Saturday, June 15, 2024


Sometimes, despite the seriousness of our present situation, you just gotta laugh at Democrats who still think that after we’ve watched Joey, and they, spend the last three plus years destroying our country we’re stupid enough to believe anything they have to say. But you really do need to give old Jamie ‘Rat Boy’ Raskin an ‘A’ for effort for going out there every chance he gets to spew the stupidest drivel you’ve ever heard as he does his best to malign President Trump, his supporters, the Supreme Court or whomever else he thinks is in need of being maligned. And with Joey’s numbers in the toilet this sleazy fuck has been showing up all over the place.

Case in point would be this past Friday when Raskin was once again invited to one of his favorite venues and provided with yet another opportunity to do what it is that he does best. Appearing on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” Raskin argued, or tried to, that the Supreme Court striking down a ban on bump stocks is like flying the National Rifle Association flag “way above the Constitution and the public safety.” Raskin went on another of his baseless anti-American rants. He needs to be reminded that the White House routinely flies the Pervert flag above the Stars and Stripes. No Republican has ever disrespected our flag in the manner which the Democrats continue to do.

Anyway, it was during this recent appearance that Raskin said, “It was outrageous, of course. It was not just Justice Sotomayor who said that this bird quacks like a duck and walked like a duck, it was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). So it was the governing agency which said that a semiautomatic weapon equipped with a bump stock operates exactly like a machine gun and should be treated that way.” He continued, “Of course it was in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre where 58 people were destroyed and more than 500 wounded, fundamentally altering the lives of hundreds of people and snuffing out the lives of 58 of them."

And he went on to say, “Trump at that point pretended at least to support that action as a substitute for universal violent criminal background check and for a complete ban on military style assault weapons. Now they get the justices he brags about putting on the court to overturn Roe v. Wade and they also strike this down.” Raskin added, “The Flag of America they fly upside down. The flag of the NRA they fly right-side up, and they fly it very high. Way above the rule of law, way above the Constitution and the public safety of the people.” So says the guy who has zero concept of “the rule of law” and who has no issues with those who burn the flag. He makes me want to puke!

Again, Raskin is simply talking out his ass. After all, how many times a gun fires is irrelevant if you’ve killed someone. The issue is, or should be, why did one choose to kill someone in the first place? Dead is dead, whether by one bullet or a hundred. His complaining is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Democrats love all of the gun violence, that’s why they persist in taking measures that only serve to exacerbate it. They create so-called “gun free” zones in the hope of enticing one of their nutjob followers to take advantage of it. Democrats need the highest body count possible to make it easier for them to remove guns from the hands of law-abiding Americans.

The Democrats’ rather profound contempt for the Constitution is better seen in how they continue to prop up an elderly man with dementia who is clearly unable to carry out the daily duties of President, instead relying on unelected bureaucrats to fill the void. How can they value the office of the President when the person in the Oval Office doesn’t even know what day it is? They’re all lying to us. Democrats commit fraud, they have no respect for our system of government when they decide the President is unnecessary. Raskin, while a member of Congress, has not even a basic understanding of our Constitution. Unelected bureaucrats do not make laws!

And so it’s once again that Raskin demonstrates his ignorance, or his willful disregard. Unelected, and unaccountable ‘government agencies,’ like the ATF, have no authority, or power, under our Constitution. We are not supposed to be under the dictates of such petty gauleiters as ‘governing agencies’ who are not made to face election, and therefore can never obtain the moral sanction of “consent of the governed.” Raskin appears to think that ‘governing agencies’ rule the American people. However, nowhere in the Constitution are such monstrosities expressly enabled. But this type of warped thinking coming from Raskin is really nothing new coming from Democrats.

In short, this guy is straight up lying. A bump stock does not turn a semi-automatic gun into a machine gun. It’s still per the one bullet per one trigger pull. Yes, we fly the NRA flag because gun ownership is a Second Amendment right that those like Raskin would love nothing more than to eliminate. They hate it when the Supreme Court rules in favor of the written law instead of whatever the current progressive orthodoxy might be. Yes, we sometimes fly the American flag upside down because we believe the Republic is in danger. Raskin loves playing his role as a member of the elite ruling class and, as such, sees the rest of us as a hive of bees to be managed.

Democrats see only one solution to their dilemma, and that would be of course to pack the Court, not with those justices who believe the Constitution should be enforced as written, but with left wing activist ‘judges’ who feel the Constitution is much more open to interpretation. Sotomayor is a liar and a disgrace and Kagan was never even a judge! Such individuals make clear just how destructive Democrats are! If we’ve learned anything in the last four years, I would hope that most Americans have now come to realize that Democrats never tell the truth. Everything they say has as its core the intent to take away our freedom and undermine the Constitution.

Those in the Democrat Party see as their number one priority is to either neuter the Court to the point where its decisions can simply be ignored, or to figure out a way essentially seize control of the Court guaranteeing that any decision made would be in their favor. Democrats seem far less interested in reducing inflation at the grocery store, gas station, pharmacy, and everywhere else; securing the border; and prioritizing the safety, security, prosperity, and well-being of you, your children, your community, and the country. But what should we expect from a Democrat Party whose latest nominee to the Court claimed to lack the ability to define word ‘woman?'

And finally, perhaps what America needs is a two-state solution of its own. One where we would have the ‘Conservative Sates of America’ and the ‘Communist States of America.’ All those who hold the Constitution to be right and true, love God, Family, Constitution as founded, strong military might, energy independence, real education, truth in media, manners, community helping neighbors, morality, clean streets, clean air, clean water, jobs for all, lawful pursuits, etc., come to the Conservative States of America? Those who want to be taken care of by an overbearing, greedy, immoral, lying, perverse, government, well they go to the Communist States! Sound fair?

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