Saturday, March 2, 2024


Just what might it be that makes Nikki Haley think that there is any way on God’s Green Earth that she will, one year from now, be sitting in the Oval Office? I mean, you don’t need to be a political genius to understand that she now has to know that she has alienated more than enough Trump supporters to virtually guarantee that she would have zero chance of winning the election even should President Trump, by some bizarre chance, not be the Republican nominee. I believe there’s an old adage about how it is that if one has dug themselves into a hole and wishes to go no deeper the best thing to do is to simply stop digging. And yet she continues to dig.

And it was this past Friday that Haley was once again out digging that hole a little deeper. It was during an appearance on CNN’s “Inside Politics” when Haley boldly stated that “no president should ever be above the law” when asked about the Supreme Court hearing arguments on President Trump’s claims of presidential immunity. Host Dana Bash said, “I want to start with what’s happening with Donald Trump today. He’s back in Florida for one of the federal cases against him. Meanwhile, in another, the January 6, case, the Supreme Court announced this week that it would hear arguments in April about whether or not he will get his push for immunity."

Bash went on to say, “This means that there’s a very good chance that the trial, if it does go forward, won’t happen until either right before or even during and maybe even after the election. Should the Supreme Court expedite this?” Haley said, “Well, I think the Supreme Court should hear it because we do want to look at immunity. No president should ever be above the law. And, you know, we’ve never really had to clarify this before, and I think it’s important for the Supreme Court to clarify.” And she went on to say, “Would we like to see things go faster? Of course, we would. But do you think the judges and the lawyers are going to have that happen?"

She then said, “I don’t know, I mean, it could be that it takes a while, but I’m just glad that they’re hearing it. I think that’s important.” Bash then asked, “Is it important for voters to know how this trial and others wrap up before they go to the polls?” Haley answered saying, “Of course, of course. I mean they’re- you know, you want people to have as much information about the people they’re deciding will be president before they go to the polls. You know, that’s the part that, you know, we all should hope to have. I don’t know that we’ll have that clarity, but I think that that’s something that voters would want."

And then, it was in a preview of her interview that will apparently air Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Haley once again chose to dig that hole even a bit deeper when she said that she didn’t know if President Trump would follow the Constitution in a second term. Why is that, exactly, is that what he did during his first term?  Anchor Kristen Welker asked, “Do you think Donald Trump would follow the Constitution if he were elected to a second term?” Haley said, “I don’t know. I mean, you always want to think someone will, but I don’t know.”  But why doesn’t she know? Is that what he did the last time he was in the White House?

She added, “When you go and you talk about revenge. When you go and you talk about, you know, vindication. What does that mean? Like, I don’t know what that means and only he can answer for that. What I can answer for is I don’t think there should be a president who is above the law I don’t think there should be a president that has total immunity to do whatever they want to do.” Does she mean like the idiot currently in the White House? Joey is the real criminal here, and yet she persists in harping about how we need to be so worried about what it is that President Trump may, or may not, do if he is successful in his attempt to get re-elected.

Any respect I may have had for Haley is long gone after these moronic comments. Allowing renters to forgo rent, which the Supreme Court said was unconstitutional and Joey did it anyway. And then it was the scam of student loan “forgiveness,” which the Supreme Court also ruled as unconstitutional, and Joey is, again, doing it anyway. The president’s main job is to protect the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And what Joey has done is to throw open the border to anybody who is able to cross it. Half of Congress, at least, doesn’t follow the Constitution. And the idiot Haley is concerned that President Trump won’t follow the Constitution??? What a buffoon.

Ah yes, spoken like a true Democrat. Haley is part of the scare folks about President Trump campaign that’s now going on. Right, President Trump seeks nothing more than to be a dictator, is a Nazi, yadda, yadda, yadda. But I do think that I understand both her panic and her fear. She has the same character flaws as does every Democrat I’ve ever heard, projection and fear mongering. You know, it’s like none of these Trump haters, regardless of political party, that remember how just four years ago it was this guy who was in the White House, and never once did he exhibit any of traits that they say we now need to be so worried about. And yet now we need to be worried?

Frankly, Haley sounds a little more like Hitlery every single day. It’s almost funny watching her destroy herself. She has not just burned her bridges; she has dynamited them right down to their foundations! But on the brighter side, at least for Haley, is the fact the she has garnered the support of such RINO diehards as Lisa Murkowski, Willard Romney, Liz Cheney and likely even more that we’ve yet to hear from. All of the people who pretend that President Trump is going to destroy the country are the first to want to try to take him out using laws that have never been used in the way they are now being used to put a duly elected American president in jail.

This woman is all for a banana republic if it will advance her political career. She proves why she should be nowhere near the levers of power every time she becomes the useful idiot of the day on these ‘fake news’ shows. And why is it that we should believe that she would follow the Constitution as president? I mean she doesn’t seem to have remained a conservative since quitting her U.N. job, although that seems to be who she thinks she’s now representing in her bid to be our next president. The votes she received thus far in the primaries have come primarily from those Democrats, or far left leaning Republicans, only trying to bring about a Trump loss.

Clearly President Trump won the 2020 election, that no longer is even in dispute. The five states that ignored their own Constitution's voting laws should have been enough to void the elections in those states. Not one case of voter fraud was thrown out on lack of evidence but rather on procedural grounds. Meaning that no one had the spine to actually fix it. Arizona just had a judge determine that non-citizens were able to cast votes in the presidential election, which is a blatant violation of our Constitution. The Democrat party is a party of seditionists. The party needs to be destroyed and its leadership, along with RINOs like Haley, imprisoned for treason.

Once again, we get more proof that Haley is not fit to serve the public trust. As a brought and paid for Manchurian candidate masquerading as a conservative Republican her cover has now been officially blown. Someone should tell her that desperation is a sign of someone who lies and says anything to disparage the one person that they feel threatened by. She needs to look at the reality of her situation, she is getting trounced. I seems to me that it would be better for her to save face and fade to insignificance since, her future in politics, at least as a Republican is nonexistent. But then, perhaps, she can land herself a gig on either CNN or MSDNC.

She must realize that *president Joey has considered himself to be above the law since the day he was selected! And yet I’ve never heard a word from her mouth saying how horrible Joey is, only how the country would be so much worse off under President Trump. Haley continues to play the “Bashing Trump Pays Well Card,” and will continue playing it as long as it keeps to pay well. But she gets a little worse with each of these bizarre appearances. Her cheap shots come right from the liberal gutter in which she currently resides. Immunity has absolutely nothing to do with the president or anyone else being “above the law,” but quite the opposite.

Presidents need to make difficult calls, often under intense time constraints. They occasionally have to operate in legally gray areas. Protecting federal elections is clearly an official act. Smith indicted Trump for his efforts to delay or deny certification of the 2020 election results. The Smith indictment charges him for activities such as his conversations with Mike Pence, his speeches to citizen activists, his statements to or toward state legislators and election officials, and his conversations with the Department of Justice about election fraud. Even if the motive for these decisions was political, they certainly look like official acts.

We have rightly given presidents a wide berth of legal insulation when it comes to official actions. And yet, isn’t it amazing that so many people, including Haley, are making President Trump out to be a lawbreaking individual. He’s still innocent until proven guilty. So many politicians are in cahoots attempting to discredit President Trump. President Trump loves this country. I understand that Haley is cutting her own political throat, but just what is she raving about as President Trump had nothing to do with the January 6 protests, other than telling people to go protest peacefully. I am still attempting to understand why she does not simply shut up!

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