Friday, February 28, 2025


I must admit that I always get a bit of a kick out of hearing from Democrats about how it’s President Trump who’s the one acting as if he’s nothing short of the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. Because actually, what’s much closer to the truth is the fact that it’s the Democrats who, at least over the course of the last 15 years, have come to bare a much closer resemblance to both the man and many of those policies that he not only talked about but put into action. And yet it’s these same people who we’re supposed to believe when they warn us about the evils of President Trump. And it was this past Wednesday that we saw another of these pricks in action.

You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that JB Pritzker, governor of the ‘People’s Republic of Illinois,’ once again made the claim often heard from Democrats about how the Trump administration is threatening democracy by removing rights and favoring one group of people over another. Clearly Pritzker is more than a little confused. What President Trump is actually doing is to remove the discriminatory laws that Democrats have stacked against whites and Asians. Pritzker is another typical Democrat who would gladly rob from the American public guaranteed to us by our Constitution and then point a chubby finger at the opposition.

Pritzker said, “I am very grateful to be an American and believe very much in protecting all the rights of American, the American people. I also built a Holocaust museum with Holocaust survivors here. And I can tell you that in 1933 and 1934 the German constitutional republic was converted into a dictatorship in a very short period of time. And you know, anybody who walks through a Holocaust museum and sees the chronology can see that. When rights get taken away, when you know people, the services to people are diminished, when all of a sudden we’re favoring one group of people over another that’s a danger that we ought to all pay attention to."

He said, “I’m seeing that in his country right now. And I needed to speak up. I needed people to hear that. I think that, you know, we’re seeing gradually an understanding that we’ve got to speak up. People need to show up and speak out.” He added, “You know, you got to remember that the things that I’m speaking out about now about, you know, the threat to our democracy, this is not a message to win elections on. It’s something people need to know. They need to know that that’s happening. But, you know, if you talk to 100 people, knock on 100 doors, and I’ve knocked on an awful lot of doors running for office, and you say to people, you know, democracy is at risk."

Pritzker went on to say, “Nobody knows what that looks like. They’ve never experienced it before.” I can only assume that this must be a game Democrats play where they see how stupid a thing they can say before getting called out for it. It’s their version of pushing the envelope. And have you ever noticed how these leftwing hypocrites and their corporate-media surrogates always parrot and regurgitate the very same phrases, over and over? You know the ones, “Threat to democracy,” “Constitutional crisis,” and more. Meanwhile they are the ones subverting the will of the voters, subverting the Constitution, and disseminating blatant disinformation.

Lying corrupt politicians, like Pritzker, cheerfully throw out bullshit like “threat to democracy” all the time with no explanation. It serves to trigger liberal lunatics into thinking that something bad is going to happen. They’re not sure what, they just know that it’s something very bad. These fools have thrown around the “democracy” word so much it is almost as bad as every other overtaxed word they like to use like, “racism” or “misogyny.” These imbecilic liberals just open their mouths and shit falls out. You’d think that by now they would realize that everyone is hip to their crap. There’s a reason all the liberal talking heads and media types are sliding into oblivion.

It was Democrats like Pritzker who took away the rights of little girls to have their own sports, to have their own locker rooms, to have their own bathrooms, to have control of their own bodies beyond the gaze of mentally ill boys and men. Clearly Pritzker is on the attack and trying to position himself as the 2028 anti-America presidential candidate, all 600 pounds of him. Democrats have been working to take away rights from the American people for decades! Leftists like Pritzker always accuse the opposition of doing what they themselves are guilty of doing. How many of our rights were taken away under Joey’s White House and Democrat governors?

Do these people ever think about how ridiculous their words sound in light of their own behavior? For the four years that Joey was in the White House, the federal government, and every Democrat governor and mayor, conferred more rights, more privileges, and more money on illegal immigrants than they did on bona fide American citizens or lawful immigrants. Pritzker prattles on about favoring one group over another yet he and the Democrats have been favoring illegals over American citizens for years. Taking away rights? That’s rich, coming from a hypocrite like Pritzker. He’s the guy who took away property rights from landlords, declaring a rent ‘moratorium.'

The Democrat agenda is built on fear. Any time they don’t get their way, they claim the opposition is a “threat to democracy.” Contrary to what he says, it’s every leader that should put the people of the country, first. President Trump is not taking away anyone’s rights. What he’s doing is preserving the rights of Americans to live in a safe country. He’s trying to stop the sexualization and mutilation of our children. And he wants to stop the wasteful spending. Democrats exist on identity politics, and the talking heads and whining politicians bleating about "threat to our democracy" is getting tiresome. Pritzker is disgusting, both physically and ideologically.

