Wednesday, March 19, 2025


We constantly hear from both Democrats and clowns in the ‘fake news’ media about how the evil Republicans, and the even more evil President Trump, are now hard at work trying to destroy our Constitution. But it’s a funny thing, because it’s the very same ones sounding the alarm that are actually doing nothing more than practicing the fine art of distraction. Because at the same time they’re pointing their boney fingers at Republicans they’re busily doing everything they can to do exactly what they’re accusing the Republicans of doing. In short, the Democrats are lying. But then why should we be surprised by that, Democrats are famous for telling whoppers.

And it was as recently as this past Tuesday that the string of whoppers, regarding President Trump, told by those on the left continued. It was when Bernie Sanders, self-professed Socialist from Vermont, appeared on CNN’s “The Source” and essentially lied when he claimed that every American should be frightened because President Trump did not “respect our Constitution.” This pathetic old fuck has made a career out of lying but apparently that seems to bother the people of Vermont very little. Perhaps lying is an accepted practice in Vermont. And maybe they too go around lying to everyone they meet so when Bernie lies it’s just no big deal.

Anyway, it was during this particular appearance that Sanders said, “Look, you know, the guys who wrote the Constitution back in the 1790s when nobody’s fools, what they wanted to do is have a separation of powers between the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary so that one person could not assume enormous power. And what you are seeing right now is a president who is authoritarian. He just attacked the media the other day. I think he called CNN illegal because I gather that now and then, you criticize him. He has tried to encroach on the constitutional responsibilities and spending powers of Congress, and now he’s going after the courts."

He added, “If somebody is a corrupt judge, that person can and should be impeached, but not because you voiced an opinion. That’s why these guys have life terms: they are immune from these types of attacks and can be objective in their judgment.” Sanders added, “We live in a society of rule of law. The Supreme Court has its power, judges have their power, and it should frighten every American, whether you’re conservative or progressive, that you have a president who does not respect our Constitution and wants more and more power for himself. It’s very dangerous.” Nothing this old fossil said is true. It’s him and his party that are dangerous.

Look, all we have here is an antique commie-want-to-be, speaking with a washed up “no talent” talking head from yesterday’s news. CNN and MSDNC are the only places that these Democrats go, because they know anything they say, and I do mean absolutely anything, will never be questioned. Whomever the supposed ‘journalist’ might be that’s conducting the ‘interview’ will simply sit there nodding in agreement like one of those dogs we once put in the back window of our car whose head would bob when we hit a bump. And they have no more brains than said dog. But I digress, we all know that today our ‘mainstream media’ is anything but ‘mainstream.'

The judge to which this bonehead refers to was not just some random district judge. He was a ‘BO’ appointed activist district judge specifically selected to hear this case. And President Trump is right as usual. This judge strayed considerably out of his lane in deciding a law that explicitly gives the president authority to do something, doesn’t count. But let’s face it, Democrats are bound and determined to protect all illegal aliens who are murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves, violent gang members and child sex slavers from being deported. And Democrats are quite willing to use any means at their disposal and that would seem to include their cadre of activist ‘judges.'

And you know, I don’t seem to recall hearing old Bernie protesting when old Joey, and rather pointedly so, chose to ignore Supreme Court rulings because he declared the Justices to be nothing more than a bunch of “right wing fanatics.” Now, suddenly, the entire federal government seems comes under the purview of some left-wing kook of a district judge? Someone really does need to tell this creaking old Commie that his hypocrisy is showing. It seems to me that what was good for the goose should be good for the gander. Liars on the left like old Comrade Sanders would have us all believe that Joey somehow revered the Constitution, and didn’t simply trample all over it.

The Democrats remain very hard at work in their attempt to make good on ‘BO’s promise to “fundamentally transformation the United States of America.” But that mission was not initiated by ‘BO’. It began with Woodrow Wilson and has continued under every Democrat president since. The not-so-subtle dismantling of our education system, our families, our children’s health and welfare, our religions, and every other institution that bonded us together as a country is, and has been, under attack for decades. Turning us against each other is their best means to destabilize and destroy the fabric that unites us. Study history. It’s repeating itself before our eyes.

President Trump doesn’t respect our Constitution? Seriously? Name the political party that in 2024 essentially abolished the primary process and, for the first time in our history, simply appointed/installed an individual (Cumala) as their presidential nominee that wasn’t an incumbent president. For the record, it was the Democrats who did exactly that. They didn’t allow a single vote for or against Cumala, they simply declared her to be the nominee. The people were denied their rightful say. Such behavior is reminiscent of third world dictatorships where citizens are simply told who to vote and to like it. Such things are not supposed to happen in America.

Why are Democrats always trying to incite fear? They try to frighten people because President Trump is of the opinion that activist judges have no place on the bench, and millions of Americans agree. And it’s these very same Democrats who impeached a duly elected president twice based on blatantly bogus charges. They even tried to ‘impeach’ him after he had left office. And we won’t even go into all of the ‘lawfare’ nonsense or the assassination attempts. And it was also these same Democrats who had no issue with Joey choosing to ignore the Supreme Cout regarding the government paying off student loans which was nothing more than a blatant attempt to by votes.

What is truly frightening is the massive amount of fraud that has been, and continues to be, uncovered. Fraud perpetrated upon the American public by those on the left. From the Covid scam to the IRS targeting conservatives, the coverup of Joey’s cognitive decline, the climate change scam/new green fraud deal, voter fraud, insider trading by legislators, campaign donation bribery, USAID, DEI discrimination, Facebook censorship, open borders, unchecked inflation, the list goes on and on. Sanders is a liar, plain and simple. President Trump respects the Constitution much more than any Democrat.  More importantly he respects God and hardworking Americans.

And last time I checked, it was the Left saying that the Constitution is outdated, racist and such. The Left wants to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. The Left has no regard for the Tenth Amendment. The Left also wants to infringe on our First Amendment rights to fight “hate speech” and “disinformation”. It was the Left who ignored due process rights for President Trump and anyone connected with him in what were politically motivated witch-hunts. Who is it that doesn’t respect the Constitution? The left wants to call the Constitution living and breathing. They want to shred it. You have to be willfully ignorant, or purposely blind, to not see this.

So says the guy who would ignore the First and Second Amendments if he could. And he’s never required to articulate exactly how it is that President Trump ignores the Constitution. Wouldn’t a judge interfering with the Executive branch's authority be ignoring the Constitution? Arbitrary rules issued by fellow traveler judges are most certainly unconstitutional. But the Democrats courtesy of their ACLU thugs are just the opposite of what their name suggests and work to subvert, via judicial fiat, what the American people voted for. The ultimate goal of the left’s agenda is the end of America as we know. And they will leave no stone unturned to attain that goal.

And finally, Sanders is but one of many blowhards in government and as such perfectly represents all of what’s wrong with American politics. He’s a sellout! He claims the moral high ground and does what all Washington insiders do, he lies! He’s talked a great game for years and has become quite popular with the younger crowd. And while he was certainly a victim of the Democrat political machine, he likes to present himself as the common man, blaming millionaires and billionaires for the problems in America. Always looking for someone else to blame our problems on, because it’s never the Democrats who can be said to be the cause of all our problems.

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