Tuesday, April 26, 2022


I’m pretty sure that, by now, nearly everyone is probably thinking that, with hindsight being what it is, old ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace is, in all likelihood, having some pretty serious second thoughts regarding his rush to depart his cushy environment there at ‘Fox News’ and climbing onboard the sinking ship that is the Comedy News Network (CNN). Perhaps he thought his mere presence at the network would be sufficient to keep things afloat. But alas, such was not the case. And I must admit that I could not be more pleased when it comes to how things turned out and that ‘Commie Chris’ finds himself, at least for now, squarely in the unemployment line.

That said, however, I do find it somewhat mystifying that he would actually view a move to CNN, the ratings disaster that it has been for some time and continues to be, as being a good career move, especially for someone of his rather advanced age. I mean for a guy who constantly thinks of himself as being the smartest guy in the room, you’d think remaining at Fox News would have been a no brainer, not that I miss him. Because I don’t! I haven’t watched Fox News since November 2020. And it was that the former Fox News anchor and now former CNN+ anchor who admitted on Sunday that his ‘professional future’ remains more than a bit unclear.

‘Commie Chris’s next step in the world of ‘fake news’ was broached during a Common Ground Committee panel discussion. When asked by moderator, Jacqueline Adams, if he had any personal revelations to share following the shutdown of CNN+ last week, ‘Commie Chris’ joked that he had no breaking news to share. He said, “I’m in good shape, whether it’s CNN or someplace else. Frankly, what I’m mostly concerned about right now, and very, is my team and hundreds of other people … that had jobs at CNN+.” He said, And so I think you’re seeing a lot of the anchors at CNN+ doing everything they can to protect the people that were working on their team."

I’m sure many will remember when, last December, ‘Commie Chris’ announced his decision to leave Fox News for CNN+ on the promise of looking forward to the “new freedom.” It was then that he said, “I am thrilled to join CNN+. After decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming.” He added. “As I embark on this adventure, I am honored and delighted to join Jeff Zucker and his great team. I can’t wait to get started.” The result could hardly be further from what he had hoped for after working at both ABC and NBC News before the late Roger Ailes lured him to Fox with the promise of his own Sunday show.

So, congratulations to ‘Commie Chris,’ his professional legacy is being the public face of the most ill-fated dumpster fire in the history of ‘fake news’ charlatanism. And it’s each day that he’s not on air, that he fades a little further into obscurity and he knows it. And it terrifies him because, at least at the present time, there’s nobody lining up for a 74 year old has-been to energize their network. The logical next step would be to write a book which won’t sell or, start a podcast and call it, “How to kill a mediocre biased fake journalism career and alienate every colleague you've ever worked with.” There would be plenty of CNN and MSDNC dolts to have on as guests.

All I can say is that what we’re witnessing is some much deserved karma for our greasy leftist weasel of a ‘fake newser.’ ‘Commie Chris’ wrecked his own ‘career’ when he made clear his leftist bias during the Trump/‘Shitbag Joey’ presidential debate! We all saw his bias towards ‘Shitbag Joey’ with his protection of him, and his not letting then candidate Donald Trump speak! He is hated by the Right and the Left. Perhaps his move should be to just disappear. No one has any interest in hearing from him anymore. He less of a ‘journalist’ that he is a biased left wing political hack.  This self-important fool needs to retire like most Americans do when the time comes.

‘Commie Chris’ shouldn't have a future at any bona fide ‘news’ network. He’s a fraud. I have no idea why anyone is the least bit interested in anything he has to say, about anything. He was likely the only man in America who did not know that CNN itself, not just CNN+, was crashing and burning and in need of being rebuilt from the ground up, when he left Fox. Fox is far better off without him. But the mystery that remains is why management at Fox continued to allow him to spew his irrational conclusions for as long as they did. ‘Commie Chris’ clearly had, and continues to have, an agenda. At best, he was a horribly warped political plant disguised as a ‘journalist.'

This is poetic justice. He left ‘Fox News’ because he claimed it was unsustainable after Tucker Carlson’s factual January 6th series. He then goes to a network where their primetime host colluded with his brother, who was the governor of New York, to discredit sexual assault accusers. A network that knowingly pushed a charade that a duly elected president colluded with a foreign government to win the 2016 presidential election. They then ran a graphic for nine months showing daily Covid deaths that mysteriously went away on January 20th 2021. But it’s none of that that seems to matter to ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace. The man is a charlatan.

And finally, there’s an old saying that says, “What goes around, comes around.” And now after nearly 50 years in the world of ‘fake news,’ ‘Commie Chris’ finally gets what’s been coming to him. Decades of telling nothing but lies and of playing his own small part in he destruction of this country has finally caught up with him. He walked into his own personal CNN fiasco with his eyes wide open, so he’s got no one to blame but himself. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. The best thing he could do for himself would be to just fade away quietly and live off his millions and just leave the rest of alone. But I just don’t see him doing that, the man’s ego just won’t allow him to do it.

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