Saturday, June 29, 2024


Just one more comment on Thursday’s debate that by most reasonable accounts was a fucking fiasco for our current *president. Actually, it’s more of a question. How is it that anyone who has no wish to see this country slide any further into the ditch, would like to see Joey elected for another four years? Let’s face it, if this guy was your dad, or your grand dad, it’s right about now that you’d be looking for home. And yet, there remains those people who genuinely think he’s actually capable of running this country. For crying out loud, look around. Everything bad that is happening in this country, and the world, can be traced straight back to this doddering old fool.

Ok, some people hate President Trump, I get it, I really do. But for the sake of the country if you can’t bring yourself to vote for him then do those of us who work for a living a favor and stay home on Election Day. Because I gotta tell ya, it’s not all that comforting to be told that a guy who was never all that sharp to begin with, is still as sharp as he’s always been. This guy wasn’t qualified to be president the first two times he ran, that’s why few people voted for him. That said, although some would likely disagree, if they’re being honest, there is simply no way that he received 81 million votes the last time. It’s just not possible, mathematically speaking.

Which brings me to one of those desperate to convince us that Joey has not lost his edge. It was during an appearance on Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” that Joey’s campaign co-chair Chris Coons dodged on if *president Joey is like the person folks saw on the debate stage on Thursday, but did state that “he is sharp and engaged, his cognitive capabilities are as good as ever.” Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “Senator, you mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, she, repeatedly, last night, dodged Anderson Cooper’s questions about whether the Biden we saw in the debate is who he is every day. What’s your answer to that? Because you know him well."

Coons responded, “I do. And I was just in Europe for a few days where the G7 Summit was held in Italy. Leaders from across Europe who’ve met with him and worked with him, say the same thing that I’ll tell you from working with him and meeting with him, he is sharp and engaged, his cognitive capabilities are as good as ever. Yes, his gait has a little bit of a shuffle to it. Sometimes he speaks a little softly. But his abilities for leadership, for surrounding himself with outstanding people, and making the right choice for the American people, that is undimmed. And, frankly, his record is one of the strongest of any president in my lifetime."

Joey’s record is nothing but a record of failure, and it’s why we, as a country, are totally in the toilet after just three years of Joes “cognitive capabilities?” Yup, old Joey is sharp as a tack, his mental acuity is at near genius level and the economy is doing great. Oh, and aren’t all those high prices at the gas pump and grocery store great for the economy? Plus he opened up the border to let in anyone and everyone and now we have all these invitees enriching our society with all their acts of violence. These leftists claim Joey is as “sharp as ever,” but then keep in mind that these are the very same leftists who seem to think that men can be women.

This is essentially an open confession that he’s been a vegetable for years. And his refusal to take a cognitive exam tells me that he can’t pass one. But in so doing old Joey would face a bit of a catch-22. I mean, if he were to fail it, he couldn’t continue as *president and continue his effort to destroy this country. If he passes, then he’d be fit to stand trial for stealing and disclosing classified documents for over 50 years. Coons tells us not to believe our eyes, believe only what we’re told. Weakness is strength, ignorance is wisdom and compliance is freedom. The ‘fake news’ media has been gaslighting us about this clown for his entire half century long ‘political career.'

But Coons isn’t lying. And I mentioned, Joey’s cognitive abilities ARE as good as they’ve ever been. It just so happens they’ve always been severely impaired. Coons’ comments would be like the Captain of the Titanic reassuring the passengers that his ship is unsinkable, while it’s sinking! Coons has always been a bit of useful idiot. He is a complete moron, but his constituents seem to be just a little dumber than he as they keep voting him into office. But just who is this guy really lying to? Is he lying to himself or to the voters? And is he actually that stupid or does he think so little of voters that he’s willing to tell them anything? What is it that comes after denial?

That we continue to hear comments from any number of Democrat members of Congress who are busily praising Joey just goes to show how they care for power more than they care about the well-being of “We the People.” Because if they were to do something like that, they might jeopardize the security of the country before they dare come clean about that old bumbling liar. And making such comments doesn’t say much about their ability to observe and form opinions based solely on facts. They might be right about Joey’s abilities, basically without change. But I have to agree that Joey has always been mediocre at best. And Democrats willingly accept that.

And in so doing, Democrats once again prove that they could not care less about the American people, what they think, and the country as a whole by doubling down on their obvious lies just to stay in power. When it comes to Democrats, it has always been about staying in power and never about the safety and security of the people or our country. The true threat to “democracy” in this country is Joey and those who continue to support him. These reprobate liars who are supposed to represent the American people would have no problem defending Satan in the flesh if it meant remaining in power. It’s what they do and what they’ve always done.

These Democrats have finally said something that I can believe. They didn’t say he was good or that he is capable. All they said was that he is as good has he ever has been, which explains why he’s been on the wrong side of every foreign policy and national defense decision made in the last 40 years. And it also explains ‘BO’s comment when he said, “Never underestimate Biden’s ability to (mess) things up.” So we were warned, and yet here we are. I don’t understand why any American allows themselves to be so blatantly lied to. What can possibly come from it, other than giving power to bureaucrats who have no regard for you nor anything you care about?

And then there’s the wife, Jill, who should be brought up on charges of elder abuse. This is a woman who, or so we’re told, holds an educational doctorate and who makes me question her desire to, or not, to leave the White House and further makes me believe she is in it for the glory at the expense of this country to abuse this old fart. Imagine being married to a power-hungry gold-digger who would rather drug you and prop you up at public events than to allow you to retire and enjoy a life together in your old age. Democrat women are truly a pathetic lot. Especially those who so openly try to live vicariously through their spouse. Remind you of everyone else?

And you may have heard that Joey was heard the next day ranting about how, “I might not be able to debate as well as I used to, but I still always know how to tell the truth.” So, he knows how to tell the truth? How stupid does he think we are? Joey has been going downhill for years, maybe even decades. And what “cognitive capabilities” he may left today most certainly can’t be much, he can’t even find his way off a stage without help. And what I find to be more than a little amazing, even downright scary, is the fact that 33 percent of those watching felt he won. No wonder we are going down the drain as a country, with morons like these people voting.

Seriously, if you think that Joey, who badly lost two previously attempted presidential runs, and then on his third attempt, hid in his basement refusing to campaign, received the most votes in history, then you’re too stupid to ever again be permitted to vote. It’s just that simple. Democrats just need to move on and focus on something else. After the debacle on Thursday night, nobody believes the nonsense that his “cognitive capabilities” are “as good as ever.” And when such claims are made, what credibility they might have had left is gone. Everybody knows that Joey has been considered an amiable dunce for decades.  And that's how Democrats thought of him.

So yes, old Joey is as good as ever. That’s been painfully obvious to the American people ever since January 25, 2021 when he chose to throw open our borders that President Trump had closed to unvetted illegals. He is as good as ever when he forced America to buy oil from foreign nations instead of utilizing the vast resources we have right here at home. He is as good as ever when he shut down the pipeline and caused massive job losses and when he sucked out our emergency oil reserves that now stand at just 18 percent of capacity. He is as good as ever with policies that made the middle-class poor. He is, clearly, as we saw the other night, as good as ever.

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