So riddle me this, could Willard be any more obvious and/or transparent when it comes to just how little he, unlike President Trump, cares about our country? I think not! I mean, it’s now gotten to the point where we really do need to seriously consider calling into question the sanity of this guy because he has now either gone completely round the bend or has gone completely over to the other side, but then I’m repeating myself. And if he has now truly gone over to the other side then it’s time for the folks back home to call on him to drop the charade of claiming to be a Republican and, even more so, a conservative. Because he is very clearly neither.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ― George Orwell
Monday, February 28, 2022
So riddle me this, could Willard be any more obvious and/or transparent when it comes to just how little he, unlike President Trump, cares about our country? I think not! I mean, it’s now gotten to the point where we really do need to seriously consider calling into question the sanity of this guy because he has now either gone completely round the bend or has gone completely over to the other side, but then I’m repeating myself. And if he has now truly gone over to the other side then it’s time for the folks back home to call on him to drop the charade of claiming to be a Republican and, even more so, a conservative. Because he is very clearly neither.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
If there is one thing that, I think that we have all learned about the Democrats, and a good many RINOs as well, over the course of the last six years, or so, is the fact that there is no lie that will be left untold in what it, and has been, their continuing effort to diminish President Trump in the eyes of his millions of supporters. And despite the fact that they have continued to fail in their attempts to do so, it hasn’t stopped them from continuing to try. They have continued to attempt to blame President Trump for all of their own politically motivated acts of sabotage against America, right up to, and including, accusing him of encouraging Vlad Putin to invade Ukraine.
And their many attempts have been nothing if not completely transparent. And even though most Americans have been able to, and very easily so, see through all of the lies, it seems not to have deferred the Democrats one iota from continuing to spew more, and increasingly outrageous, lies about President Trump. Case in point would be the most recent lie to come from none other than Chuckie Schumer himself, one where he actually accuses President Trump of having heaped all manner of praise on Vlad Putin regarding his decision to invade Ukraine. So there seems to be no limit to just how low the Democrats will go in their ongoing effort to malign President Trump.
And so it was, just this past Friday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Last Word,” hosted by one of the many leftist loons there are the network, Larry O’Donnell, that old Chuckie described President Trump as being “despicable” for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Now I could be wrong, but I don’t seem to recall President Trump doing any such thing. But then we are talking about old Chuckie, and since when has the truth ever mattered to this pathetic old windbag. Let’s face it, Schumer is “despicable” simply for being himself. It’s he and his fellow Democrats who are the most dangerous enemy this country has.
It was Chuckie, doing his best to talk tough, who said, “Putin will come to regret this. Look, he is a bully. He is a thug. He has a monomaniacal desire to restore the Soviet Empire. But he will ultimately fail.” Larry said, “Donald Trump says that this invasion — he said at the very outset of it — that this invasion is genius, that Vladimir Putin is a genius for doing this. Former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he respects, fully respects Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin is a mass murderer tonight in Ukraine, and the previous administration still holds him in that kind of regard.” And Chuckie, in typical fashion, was again trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Chuckie said, “To hold such an immoral man, with such a vicious actions, it’s just despicable, and shows how little moral compass Donald Trump has. But also, he’s very shortsighted because, as I said, the Ukrainian resistance will be fierce. I know so many Ukrainians in New York, and they reflect that. I believe the sanctions that the president has put in will constrict Russia’s ability to function as a strong economy. It will restrict them and make them weaker and weaker. So, I don’t think these initial claims by Trump or Pompeo are going to be regarded as accurate as we move on in time.” Chuckie is simply trying to distract from the train wreck that is ‘Creepy Joe.'
Chuckie is a Democrat, period. And as such is known to have no morals, no ethics, no values, and no honor. He’s nothing more than a highly partisan Democrat who seems determined to destroy this country. I find myself wondering what his actual end game might be. He’s working constantly and desperately to disparage Trump. It’s like his full-time job. But is it really about President Trump or might it be, instead, a warning to others who might be considering a run for office for the specific reason of rocking the boat? Chuckie continuously, and knowingly, loudly bears false witness with the intent to harm others, especially Donald Trump and the people who support him.
