Thursday, December 3, 2020


Apparently we now have yet another supposed ‘conservative’ who seems to be in an all-fired hurry to declare ‘Creepy Joe’ as being the winner of quite possibly the most corrupt presidential election in the history of this country.  And it’s this time around that the one of which I speak is none other than ‘Crazy Uncle John’ Kasich, who’s now ready to move on. I simply cannot fathom how someone who has been in elected office for as many years as Kasich has seems to possess a zero understanding that for our country, or any civilized country, to continue in existence, election integrity is a requirement—not an option.  He speaks as we expect someone like him to speak.

And it was ‘Crazy Uncle John’ who, just this past Wednesday, made yet another of his regular appearances there at ‘fake news’ HQ, on CNN’s “Newsroom” and it was during this visit that he took it upon himself to boldly declare that when it comes to continuing to refuse to accept the result of our most recent election, “enough is enough!”  This RINO dolt went on to add that President Trump, and Republicans, need to accept that ex-vice president ‘Creepy Joe’ has won the 2020 presidential election.  I guess I just don’t see what the rush is for the president to concede and why those like Kasich seem to have virtually no interest in ensuring the integrity of our election.

And it was supposed ‘anchor’ Kate Bolduan who said, “Top Republicans are still silent. Is that at all okay? Do you see a universe where that’s okay?”  To which ‘Crazy Uncle John’ responded by saying, “No, it’s terrible, it’s terrible. The good news is there are more and more Republicans not listening to Trump and ignoring these politicians that don’t want to say that Biden won the election. Polling is beginning to reveal that people are saying enough is enough. I think we can all agree, wherever you are, Republican, Democrat, independent, enough is enough about this. Biden’s won. He’s going to be president. Let’s move on.”  No, let’s NOT move on!!!

And I remember how back in 2016, when the Republican Convention was held in Cleveland, it was this very same slimy little turd who actually refused to attend and for no other reason than because of his hatred for Donald Trump.  This guy is another of those, like his buddies Willard, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse and others, who are nothing other than a total embarrassment to conservatives and to Republicans everywhere.  Kasich remains bitter that President Trump exposed him for the fool that he was back during the 2016 campaign.  I remember watching this boob during the debates and how he reminded me of that character from ‘Welcome Back Kotter,’ Arnold Horshack.

I think it’s long past time for Kasich to simply ‘move on’ to the Democrat Party, as either a member of “the resistance” in what will be, or so I hope, President Trump’s second term, or as one willing to accept the fact that we simply no longer need to even have elections in this country, and that instead we should trust the ‘leadership’ of this country to what would be an overtly hereditary oligarchy, which in turn would mean that we would have no laws and no freedoms, and be reduced from being sovereign citizens to be merely subjects to be ruled over and told how we must conduct our lives.  Now I don’t know about you, but that’s now how I want to live.   

And it’s under the heading of “enough is enough” that we need to put all of the whining coming from Kasich and the many other Trump-haters.  Kasich is everything that is repulsive about Washington and politics. He is so selective in his morality. Donald Trump whooped his butt and ‘Crazy Uncle John’ has never really gotten over it. And he seems not to be the least bit concerned about the ‘alleged’ voter fraud that we know was perpetrated by the Democrats. He only wants Donald Trump out and condones any means necessary to do so, including massive voter fraud.  He is an ego driven lunatic who should be shamed into becoming a political recluse.

Look at Kasich’s face, it is the face of a true NeverTrumper and one who seems to hate this country and one who fully supports winning by any means necessary, including massive, and very purposeful, voter fraud. Of course he wants the election to come to end, before all of the fraud is fully uncovered. He doesn’t care about the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump, and who are, very clearly, able to see how it was that there was massive voter fraud that occurred. Kasich may trust poll workers who didn’t let anyone see what they were doing, but I don’t.  President Trump should not concede until the integrity of the election can be guaranteed.

All of these people, like Kasich, now claiming that no voter fraud took place, or enough to alter the outcome of the election, while at the same time it’s becoming all the more obvious that it really did, and on what’s beginning to look like a massive scale, will, when the dust finally settles, leave them with zero credibility. And why is it that people like Kasich always say “we?”  Only a handful of beltway RINOs currently want to throw in the towel, it’s as if there are two different realities.  On one side is the axis media construct with ‘Creepy Joe’ as president, and the other has President Trump winning in a landslide. We know which side Kasich is on.

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