Monday, February 7, 2022


And so it appears that we now have a rather strange phenomenon occurring. You see, it’s as the midterm elections grow nearer that we are seeing an increasing number of those Democrats deemed to be ‘vulnerable’ in their quest to get reelected now attempting to distance themselves from the very guy who supposedly got 81 million votes in 2020. Is that not a little strange? And why should their distance from ‘Creepy Joe’ have any bearing on whether, or not, someone chooses to vote for them? And, after all that has been done to this country, over the course of the last 12 months, why is it that EVERY Democrat up for reelection is not considered as being vulnerable?

Anyway, I have no doubt that this little ploy perpetrated by these Democrats will likely go unnoticed by many Americans, especially on the Democrat side. Or, if it is noticed, it likely won’t matter. But having said that, at least two Senate Democrats stand to lose their seats in swing states that the increasingly unpopular ‘Creepy Joe’ ‘won’ by slim margins: Raphael Warnock and Mark Kelly, neither of which have called for the *president’s aid. According to the Washington Post, when Kelly was asked if he wanted ‘Creepy Joe’ to campaign on his behalf, he simply said, “I’m focused on, right now, on things Arizonans care about, like the price of gasoline and groceries."

Kelly did admit that ‘Creepy Joe’ has not been effective on the issue of the southern border. He said, “What’s going on on our southern border, at least in Arizona — no, it’s not been effective.” Meanwhile, in Georgia, it’s Warnock who was equally evasive when asked if he wanted ‘Creepy Joe’ to campaign for him. It was Warnock who told the Post, “I know that the pundits are focused on the campaign. I really am focused on serving the people of Georgia.”  Warnock will likely be facing off against former pro-football player, and very prominent supporter of President Trump, Herschel Walker in a state that ‘Creepy Joe’ ‘won’ narrowly in 2020.

And then there’s Catherine Cortez Masto, of Nevada, another swing state. It was she who said that the *president is “always welcome in my state,” but hesitated to call herself a “Biden Democrat” saying, “I’m a Nevadan first and foremost,” sure she is. Other Democrats hope that ‘Creepy Joe’s fundraising efforts and his overall personality will help win the day come midterms. Rep. Don Beyer believes the *president’s approval rating will increase as the economy gets better. Beyer said, “Over the course of the spring and the summer, we’d love to see President Biden at 47 or 49 or 50 percent — and that will make all the difference in those elections."

Beyer, who oversees fundraising for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, went on to say, “He’s still a very likable, understandable human being. The people loved or hated Donald Trump, but they don’t hate Joe Biden.” That said, even more left-leaning Democrats, such as Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, have also begun distancing themselves from ‘Creepy.’ And it was she who couldn’t be bothered by showing up during ‘Creepy Joe’s trip to Georgia for a major voting rights speech, citing what was some sort of a scheduling conflict. Must have been some sort all you can eat special going on down at the old Golden Corral.

These Democrats seek to distance themselves from ‘Creepy Joe’ because they’re hoping to convince enough Americans that they are on their side and don’t actually support everything that ‘Creepy Joe’ has done. It’s all rather deceptive coming from those who have been some of ‘Creepy Joe’s loudest cheerleaders and now that it’s time for reelection, they try to run away. But what Democrats either don’t get, due to their obvious lack of connection with average Americans, or simply could not care less about is the fact that every time Americans put gas in their cars, buy food to feed their family, or require other necessities of life, their hatred for Democrats grows.

And yet, it’s from the Democrat perspective that nothing which has taken place over the course of the last year is to be called anything other than a success! Because they were never really trying to help anyone but themselves. And so, in order to change America to the country they want, they have to first destroy America as it currently exists. They work to brainwash our young into thinking that what they are born into is not what was meant for them. So, the destruction resulting from their policies is a success. If you only see it as failure then you’re denying the fact that what they are doing has been a long running, well organized plan for at least the last 100 years.

Aside from the skyrocketing inflation, the empty store shelves, the stranded container ships, looming wars, uneducated children, faux science, allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, and the complete and utter failure to secure our border, it’s only now that these politicians seem desperate to separate themselves from ‘Creepy Joe.’ So here’s an idea, perhaps ‘Creepy Joe’ could start working on his 2024 ‘war chest’ by making these same candidates pay him not to campaign for them. And if they resist, he should give them a shout out at the ‘State of The Union address’ and compliment them for the advice they’ve given him over the course of the last year.

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