Ah yes, tis good to be a Democrat in a country where
those in a ‘news’ media comprised of little more than propagandists who can be
relied upon to do all that they can in what has been a continuing effort now,
for decades, to squelch any and all unflattering information that has anything
to do with just about any Democrat politician.
Once again we have a Democrat candidate, for president no less, requesting
the media to assist by keeping his rather shady past from the voters.
You see, it was the presidential campaign of ex-vice
president, and now presidential wannabe, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden who recently sent a
letter to every major television network, demanding, yes DEMANDING, that they
keep former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani off the air. Now wouldn’t you think that if the campaign,
as well as the candidate, were genuinely interested in getting the truth out
they wouldn’t now be acting as if they were trying to keep the entire thing
under wraps? Just sayin’!
Anyway, the letter was reported by New York Times
media reporter Michael Grynbaum and the letter states, in part:
are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on
your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald
Trump. While you often fat check his statements in real time during your
discussions, that is no longer enough. By giving him your air time, you are
allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies
into the national conversation.
write to demand that in service to the fact, you no longer book Rudy Giuliani,
a surrogate for Donald Trump who has demonstrated that he will knowingly and
willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative.
However, if we’re being honest, which the Biden
campaign most certainly is not, it’s old ‘Creepy Joe’ who has been the busying
himself by continuing to tell all manner of lies. For instance, it’s ‘Creepy Joe’ who continues
to repeat the Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax even after being
confronted about it at the Iowa State Fair by more than a few media outlets. And yet ‘Creepy’ and his campaign have the
nerve to try to silence Giuliani from doing what, exactly? From simply telling the truth, perhaps?
The statement goes on to state that Giuliani’s
claims about potential corruption by Hunter Biden in Ukraine are “completely
baseless.” So in what universe is the
pointing out of shady activity on the part of ‘Creepy Joe,’ and his druggie son
Hunter, to be considered as “completely baseless?” Giuliani has been involved in investigating
Hunter Biden’s overseas ‘business interests’, which he developed while his
father was in office. And is the same
guy who got booted out of the Navy for doing drugs!
We know that the ex-vice president pressured Ukraine
to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burma Holdings, an oil and gas
company on whose board Hunter Biden sat at the time — a clear conflict of
interest that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden has never explained. We know it because ‘Creepy Joe’ is on video
bragging about it. And ‘Creepy’s’
attempt to silence the opposition — and the media — is virtually unprecedented
in the history of American politics. But
hey, he’s a Democrat.
The Democrats, the ‘fake news’ media and the left in
general all keep claiming how it is that they now have President Trump running
scared. And yet, it would seem to be
‘Creepy Joe’ and the Democrats who are the ones most terrified about what it is
that’s likely to be exposed. The truly frightening
thing is, that most all ‘fake news’ outlets will likely do as ‘Creepy’ asks. They will hide the truth about ‘Creepy’, while
force feeding us ‘fake news’ courtesy of their continuing attacks on President Trump.
The media of today is more focused on chasing
clicks, and expecting your average American to be able to recognize they are
being duped, is wishful thinking.
Because your average American today is a product of our government run
public education system. Most are
clueless about the history of western civilization, and has precious little
understanding of how the American government is structured, or why. And they cannot be bothered to do anything that
might result in becoming better informed.
Most Americans can’t even name one of their two U.S.
Senators or their Congressional Representative.
And since they likely have a room full of participation trophies, many
are arrogant beyond belief. It’s 29% of
American young adults who can’t identify the Pacific Ocean on a map, and 49% who
cannot locate the state of New York. And
yet they can tell you, with some degree of certainty, that President Trump
should be impeached because he colluded with Russians to steal the election
from Hitlery.
The Democrats first created and then raised to an
art form the politics of personal destruction. They hate everything positive President
Trump has done for our Nation. They're little more than a bunch of political
hoodlums who willingly slander anyone who dares to stand in their way in their
quest for power. They live to make all
manner of accusations, true or not, against President Trump and any other
person who speaks out against them. Now, that my friend, is pure scandalous. And yet…
The more his potential
Democrat opponents open their mouths the higher President Trump's numbers go.
This coming election will be absolutely crucial because it will determine if
the Democrats will be able to turn our country into that which would be far
from the utopia that they continue to describe and much more like the Socialist
nightmare that they are desperate to bring about. Democrats, if they win, will take a wrecking
ball to this country, destroying it in what would be record time.
So can we just all please stop pretending that Chris
Wallace is anything other than a leftwing hack and faux journalist just like
his old man was? Because there is simply
no evidence that he is in any way the objective, serious or responsible
‘journalist’ that he professes himself to be.
Nor is he the expert on all matters having to do, no matter how
remotely, with politics that he fancies himself to be. Of course in Wallace’s case the definition of
‘expert’, is more like being a drip under pressure.
But the truth of the matter is that Wallace has
essentially made a career out of being nothing more than a very reliable
propagandist for the Democrat Party. Oh,
and he also just so happens to be one of the many Trump-haters who now populate
Fox News, joined by others with names like Smith, Rivera, Williams, Baier,
Napolitano and McCallum just to name a few who appear regularly on the network
that still touts itself as being ‘Fair and Balanced.’ I watch much less ‘Fox News’ than I once did.
Wallace recently once again showed his true colors
when on Friday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America’s
Newsroom,” he said the “spin” by President Trump’s defenders was “deeply
misleading.” Wallace said, “The spinning
that has been done by the president’s defenders over the last 24 hours since
this very damaging whistleblower complaint came out, the spinning is is not
surprising but it is astonishing, and I think deeply misleading.” So, to tell the truth is now misleading?
