Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Well the Democrats seem to be trying to cover all their bases when it comes to trying to convince the American people that they’re NOT REALLY in favor of “defunding the police.’  But the sad truth of it all is that they actually ARE in favor of “defunding the police.”  The most recent Democrat propagandist and ‘fake news journalist’, ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace recently came out doing his best at simply trying to laugh off all the claims that the Democrats would ever be in favor of doing such a thing.  And it was as recently as yesterday that ‘Commie Chris’ said that the “vast majority” of Democrats do not support calls to defund the police.  But anyone who has actually been paying attention knows that that is exactly what Democrats are wanting to do. 

It was in trying to downplay the insanity that Commie Chris’ said, “The defund police thing is certainly a call from protestors and people on the left-wing, the far left of the Democratic Party. But it isn’t just Joe Biden. The vast majority of Democratic leaders in this country are not supporting that.”  And then he went on to say, “They are not talking about defund police. I understand there is something of a split in the party, but I gotta say the vast majority of the party doesn’t want to go that far among other reasons because they know it’s too far to the left, too extreme for the vast majority of voters in this country.”  Frankly, I found it all pretty remarkable that ‘Commie Chris’ was able to make it through while maintaining a straight face.

And ‘Commie Chris’ even went on to say, “There are people on the far left of the party, the so-called Squad, people like Ilhan Omar, but we have seen this before whether it was on the Green New Deal or Medicare for all that certainly is an element of the party, but not the majority of the party. The Democrats seem to be united very much among the more moderate liberalism, certainly liberal, certainly to the left of the Republicans, but not the extreme left that you have seen among in members of the Squad. When it comes down to the election, and it’s a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, do I have any doubt where Ilhan Omar is going to go? No. She’s going to vote for Joe Biden.”  As is ‘Commie Chris’ without a doubt!!!

So once again we have ‘Commie Chris’ being factually inaccurate, because it’s over half of all Democrats who actually do support it, according to the polls.  But then ‘Commie Chris’ is another of those who while they refer to themselves as ‘journalists’ aren’t exactly known for their integrity, honesty, objectivity or, for that matter, actually being bona fide journalists.  He’s known more for being little more than a creative bullshitter who’s willing to say just about anything in defense of his beloved Democrat Party.  You can no more believe him than you can any of those clowns who appear on the Communist News Network (CNN) or on MSDNC.  But then this should come as no surprise, ‘Fox News’ ceased being ‘Fair & Balanced’ some time ago. 

‘Commie Chris’ was once again, and in what has become typical fashion for him, demonstrating that you don’t really need facts when reporting the ‘news,’ you only need to sound convincing in your delivery as you go about simply making things up as you call along, much like the way his old man, Mike, did and much like old Dan Blather did as well. And, if we’re being honest, much in the same way that that supposed icon of ‘journalism’ Walter Cronkite, did.  If you REALLY believe it's true, evidence is pretty much superfluous, it just clutters things up and establishes a precedent that’s impossible to maintain. Thanks Chris, standing staunchly between the public and that truth making sure that the twain shall never meet.

I don’t think there is any doubt that ‘Commie Chris’ will be voting for ‘Creepy Joe’, or Hitlery, or whatever Democrat who will, if elected, work very hard to return things back to ‘normal’ and back to the way things were ‘BT’, or ‘Before Trump.’  You know back to where politicians only talk about building a border wall but never actually do, and the border is thrown open as far as it will go to allow any who want to come here to do so, granting the 11-22 million already here illegally some form of citizenship, and to move as many companies as possible to China, providing free healthcare, even to those here illegally, the writing off trillions of dollars in student loans and on and on.  This is what’s motivating the Democrats’ efforts to get rid of President Trump.

Defunding the police is the single most idiotic and moronic thing I have heard from coming from these Democrats in years.  Do I feel bad for blacks?  No.  Am I a racist?  Certainly not!  What I am, however, is someone who believes that EVERY SINGLE one of us has the ability to make choices, and that also includes blacks.  And how our lives turn out is a direct result of the choices that we make.  Look, it’s pretty much after the age of maybe 9 or 10 that most people have a pretty good understanding of right and wrong.  And it is the choice of the individual as to whether they get an education, get a job, or possess a desire to make a better life for themselves.  Encouraging any race to depend completely on government is why we are now where we are.

What do the ‘vast majority’ of Democrats want?  Having police would imply that they enforce the laws, all the laws, and against all of those who break them, regardless of race, political persuasion, etc.  Democrat politicians are presently ordering police not to enforce certain laws when it comes to various forms of theft, destruction of private property and assault committed by the communist thugs and rioters with whom they agree, or who serve their political purposes.  If there are to be police, they must do their job against all lawbreakers.  If they are to be used selectively against political enemies, but not against political allies, we would be far better off without them or without the politicians who continue to prevent them from doing their job. 

While I would like to think that we might finally be seeing an awakening of the general public, I think it’s still far too early to tell if that is in fact the case.  If you’re a Democrat in Chicago, or any of our other big cities controlled by Democrats, you can choose between losing your business to rioters or supporting law and order.  President Trump is exposing the radical left Democrats for exactly who they are, the true enemies of the people.  You get arrested for opening your hair salon, but praised for looting and burning. How absolutely nuts is that?  The Democrats OWN all of the damage that has thus far been done because they’ve incited all of the violence.  This is their vision for America and the vision of those that ‘Commie Chris’ supports!

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