.  They are utterly useless.

Most Republican lawmakers have, or so we have been told, long been opposed to this deal with Iran, which was announced last week.  Congress now has 60 days to review the deal, after which it will vote either for it or against it.  If the latter happens, Barry “Almighty” can veto that rejection, which would then require two-thirds of lawmakers to veto that decision if Congress actually decides to press on.  And while it has been reported that the White House sent Congress a copy of the entire agreement on Sunday, rumor now has it that there were at least a couple ‘secret deals’ that may have been left out of what was sent to Congress.  But that will like matter very little to Democrats as they will likely rally behind Barry. 

And Barry was said to have irked more than a few lawmakers this week by choosing to submit the deal to the United Nations, which approved of the deal, before allowing Congress the time to read, vet, and vote on the agreement.  House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul took the criticism a step further, saying he would have liked to see the American people weigh in on the deal before it was placed in front of the United Nations Security Council. The White House responded to the criticisms by saying rejecting the deal would let Iran off "scot-free."  But rejecting the deal is exactly what needs to be done, but there is very little doubt that there will be more than enough Democrats to support it.

Personally, I no longer trust to be true anything that I hear coming from those who are in positions leadership on the Republican said.  They all lie.  They simply tell us what they think we want to hear and then, with a smile on their face and gleam in their eye, they proceed to stab us in the back, twisting the knife as it goes in.  And I feel very confident in saying that come 2016 they are all in for what will most assuredly be a very rude awakening.  Because, quite frankly, I’m tired of being lied to, and you would think that if the popularity of Trump were to show them anything it’s that we’re no longer going to tolerate the lies.  But nope, judging by recent comments it all seems to be sailing right over their heads.

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