And I find it fascinating to hear how it is that Chuckie is now somehow concerned about morality. The broken mental calculus of his mind that equates abortion at any time for any reason by anyone as being a “just and moral thing” is nothing short of disgusting. And the fact that Chuckie and Nancy, and the rest of the Democrats hierarchy, chose to ignore the lawless rioting and burning and looting and assaults in the summer of 2020 by the thugs of BLM and Antifa should haunt even Chuckie. The false accusations against police by the defund movement, which was fully endorsed by Chuckie, Nancy and the rest of the Democrats, is another sign of a mindless mob.
Praising Putin, is Chuckie serious? This falls under the category of, “Know thine enemy.” It’s not praise to acknowledge the cunning and smarts of an enemy, it is the start of defeating him. Patton praised Rommel, and then defeated him. And its 62 percent of Americans who now believe President Trump would never have allowed this invasion. Which is why Democrats are screaming about Trump. They have to throw accusations at him to deflect from the disaster that is ‘Creepy Joe.’ If anyone is despicable, it is Chuckie and every other member of the Democrat Party. It’s all nothing more than another lie being perpetuated by those on the Left.
What President Trump said was that Putin is showing strength and resolve and that’s something to be admired in a leader, unlike the weakling that we in America have right now occupying the White House. Notice, he wasn't praising Putin. He was merely comparing the current leadership in our White House to that of Putin and pointing out the stark contrast. Right or wrong, Putin is decisive, unlike ‘Creepy Joe.’ President Trump thinks Vlad is a strategic genius for recognizing that the U.S. and NATO are all run by a bunch of feckless woke morons and the time to try and regain the Ukraine is now or never. This is the truth. If the truth hurts, then get rid of ‘Creepy Joe.'
President Trump is not saying he agrees with Putin, on the contrary, during President Trump’s four years in the White House he implemented policies that made it clear to Vlad that invading the Ukraine would prove to be a very bad idea. The left destroys everything that it touches and owns the actions that were the impetus behind the Civil War, both World Wars and this invasion of the Ukraine. When Donald Trump was President, these very same Democrats, and their allies in the media were telling anyone who would listen that President Trump would get us into war, but look who can’t wait for war, and sending 7,000 troops to NATO! Democrats are always for War!
The real problem, of course, is that we don’t have enough gay and trans soldiers in the military. If we did, and they focused solely on global warming, then Putin would become woke overnight and immediately withdraw from Ukraine. When you have an idiot who is more concerned with ‘climate change,’ gender and unequal rights in the highest office in the land, why wouldn’t a crafty dictator take advantage of that, instead of doing so when someone who they fear would not hesitate to strike back is in office? Democrats own this mess lock, stock and barrel. President Trump hasn’t been around for 13 months. I can only imagine what the next three years will bring.
We didn’t hear a peep from Vlad while Trump was president. Then ‘Creepy Joe’ is installed, and all Hell breaks loose. If not for the catastrophe of a mail order President, we would not now be watching the tragedy unfold in Ukraine. Yet, Chuckie wants to pass judgment on President Trump? Putin played ‘Creepy Joe’ because he’s a cognitively challenged, feckless do-nothing loser who has not the qualities of a strong Commander-in-Chief. So Ukraine is now on fire and where is ‘Creepy Joe?’ Where else but back in Delaware taking a nice long nap. President Trump ain’t the problem, Chuckie. Anyone with 20/20 vision should be able to see that!
As Chuck and our senile *president have set the stage for a possible WWIII they try to push propaganda to again slam President Trump for their Russia blunder. Just remember it was ‘Creepy Joe’ who gave Russia the incentive to attack Ukraine, giving them a pipeline to blackmail Europe. Taking President Trump’s words out of context to somehow blame him for their own stupidity is a classic Democrat tactic. This one is squarely on the left and no amount of deception can change that. And while Chuckie is crying about the horror of Ukraine, notice he and his party just sit and watch their country get the life choked out of it with them not lifting a finger to help.
Finally, this is likely to be the script for the foreseeable future for both the Democrats and their ‘fake news’ media lapdogs. So you might as well buckle up and get ready for what is surely to be nonstop narratives of how “Republicans are Putin’s allies.” But it’s merely cover for ‘Creepy Joe’s weakness having emboldened Putin. President Trump’s full comments were that Putin’s genius was that he waited for a weak doddering old fool to occupy the White House before invading. I would have used the word patience. The Democrats are going to have to twist themselves into pretzels explaining how Republicans love Xi when Red China invades Taiwan.
