Tuesday, February 25, 2025


To be blunt, I have virtually no respect for anyone who, whether for personal and/or political gain or simply out of spite, chooses to attack anyone who seeks only to, at least, make the attempt to repair the decades long amount of damage that has been done to this country by our supposed leaders of both parties. How pathetic of an individual must one be to do such a thing? But it’s Chris Christie who seems to be just such an individual. So I’m curious, does Christie still possess delusions grandeur about becoming president? Most likely so! And yet he very clearly cares very little about the future of this country or the welfare of its citizens. Christie only cares about himself.

Scum like Christie will routinely say whatever they think necessary to get themselves put in front of a camera. And it was as recently as this past Sunday that we once again saw Christie in action, kowtowing to yet another ‘fake news’ media hack while attacking President Trump in what was very clearly another sad attempt on his part to somehow make himself appear relevant. Christie appeared on ABC’s “This Week” and made the accusation that the Trump administration was functioning like a “clown car.” Christie is such old news. He’s a relic, a political dinosaur. And he reeks of desperation as he is more willing than ever to gain a little attention for himself.

Christie is the epitome of all that it means to be a loser, both in politics and in life. He represents everything that people hated about the Old Republican Party. Christie doesn’t know anything, he governed New Jersey like a Democrat and put Leftists in judgeships. The man is a clown himself, so why pay him any attention. RINOs love to show how ‘tough’ they are, but they are anything but tough. And I find it all more than a little odd that anyone wishing to be taken seriously as a ‘journalist’ would actually take the time seek out this morbidly obese RINO who left office with an 11 percent approval rating for comment. He’s even more incompetent than the media.

Anyway, it was resident hack and host Martha Raddatz who asked, “I want to start with what Elon Musk did on Saturday which was order all federal employees to list their accomplishments or basically be fired. Can he do that?” Christie said, “Well, no, he can’t. Let’s look at it a few ways, Martha. First is from a legal perspective. You have a situation where it is a complete overstep for him to be asking people, what did you do in the last week, and then use that as a basis to evaluate whether someone should be retained or fired. You know, as with everybody’s employment, things vary from week to week.” So typical for ABC and very predictable for Christie.

Christie went on to say, “I think that if that went to court with an employee who was fired, if Mr. Musk and his minions didn’t find what they did in the last week acceptable, there would be very little, if any, legal basis for them to be able to prevail, meaning the government.” He added, “Secondly, as a former governor too, from a management perspective, you can see what a clown car this is right now because you’ve got, for instance, FBI Director Kash Patel appropriately emailing his people in response saying, don’t answer it. Don’t answer the questionnaire. Any review process will be done internally by the FBI."

He said, “Same thing from the National Security Agency. Same thing from the acting U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia. So, you know, you have people doing this, pointing in each direction. You do this, you do that. It shows that, again, this type of idea of Musk coming in there with the chainsaw that he was famously brandishing at a political event in Washington, D.C., this week, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Running government is a lot more complicated than that. Hopefully they get their act together at some point.” No, it isn’t “a lot more complicated”. In 2023-24, federal revenue was 4.4 trillion, and spending was 6.1 trillion. It’s basic math.

When you’re spending 39 percent more than you earn, you have to make cuts, or you end up bankrupting your entire enterprise. You have to cut non-essential spending. And first, you have to figure out where that is. Christie is amazingly ignorant. Even in businesses, you will have people who say you can’t make cuts. It’s called entitlement. Bless his little heart. His political career is over, he has no real skills of any kind, so he has to get by making the rounds around Trump bashing circuit. It must be tough knowing that’s all you’ve got. But those like ABC are constantly on the lookout for disaffected ‘Republicans’ and/or Trump haters. And Christie certainly fits the bill.

Christie must realize that his days in politics are over, that he’s irrelevant. He has joined a long line of RINOs like Michael Steele, Bill Kristol, Jonas Goldberg, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Barnes, and many more that would simply take too much space to list. Christie is but the latest clown to emerge as a political darling to the liberal media. The media loves to question failed, bitter critics of Donald Trump and try to pass them off as legitimate conservatives. America knows the truth, these people are sellouts who have turned their back on conservative ideology and principles all in the name of making a buck. No one takes them seriously anymore.

Christie is a national embarrassment. This RINO has proved himself to be completely worthless the moment he had that bridge fiasco in New Jersey when he was governor. His subsequent and embarrassing presidential campaigns were also all bluster and no substance whatsoever. He was simply there to act as a thorn in the side of his opponents. We’ve had enough of the shysters running Washington. Look at where it’s gotten us. It’s time to bring in business professionals to clean up the mess. Being a federal employee doesn’t come with automatic tenure. It happens with every administration. There’s really nothing new here, nothing sinister despite what he claims.

Christie seems to be off on a false tangent here. “Failure to reply to the email” is considered resignation, not the content of the bullet points themselves. I could see how some bullet points may lead to a request for more information, but failure to reply is what’s stated. Perhaps DOGE simply needs to learn who actually monitors and responds to their email. I would imagine full-time employees who work diligently from home would have no problem with this request and the ones who do not are likely part of the problem. Every boss should know what his subordinates are doing, from regular staff meetings to informal discussions. There must be accountability.

Christie bet on the wrong horse and has been reduced to a blathering irrelevant nobody. He can appear on all of these left-wing talk shows, and they can pretend that there’s an ounce of truth to what he says, but there isn’t. Christie is one of the clowns that the media hacks always run to when looking for a ‘Republican’ to trash President Trump. President Trump is his bread and butter; he’d be nothing without him. Christie is a failed Presidential candidate and a governor who was booted by his constituents. He literally has nowhere to run and zero party recognition or acceptance. So, he’s only too quick to accept the only offers that still come his way.

President Trump’s greatest contribution to the American republic has been to pull back the curtain to reveal just how much the Republican and Democrat Party establishments hate the American people. Securing our nation’s borders, seeking equitable trade deals, reforming the corrupt tax code, acknowledging basic biology, working to audit government spending and treating Americans with dignity and respect is the action of a “clown car” to our elites. In just one month this administration has accomplished more than Joey did in four years. You may not agree with their direction, but you can’t say that they haven’t been moving at high speed.

President Trump has a finite amount of time to get this country headed back in the right decision. And it’s great to see all of these RINOS and Democrats melting down over what President Trump is doing because, if nothing else, it means that he is directly over the target and is doing exactly what it is that needs to be done. Christie has long made his living by saying stupid nonsense that a small group of rich people desperately want to believe is true. His nonsense then gets bounced around the ‘fake news’ media regardless of the fact that it patently untrue. In reality it’s nothing but noise and has absolutely nothing to do with what’s actually happening in the world.

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