Pritzker is the guy who forced, and continues to force, people into experimental genetic medical trials, mutilates the genitals of minors who can’t consent, promotes anti-white hate and racism, attacks freedom of speech, puts criminal foreign nationals above citizens, promotes indentured servitude, and denies basic rights of self-protection. Pritzker didn’t seem too concerned about democracy when he was forcing businesses to close left and right during Covid. I love the way all of these liberal governors and mayors forget about what they did to people during Covid while at the same time accusing President Trump of taking away people’s rights.

Did you ever happen to notice that this governor never happens to say what rights are being taken away? And he either forgets to mention, or simply chooses to ignore, the fact that President Trump not only won the Electoral College but also the popular vote, which is the definition of democracy. And something else he fails to mention is the fact that President Trump’s actions thus far have been to identify and remove corruption and fraud. President Trump’s administration has been very open and transparent, far more than was his predecessor, who was a Democrat, I might add. The continued usage of the Nazi card says it all. Those like Pritzker are the enemy.

Pritzker has been a damn nightmare for Illinois. He keeps trying to prove that he’s presidential material while at the same time finding new ways to make Illinois worse in the process. The threat is not to our democracy, it’s how he and those like him seem to define democracy. The people have spoken. Politicians like him have been weighed and measured and have been found falling far short of what is good for America. It’s only a matter of time before people realize how they’ve been manipulated, lied to and kept out of the real change that is happening in front of their eyes. Once that happens, Democrats will be forever banned from public office.

Finally, there simply are not enough descriptors in the English language to accurately and/or adequately describe how vile, awful, and disgusting the Democrat Party has become. Those who still vote for people like Pritzker should be ashamed of themselves. These people seem to be not bothered in the least by the massive amount of fraud and waste that has thus far been discovered. All of their outrage seems to be focused on those who are uncovering it. These people have no shame. They are nothing more than selfish, power-hungry politicians who will say anything, true or not. This, ladies and gentlemen, is our elected class. How far we have fallen.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


So at what point will those in both the ‘fake news’ media and the Democrat Party finally figure out that a growing number of American people are no longer buying what it is that continues to be sold to them by these people. But that seems to matter very little to these people evidenced by how they continue to show no willingness to alter the perception that they spew nothing but propaganda and incendiary rhetoric. These people remain consumed by their hatred and, dare I say, fear of Donald Trump and in so doing they have literally driven themselves quite mad. The claims they continue to make about the man defy all logic as much as they ignore the truth.

But then liberal logic has never really made much sense to me, and we all know that those in both the ‘fake news’ media and the party have a very questionable relationship with the truth. Which, of course, brings me to former U.S. House member and now U.S. Senator, Democrat Adam Schiff. And it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by Wolf Blitzer, that Schiff ranted about how we’re to believe that millions of Americans are “downright ashamed” of President Trump’s actions in dealing with Ukraine. This is really no different than everything we’re heard from this boob for the last ten years.

Now granted, there are, in all likelihood, millions of Democrats who are likely “ashamed” of President Trump. But that number pales in comparison to the tens of millions of Americans who were not only ashamed of *president Joey, but also completely embarrassed by him and disgusted by the level of corruption that we all witnessed. Schiff said, “This is an effort to pressure Zelensky into giving up something for nothing. And I have to say this, on top of the resolution at the United Nations– where the United States sided with Russia, betrayed Ukraine – is one of the most shameful incidents in modern history.” All we have sided with is peace.

He went on to say, “I think millions and millions and millions of Americans watching this not only disagree with the president but, maybe for the first time, are just downright ashamed of the president because we have betrayed an ally.” He continued, “We not only betrayed an ally, but we betrayed our principles. Are we to be nothing except transactional now? We have no commitment to democracy, no commitment to our allies. It’s all going to be about the money. That seems to be Donald Trump’s orientation. But what a sad chapter of our history.” No, what was a sad chapter in our history is the bogus impeachments of a duly elected president.

Schiff added, “Ukrainians have made just tremendous sacrifices and to be reduced to this by his most important ally, the United States, coming hat in hand with some kind of fig leaf offer of the mineral wealth of his country in exchange for little or nothing,” Schiff concluded. “It is really just tawdry, but it is, you know, what this administration has reduced our allies to.” Schiff should be in prison for the lies he has told and the taxpayer dollars he has wasted on ridiculous investigations and bogus impeachments. And the fact that Californians chose this lying sack of shit over Steve Garvey to be their next Senator shows very clearly just how fucked up California truly is.

Not only do the Democrats still not have any idea of why they lost in last November’s election, most still seem totally uninterested in learning the answer. Astoundingly, even after losing as badly as they lost, they persist in hitching their wagon to a worldview where they reflexively oppose everything that President Trump says and does. So, President Trump, quite reasonably so, is emphasizing all the 80/20 issues where the 80 percent is firmly on his side. Observing the Democrats right now is like watching a man set a shovel on the ground so that he can intentionally step on it. These guys make Wile E. Coyote look like a tactical genius by comparison.