Wallace continued by saying “Let’s look at what the
whistleblower says. The whistleblower says it was a troubling call in which the
president asked the Ukrainian president to investigate and to look at the
allegation of this wrongdoing by Vice President Biden and by his son. We now
have a rough transcript of that phone call and that’s exactly what happened.” No, that’s not exactly what happened. I guess when you’re a ‘journalist’ of Wallace’s
supposed stature you see what you want to see?
He said, “What is clear from reading the complaint
that it is a serious allegation, that a lot of it has proven to be borne out
already. The whistle-blower lays out a blueprint from talking to various officials
in the White House, various officials in the State Department. And to dismiss
this as a political hack seems to me to be an effort by the president defenders
to try to make nothing out of something and there is something there.” Merely saying there’s something there,
doesn’t mean that there actually is.
So it’s also according to Wallace, the faux ‘journalist,’
that hearsay is now more viable evidence than what was in the actual transcript. And so using his own rather nutty rationale all
I have to do to be considered immune from any and all investigation for
committing a crime is to run against President Trump and, according Wallace'
argument, it's now an impeachable crime for the president to even ask about it,
cause it might be of value in defeating me in the upcoming election. Duh?
Wallace is an acerbic partisan pretending to be a ‘journalist.’ In truth he is a rotten apple that didn't
fall far from the tree. The Democrats
employ a familiar tactic used extensively across history by accusing their
impending accuser of the very behavior of which they themselves are guilty, and
they do it before anyone has the chance to accuse them of it. This gives them the advantage of being on the
offensive, and of being the first to accuse.
And ‘journalists’ like Wallace provide them with cover.
This is especially effective when the entire media
is on the side of Democrats, the truth notwithstanding. Wallace tries hard to be relevant but instead
comes off sounding more ignorant than knowledgeable by trying to convince his
viewers that what they see taking place right before their eyes doesn’t exist. He
has no clue as to what an actual criminal investigation looks like, but he’s
still arrogant enough to make his ignorant ‘opinions’ known across the
airwaves. He’s nothing but a fraud!
Wallace’s idiotic comments were so off one wonders
if he actually read the document on which he was offering what was really nothing
more than his ‘opinion.’ The major
contention is the fact that President Trump was not the one who brought up
‘Creepy.’ He brought up Crossfire, the company paying for foreign intel on a U.S.
citizen on behalf of Hitlery and the DNC. The President of Ukraine brought up
‘Creepy’ and one wonders what the guy might know since President Trump never
brought him up.
So in what kind of fantasy bubble must Wallace live? We have ‘Creepy’ on videotape bragging about
having strong-armed Ukraine into abandoning its investigation into the company
that hired his unqualified son at $83,000 per month, which is $1 million per
year, because he threatened to withhold a billion dollars in U.S. loan
guarantees if they didn’t fire the prosecutor. Not getting those loans would
have thrown Ukraine into insolvency. Mr.
Wallace, is that not the epitome of corruption?
No? Really?
And it’s ‘journalists’ just like Wallace who are
somehow able to call this a crime yet ignore O-Bummer and Hitlery's then crimes
when asking the Ukraine for dirt on then candidate Trump. They also ignore the fact that three Democrat
Senators, Menendez, Durbin and Leahy sent a letter to Ukraine in an attempt to get dirt on Trump. And they also ignore how O-Bummer, also on
videotape, openly telling the outgoing Russian president to wait after the
elections and he could help them more directly.
Or, Mr. Wallace, what about the fact of how then
O-Bummer asked Ukraine to investigate Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul
Manafort, in 2016. So apparently Wallace
has absolutely no problem with Democrats wanting to impeach President Trump for
doing exactly what O-Bummer did, and which they have been telling the world for
years was necessary to protect American national security. I would argue that Wallace long ago lost any
credibility on absolutely ANY issue.
Wallace’s ‘unique’ skillset would seem to make him a
far better fit at somewhere like the Communist News Network (CNN) or perhaps
even that other network that bills itself as a ‘news’ network but is really
anything but, MSNBC. But I must say that
it has been in recent years that ‘Fox News’ itself has strayed more than just a
little from being what it once was. There was once a time when my TV would be
on ‘Fox News’ from the time I got home from work to when I went to bed. But no longer.
I mean this is so silly it's absolutely nauseating.
Democrats are making the claim that the President of the United States cannot
make an inquiry regarding ‘Creepy Joe’s’ son’s questionable activities in the
Ukraine to the Ukrainian President simply because ‘Creepy’ happens to be
running for office. So that means that no one can ever be investigated as long
as they are running for office somewhere, at some time. Or it is just anyone running against President
Trump or who happens to be a Democrat?
Now how idiotic is that? And Wallace is actually supporting
this position? Not only does the
President have the right to make such inquiries about government corruption,
but a treaty between the U.S. and
Ukraine, signed by ex-president ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton, no less, EXPLICITLY
establishes that there is an existing agreement to investigate ALL forms of
corruptions, including ‘Creepy Joe’s’ corruption. Perhaps our enterprising journalist, Mr. Wallace,
is unfamiliar with that document?
Finally, are we to assume
that Wallace is now in favor of banana republic tactics of throwing out of
office legitimately elected members of the government, including the President,
simply because of political disagreements or because they won an election they
were not expected to? Or does that new
rule apply to only Republicans and, more specifically, only to Donald
Trump? This is very dangerous precedent that
Wallace now seems to be in favor of, and could come to affect ALL future
So let me see if I have this right. Does President
Trump represent the greatest threat that our Republic has ever faced, or does
he not? I mean IF that were actually the
case would the House Democrats now be preparing, and at what is nearly
breakneck speed, to go on yet another two week vacation, also known as a
‘recess?’ Time, or so they claim, that will
allow them an opportunity to get out amongst their constituents.
