Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Once again, in making it very clear that he remains determined in his effort to milk every last dollar that he possibly can from this supposed pandemic that he himself play a role in creating, Tony Fauci again demonstrated that he has no desire whatsoever to abandon his golden goose. And in so doing, Tony continued to make it very clear that he believes all humans have now handed-over their right to decide for themselves what medical procedures and treatments are necessary in order for them to participate in our ‘free’ society. The longer this scam is allowed to continue the more you must realize what a horrible man this supposed ‘man of science’ is.

And it was as recently as this past Wednesday that Tony again worked the hard sell regarding his bogus ‘vaccines,’ and just as bogus ‘boosters.’ It was during an appearance on CNN’s “At This Hour,” hosted by, Kate Bolduan, another of the many at the network who like to think of themselves as ‘journalists,’ that Tony stated that it was a matter of “when not if” the definition of fully vaccinated will change to include a third booster shot. Bolduan said, “Pfizer’s chief scientific officer said this morning on CNN that he thinks fully vaccinated against Omicron, it means three doses. Do you think the definition of fully vaccinated should now change?"

Fauci said, “Well, you know, as you say, it’s a technical, almost semantic definition. And it is the definition for requirements if someone says, are you fully vaccinated to be able to attend class in a university or college or be able to work in a workplace? Right now, Kate, I don’t see that changing tomorrow or this week, or next week. But certainly, when you want to talk about optimal protection, I don’t think anyone would argue that optimal protection is with a third shot. Whether or not it officially gets changed in the definition, I think that will be considered literally on a daily basis. That’s always on the table.” This guy is allowed to tell lies with zero push back.

Bolduan said, “This discussion has been going on for a bit. With this data coming in this morning, I’m kind of stuck with is it a matter now of when, not if, the definition of fully vaccinated changes?” Fauci said, “My own personal opinion, Kate, is what you said is correct. It’s going to be a matter of when, not if.” So as I have asked so many times before, who is it that any longer cares what this guy has to say? He long ago lost what credibility it is that he might have once possessed, willingly sacrificing it in the name of the almighty dollar. He has reduced himself to being a joke, and someone that you would have to be a complete fool, as is Ms. Bolduan, to believe.

It’s every single time that this lying sack of sh!t opens his mouth that he succeeds in doing nothing more than to further disqualify himself as being a man of ‘science.’ He is nothing more than a fraud and liar! There is simply no way that this guy should still be free to walk around in public. His rambling and inconsistent ‘guidance’ has been the single most damaging thing to happen to America in decades. When will people understand it’s a virus, like the common cold. No matter how many ‘vaccines’ you get it will still mutate and spread. Hurd immunity is the only answer, these ‘vaccines’ and mask mandates are a joke, I still can’t believe people are buying into it.

Fauci the ‘Faux Scientist.’ First it was, just take the vaccine. Now everyone needs a booster. What’s next, mandated annual ‘vaccines’ with routine boosters? It’s insane! Especially when you consider there was no need to come up with these ‘vaccines,’ we already had remedies that were known to work, that were far cheaper and were readily available. But those remedies were repeatedly talked down by this man of ‘science’ because the goal was never to contain or eliminate the virus. The goal was to create a method by which the government could increase its level of control over the populace while at the same time making those behind the scheme very rich.

People must be made to understand that, if this quack is allowed to have his way, they will never be fully vaccinated!! People must wake up!! These are not vaccines!! Vaccines give you immunity and these shots/drugs don’t do that. They’re creating their own kind of addicts through fear and false indoctrination. We are being controlled by some very corrupt people!! This guy has no credibility. He’s a liar. There’s no reason to listen to what he says. It’s not based in facts. And even if President Trump had chosen to fire him before leaving office, ‘Creepy Joe’ would have likely rehired him. So we’d still have him to deal with. The man is a criminal.

Tony works to coerce/convince the unvaccinated into getting the first two doses by claiming that they are both safe and effective. While at the same time he tries to coerce/convince the vaccinated into getting their boosters by saying the first two doses were limited in their effectiveness. The government is financially and politically involved with these pharmaceutical companies to mandate through dictatorial powers what people are required to do, no freedom of choice. The ‘Chinese virus’ is, in fact, the political weapon being used by the elite global socialists to create a one-world totalitarian government. This has been in the making for more than a decade now.

Finally, this man needs to be removed immediately. He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about and possesses not an ounce of scientific proof that any of these vaccines work. Tony, with the endorsement of ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co., is allowed to stand on his soapbox and lie to the American People. What was initially all about flattening the curve to now become an all-out assault on individual freedoms coming from a madman who cannot conclusively give an ounce of credible information on this or be transparent to the population about the adverse side effects or its success rate. The time has come for him to pay the price for his dishonesty and endless lies.

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