Tuesday, January 4, 2022


There is simply no denying the fact that the political process in this country has now become perverted to the point where it simply no longer functions as it was once intended to do. And we all know who the guilty party is. Although many seem content to turn a blind eye, we all know that it is the Democrat Party, along with its many coconspirators in the ‘fake news’ media who has taken us down this path. It is they who have been hard at work for decades, sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes right out in the open, in an effort to totally bastardize our electoral process.

And it’s sad, as well as more than a little frustrating, how it is that so many of those that we on the right have sent, and continue to send, off to do battle with those on the radical left who seem so determined in their effort to burn our country to the ground have, on more than one occasion, left us all more than a little disappointed. And that would, of course, be because instead of choosing to fight these enemies within they have, far more often than not, done nothing more than to essentially join forces with those whom they were sent off to do political combat.

So is it any question that it’s those of us who want nothing more than to live in freedom and to raise our children in an environment that is both safe and free are now painted as being everything from “deplorables” to somehow being “the dregs of society?” And for what reason? Because we’re in favor of having one prove who they say they are before permitting them to vote? When looking at everything else that requires one to prove one’s identity it only makes sense to do so when voting. Yet, oddly enough, there are those who oppose such a concept. You have to wonder why.

Which brings me to Chuckie Schumer, and one of the very many faux ‘journalists’ who comprise our present day ‘fake news’ media, Joy Reid. This past Monday Schumer made an appearance on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” hosted by the racist homophobe Ms. Reid. It was then that he claimed that the “new” Republican Party, under former President Trump, was “viciously against voting rights.” He said, “What happened on January 6 is a direct continuation of the big lie, which Donald Trump perpetrated created January 6 and a continuation of what is happening around the country."

And it was Chuckie who continued, “Non-partisan election officials, just plain people doing their job to count votes, are being threatened in state after state with violence. A few of them have had to have police protection. So the idea that January 6 is totally a one-off is wrong. It’s being perpetrated by this attempt to take away voting rights of so many people, people of color, young people, people living in urban areas, handicapped people, elderly people. We have to fight against this.” And of course, Chuckie once again goes unchallenged when telling his blatant lies.

He added, “The new Republican Party under the leadership of Donald Trump is viciously against voting rights and trying to take those away.” Schumer concluded, “So if we can’t get Republicans, if we can’t get Republicans to join us, we’re exploring a variety of different rules changes. We are working and trying to get all 50 Democrats, including Senators Manchin and Sinema to go along because if we don’t change rules, the Republicans will block this, and our democracy could be at risk and wither in real ways.” Our democracy could be at risk? You just can’t make this shit up!

Now I can’t be the only one to have noticed how it is that it’s always those on the left who think our democracy is somehow imperiled whenever it’s they who are prevented from advancing what is their clearly destructive agenda that has only one possible objective.  And, of course, that objective is to bring about the end of the United States as what it has always been known to be. And that is the beacon of freedom for all freedom loving people of the world. And it is that beacon that those on the left, those like Schumer, have long been determined to forever extinguish.

Personally I, for one, have no problem with being asked for an ID when at the polls to ensure my vote is not cancelled out by those who should not be voting. There have been, and continues to be, no coherent arguments against voter ID, only incoherent babbling coming from the likes of Chuckie. Democrats want felons, illegal invaders and dead citizens to be allowed to legally vote. Basically, they want the right to fix all elections in their favor. Their imbecilic base is all for their illegal activities and their ‘judges’ will all look the other way regarding any legal actions.

And so once again Schumer shows himself to be a liar and is left unchallenged by another not so stellar member of the ‘fake news’ media. It’s Republicans who stand against only an individual’s so-called ‘right’ to commit fraud. And just what SPECIFIC voting ‘rights’ is it that Republicans oppose? Well, we’re opposed to dead people voting and to illegals and felons voting. Also, we oppose people being able to vote more than once. What Schumer is really saying here is that he has no issue with the dead, or those not legally able to vote, voting as long as it’s for Democrats.

It is the Democrats that seek to destroy voting rights of the citizens of these United States with ballot harvesting, multiple voting, voting in more than one state, and dead people voting, and schemes to produce votes and ballots that cannot be authenticated yet are still counted for Democrat candidates. Schumer is, and always has been, a devoted, and very determined, enemy of the United States. He has always been in it for the power. Just like Pelosi. But Democrats are not the only ones in it for the power. There are also the RINOs helping them to destroy the country.

They hammer away at this topic. They say it and say it over and over without any facts to back up the claims. The political party that has historically suppressed voting rights is the Democrat Party. Funny how when Republicans are in the minority and fight against policies they disagree with, it is obstruction, and the Democrats must change the rules to get their way. But when Republicans are in the majority and Democrats obstruct their policies, the Democrats are somehow ‘fighting for Democracy.’ Funny how that works. Does anyone not notice, or do they just not care?

If you want to know what Democrats’ true objectives are, then look no further than what they constantly accuse the Republicans of doing. Democrats are the ones who restrict accurate and true vote counts. Democrats are the ones busy stealing elections by arguing again voter ID laws and refusing voter verification. Democrats want to be able to stuff the ballot boxes with bogus votes. Democrats have never been honest nor truthful about anything. They’re nothing but greedy power-hungry radicals! And obviously it’s the Democrat base who are the only ones who believe this tripe.

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