Immediately after announcing the President Trump
represents what is, by Democrat definition, an existential threat to everything
that the American people hold dear, Democrats started packing their bags in
preparation to get the Hell outta Dodge.
And if we really do need to remove this unstable, treasonous president
immediately, what better time to do that than right after a two week vacation?
You see, Democrats need the American people to be on
board with impeachment and so far we are not. So what are Democrats to do? Obviously, to spend some time with the folks
back home with the specific purpose of ‘educating’ them on the need to impeach President
Trump, and to convince them that he’s guilty of doing something that he didn’t do
while ignoring everything that Hitlery and ‘Creepy’ did do.
It was this past Thursday that some bonehead
California Democrat, Ro Khanna, said, “Congress is about to leave for a
two-week recess.” And this dolt went on
to add that he believes Congress “should not do that” and should remain in
Washington, DC, “to do the work to hold this president accountable.” He said, “The stakes are so high. We have
just announced an impeachment inquiry against the president.”
Yet while Khanna argued that the two-week recess
should be canceled, it was Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff who, on the other hand,
insisted that the vacation will not be a problem for House members. It was during a press conference on Thursday
that ‘Pencil Neck’ said, “We’ll be working through the recess,” indicating that
vacation will not be canceled. But when
is it, exactly, that these clowns EVER actually work?
I have absolutely no doubt that timing of this call
for an “impeachment inquiry” was timed to coincide with this ‘recess’ all
along. These scumbags leave town conveniently
allowing their minions in the ‘fake news’ media to beat their propaganda drum
in an effort to brainwash as many brain dead Americans as they possibly can
before then returning to ‘The Swamp” to
move forward with their witch hunt.
Just be aware, my fellow ‘Deplorable’s,’ there will
be an endless stream of fake news, fake outrages, fake whistle blower stories,
fake doctored video’s as the election draws closer. The deep state doesn't
understand though, that most of us are savvy enough to see through their tricks. Do NOT let it deter you, let’s work our asses
off to get the president re-elected, that is the solution to our problems.
If the Democrats do truly believe that the president
a threat to our country, then what’s the hold up? They need to go for it and move to
impeach! Either that or just shut the
Hell up. They know they can't defeat him
in 2020 so they really have no other option that to get rid of President Trump
before the election. So they need to
strap on a pair and just do it. We, the
American people, dare them!
Look, the Democrats have
long been searching for anything on which they could base their calls for
impeachment. Make no mistake, at this
specific moment in time it is only President Trump that stands in the way of
those who are seeking nothing more than to rob from us everything that our
Constitution guarantees. The American
people cannot, must not, abandon him. To
do so would be to cut our own throats.
President Trump recently made a point that many of
us have known for a very long time when he expressed his frustration with those
in ‘The Swamp”, the Democrats, and the media in particular, for attacking his
staff while giving ex-vice president ‘Creepy Joe’ a pass for what was an
obvious act of corruption in the Ukraine.
I suppose one reason for his growing frustration is the fact that he is
new to the world of politics and all of the corruption, dishonesty and
hypocrisy that it breeds.
Anyway, it was during a press conference in New York
City, on Wednesday, that President Trump took the opportunity to speak about
‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, saying, “If you’re a Democrat, you have automatic protection.” And he went on to say, “That is years and
years of people putting in certain people into positions.” And, as I said, he’s was completely correct in
his assessment of how things work.
Democrats, as we know, can actually get away with murder, just as did
Teddy ‘The Drunk’ Kennedy.
President Trump pointed to the enormous pressure put
on his administration and his staff by Democrats and the media, suggesting that
‘Creepy Joe' and his family experienced nothing similar. He said, “When you look at all of the trauma
that these fakers have caused, and the press, look, much of the press is not
only fake, it is corrupt.” And he said, “These
stories they write are corrupt. They’re so wrong and they know that.” There is no longer a responsible ‘news’
outlet in this country.
President Trump said that House Democrats were
vicious in their pursuit of his administration.
He said, “When you see little Adam Schiff go out and lie and lie and
stand at the mic — smart guy, by the way — stand at the mic and act like he’s
so serious, and then he goes into a room with Nadler and they must laugh their
asses off.” The Democrats know they can say
absolutely anything they want because they will NEVER be called out on
anything, no matter how false or dishonest, they say!
And President Trump is exactly right in everything
he says. And for anyone to claim,
somehow, that he is not is to deny the reality of the situation. Democrats have always gotten away, and
continue to get away, with so much because of a complicit media that simply refuses
to do its job by shining the bright light of truth on what has been a rather
long list of Democrat misdeeds. But
truth is something that no longer exists in today’s ‘news’ media. It long ago went the way of the dodo.
There is no doubt that the liberal ‘fake news’ media
can safely be considered as nothing less than an enemy of the people. They long ago went delinquent when it comes
to what their primary responsibility is supposed to be, that being, of course,
to be a watch dog over those involved in our government, not a lap dog of
either party but an unbiased and objective provider to useful news and
information. Instead, they consistently use
the talking points provided to them by their Democrat masters.
Now imagine, if you can, that we had an honest media
that was aggressive in its efforts to hold both parties equally
accountable. But instead, the Democrats are
continually allowed to operate with complete impunity, able to say and do
anything they please. Laws and rules are
for the little people. ‘Creepy’ is on video bragging about doing the exact same
thing that Democrats claim, without an iota of proof, President Trump did. Thus the reason we no longer take them
And despite the best efforts of those on the left to
keep secret the many questionable activities, both legally and morally, surrounding
the ‘Creepy Joe’ Crime Family, things are managing to get out and will likely
continue to get out. The only question
that remains is, will any of it matter to those who so reliably vote Democrat? Most likely it will not. Because the left has now become so consumed
by their hatred of the president that ‘Creepy’ could be guilty of murder and
still get voted for.
