Wednesday, November 3, 2021


So why is it, do you suppose, that we white folks here in the U.S. are constantly being told how it is that we must accept as being true what we know to be an obvious myth, that black folks are not racist. And not only are they NOT racist, but they are said to be totally incapable of being racist. I know, pretty nutty, right? Because as we all know, blacks are some of the most intensely racist individuals that you’re likely to find anywhere on the entire planet. And I’m not sure about you, but I’m getting pretty tired of being lectured about how racist I’m supposed to be by those who are clearly more racist than I have ever been, or could ever be.

Which brings me to none other than one of those who, despite their own very racist tendencies, feels quite comfortable calling on others to step up and deal with the fact that they are nothing more than a bunch of racists. And that would of course be Whoopi Goldberg, aka Caryn Johnson, aka the ‘Black Kow.’ And it was anyone who happened chose to waste the time required to watch ‘The View’ this past Tuesday, who got to see yet another example of this woman’s blatant stupidity. You see, it was then that Goldberg got into a spirited conversation with guest host, NBC Sports broadcaster Michele Tafoya, about how race is supposedly taught in America.

And it was during that bizarre conversation that Goldberg declared that it was time for “white people to step up” to acknowledge racism. Tafoya said, “Why are we even teaching that the color of the skin matters? Because to me, what matters is your character and your values.” Goldberg disagreed saying, “Yes, but you know — you live in the United States. You know that color of the skin has been mattering to people for years.” Tafoya shot back, “Can’t we change it that it doesn’t?” Goldberg then declared, “Well, we need white people to step up and do that.” Tafoya said, “But I think they have been doing that since the Civil War. I’m not saying it’s perfect."

Goldberg wasn’t about to give in and said, “No! No, no, no, they haven’t.” Tafoya asked, “What do you mean they haven’t?” Goldberg said, “Listen, when you have a country, or let’s talk about a state — where somebody can be hung from a tree, and it’s OK?” Tafoya said, “That is not OK.” Goldberg said, “Well, it was OK. It was OK in the South. People did it all the time. People would run you down.” And it was then that Joy Behar piped up and said, “Not that long ago.” Goldberg agreed, “Not that long ago.” And it was moron Sunny Hostin who actually said, “There are still lynching going on today.” And Goldberg naturally agreed, “They are lynching people."

And it was Tafoya who responded saying, “That makes me sick.” Goldberg said, “It should. We need more people to feel like that so we can get to the place everybody thought we were with race and all the conversations. But America has had her reckoning. It continues to happen because unless we can say, ‘This is what the country was like. This is what we don’t want to be anymore.’ We have to teach the little ones to respect people because you’ll be around people, you’ll see people, you’ll hear people say things that won’t make sense to you. This is what happens in the country because we’re not past that.” She makes no sense whatsoever.

I’m white and I’m happy to acknowledge that racism is alive and well in 2021. But that’s primarily because of the Democrat Party. And I also acknowledge the fact that Whoopi Goldberg, aka Caryn Johnson, is very clearly a racist. And it doesn’t phase me one bit that she discriminates and hates me for being white, because for me she is of absolutely no consequence. I’m not a fan of hers, and I’ve never thought she was funny. She’s nothing more than just an ignorant boor, and her acting ability is mediocre at best. And the fact that she is black is not a reason why she’s a failure as a person, she is a failure because she fails to acknowledge humanity as it is.

It’s kind of sad really that this all that blacks seem to think they have going for them. The horrors of being black in America? Seriously? Goldberg, along with hundreds, if not thousands, of blacks are now on the airwaves. What are they doing? Whining and complaining and destroying the nation that gave them opportunities they never would have gotten in any other country. I am sick of black/brown victimhood. Stay in the gutter if you want, but people who truly want to excel and to make themselves better will stop dividing and causing hate. As for the white fools that assist the elites in pushing this division, they are hopelessly mind-controlled.

And it is hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of times each and every day, all across America that the actions of more than a few Blacks reinforce the negative perceptions that many have about Blacks. Will Whoopi ever acknowledge the fact that the high percentage of crimes committed by blacks relative to their portion of population likely contributes to the poor opinion that some Whites, and other races, have about Blacks? We need more blacks to acknowledge their racism and to acknowledge that western culture has provided them a MUCH higher standard of living then they would have ever achieved had they remained in their ancestral continent of Africa.

They act as if white people are evil just because of their skin color. What about every white person whose family has never participated in slavery? If it wasn’t for whites who were good and just there would still be things like Jim Crow, segregation and slavery today. It’s time to let it go and extend a hand of friendship instead of one of hate and payback. You don’t think that whites weren’t slaves in America? Most who came here in the 18th century were indentured to the English and were beaten and abused as well, but the woke history books will never teach that. It’s time to get along or keep losing to your own hatred. It’s time to grow up.

Racism has been acknowledged without respite since the sixties. Now is the time for the irresponsible voices in the black community, those like Goldberg, to acknowledge the reality that so many responsible black voices already have. Stop complaining, embrace the present and work on a new future. Success or, for that matter, failure has nothing to do with skin color in America. Success is about hard work and planning for the future. It’s about personal responsibility and treating other as you yourself and to be treated. Goldberg is another sterling example of the moral and cognitive deficiency presently stoking the flame of pathological erroneous victimhood.

The cure for poverty is as obvious as it is simple. Graduate from high school. You must be able to read and write to avoid poverty and be able to socialize peacefully with others. Get a job, any job. You must work to get out of poverty. A first job leads to a second then a third until you find one you want to do and will pay you the amount you accept and desire. Want to command more money? Get more education and a degree. Don’t have children out of wedlock. Wait until you can afford raising kids plus have someone you can trust to share the work of raising a child. Both must be mature enough to handle raising children. It is hard work and it costs money.

Goldberg is an ignorant fat racist fool. All her life she has supported the Democrat Party, the party of racist and of all things having to do with racism. And yet she chooses to blame white conservatives? How is it that she expects to be taken seriously? After all, one cannot take serious a black woman who supports and defends the party that supports and defends the genocide of the black race courtesy of the brutal and immoral practice of slaughtering unborn and newborn babies through murder known as abortion. So to you, I say shut your ignorant mouth and go straight to hell and join your Democrat racist masters when you get there.

Racists come in all colors. What we need is for black people to step up and admit their racism. By the way, I’ve not heard of many hangings over the course of the last several decades. Can we get an accounting of them please? Just because someone says they are happening does not mean they are. But I have seen many articles and videos of blacks rioting, stealing, shooting and viciously hitting, and stabbing those who are different from them. Maybe we should stick to the proven FACTS instead of tolerating talking heads who really don’t live in the real world of today. Goldberg is ignorant and spews nothing more than lies in an effort to incite.

And finally, the U.S. offers blacks more freedoms and economic opportunities than any other country in all of human history. They hold positions of the highest authority at every political level. The U.S. is home to more black millionaires and billionaires than any nation ever on earth. Oprah, despite being a devout racist herself, is the wealthiest black woman to ever live. There is nothing more racist in the entire country or world than believing the black man needs any white help to get ahead. And yet it’s those like Goldberg who continue to spew what she knows to be false. That blacks are prevented from succeeding by something other than their own behavior.

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