Saturday, March 16, 2024


And so it is that every four years we have nominees from their respective political party providing us all with their vision for our country and advocating for the direction in which they wish to take us as our president. Several of our presidential elections have been described as being pivotal and/or consequential, but none can compare in that regard with our upcoming election. Primarily because of who we have as its primary participants. The choice for the American people in the upcoming election has never been more stark or, dare I say, more consequential, not only for those living in America today, but very likely for generations of Americans to come.

Because, you see, it’s on one hand that we have President Trump who, during his tenure as president, made it possible for America to prosper at what was an unprecedented level. America was made energy self-sufficient, had a relatively secure border, a bona fide booming economy and a strong military. It was also a period of relative world peace, even in the Middle East courtesy of the Abraham Accords. On the other hand, we have Joe Biden under whom the last three years have been the complete opposite on every level. We have the highest inflation in 40 years, a nonexistent border and anemic economy, and a world that is now on fire.

But be that as it may, there are those who are determined to convince the American people that what we have been made to endure over the course of the last 39 months has been remarkably better than what we experienced during the previous 48. And it was this past Friday, during an appearance on HBO’s ‘Real Time,’ that one of those reeking of such desperation, one Eric Holder, commented on Joey’s poll numbers by stating that “as the media turns its attention to making this a binary choice between a person who’s got some age and cognitive issues — that would be Trump — against somebody who has actually accomplished a lot, I think we’ll do just fine."

Host Bill Maher asked, “What do you make of the fact that the Democrats, by every poll I read, are, I would just say, losing their base? If you look at non-white working-class voters, there has been a 61-point shift, that’s an incredible amount, from 2012, that’s in twelve years. Obama, in 2012…I think won it by 67 points, that demographic. Biden won it by 48. Now he’s only up by six. What’s going on there?” Holder answered, “I think, first off, you’re measuring March against November. We’re looking at where people are right now, I think you’ll probably see a movement with regard to working-class people of all races towards Biden by the time you get to November."

Holder went on to say, “You’re also comparing an extremely — an unbelievably popular African American running for the first time and who really galvanized people in all strata of life. And so, I think, in some ways, that’s not a fair comparison. But I think we should not be too alarmed by these March polls, you’ve got to take them into consideration. But March is a fundamentally different month than October and November, and we’ll see where these things turn out when we get to that part of the calendar year.” Yet over half of American households are living paycheck to paycheck now and crime rates are significantly higher than they were four years ago.

Holder continued, “There’s work to be done, but I’m actually optimistic that, if we stay committed, focused, and as the media turns its attention to making this a binary choice between a person who’s got some age and cognitive issues — that would be Trump — against somebody who has actually accomplished a lot, I think we’ll do just fine. And what you said in the monologue was really good, though, Trump’s popularity rating is higher now than it ever was during his presidency. It’s like, hey, America, remember? … People, they’re saying, are you better off now than you were four years ago? You’re damn right we are."

Holder concluded by saying, “So, let’s not lose sight of the chaos, the corruption, and all the negative things that Donald Trump meant and put a good man back in the White House.” So Holder has now simply admitted what most Americans have already known, that the ‘fake news’ media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Those in the business of ‘fake news’ have continued to pull out all of the stops for more than eight years in their effort to demonize President Trump and yet it hasn’t worked in terms of ending, or even reducing, his level of support. Only a fool would think they can change tactics to stop him in the next eight months.

Look, we all go grocery shopping, we all buy gas, we all see crime exploding all around us, we see the borders leaking millions of unvetted illegals from all over the world flooding into our neighborhood and creeping into our neighborhoods. And, I think, we all can see how three years of progressive policies, combined with Joey’s personal obtuseness, has led to a world in flames and an inflationary bubble that will cause great pain when it finally bursts. Those in the ‘fake news’ media have been telling us for more than three years not to believe that which we are seeing with our own two eyes. We must believe only what it is that they tell us.

Holder, like most of those on the left, believes that most people are simply too stupid. The fact is, the ‘fake news’ media has continued to treat Joey with kid gloves since day one. Add to that the fact that most polls make clear that our trust in the ‘fake news’ media has never been lower. And then there is the reality of what average Americans are going through every day in just trying to survive Bidenomics. Holder, like so many Democrat operatives, is trying to convince voters to ignore the realities of their lives and simply believe differently. While I’m sure that this will likely work on a few, I think that most people are reminded every day of what the reality is.

Holder's statement makes no sense whatsoever that “working-class people of all races will move towards voting for Biden by November,” given that Joey has all, but destroyed our economy, caused unaffordable record high food and fuel prices, created record high interest rates for new home purchases and loans, killed thousands of jobs, is responsible for an explosion of violent crime in America’s cities, and heartland, and otherwise has utter contempt for citizens who love America. People know enough about both candidates to have made up their minds long ago. This isn’t a normal election year where one side still is introducing its nominee to the public.

When a politician accuses President Trump of being a threat to our ‘democracy,’ what they really mean is that he’s a threat to their corrupt bureaucracy. I don’t need the likes of Holder to tell me that the media shills for Democrats. That has been their primary purpose since the day Joey wandered into the Oval Office. They have seen themselves as being the rose-colored glasses through which the American people must be convinced to look through regarding all that Joey has done ‘for’ them. And they continue to seem confident in their ability to carry out this little charade of theirs, and their ability to convince Americans that things are far better than they are.

And I wonder what more Holder might want from our Democrat ‘fake news’ media? They already overlook the many ongoing Joey policy disasters. They give the border a few seconds of coverage every so often, they’re working overtime in trying to sell this bad economy to Americans as a democrat masterpiece, even though Americans are hurt every day by rising Inflation. Joey has run our national debt up to over $34 Trillion dollars spending money that we simply don’t have in an order to buy votes and to destroy America. Massive spending on foolish things is just Democrat brilliance. The Democrat media is already working overtime for Joe, and his incompetent handlers.

So basically, Holder seems confident in saying that Americans would rather reelect a stumbling, mumbling, dementia ridden, cadaver, who has one foot in the grave, than the man who, if reelected, would undoubtedly make their lives far easier. These Democrat Party cult fanatics don’t care that we are being bankrupted by their hyperinflation or that you and your children are being made the victims of crimes by their illegal immigrants. All they care about is duping, deluding, and deceiving just enough low information ‘voters’ that will allow them to retain their power and political position. We cannot afford to get fooled again by the Democrat Party cult.

Joey has done nothing that has benefited the American people. Messing up the economy and opening the border to be invaded by scum and making the world a more dangerous place are not accomplishments. He has already given us three wars. It’s unbelievable that reasonably intelligent people would want this guy to be president again simply because they hate President Trump. President Trump has done none of the sinister things he has been accused of and life was better by every metric when he was in charge. Is Joey really the guy we want leading our country when the world is burning? Those people who support Joey are just plain crazy.

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