Leftist bureaucrats hiding out of sight in the halls
of the ‘Deep State,’ and Democrat ‘lawmakers’ continue to tag-team to play
dirty. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers,
for the most part, say precious little in defense of the president, who also
just so happens to be a member of their own party. And it’s scum like Romney who continue to do
little more than to backstab the president.
Disgusting! He might as well be a
damn Democrat, as he is absolutely useless.
He’s simply jealous of President Trump.
And so the media exploded with all manner of claims
of how it was illegal for the president to ask a foreign country to interfere
in an election. But ‘Creepy’ is not yet
the president’s official opponent. Democrat primaries have not yet even
started. ‘Creepy’ is however, due to his
on air confession of threatening to Ukraine to not get aid unless they fire the
prosecutor investigating his son as part of a shady company's alleged crimes, a
private citizen who may have committed crimes while in office.
I wouldn’t think that just because one is a potential
candidate for president that that would give one immunity from any criminal
prosecution. But then, being a Democrat
does improve the odds for old ‘Creepy Joe’ in that regard. And the corruption that took place came before
‘Creepy’ had even decided to run for president, but did occur while he was our
vice president. And it’s those in the ‘fake
news’ business who seem to be of the opinion that there’s nothing for which ‘Creepy’
should be prosecuted.
And can you possibly imagine the reaction to the
uncovering of events where President Trump threatened to withhold $1 Billion of
American taxpayer money unless the Ukrainians fired the prosecutor
investigating his son for having received millions of dollars for absolutely nothing? Or can you imagine what would happen if the
president’s son had been given $1.5 Billion by the Chinese after going to China
on Air Force 1? What would the fake new
media and the Democrats do or say then?
I wish I could say that what we are witnessing today
is the beginning of the end for the Democrat Party. The Democrats are truly
desperate. The only shot they have left in their effort to keep President Trump
from being re-elected is their bogus ‘impeachment’ ploy based on hearsay,
rumor, innuendo, a hope and, dare I say, a prayer. Consider the perjury evidence against ‘Slick
Willy’, who was impeached, but not removed from office versus the lack of
evidence against President Trump.
The Democrats are banking
on the fact that most Americans are just too stupid to recognize what it is
that they are up. And while a goodly
number of Americans, especially those who habitually vote for Democrats, are
pretty stupid, it’s far more who are simply uninformed and, frankly, are pretty
content to remain that way. They simply
can’t be bothered by something as trivial as politics. But by the time they realize they should have
been paying attention it will likely be too late, for ALL of us!
Now I’m very well aware that accusations of
hypocrisy get thrown around pretty haphazardly these days, to the point where
many people don’t even pay any attention anymore. But the decision by the Democrats to move
forward with this idiotic and baseless action of impeachment forces me to point
out yet again the blatant hypocrisy they continue to exhibit, and on a daily
basis. The Democrats have been working
tirelessly, since election night 2016, to reverse the outcome of the election
that resulted in Donald J. Trump becoming the 45th President of the United
Perhaps if they devoted as much energy to the truly
important issues facing this country that they have in trying to get rid of
President Trump they might actually accomplish something beneficial and make it
all the easier for them to defeat President Trump, fair and square. But as we have seen on any number of previous
occasions the Democrats really have no interest in taking part in elections
that are fair and square as doing so places far too much to chance. And since their defeat of the president in
2020 is far from certain, preventative measures must now be taken.
And yet it was in May of 2018 that three Democrats wrote
to the Ukrainian government urging it to continue investigations into President
Trump’s ‘alleged’ collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, collusion
later found not to exist. The demand, came
from U.S. Senators Robert Menendez, ‘Little Dick’ Durbin, and Patrick Leahy, all
Democrats of course. Now this sounds
eerily similar to what they now want to impeach the president over. And it was this letter that resurfaced on today
in an opinion piece written by Marc Thiessen in, of the Washington Post.
Ironically, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
declared on Tuesday that the mere possibility that President Trump had asked
Ukraine to continue an investigation of ex-vice president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden —
even without a quid pro quo — was enough to trigger an impeachment inquiry. Keep in mind that ‘Creepy’ boasted in 2018
that he had forced Ukraine to remove its prosecutor by threatening to withhold
$1 Billion in U.S. aid; he did not tell his audience at the Council on Foreign
Relations that the prosecutor was looking into a firm on whose board his son,
Hunter, was serving.
got almost no attention, but in May [2018], CNN reported that Sens. Robert
Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing
concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the
Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S.
assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates
for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators
declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are
disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic]
principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko
“reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important
The Democrats’ letter is available online here. In it, our own ‘Three Stooges’ of
Menendez, Durbin, and Leahy demanded that the Ukrainian government answer their
questions about the Mueller probe, and issued an implied threat: “This reported
refusal to cooperate with the Mueller probe also sends a worrying signal — to
the Ukrainian people as well as the international community — about your
government’s commitment more broadly to support justice and the rule of law.” And yet here we are 18 month later talking
about impeaching a president for doing far less.
And now that the transcript of the infamous phone call that prompted this most
recent brouhaha has been released, once again their much hoped for ‘smoking
gun’ turns out to be just another humongous nothing-burger. The ‘leadership’ of
the Democrat Party consists of malicious power seekers who prey on the weak and
ignorant while spreading their destructive filth for the sole purposes of
prolonging their pathetic grasp on political power. Regardless of whether they are driven by ignorance,
apathy, or greed, they all have one thing in common: they lie.
