Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Ok, I’m sorry but someone is going to need to explain something to me. Because how is it that when a Republican governor buses illegal immigrants to those locales who profess to be sanctuaries for such people it’s deemed to be inhumane treatment of these poor unfortunate souls, but when a Democrat governor does virtually the very same thing it’s somehow described using very different language, described as being attempt to help those being bused to these other locales. I mean, does that make sense to anyone who is not a brain-dead Democrat, because it makes no sense to me.

So look, it’s by now that I’m pretty sure that most Americans are very well aware of the fact that for nearly a year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been sending busloads of illegals to sanctuary cities like New York City, Chicago, and Washington, DC in what is nothing more than an attempt, on his part, to spread the wealth, so to speak. But also, to share the costs associated with the level illegal immigration brought about by Joey B & Co. with those regions of the country that purport to enthusiastically support the allowing of millions of illegal immigrants to continue to flood into the country.

And now these sanctuary cities and states are being forced to put their money where their mouth is. New Yorkers will now be expected to foot a bill that totals “at least” $600 million to provide public services, housing, and education for thousands of arriving border crossers and illegal aliens. The majority of those arriving are so poor that they are remaining in the city’s overloaded homeless shelter system. And now New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, is complaining that the sanctuary state of Colorado is also now sending border crossers and illegal immigrants to his city.

Last month, when border crossers and illegal immigrants began arriving in Denver, Colorado, it was Mayor Michael Hancock, who happens to be a Democrat, who declared a state of emergency. The arrivals accounted for just 0.01 percent of the nation’s illegal immigration crisis at the southern border. Hancock and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, yet another Democrat, suggest that they are simply trying to help, with millions in state taxpayer money, border crossers and illegal immigrants reach their final destination which just so happens to be New York City, among other places.

This latest move is apparently the first time where we have one sanctuary jurisdiction seeking to offload the burden of illegal immigration onto another sanctuary jurisdiction. Despite their policies to protect illegal immigrants from arrest and deportation, sanctuary politicians have denounced Abbott’s migrant buses as inhumane, while claiming they are simply trying to “help” these people get to their final destinations. Democrat hypocrisy, don’t you just love it. Do they think that no one is going to notice that they’re just a bunch of hypocrites? Too late for that!

So anyway, apparently half of the homeless population in Denver now consists of these newly arrived illegals, which one would have to argue is a situation that the city has brought upon itself, and its citizens. And it’s this self-inflicted crisis that is now said to be overwhelming the city. And yet most in the ‘fake news’ media choose to simply ignore the problem despite the fact that it’s not going away anytime soon, not as long as current immigration policies remain in effect. Just like they ignore the sex trafficking of unaccompanied minors, thousands of which have now gone missing.

And Joey B & Co. continues to turn a blind eye to the cartels killing our citizens with fentanyl, now the number one cause of death for Americans 18-45, and the human slavery that is occurring at our southern border. Fourteen Border Patrol agents have killed themselves this year. Imagine the demoralization and trauma they witness, with Joey B & Co. funding ‘open border’ activists that are encouraging people to leave their homes and jobs and come here. Everything will be free. And it’s Joey who has yet to make a trip to the border to see his handiwork up close and personal.

And I find it rather funny that so many people think that the Republicans are dysfunctional because they’ve got an internal battle going on to decide who the best leader of their caucus and Speaker of the House should be. Meanwhile, Democrats are doing a pretty good imitation of a ‘Three Stooges’ routine on each other over the very policies that THEY themselves first dreamt up and then enthusiastically implemented. So when all is said and done who’s really the party of goofs here? Democrats are always quick to claim they’re for illegals, as long as it’s at someone else’s cost.

What we are all witnessing here is another episode of “Dumber and Dumberer,” this the latest example of our politicians competing to out-stupid each other. One party is genius at acquiring power, and diabolical at using it. The other party is great at holding on to enclaves of power but seems totally baffled when it comes to how to use it. They take turns finding new and innovative ways to make life confusing, frustrating, and infuriating for ordinary folks. Meanwhile, millions continue to flood across our border coming from all over the world, every single year. How asinine!!!

One would expect New York to be greeting these illegal immigrants with open arms. After all, it’s about the only way left that the state can avoid losing any more congressional representation and maintain their electoral votes. Just think, when Joey B. was just a young pup New York had 45 electoral votes, the largest in the country. Now it’s only got 28. And yet, they endless complain about having to support these new arrivals just as energetically as they chase from their state the ones who they need to pay taxes they will need to cover the costs of their sanctuary status.

But it’s not ‘unfair’ to expect the border states to bear all of the burden? If Adams doesn’t like the border jumpers being sent to New York, then he should take it up with Joey B. But I am curious about something, why send illegals from Colorado all the way to New York City when the sanctuary state of California, and the sanctuary cities of Los Angeles, and San Francisco are practically right next door? Spread the fun around, when it comes to the costs of feeding and caring for thousands and thousands of Illegals, and the numerous diseases that they have brought here with them!

Colorado governor Jared Polis is apparently gay, a fact that I was totally unaware of, and apparently lives with his lover in the Colorado governor’s mansion. His recent re-election in November gives him another four years there. He realizes that he must present himself as a moderate Democrat if he is to have the political future that he so desperately wants for himself. Hence, he’s shipping a number of illegal immigrants off to New York City in the hopes of giving the pose of ‘moderation’ to people who are tired of the problems that the large number of those in this country illegally bring.

Finally, the level of damage that Joey B has been allowed to inflict upon the country is nothing short of criminal. At the rate we are now going, if things don’t change on our border, and change quickly, it won’t be long before we’ll be just another member of the third world. I blame clueless white liberals for this, they should be assessed higher taxes to pay for the effects of the Democrat policies. Prissy liberals, stolen morality, never held accountable for their projections of moral superiority. In fact, they are soulless ghouls, they celebrate obscenity and cheer on moral degeneracy.

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