Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Why do you suppose it’s every time that some dumbass Democrat member of Congress finally dies, in this case Sheila Jackson Lee, there always another dumbass Democrat standing at the ready, waiting in the wings to fill the void left behind. If there is one thing that the Democrat Party never seems to be in short supply of, it’s morons. They have them, quite literally, coming out of the woodwork. Now I could, of course, go down the list of this moron contingent, but what would be the point, after all, we all know who they all are. Hell, even the boobs who vote for these morons know they’re morons, and it certainly hasn’t kept them from voting for them.

Which brings me to none other than Jasmine Crockett, that wingnut Democrat and member of the U.S House. It was this past Sunday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Alex Witt Reports” that Ms. Crockett demonstrated her lack of political prowess by declaring that President Trump was “an enemy to the United States.” Crockett said, “We’re talking about Ukraine, a country that was invaded first, it started off with trying to change the facts we don’t live in a world of alternative facts, trying to change the reality of who invaded who. We kept saying that Trump was nothing but Putin’s puppet. We kept saying that. We’ve said it all kinds of ways."

She said, “Unfortunately, we have someone that is occupying the White House and as far as I’m concerned, he is an enemy to the United States. He swore an oath just like the rest of us. But right now, when you are literally putting us at risk, all because of what? Because you want to convince your followers that you should be a dictator too, that you should never leave the White House, because you don’t believe that elections should take place — I don’t really understand what is going on. And I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to wake up.” I think it fair to say that people are awake since if that were not the case Cumala would now be president.

Crockett added, “We are not living in a safe country when we decide that we are going to weaken our national security by getting rid of those that are watching our nuclear stockpile, by giving everything over to a private friend known as Elon Musk. We are getting rid of all of the inspector generals and so there’s literally a lack of checks and balances all around us.” So, this is the Democrat Party today. DEI is ugly and embarrassing to America. This moron should never have been elected. It’s weird that these Democrat hypocrites worry so much about Ukraine being invaded while facilitating the invasion of their own country by illegal immigrants.

No doubt that we will likely be seeing a lot more of people like her in the coming years in Congress. After all, Democrats are a cancer on this country, and cancer generally gets worse before finally killing its host. She’s just another black female racist politician just fizzing with hatred for America. The only thing President Trump is a “threat” to is the criminal cartel referred to as the Democrat party. They lie, cheat, misappropriate our tax dollars to their friends and families and the propaganda news media, all while telling us to pay more taxes. They don’t care one iota about this country, or its people. They only care about enriching themselves!

Yes, no doubt, President Trump is perceived as being a threat to them, and we the taxpaying American people say it’s about time we have someone in the White House who cares about us, one who’s willing to pose such a threat. President Trump is one of the best things to ever happen to this country. It’s Democrats like Crockett that pose the greatest threat to our democracy. Their policies remove the freedoms that we are guaranteed in the Constitution, and its Amendments. Democrats are against religious freedom, free speech, right to bear arms to name a few and they are all racist putting people into categories based on race creed culture or sexual preference.

When are the Democrats going to figure out that no one with more than two functioning brain cells pays any attention to them? Crockett may be the stupidest member of Congress, and that’s saying a lot. This fake haired hoodrat, is looking to be chief lunatic of the crazy woman wing of the Democrat Party. Just another black ‘elected’ to Congress to be there and to be black. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no mandate for Crockett to do anything, accomplish anything or participate in any way. Just mouth off like an angry black, which she’s doing pretty well, and her voters will think they got their money's worth. I give you the dumbing down of America.

And answer me this, just what has Crockett accomplished for America during her relatively brief tenure in Congress except to run her big mouth every chance she gets? Has she offered up legislation that helps poor people of color? Has she championed a cause other than hatred of President Trump? Look, identity politics and class warfare certainly are not new, but each generation needs a boogeyman to attack, and this one attacks everything white and praises all else. She is far more divisive than President Trump, just listen to the drivel that comes out of her mouth. She is a hateful, spiteful hater and nothing she says can undo the words she has used in the past.

And so, as the left elects dumber and dumber politicians the rhetoric becomes all the more incendiary and self-defeating. President Trump pals around with Putin? Where the Hell do they get such unhinged idiocy? Democrats are totally insane. European Union wants the Ukrainian war to end, Americans want the war to end, Ukrainians want the war to end, the Russian people want the war to end, the only ones who don’t want an end is Zelensky and the Democrats. There are only three kinds of people dumber than her. The people who give her a microphone, the people who listen to her and people who chose to vote for her.

What’s wrong with these Democrats? Firing federal workers and trying to balance the budget are traditional Democrat policies too. I guess they just want the country to be full of unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens. And these Leftists now complaining about Musk? Musk did what ‘Slick Willy’ did, and other Democrats have tried to do? The Democrats have learned nothing, they’re arrogant, conceited, snobs. If she thinks President Trump is an enemy to the U.S., and thinks white men are an enemy to the U.S., then it's safe to assume that she thinks 50 percent of America is an enemy to the U.S. as well. More like 75 percent since we know half of the Democrat vote is fake.

I’m curious to know just how much longer the ‘fake news’ media is going to trot out this clown. As a conservative and Trump supporter I absolutely love that she’s out there spewing this insane stuff. They just don’t know what to do. The Ukraine war is going to end. Everyone knows what the terms are going to be and that it’s gonna happen fairly soon. But they will never credit President Trump for it. They will say that Europe really did it and it would’ve happened sooner if President Trump wasn’t blowing it up. Just watch. By that point, though they’ll be distracted by his constant haymakers. Get ready for the reconciliation bill to watch them really lose their minds.

And can we all agree that the Democrat Party hates America. How could you look at what they do and come to any other conclusion. They stand up and shield criminal illegal aliens, even those who have committed violent crimes against Americans. They don't want to talk about the border or how President Trump has reduced border crossings from roughly 15,000 a day under Joey B. to a new low of 185 in one month and WITHOUT passing an immigration bill in Congress. Musk has found billions of dollars in waste of your taxpayer dollars but, Democrats don’t want to talk about that either. They want only to stop Musk from searching out even more waste.

And finally on the subject of Musk, he’s working hard to drain the trough that Democrats use to fund their agenda, and as a result Democrats are squealing. The country is massively in debt, and you would think that Democrat would be cheering him on in his quest to root out fraud and waste. But if you thought that you’d be wrong. Leftist judges appointed by the Democrats are now getting into the act trying to stop President Trump at every turn even though everything he is doing is helping to save America and the American people. The Democrats put themselves first. President Trump puts America and Americans first. Zelensky also learned that the hard way.

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