But Chuckie Schumer was far from satisfied. It was today, during a speech on the Senate
floor, on that Chuckie said, “The release of the transcript of one of President
Trump’s calls with President Zelensky, which just came out, will not assuage
our concerns or the public’s concerns. Based on early reports, it may heighten
them. We must remember the president was reported to have several calls with
President Zelensky over the summer, and his administration has a well-earned
reputation for dishonesty, altered facts, and incomplete disclosure in public
So once again we can very plainly see that no matter
what the actual evidence tells them, Democrats have virtually no interest in it
unless it bolsters whatever is the latest cause for impeaching the president, causes
that they seem to be rapidly running out of.
After all this time, all the money spent, and still they have nothing. And
yet they persist. And if that doesn’t
tell you what this is really all about, nothing will. I mean it’s mindboggling! And there seems to be no end in sight for
this insanity. How is it that Democrats
see this as being helpful to them in 2020?
And am I the only one to find it disgusting how our
country's supposed ‘mainstream media’ as well as RINO's like Mitt Romney, had absolutely
no problem whatsoever back in 2012 when President O-bummer, while running for re-election
and as our Commander–in-Chief, was caught in a hot mic moment whispering to the
outgoing RUSSIAN President Medvedev: “I'll have more flexibility when I'm re-elected,”
to which Medvedev responded back by whispering to then president O-Bummer, “I
understand, I will transmit this information to Putin.” But hey, no big deal, right?
And Pelosi's statement yesterday was a farce. There
is NO formal impeachment inquiry. For
that to happen, the entire House has to vote. What she did yesterday was to
throw a bone to the radical wing of her party. Funny part is, they're stupid
enough to believe that anything has changed.
She's trying to have it both ways by making it seem as if there's an
official impeachment investigation while at the same time protecting the 40
moderates in districts President Trump won by not taking an actual vote. She
has NO AUTHORITY to launch an official impeachment inquiry.
Nancy also kind of let the cat out of the bag
yesterday when she said “the important thing is that he can't win.” You see, the Democrats are using the House
committees as an opposition research firm with the goal being the digging up of
as much dirt as they can on President Trump before the election. They know the
Senate won't even take impeachment up, so there's no chance of the president
being removed. It's all designed to drive down President Trump's approval ahead
of 2020. Based on his current approval of 53%, they are failing miserably and
this will only make it worse.
The Democrats have spent nearly three years in their
continuing attempt to concoct some manner of scenario on which they could then
base their desire to impeachment the president over a non-crime. And they use their willing accomplices in the
‘fake news’ media to assist in the scam to convince the American people that
President Trump has done something so bad that he needs to be forced from office.
The problem with the impeachment scenario is that all the American people have
seen coming from the Democrats is nothing short a bunch of baseless theories.
But it’s at the same time that President Trump has
been like Lucy with the football and the Democrats like Charlie Brown. The fake scandal is, again, ‘orange man bad.’ The actual scandal is ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden who,
as vice president of the United States, is on video bragging about strong-arming
Ukraine into ending its investigation of his son Hunter. ‘Creepy’s’ action allowed his son to profit
from Ukraine, and he also later helped his drug addict, dishonorably Navy
discharged son to some Chinese money as well. Democrats learned nothing from their Mueller
So what is it, exactly, that the Democrats really
see as being their primary reasons for continuing with their attempts to make the
case that President Trump is somehow worthy of being taken out of the running,
aka impeached, before November 2020.
Might it have something to do with any of the following?
* Lowest black & Hispanic unemployment in
* 13 straight months of 3% or higher wage gains
* Replaced NAFTA
* 7 trillions dollars added to the stock market
* Criminal justice reform
* VA choice (allowing vets to see private doctors)
* Right to try (allowing terminal patients access to
new drugs)
* Rebuilt the military
* Crushed ISIS
* Save the Seas Act (to help clean up the oceans)
* Launched initiative to protect LGBT rights
* Pardoned Alice Marie Johnson and Jack Johnson
* Secured the release of 3 hostages from North Korea
* Secured the release of 3 black basketball players
from China
* Secured the release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey
* Secured the release of rapper A$AP from Sweden
* Appointed 150 Federal Judges and 2 SC Justices
* Created opportunity zones for inner city and rural
* Launched an initiative to reduce opioid deaths
* Cut personal and corporate taxes
* Donates his entire salary to charity
And the only Democrat
response to all of this? Pretty simply
really: “He must be impeached!” Or to
use Pelosi’s own words, “the important thing is that he can't win.” Important to whom, exactly? Why must we continue to be subjected to what
the Democrat Party and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media deem as being
important? Impeachment inquiry? Seriously? With all of the corruption and malfeasance
committed by the Democrats, now we must tolerate yet another insane attempt to
frame President Trump based on nothing more than their hatred of him?
Racist Georgia Democrat, John Lewis, said Tuesday it
is now time to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump, after
continued calls from many of his Democrat ‘colleagues.’ But impeach him for what, exactly? Assumptions? Just because they don’t like him? Because he plays their wacky head games better
than they do? Or perhaps for destroying
Lewis’ voters base by reducing black unemployment? What?
I have just five words for the Democrats: ‘Shut up and DO IT!’
It was from the House floor that this corrupt old
bigot said, “We cannot delay. We must not wait. Now is the time to act. I have
been patient while we tried every other path and used every other tool. We will
never find the truth unless we use the power given to the House of Representatives
and the House alone.” And he went on to
say, “I truly believe the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this
president has come. To delay or to do otherwise would betray the foundation of
our democracy.”
Despite Nancy Pelosi’s apparent reluctance to push
for impeachment, there are currently 126 Democrats who support impeachment or
an impeachment inquiry, compared to the 109 Democrats who don’t support
impeachment or impeachment inquiry, at least so far. Pelosi has said she believes president Trump
is “goading” Democrats into impeaching him from office because he thinks it
will help him fire up his base. And it’s
on that that I think the crazy old hag is probably right.
