Monday, November 1, 2021


So, just how STUPID must a person be to actually believe, especially after having witnessed all that has transpired since the last presidential election, that our country is headed in anywhere near what any SANE person would say is the right direction. We have now gone from: having a booming economy, being energy independent, seeing a period of real wage growth, having bona fide peace in the Middle East, having our allies paying their fair share of the cost of their own defense and forcing fair and equitable trade policies on our trading partners, to what we now have going on under a fraudulent *president and yet still we have those who claim we’re headed in the direction we should be? Talk about viewing the world through rose colored glasses.

Which brings me Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press.” You see, it was this past Sunday that Chuckie debuted a new poll that really did nothing more than to say what at least 71 percent of us already know. And that would, of course, be that America is squarely on the wrong track and that it’s ‘Creepy Joe’ and the Democrats who are to be blame for the rather obvious swing in the compass from the direction we were headed just 18 months ago. It was then that Chuckie said, “We have a brand new NBC news poll out this morning still with some scary news for the Democrats. The overarching message, Americans have lost their confidence in President Joe Biden and their optimism for the country.” But why is it scary news only for Democrats?

Anyway, it was old Chuckie who then went on to say, “At least they have right now. Just 22% of adults say we are headed in the right direction. A shocking 71% say we’re on the wrong track and that includes a near majority of Democrats who are saying that.” He continued, “President Biden’s approval rating stands at a dismal 42% versus 54% who disapprove.” And he said, “Believe it or not, just two months ago Mr. Biden was in positive territory, 49 approving. So what’s pulling down the president’s numbers? Look at this set of numbers, just 37% say he has the ability to handle a crisis versus a majority who say he does not. Thirty-seven percent also say he’s competent and effective as president. 50% disagree with that description."

And it was the subject of this recent poll that he concluded by saying, “What’s more, Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy, and, shockingly, on getting things done. Democrats hold generally smaller double-digit leads on dealing with climate change, the coronavirus, education, and abortion. That’s really it right now.” I must admit that what I find most revealing about this poll is not the fact that 71 percent of us think the country is going in the wrong direction, but that nearly a quarter of us actually think the country IS going in the right direction. And you have to ask yourself, just how messed up must one be to think we’re headed down the right path?

I can only assume that that 22 percent of us would rather FEEL like they’re doing something good, i.e., (supporting politicians who say what their itching ears want to hear), than to actually DO good. That’s the difference between immaturity and maturity. Mature people want to DO things that actually make a positive difference, even though it may be hard and hurt for a while, while immature people don’t want to put any personal sacrifice or hard effort into those things. I’m guessing those who comprise the 22 percent don’t really care that they’re flushing our nation, our prosperity and our freedoms down the tubes. They fail to understand that when the country is made to go under, it’s they too who will go under right along with it.

I’m pretty sure everyone will recall how it was that ‘Creepy Joe’ himself once boldly, and quite proudly, declared that he was going to be the most progressive *president in American history. And that would seem to be exactly what he intends to be, a repressive socialist. Yes, he is compromised regarding Communist China, which is obvious to anyone paying attention. But he is also compromised mentally, and emotionally. The man is a pathological liar, on top of his dementia and his pedophilic tendencies. We now have a criminal fraud in the Oval Office, one doing his very best to break American laws, while giving aid and comfort to our enemies as he rules by executive order, and mandates, exactly what he said he would never do.

Chuckie has always been a bit of a returd. He’s trying to do nothing more than to cast doubt on this poll and to defend what this disaster of a phony *president, and his gang of incompetent, corrupt and deceitful losers, are now doing to our country. Todd, and his many colleagues in the ‘fake news,’ can try to spin it any way that they may want, but it was outright hatred of President Trump got them this, and now they have to own it. And no matter what they may say, they’re never going to be able spin their way out this. And I wonder if NBC is actually admitting to 71 percent disapproval rating for ‘Creepy Joe,’ might it actually be considerably higher? We all know that both the Democrats and those in the ‘fake news’ have issues with telling the truth. 

So in the span of only nine short months of ‘Creepy Joe’ as our *president: inflation is at a 13 year high, 2 million illegal immigrants have now crossed the border with 20 percent being infected with the ‘Chinese virus’ and are being distributed all across our country. We had a botched departure from Afghanistan with an unknown number of Americans essentially left as hostages behind enemy lines, a badly broken supply chain, Democrats defunding the police while crime skyrockets and we’ve had more deaths from the ‘Chinese virus’ in 2021 than we had in 2020. And now ‘Creepy Joe’ wants to spend $5 Trillion that we don’t have and to pay $450,000 to each border crosser subjected to President Trump’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy. What insanity!!!

Democrats control every major city in America and have brought about nothing but misery and pain to millions of Americans, this in spite of having spent trillions dollars and promising to bring about their socialist utopia. People might say that America is on the wrong track to a pollster, but when you stop to consider the fact that there are more government jobs in America than manufacturing jobs, coupled with the fact that over a third of the country is now on some kind of taxpayer funded government ‘benefit,’ I think it goes without saying which way these parasites will vote. This is exactly what happens when your government wants to own you. And it’s that 22 percent of us apparently thinks is ok, as they enjoy being led around by the nose.

We live in a country where our elections can now be stolen from us and we are viewed with contempt by the people who claim to represent us and our leaders hand out money to foreigners like it's candy while they seek to replace us. To think that there were people willing to give up a prosperous and stable country, under President Trump, for this crap is simply beyond belief. And all because of nothing more than a few mean tweets? How absolutely stupid it that? Elections are not stolen by those who seek to make sure our country is made to go down the right track, elections are stolen by those who seek to make sure it’s just the opposite that takes place. Even the most casual of observers can see what it is that’s taking place right before our eyes.


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