Thursday, February 17, 2022


So let me see if I have this right. So not only are we to believe that old ‘Doc’ Tony Fauci is some kind of medical ‘expert,’ but we’re also now apparently supposed to believe that he is also somehow an expert on the subject of politics as well? Personally, I’ve never viewed this guy as being much of an expert on anything, and dare I say that he has a rather long history of proving himself to be the complete opposite. What he is, however, is a narcissistic, self-serving opportunist, besides being a liar and a mass-murderer. But hey, it’s made him a very wealthy man and isn’t that what really matters anyway? That is how those on the left look at things.

And I say political expert only because it’s Tony who now wants us all to believe that the sudden rush coming from Democrats to limit, or to do away with altogether, their draconian ‘Chinese virus’ mask mandates and other pointless restrictions has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that our midterm elections are rapidly approaching and that there is a growing sense of impending doom now being felt all across the Democrat Party. And while they may outwardly appear very confident as we head into the next election season, deep down there is a fear that they’re going to get their asses handed to them in rather spectacular fashion.

And so it was old Tony who this week insisted that blue states finally moving to lift mask mandates has nothing to do with politics, asserting it simply has to do with the data, despite the fact that the science has not changed, as prominent conservative politicians have continued to point out. It was during an appearance on MSDNC, this past Monday, that Tony said, “I wouldn’t say it’s the politics. I think it’s the different evaluation of what’s right for a particular community,”, discussing the wave of Democrats who have had what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis described as an “epiphany” and began to announce the end of mask mandates across the states and in schools.

Tony said, “When you use the word politics, I’m not sure it’s that. I just think at the local level, there’s a strong feeling of needing to get back to normality,” before pointing to the “science of it.” And he went on to add, “Now, if you look at the science of it, I mean the direction is going in the right direction. Are we there yet in every single place throughout the country? I don’t believe so. But there are some places that are looking at what the trajectory is, and are saying let’s go with it.” And then he went on to insist that many blue state ‘leaders’ are simply “trying to get back to some form of normality by pulling back on restrictions.” Anyone believing that?

It's been just over the course of the past week that Blue state governors in Illinois, New Jersey and Delaware announced plans to pull back on certain mask restrictions. But it’s been conservatives who have, and rightfully so, pointed out that the timing is of interest. It was during a press conference last week that my governor, Ron DeSantis, said, “The science has not changed one iota. We knew from the beginning, and that’s why Florida never imposed a forced masking policy on school children, and that’s why we fought to liberate the kids from the forced masking that was done on the local level because there was never a justification for it.” And he was spot on.

And he then went on to say, “So when you start to see them kind of reevaluate or say all this, just understand this. The science didn’t change. The medical science didn’t change. The political science changed. They feel the heat. They know that voters have been tired of perpetual lockdown policies.” And he added, “They know that they have basically offered no offramp and they know that they’re fixing to be whooped at the polls, so that’s causing the epiphany.” And these Democrats apparently think we’re all too stupid to see what it is that they are really up to. Now granted, most of those who tend to vote for Democrats, very likely, are actually that stupid.

I like to think of myself as a guy who likes to do his own research which, according to CNN is something considered to be highly dangerous. And it’s according to that research that it would appear that when Red states go against the dictates of old ‘Doc’ Tony, it’s considered to be political. But when Blue states do the exact same thing, it’s because of “the data”, and therefore not political. Do I have that right? But here’s the problem for old ‘Doc Tony’ now. If, according to him, the “data” has “changed,” then aren’t those Democrat states and/or cities (or schools, for that matter) that are still following the OLD “data,” then aren’t they anti-science?

The claim will, of course, be made that the data has changed, but the data has long been highly suspect. And it still remains unclear when comes to the distinction between those who died WITH Covid as opposed to those who died FROM Covid. The data has always been needed to be taken with a grain of salt. And I imagine the Democrats are now looking at how those in other countries are rising up against the totalitarian rule of their respective governments. And they’re beginning to fear what may lie ahead for them this November. So, in order to mitigate that possible scenario, they reluctantly admit defeat, but use ‘science’ as the scapegoat for their defeat.

No one with any commonsense left still cares what this traitorous little gnome has to say. He confidently claims that it has nothing to do with politics. But come this September it’s Creepy Joe and the Democrats who will likely be claiming to have cured COVID and all the mandates will be removed just in time for the November elections. It’s only now, with the prospect of a potential political annihilation, that the Democrats are ‘choosing’ to follow the ‘science.’ The very same ‘science’ that has said all along that masks don’t work to stop viral spread. The very same ‘science’ that said children don’t spread viruses in a school setting, or at home.

No doubt they were hoping their power grab would work out differently, with people being more compliant while being coerced. Then they could adjust the amplification cycles for the PCR tests, claim they saved us (from their own tyranny), end mandates, and have a winning campaign narrative. Too bad that some conservative governors, mayors, and city councils have decided not to play well with them. People need to try to understand how PCR tests are designed to work and stop getting tested. Even the designer of the PCR test said they aren’t to be used in this manner. Coincidentally, he died of pneumonia shortly before this all hit the fan.

And how many people are dead because of Tony? Lifesaving therapeutics were denied because one man questioned them. Licensed professionals turning their backs on patients, refusing to use a treatment President Trump ‘touted.’ Our children will never get their childhoods back. Businesses gone forever. And ALL of this was political, political in the purest sense. It was never about saving lives. It was another coup to oust and make President Trump appear incompetent in an election year. The lack of self-awareness by Tony, and all those who played a part in it, is a criminal, and there needs to be accountability and prosecution. But don’t hold your breath.

And finally, the truly sad part in all of this is that after all of the fear mongering, the lying, the politicization, and the conflicting information we got from the CDC, FDA and NIH, if we ever are made to face REAL bioweapon released in this country, millions will die because we are no longer able to trust those in our government ‘health’ organizations. Way to go Tony! It will likely take years to clean this rot out of our federal health organizations! This boob should have been fired after his ridiculous AIDS opinions back in the 1980s. He is but another great example of your typical government employee and the uncanny knack that all have of always ‘failing upward.’

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