Many of Pelosi’s Democrat colleagues have continued
to push for impeaching President Trump, such as Democrats Al ‘The Caveman’ Green,
who broke with Pelosi when he vowed to force a vote to impeach President Trump
in late March. Green, who previously had
several bills to impeach President Trump overwhelmingly rejected by the House
of Representatives, called for a third impeachment vote. Pelosi said impeachment was “just not worth
it” in a March interview.
Lewis is nothing more than a race-baiting moron. And
it was either he or that other racist POS Elijah Cummings (2 rotten peas in the
same pod) who years ago said millions of slaves had been thrown overboard from
the slave ships trekking from Africa to the Caribbean. And that sharks still troll those same trade
routes waiting for more slaves to feast on. And this low life is still squatting in the
Congress sucking $185,000 a year out of the taxpayers. Yes sir, this is what
passes for Democrat intellect.
I wish these Democrats would just go ahead with this
insanity and try to impeach President Trump. But all they do is talk, talk, and
then talk some more. Either put up, or
shut up! These dolts are so consumed
with their hatred of the president they can even think straight. If they ever could! But sadly, we’ve had more than a few RINOs
willing to join them, scumbags who need to be removed from office at our
earliest convenience because they are no longer of any use.
Lewis is a perfect example of the afterbirth of the
civil rights movement. He was only a peripheral player then, but by being a
natural born hustler he has carved out a life by convincing people that it’s
still 1964 and the whole nation is Philadelphia, Mississippi. He has caused more hopelessness, despair,
death and damage to the black community than the KKK could have in a thousand
years and the WORST part is that got rather rich doing it and did it all on
taxpayer money.
But continue on, John. Indulge
your petty, idiotic fantasy of trying to impeach President Trump. PLEASE! All
your pedantic effort will do is waste time and OUR money- even if the Democrat
fools, idiots, misfits, miscreants, and misanthropes in ‘the majority’ DO vote
to impeach the president, it will NEVER fly in the Senate, and truthfully, your
charges are so meritless, petty, childish, and not provable that the people, or
least most of them, will never accept your baseless impeachment vote.
Yes there was once a time when I thought old Judge
Napi actually knew what he was talking about, but that now seems such a long
time ago. These days he sounds as
unhinged as does just about any Democrat.
Rumor has it he went asking for a seat on the Supreme Court and
President Trump turned him down, so since then old Napi seems to have gone all
Scaramucci. So I’d say we dodged a
rather sizable bullet.
And I say that because it was on Monday of this week,
on Fox Business Network, that Napi let fly with his latest rant directed at the
president saying President Trump’s call to the Ukraine president where he has
confirmed he mentioned 2020 presidential candidate and ex-vice president ‘Creepy
Joe’ Biden was an “act of corruption,” if true. But wasn’t the act of
corruption actually committed by ‘Creepy Joe?’
Anyway, Judge Napi said, “I think this is the most
serious charge against the president, far more serious than what Bob Mueller
dug or dragged up against him. If there was a quid pro quo. It does appear as
though a quarter of a billion dollars in defensive weaponry was held back for a
period of time while these eight conversations were going on between the
And Napi continued, “If you are the President of the
United States and making a conversation that you know your intelligence
community is listening to, of course you’re not going to articulate a quid pro
quo. You’ll just make the quid pro quo happen.”
Napi needs to unclench and deal with reality like other former
anti-Trumpers who’ve found that President Trump is actually on our side.
He added, “This is probably the end of Joe Biden’s
presidency and it ought to be the end of his dream for the presidency, but
doesn’t diminish one iota what the current president is doing which if an act
of — if true, we haven’t seen the whistleblower complaint, and, under the law
it has to be revealed — if true, this is an act of corruption.” ‘If’ true?
“Rumor has it Judge Napi is a pedophile, if true why is he still on TV?”
And you know, that has to be one of the dumbest
things I think I’ve ever heard from this boob, unless, of course, he was being
sarcastic, which I doubt. The president
hasn’t committed a single crime. Napi can’t name one illegal action he’s taken,
yet he will still sit there and lie. The cognitive dissonance is remarkable
when it comes to today’s Democrat’s.
They ignore facts and just spew emotional drivel. It’s pathetic.
And yet, not a single word was uttered about how
Hunter Biden received a $3 Million payment from this company. Not a single word about the $650,000 payment
he received from a front company for the Bank of China. Not a single word of the $1.2 Million payment
he received from a shell company represented by a Swiss bank which was under no
less than six separate investigations for money laundering.
And let’s be honest here, Napi, how is what the
president did any different than if the Mexican president had called President Trump
and told him a Mexican citizen suspected of drug crimes is doing business in
America and always comes back to Mexico with lots of money, please look into it
and have your FBI investigate. Nations cooperate like this. This is not corrupt
nor is it, by any measure, an act of treason.
If ‘Creepy Joe’ is suspected of corrupt business
practices then the President, as the chief law enforcement officer of our
nation, besides having the authority, also has every right, to vocalize this
with other national leaders where he might be doing corrupt business. It just goes to show the lengths these
‘NeverTrumpers’ will go in their continuing effort to bring down our duly
elected president.
Look, it’s pretty common knowledge that the Bidens
engaged in what was nothing less than extortion and money laundering with the
prior Ukrainian administration. With a
new president in place, President Zelensky, it was ENTIRELY appropriate for our
president to mention it to him and suggest that it be investigated and the fact
that ‘Creepy Joe’ is a presidential candidate is Creepy’s problem, not the president’s.
