Thursday, August 25, 2022


It would seem that the prospect of a Republican takeover of Congress, come this November, being what it is, Tony Fauci has now made it known that, come this December, he’ll be heading toward the exit and on to collect his 350 grand annual retirement. Just a mere coincidence, ya think? No, I think not. What I think helped Fauci to decide that the time was right to ‘retire’ is the fact that a number of Republicans have made it quite clear that they want to get to the bottom of all his rather shady shenanigans throughout the entire plandemic that resulted from his ‘Chinese virus.’ Clearly, a great many questions remain to be answered.

Especially when it comes to exact role Fauci played regarding the creation of the virus and involvement in the measures taken to essentially keep it going. Because it would seem that in both instances old Doc Tony was very much front and center. And it was the day after announcing he would be stepping down, that old Doc Fauci reacted to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy vowing to hold him accountable over his handling of the ‘Chinese virus’ plandemic should the Republicans succeed in their efforts to take back control of the House. According to McCarthy, Fauci “owes the American people answers.” And on that I would most certainly have to agree.

Anyway, it was during an appearance earlier this week on CNN’s “New Day” that Tony made the ridiculous claim that he actually welcomed oversight, before going on to argue that many Republicans had merely been engaging in “more of a character assassination” than oversight. But he added that he would be “happy to cooperate.” Fauci was asked if he would be willing to testify before Republicans even after his retirement. Fauci replied, “Sure, I certainly would consider that.” And he said, “But you’ve got to remember, I believe oversight is a very important part of government structure, and I welcome it, and it can be productive.” Sure he does!

Fauci went on to say, “But what has happened up till now is more of a character assassination than it is oversight. So, sure, I would be happy to cooperate, so long as we make it something that is a dignified oversight, which it should be, and not just bringing up ridiculous things and attacking my character. That’s not oversight.” But I can’t help but wonder, can it really be described as “character assassination” when it’s someone like Fauci who is involved, a man who is totally devoid of character? Somehow, I think we all can all safely assume that Fauci will resist appearing before those interested in asking those questions that Fauci has thus far managed to dodge.

And if the Republicans do make good on their promise to haul Fauci in for questioning, those in the ‘fake news’ media will surely explode and do their best to describe any attempt to get to the truth as nothing more than a Republican political witch hunt. Unlike their approach to the ongoing Democrat and DOJ shenanigans, which they continue to both applaud and support. Fauci is a true narcissist. He has thrived on all the attention and publicity and power that he has acquired in the last couple of years. He is NOT going to give up being in the limelight as he’s drunk on power. He is conceited and he will most certainly refuse to go quietly into the night.

Fauci lied about his involvement with the Wuhan Lab. He lied about his funding gain-of-function research. He tried, desperately, to cover his tracks when his peers came to the rightful conclusion that the virus was engineered and not naturally occurring. He heavily redacted his emails before submitting them for review. He suppressed any, and all, therapeutic treatments that have proven to be effective in countries where he did not have a say. This dirtbag needs to be tried for crimes against humanity. And yet, it’s very clear that despite all of his, rather questionable, behavior, Fauci remains the darling of those in Hollyweird and those in the ‘fake news’ media.

People lost their livelihoods for refusing to be guinea pigs for his big Pharma and globalist master's depopulation crimes. Pretty much the entire health industry, especially the hospitals, and the ‘fake news’ media either cooperated or were part of the deception from the start. And now he wants to be treated in a dignified manner? Dignified? Like forcing people to die alone while not allowing their loved ones to be with them in their final moments? That kind of dignified? Dignified like shaming people who decided not to take your “vaccine” because they wanted to make their own health decisions? Is that the kind of dignified Fauci is talking about?

And by “dignified,” I’m sure that Fauci means not being asked any hard questions about what it was that he actually did, and why he thought it was okay for him to do them. And however things turn out, I’m quite sure that any hearings involving Fauci will be at least as dignified as, say, the ongoing committee hearings regarding the events of January 6, 2021. Or just as dignified as the two bogus attempts to impeach President Trump. Or as dignified as any of the bogus attempts made by the Democrats over the entire four years of his presidency to remove a duly elected president from office. Those like Fauci should not be considered immune to the same treatment.

And although I am quite sure that most Democrats will surely disagree, I think it fair to say that this man is nothing less than an accomplice to mass murder. And an accomplice to a highly coordinated, lethal, and conspiratorial attack on humanity. He deserves no quarter. When I think of all the people that were denied being with family when they took their last breath, the toll quarantine took on daily routines, the other diseases that went undiscovered and untreated, businesses closed forever, the disruption to our supply chain, people losing their jobs over a vaccination card, and the experiments conducted on man’s best friend, Fauci should rot in prison.

Fauci “assassinated” his own character courtesy of the many lies he told to the American people. We all witnessed them firsthand and in real time with none of them based on science. “Don’t wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two or three masks, better stay indoors, better not have any holiday parties, wear a mask at all times, even in your car, make your children wear a mask, not safe for kids to be in school, shut down the economy, well, except Walmart, Amazon. Then came the ‘vaccines,’ natural immunity wasn’t effective against the virus, but the vaccine is safe, the vaccine was thoroughly tested, blah, blah, blah, all lies! I could go on, but why bother.

Fauci continues to display a smug, self-satisfied look to match his actions. He has clearly become addicted to being in the limelight and the wielding of power and influence that he was permitted to possess. He was a major player in an agenda that chose politics over science when making, or influencing, decisions that only served to prolong the supposed crisis. We are now able to see the effects of government decisions from the federal to the local level, and the cure was clearly worse than the disease. I will be glad to see him leave though there are others who need to resign as well. The CDC and related agencies now acknowledge they handled it improperly.

At the end of the day, Fauci the fraud, played a part in creating a virus, lied about it, scammed millions to fund it, and intends to walk free to collect a ‘pension’ that most Americans could only dream about. Fauci’s only legacy is one that leaves many Americans, as well as much of the world, with a complete distrust of all public health agencies and agents. But in a very odd way, Fauci has also made people realize that their government is not here to protect anything other than the government. And it’s all rather unfortunate, and more than a little sad, that so many people had to die because of one man. A man who may yet escape the fate he so richly deserves.

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