Thursday, May 7, 2020


Let’s be honest here, shall we, the one thing that the Democrats have going for them that the Republicans quite simply NEVER will, is that EVERYONE, even those who habitually vote for them, know that the Democrat Party is little more than an odd assortment of all manner of perverts, drunkards, Klansmen, drug addicts as well as one or two of those who are actually guilty of murder.  And according to a recent Monmouth poll regarding ‘Creepy Joe’s strange exploits from 27 years ago, most Democrats don’t think that the allegation that he sexually assaulted a Senate staffer in 1993 is true or if it is they just don’t care.  But whether or not they think it’s true or not, it’s unlikely to have any measureable whether or not they will for him.

The poll asked 739 registered voters if it is “probably true” or “probably not true” that ‘Creepy Joe’ assaulted Tara Reade, and a plurality of 37 percent said it was “probably true,” while only 32 percent said it is “probably not true.”  By a wider margin of 43 to 22 percent, Independent voters believe the allegation is true.  So ‘Creepy Joe’ only has 32 percent of the public believing he is innocent of a violent sexual assault.  About a third of voters, 31 percent, said they don’t know either way.  Reade claims that while working in ‘Creepy Joe’s Senate office in 1993, and he not only sexually harassed her, but assaulted her with his fingers. Reade further alleges she was fired in retaliation for filing a harassment complaint.

For his part, ‘Creepy Joe’ is behaving like the guiltiest man alive, hiding out, picking only friendly media appearances with fake journalists like Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd who will never ask him about the credible allegation.  ‘Creepy Joe’ has also been caught lying about Ms. Reade, asking prominent women to lie on his behalf, and is engaging in a cover-up of his Senate papers at the University of Delaware, which might corroborate Reade’s claim she filed an official harassment complaint.  By the way, Reade is ‘Creepy Joe’s’ eighth accuser.  But it’s doubtful that any of it will matter, at least to Democrats who, like Pelosi, see it all as being nothing other than ‘Joe just being Joe.’  Which, when you stop to think about it, it’s really pretty sick.   

This poll also lines up with a Morning Consult poll that shows only 20 percent of Democrats think the Reade allegation is serious enough for ‘Creepy Joe’ to be replaced as the party’s 2020 presidential nominee.  And it’s the other 80 percent of Democrats who either think that the allegation isn’t true or don’t care if it’s true, which would be quite typical.  Meanwhile, it was 50 percent of Republicans who think the allegation is true while the other 50 percent either don’t think it is, or don’t know or care if it is.  And when it comes to those mythical Independents, it’s 43 percent to think the allegation is true while the other 57 percent don’t think it is, or don’t really care if it is.  So that’s where we seem to be, at least politically speaking.

Donald Trump once said in what was locker room talk to another guy, that women let him because he’s so wealthy...that is, it's consensual.  And yet the left screams bloody murder, endlessly claiming that he’s somehow sexually assaulting women.  Meanwhile, there's evidence of ‘Creepy Joe’ actually doing it, and the silence from those on the left is deafening.  Because, of course, it doesn't count if their guy is the guilty one, in that instance it’s just ‘Joe being Joe,’ you know, the guy who swims nude in front of female secret service agents.  It’s someone on the opposite side who’s said to be acting inappropriately and is guilty regardless of the fact that there’s zero evidence of any actual guilt.  Just look at what they did to Judge Kavanaugh.

But when it comes to ‘Creepy Joe,’ I for one believe he did it.  And what do I base that on?  Well, granted most of it’s circumstantial evidence, but there is cause to assume guilt based on his decades of questionable behavior.  After all, not only did his accuser tell many people at the time, but there is reams of ammunition available to prove all of ‘Creepy Joe’s’ frequent and grossly inappropriate groping and kissing of both women and children.  Ironically he even came out awhile back with an utterly ludicrous statement proclaiming his “defense of women.”  It’s just all so bizarre.  And he comes across as being a guy who’s guilty.  So Despite Pelosi declaring the matter closed, for a great many Americans I think the matter remains very much open.  

But regardless if true or not, it’s not important enough to dissuade Democrats from voting for ‘Creepy Joe,’ because they hate President Trump that much.  As I said, those who tend to vote for Democrats know what kind of people they are voting for.  They are vile, disgusting hypocrites, but people will still vote for them because they know Democrats give out lots of ‘free’ stuff to any of those willing to vote for them.  And as long as we have those who are only too happy to put what’s best for themselves over what’s really best for their country as a whole, these scumbag Democrats will continue to be elected and they will continue to run our country into the ground every chance they get.  And ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is no different!

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