Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Unless you’re someone who’s been living under a rock, I’m pretty sure you’ve been hearing our chorus of RINOs telling anyone who would listen how it would be nothing short of a political disaster, not only for the Republican Party but for America as well, if it’s Donald Trump who turns out to be the party’s nominee for president in 2024. Now granted, it’s been many of these very same naysayers who have also been busily touting themselves as being the best possible alternative to Mr. Trump. Look, we all know who these clowns are and I’m fairly certain that most of us are able to clearly recognize what a waste of a vote it would be to vote for any of one of them.

And it’s also this same group of dedicated RINOs who seem to think that by continuing to malign President Trump they are actually increasing their own stature and therefore making themselves more appealing to those of us who support President Trump. While I question their logic, I’m not surprised by it as they seem to think that it’s a winning strategy for them. But clearly, their attempts to somehow tarnish President Trump is making them increasingly irrelevant, as they continue to fall on the deaf ears of those who have grown tired of watching them, time and time again, align themselves with those who seem determined to destroy our country.

So thus far it would seem that the joke is now on all of these same RINOs because they refuse to recognize that they are doing nothing more than to provide us all with even more reasons to vote for President Trump. And it was that which was recently proven to be true courtesy of a recent I&I/TIPP poll released just this past Monday. And it was in that poll that President Trump was shown to be dominating the 2024 Republican primary field among Republican voters. The poll found that Republicans are much more enthusiastic about President Trump’s potential run on the Republican ticket than are Democrats about *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden.

And so, it’s according to this same poll that 60 percent of Republicans said they want to see President Trump run again, compared to just 37 percent of Democrats who were willing to say the same about ‘Creepy Joe.’ ‘Issues and Insights’ described ‘Creepy Joe’s results as a “devastating sign of Biden’s weakening support within his own party.”  What’s more, President Trump also sees more support for a potential 2024 run than ‘Creepy Joe’ among independent voters, as 17 percent said they support a potential President Trump run in 2024. ‘Creepy Joe,’ however, only garnered eight percent support in this group.

Among Republicans, specifically, President Trump leads potential challengers by 49 percent, garnering 60 percent support. No other potential candidate saw double-digit support aside from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who came in second with 11 percent support. Among all voters, President Trump still takes the lead in a potential 2024 Republican primary run, garnering 24 percent support. Notably, 22 percent overall support ‘Creepy Joe’ on the Democrat side in 2024, followed by 12 percent who support Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris. Among Democrats, 37 percent support Biden on the Democrat ticket, followed by 16 percent who support Harris.

At this point, every other potential Republican candidate is likely watching and waiting, trying not to alienate President Trump or his core supporters. Another year is an eternity in politics. President Trump has consistently high negative ratings, is the favorite target of those in the ‘fake news’ media, and the fact that is getting older is seen as a negative by many, although not for me. And while there are times when I wish he would think a bit more before opening his mouth, after so many Republicans who were nothing but a bunch a pussies, I do enjoy the fact that he doesn’t just sit there and take it, he’s more than willing to dish it out as well.

It’s interesting how the Democrats keep letting President Trump live in their heads 24/7. Why the hate? After all, he’s not exactly your traditional conservative.  Is it because President Trump loves America and Democrats hate America and American excellence? But that’s why I voted for him, twice. That and he actually delivered on his campaign promises. He worked to prevent the big money corporate elites and the Communists from destroying America’s language, culture and borders. Before 2009, I think it safe to say that Donald Trump’s positions on numerous issues, and his beliefs, made him more of a moderate to conservative Democrat.

Since then, the hardcore leftists in the Democrat Party have succeeded in driving the Democrats so far to the Left that Trump, like Ronald Reagan before him, could safely make the argument that he didn’t leave the party so much as it left him. So, like any moderate Democrat he is now a conservative Republican, and he very clearly believes in America and that the U.S. Constitution makes America the greatest nation on Earth. President Trump is what we need in Washington. After a year of ‘Creepy Joe’ our problems are worse than ever. President Trump’s ‘America First’ agenda will make things better for you and your neighbors, not politicians and their donors.

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