And as a matter of fact, I suspect that when ‘Creepy
Joe’ announced his candidacy he did so knowing full well that with a new
Ukrainian president, President Trump would bring his misdeeds to President
Zelensky's attention, and hoped to prevent that just by being a candidate. Now he has the nerve to cry foul for being
called out for having actually bragged about his blatant act of corruption on
behalf of son, Hunter.
And does Napi seriously think that after all the
corruption, including a coup attempt, against President Trump by the ‘Deep
State’ the public is going to tolerate this attempt to say there was a quid pro
quo with the Ukrainians while ignoring the ACTUAL interference by ‘Creepy
Joe’? Judge Napi seems to forget the
Ukrainians have already confessed to helping the DNC to try to kneecap then-candidate
And by continuing to attack the president in such an
insidious manner old Judge Napi has only succeeded in revealing himself to be someone
who is nothing but a fool and a dupe of the left. And in so doing he has made it very clear
that President Trump was quite correct in passing him over for a seat on the
high court. And it is his attacks on the
president that say far more about him than they say about the president.
I find it all rather strange that this supposed
judicial analyst, Napi, fails to recognize the fact that ‘Creepy Joe’ has
committed a very serious crime against our nation and it’s President Trump’s
job as chief of law enforcement to gather the evidence and protect our nation
from these kinds of crimes. Just like in our big cities, it’s actions taken to
actually enforce our laws that are now actually said to be the crime.
What kind of a Judge was Napi? I mean the President asks a government if our
ex-vice president, now looking to be our next president, used our taxpayer
money to extort a foreign government and the good judge thinks that’s the
corruption taking place here? Fox has got to get a new lineup. Napi would be a far better fit over at the
Communist News Network (CNN) or the Mostly Stupid News Broadcasting Company
The main argument here
seems to be that it’s anyone running for office, as long as they are a
Democrat, can’t be held accountable for their crimes. Yet it’s according to them that Trump
committed a crime merely by running for office. And he has been accused of
behaving like some tin horn, banana republic despot whenever he tries to hold
our supposed leaders accountable for their obvious corruption. Make sense?
Carl Bernstein is really nothing more than another
of ‘journalism’s’, one trick ponies. He’s
been living off the ‘Watergate’ days for decades, desperate to revive the glory
days of what is a rather dubious past.
And it was over the weekend that he made what was yet another rather
weak attempt when on Sunday, on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Bernstein said if
President Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate 2020
presidential hopeful and ex-vice
president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s son Hunter Biden, it echoes the days of “Watergate.”
Bernstein said, “Well, I think the first thing is to
find out exactly what has happened here. And if the reporting of Shane Harris
and The Wall Street Journal is accurate and it seems to be it clearly moves
toward a grievance abuse of power by the president of the United States.”
He added, “I keep getting asked are there echoes of
Watergate in this? And there are in the following ways, Watergate was an
attempt by Richard Nixon to undermine the democratic electoral process in the
United States our basis of democracy by trying through political espionage and
sabotage to nominate through political dirty tricks and misinformation its
weakest candidate, George McGovern instead of its strongest candidate, Senator
Edmund Muskie who Nixon didn’t want to run against.”
Bernstein continued, “And something in the same
thing seems to be happening here, where Biden who Trump and his people said
they fear the most in terms of being an opponent has been an object of these
perhaps dirty tricks and abuses of power.” And he said, “One thing Nixon never
did was engage a foreign power to investigate a candidate running for office in
the United States. It is a big offense if this is what happened, and it seems
to be.”
How is it that anyone with an ounce of commonsense
is still able to take this boob seriously, especially whenever the subject of
the conversation is President Trump?
Come on folks, that old Carl is still able to convince anyone to put his
raggedy old ass on television tells you all you really need to know about the
current state of our supposed ‘news’ media, but then we are talking about the
Communist News Network, CNN, also known as ‘fake news’ headquarters. And what is it that President Trump could do
that this leftist dolt would not see as an echoing of Watergate.
But I do think that most intelligent people are able
to recognize that there is a very sizable difference between Watergate and
asking the government of the country where the crime was actually committed, to
investigate the crime so the perpetrators can then be held criminally liable
for what they have done. This boob Bernstein
is like a 75-year-old ex-high school football star who caught the winning touchdown
pass back in the 1964 homecoming game and never went on to do much of anything
else. And today, he's still talking
about it and hoping someone, anyone, will listen.
Like I said, Bernstein is desperate for a return to
his ‘glory’ days and therefore sees examples of mythical political wrongdoing everywhere
that he can then uncover allowing him to regain his former stature. Poor old Carl, still trying to be relevant. He's
never recovered from having to play second fiddle to Woodward, even in the
movie they cast Robert Redford as Woodward, and Dustin Hoffman as Bernstein. That's how the world sees them, Woodward as
Sundance, and Bernstein as Tootsie. Must
be hard on the old ego for him to be nothing more than the perennial sidekick.
Democrats always falsely accuse Republicans of doing
exactly what it is that they themselves are doing, or have done. Crooked Hitlery colluded with almost everyone
except the American people in her failed presidential run. ‘Creepy Joe’ used pressure to get Ukraine to
drop a probe into activities of his son, Hunter . The only stories with ‘Echoes
of Watergate’ in the last 5 years were Hitlery’s emails, which she got rid of
in a Nixonian effort recollecting the 18 minutes of missing audiotape and
O-Bummer heading up a spy operation on an opposing party’s presidential
How is what the president did is in any way, shape,
or form like Watergate? Did someone
break into someone’s office and steal info? Did the President then try to cover that
activity up? NO! What actually undermines our Democratic
electoral process is letting criminals like ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, O-Bummer, both the
Clintons and every other Democrat POS get away with committing actual crimes that
they then try to project onto to those whose only ‘crime’ is that they happen
to be your political opponents. This is
how the Democrats have operated for decades.