Friday, February 25, 2022
It was earlier this week that ‘BO,’ or he who is known by all, at least those with any common sense, as being the former holder of the most prestigious title of ‘Worst President in U.S. History, called upon all Americans to unite behind their abysmal failure of a fraudulently elected *president, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden. And since it would have been impossible for him to have made such a request while maintaining a straight face, this call for ‘unity’ came by way of a statement released to reporters. And it was this method that also afforded ‘BO’ the opportunity to avoid being asked pesky questions by reporters about why Americans would want to do that.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Ya know, you really do need to wonder what it might have been that would have caused anyone in the entire state of Utah to think that it would be, in any way, a good idea to elect this POS to Congress. Although, I must admit that maybe I’m being just a bit too harsh because I too once voted for this lying sack of shit, a fact that, sadly, to this day I am still trying to live down. But be that as it may, it’s still every time, and I do mean every single time, that he opens his mouth that Willard makes everyone within earshot aware of just how much of a backstabbing SOB he continues to be. And it was very recently that Willard once again showed his true colors.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Could it become anymore pointless than it already is for us to continue to listen to any of those who now apparently see it as being their job the providing us all with what is really nothing more than what’s commonly referred to today as, ‘fake news?’ And at what point does it become nothing more than a complete waste of time? I mean these people have already proven themselves to be nothing more than leftist minions all under the employ of the Democrat Party. Because when supposed ‘journalists’ see it as being their primary function to provide all manner of political cover to their most favored of politicians, they cease being of any use to those of us who are supposed to be able to rely on them for factual information.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
It has been for decades now that John Kerry-Heinz has been doing his very best to sound the alarm about how the world is coming to an end because of bogus ‘climate change.’ And it has been none of his many apocalyptic predictions that have EVER materialized. Not one! But has that stopped him from making more such predictions, no. Instead, his predictions have become all the more bizarre and continue to be made despite the fact that a changing climate, even it really was taking place, has absolutely nothing to do with any of the supposed calamities that he insists upon claiming that it does. This guy has been a pathetic loser his entire life!
Monday, February 21, 2022
If it’s not from the Democrats, and it’s not from the many boobs in the ‘fake news’ media and it’s not from the RINOs that we continually hear about how it is that Donald Trump is somehow an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party, then, apparently, we can be sure to hear it from those who were once considered by many to be conservatives but with the arrival of Donald Trump onto the political scene revealed themselves to be conservatives not at all. Such a person is none other than Frank Luntz, one-time conservative pollster. And if Luntz, not unlike Karl Rove, says something, you can now take it to the bank that just the opposite is true.
Friday, February 18, 2022
And so now it would seem that our cadre of congressional RINOs have come up with yet another tactic that can be used, and quite successfully, to stab the American people squarely in the back. And just what might that new tactic be? Apparently, it’s choosing to simply not show up to do what it is that you were elected to do, represent your constituents. So I ask you, when was the last time YOU could simply choose not to show up at your job. Just who do these assholes think they are that they can decide for themselves when they are, and are not, going to show up for work?
Thursday, February 17, 2022
So let me see if I have this right. So not only are we to believe that old ‘Doc’ Tony Fauci is some kind of medical ‘expert,’ but we’re also now apparently supposed to believe that he is also somehow an expert on the subject of politics as well? Personally, I’ve never viewed this guy as being much of an expert on anything, and dare I say that he has a rather long history of proving himself to be the complete opposite. What he is, however, is a narcissistic, self-serving opportunist, besides being a liar and a mass-murderer. But hey, it’s made him a very wealthy man and isn’t that what really matters anyway? That is how those on the left look at things.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Have you ever wondered just how ignorant, and I mean IG-NO-RANT some people can be? Well thanks to one person we now know the answer to that question and with some degree of certainty. And just who is it that was so kind enough to provide us with the answer? Well, of course, it was none other than that ‘Black Kow’ herself, Caryn Johnson, aka Whoopi Goldberg. You see it was this past Tuesday that Caryn told the rest of the herd on ABC’s “The View” that since the presidency of Donald Trump, America has been “tipping towards the way the Taliban deals with stuff.” She said, “I got to say, you know, I told you all this when you-know-who got elected.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
And so, it’s once more that I’m left asking myself just whose side is it that these supposed Republicans, these RINOs, are really on. And it’s once again that the answer is the same as it was the last time. And, of course, the only answer, as it always is, that they’re on the side of those who remain so determined to destroy this country. They are traitors, pure and simple, and are far from deserving of their high office. Instead, they are far more deserving of nothing more than swinging from the end of a rope. These people are evil personified.