Monday, March 11, 2019


There have been many analogies made when discussing President Trump and his fitness to hold his current office.  But the one most recently used by a Democrat member of the House, Steve Cohen, demonstrated a certain lack of sensitivity.  Anyone who has ever had a friend or relative diagnosed with Cancer is very familiar with just how devastating of a disease it is.  So I can only assume that Cohen, who recently described the president as being a cancer on our country, has never found himself in such a situation.  And any similarities between the effects this disease has on the human body and the effects presidential policies have on the country were much closer during the eight years that preceded President Trump’s election.  And it goes without saying that had Hiterly won those effects would have only worsened.

This past Sunday during an interview on MSNBC’s “Live,” Cohen made his idiotic analogy when he described the president as being a “cancer on the country.”  Cohen said, “Trump is a con man. Michael Cohen said he is a con man, a liar, and a racist. He is a con man. He is a liar, and he is a racist. He has lied about everything that goes down. He continues to lie. That’s why he’s attacked this Mueller investigation, the Justice Department, the FBI, judges that didn’t rule in his manner and way in the Trump University lawsuit. The man is a walking lie.”  Democrats have a real penchant for calling the president a liar yet are never actually able to point out exactly what it is that he has lied about.  It was President Trump’s predecessor who lied on what eventually came to be a daily basis.  Where was Mr. Cohen then, I wonder?

Cohen said, “My constituents would want him impeached. I have a largely African American district, and that is probably the demographic group that most sees Trump for what he is—that is a liar who is insensitive to people of need. Overall I think it’s not nearly as strong as it is in my district.”  He said, “We look at polls and public reception. The big thing is look at how Republicans in the Senate are responding. As long as they continue to be acolytes and following lemmings of the cliff, we will not be able to get a conviction and impeachment. We can’t get an impeachment through the Senate. If we don’t do that, it’s an action that has merit because it will bring out a lot of the truth about what this president has done for his personal interest and what he has done to sacrifice our national interest and the rule of law.”

And he continued, saying, “We will not get a conviction. It might set some people to feel the Trump base will come out stronger politically. It is a tight rope because of the politics of it. The Republicans seem to always talk about the thoughts that Democrats want impeachment, which makes me think they think it will also help them politically. The biggest result in all of this is to get rid of this cancer on the country. Nixon was a cancer on the presidency. Trump is a cancer on the country.”  He added, “This is the most corrupt presidency in the history of the United States of America.” I’m thinking that this guy must have President Trump confused with the last guy who was in the White House, a fella who was a member of Mr. Cohen’s own party by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, who actually WAS corrupt.

Personally, I would just like to point out that the effects President Trump, at least up to this point, has had on the country are the complete opposite of someone who could even remotely be described as being “a cancer on the country.”  We have the lowest unemployment rate in years, the lowest unemployment EVER for Blacks and Hispanics and more people working than at any time in U.S. history.  Also he has lowered taxes and implemented massive reductions in government regulations.  Yes, President Trump most certainly is a cancer on the country.  Perhaps Mr. Cohen thinks we need more people unemployed, an almost zero GDP, more people on food stamps, higher taxes, less prison reform and less of everything else that President Trump has done. The thought of where we'd be if Hitlery had been elected is what’s truly cancerous.

Democrats seem to be trying to see just who it is that can be seen as the most outrageous. I really couldn’t care less about what scumbag Democrats think; they are the enemy of the United States.  And to be honest, the ONLY cancer that was allowed to grow and mutate was the weaponization of our Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies by the former administration.  Now those involved in the attempted coup and cover up need to be prosecuted for lying and misusing their positions to frame a sitting U.S. President.  Until the public begins seeing indictments they will continue to call into question whether ‘equal justice under the law’ still exists.  If you love your country then the only way to rid our government of this cancer is, the rule of law. Begin by demanding justice from your elected officials.

Out of the mouth of another Democrat comes yet another example of them telling us exactly who and what they really are.  Democrats know they can't impeach the president, his approval ratings now range between 46 and 54%.  He’s popular even with minorities.  The only chance the Democrats have in 2020 is to keep harping on just how bad President Trump is for the country, and hoping that people won’t be in any hurry to see if that’s actually true.  But I continue to doubt that their ploy will work because the economy remains good and people who want jobs, have jobs.  So every day Democrats and their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media will be out there bashing him, while the committees in the House will have hearing after hearing doing their best to wear us down, discouraging us all in their effort to separate us from him.

And imagine if such accusations had been made against President Trump’s predecessor? Anyone making such an accusation would have most assuredly been called out as a racist.  And even though we chose to debate that man on his policies, policies the sole purpose of which was to destroy the very fabric of America, we were still called racists. We were not shy about calling him out on what were blatant lies, nor when it came to those policies that were designed to restrict our freedom.  Granted, we made clear that we viewed him as being a Socialist who attempted to fundamentally transform America. So now because we have a president who loves America, and who has no desire whatsoever to “fundamentally transform” it, all the Democrats can do is to call him, as well as those who support him, names.

In spite of Mr. Cohan’s idiotic accusations made against President Trump, it’s the Democrats, and their drive toward Socialism, who represent the true cancer on this country.  And it was with the elections of Barack Hussein Obama that that cancer can be said to have metastasized into what since then has become, on the part of the Democrat Party, an even more dedicated effort to advance that which is nothing less than a Socialist agenda.  And it is an agenda that is not only anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian and an anti-Semitic, but is also an agenda that is very much anti-American in nature that is now being very aggressively promoted by those like Mr. Cohen within the Democrat Party.  And it has become a very prominent plank of the party’s platform supported by all Democrat candidates as we head toward 2020.

Because of their drive toward Socialism, there is no better analogy for the Democrat Party than comparing it to Cancer.  Look at every single country where Socialism has ever been attempted, and look at the destruction, devastation and poverty that was created. And there is no better example than Venezuela.  This is what the Democrat Party has long been trying to foist onto the American people going all the way back to the days of Woodrow Wilson.  In the past the Democrats have always been a bit more clandestine when it came to what they were really up to, but with the arrival of Barry ‘O’ onto the scene they became much more willing to operate out in the full light of day.  To the point where today every Democrat candidate now running for president in 2020 is actively promoting what is really nothing less than a Socialist agenda.

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