Russia-Gate was said to be worse than Watergate,
then Comey-Gate was worse than Watergate, Trump Tower Gate was worse than
Watergate, and now Ukraine Gate is said to be worse than Watergate. Bernstein
is so stupid you’d think he would tout Watergate was the worst ever, since
that's his stupid, claim to fame. He is so dense, he doesn't even get how he is
diminishing his own story. When you're a
hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When you're Carl Bernstein, apparently
everything looks like Watergate unless the players involved are, of course, Democrats.
Fine, Nixon was a Republican and was caught doing
something marginally scandalous 40 some years ago. The current batch Democrat
lawbreakers are guilty of doing far worse and yet there’s no outrage from boobs
like Carl. It’s because they've merely
created systems whereby they can protect one another so that none of them are
ever held to account. Nixon's crime was in
trying to see what opposition who'd stolen an election from him, was up to. I would argue that that pales in comparison
when placed up against what we’ve seen coming from the likes of Barry, Hitlery
and Joe.
The level of insanity that
we now see coming from those on the left, like Carl, has gone way beyond
anything that we saw during Nixon’s presidency.
And it’s all driven by their hatred of a man whose only ‘crime’ is the
fact that he won an election. Well, it
isn’t only that he won, it’s that he was able defeat, and in rather humiliating
fashion, she who the Democrats were doing their best to sell as being the
single most qualified individual EVER to run for the office she was
seeking. And along comes this outsider,
this complete political novice who succeeded in sending her packing.
It has been for decades that the ‘Chicken Littles’
of the world have been sounding the ‘climate change’ alarm. First it was about a coming ice age and more
recently it’s about how we need to be more concerned, worried even, about what
they once described as ‘global warming’ but now describe it in far more generic
terms as mere ‘climate change’ or even ‘climate disruption.’ But how it’s described by those on the left it
is really unimportant for the very simply reason that it’s all nothing more
than one grand work of political fiction and nothing more. Absolutely nothing.
I can say that because it has been over the course
of those many decades that those in the ‘scientific’ climate community as well
as the many in the so-called environmental ‘movement’ have not gotten even one
prediction correct, and they now have a perfect record of getting 41
predictions spectacularly wrong. In
other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called ‘experts’ have predicted
some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent, and it just never quite
materialized. Not once have these
alarmists had one of their predictions come true.
Think about that, these so-called experts are now 0
for 41 in their predictions, yet those of us who are skeptical of prediction
number 42, the one that says unless we immediately convert to socialism and
allow Alexandria Occasional-Crazy to control and organize our lives the
planet will become uninhabitable, we are commonly referred to as ‘flat-earthers.’
Why would any sane person ever listen to someone with a 0-41 record? Why would we completely restructure our
economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for “experts” who are 0-41, who have
never once gotten it right?
Here is the source for numbers 1-27. As you will
see, we are not talking crackpots, but scientific studies and media reports on
“expert” predictions. The sources for numbers 28-41 are not listed but can be
easily located online.
1. 1967: Dire
Famine Forecast By 1975
2. 1969:
Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
3. 1970: Ice
Age By 2000
4. 1970:
America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New
Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
6. 1972: New
Ice Age By 2070
7. 1974:
Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
8. 1974:
Another Ice Age?
9. 1974:
Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling,
Famines imminent
11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in
14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018
(they’re not)
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations
if Nothing Done by 2000
17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway
Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up
Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free
Arctic by 2013
23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have
96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save
The Planet From Catastrophe’
25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013
Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
And then we have the following cockamamie predictions:
28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural
30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in
33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by
39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land
40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
So what we have here is a pretty piss-poor record
for something we’ve been told is now, and has been for a very long time,
“settled science” about an apocalypse that we’re told will arrive in little
over a decade. Only a fool comes running
after the 42nd crying of wolf. Everywhere
I can think of weather is behaving exactly as weather always has,
unpredictably. Think about it, how often
is it that your local weather guy, or gal, ever gets it right. Being a TV weather-guesser is the only job I
know of where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still keep your job.
The world in which we live is constantly changing,
and climate is not one that is in anyway, static. So why is it that those on the left are always
so much in a hurry to declare that mankind is responsible for any and all
changes that may occur? It’s because mankind
has absolutely nothing to do with these changes other than how those on the
left are then able to exploit those changes to further what is an agenda that
is very much hazardous to America by allowing those on the left to acquire even
more political power and therefore more control over the ‘governed.’
Now of course those on the left will say, or do, anything
they have to in their continuing quest for power. And of course they will aggressively deny that
their supposed concerns have absolutely anything to do with anything other than
their concern for future generations.
And if you believe that I have some prime oceanfront property in Arizona
I can let you have very cheap. The
person who thinks humans can alter the climate/weather in any measurable amount
is either a nut, a moron, a scam artist or someone who has simply refused to do
their homework.
The Globalists want to control the world. To
accomplish this they require money and lots of it (Carbon Tax). They also
require a perceived threat that is global in nature (climate control). They
also require a mechanism to propagate their 24/7/365 propaganda (MSM). And they require the institutions to dumb down
and indoctrinate our youth (DOE, Universities, Public Schools, Revised History,
Revised science). They need to destroy the nucleus of western culture (the
family). Next they need to turn people
against one another (Democrats/identity politics).
And, AND, they need to
create as much social chaos as possible (illegal immigration and no borders).
They need to prevent the citizens from revolting (gun confiscation). Lastly,
they need to overthrow the government, the Constitution and the will of the
people (Attempted coup of President Trump).
Folks, it's all playing out right in front of our eyes. All people need
to do is to open their eyes and have the courage to accept the reality. And that is what all of these climate zealots
are desperate to keep from happening.
They don’t want anyone pulling back the curtain.