Now knowing this guy as we all do, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to figure out how it was that he came up with this cockamamie theory of his. And, of course, Blitzer never asks him to provide exactly what it is that he bases his theory on. What I do know is that President Trump is currently experiencing his highest approval ratings ever. According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris survey President Trump currently enjoys a 53 percent approval rating. The Democrats, on the other hand, are experiencing an all-time low in their approval ratings. According to MSDNC, only 21 percent of voters approve of congressional democrats while 68 percent disapprove.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, this nation had an agreement with Russia, made by President Reagan, that said NATO would never be offered to Ukraine in exchange for the Russians walking back their impositions on central Europe and entering into SALT Treaty. And then along came ‘Slick Willy,’ Bush 41 and 43, ‘BO’ and Joey who all chose to ignore that agreement! And so now President Trump is again left to clean up yet another mess left to him by his predecessors and return stability to Ukraine, putting an end to the killing of those on both sides, putting an end to the destruction of lives and communities on both sides and walking the world back from the brink.

I have no doubt that President Trump will end this war. Ukraine is a country with a leader who functions as a dictator and who has been allowed to grift billions from this country. People are ashamed of how we’ve been played by such a character. The U.S. has no national interests in Ukraine, but the Biden Crime Family, along with more than few RINOs, and most Democrats certainly do. As does anyone involved in the military/industrial complex. Known for its corruption, billions of taxpayer dollars have gone unaccounted for in Ukraine. Russia/Ukraine is Europe's problem, not ours, and despite all of the bitching from those on the left, Europe needs to handle it.

Those like Schiff would rather see a million more Ukrainians and Russians perish needlessly than to see President Trump being heralded as a peacemaker. Schiff is incorrect. Ukraine is not an “ally” of American and never has been. If it were, we would be obliged to put boots on the ground, just like we are now required to do if a NATO country were invaded by Russia. Zelensky would dearly love for Ukraine to join NATO so we would be forced into putting boots on the ground. In fact, that was one of his early demands for any peace settlement. But that won’t happen on President Trump’s watch or, hopefully, under that of any other U.S. president.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Every day those in the ‘fake news’ media come up with a new Democrat to push out in front of a camera and spew the same nonsense. Frankly, it’s beginning to feel a little like Ground Hog Day. And just why is it that Democrats continue to be of the opinion that government efficiency and government accountability have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. And not only that but the mere mention of bringing any level of accountability to our government sends the Democrats into an absolute frenzy. I mean, why is it that Democrats are so adamantly opposed to bringing accountability to those who ‘work’ for the government and so vocal about that opposition?

Democrats seem totally oblivious to the fact that the America people are fed up with being ripped off by their government. And I’m quite sure that over the years most Americans have come to recognize the aversion Democrats have to bringing about any form of accountability. So, their opposition to something like DOGE is understandable. The most recent Democrat to voice his outage was Adam Smith, Democrat member of the U.S. House. This past Tuesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports” Smith argued that President Trump is telling the American people an “absolute lie” that DOGE is about making the federal government more efficient.

Smith said, “If we identify what Trump and Musk are doing as what it is, which is basically trying to smash the federal government so that they can have greater power and control, this has nothing to do with efficiency and effectiveness. You line up 100 CEOs in the country and say, ‘Is this the way you run your business if you wanted to make it more efficient and effective?,’ absolutely zero would say yes. This is about Trump and Musk creating a situation where they have the power to do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it, without any checks on that power.” Smith said, “Call it what it is and build support in the country against it."

He said, “And then also sue, which we’ve been doing. Use the courts to block the illegal actions that they’re taking. But this is a basic messaging campaign. We’ve got to get our message out aggressively so that we can get more people to agree with us.” Smith said, “Republicans make two arguments for the idiocy of what they’re doing with our federal workforce. One ‘Oh, we got to be more efficient and more effective.’ As I just said, the way they’re doing it is the exact opposite of that. And second, they give impassioned pleas about the debt and the deficit. ‘My gosh, I know it’s a little chaotic, but goodness, we have to get this under control because the debt and the deficit are just so bad.'"

Regarding those 100 CEOs that Smith references, it’s likely that every one of them would tell you that what President Trump and Musk are doing is exactly how you make our bloated government more efficient. This is exactly what a new CEO would do to a large corporation that’s failing and on the verge of going bankrupt. Gaslighting is really the only thing that Democrats have anymore. They’re freaking out because their money laundering apparatus is being systematically dismembered. And they’re coming with all manner of cockamamie reasons to keep it going. The desperation of Democrats and their minions in the propaganda media couldn’t be any more obvious.

Look, Smith is another of those who has spent his entire adult life sucking on the taxpayer teat. He knows absolutely nothing about how business works. Another partisan ideologue trying to spread nonsense. Musk and President Trump have both been successful CEOs. Meanwhile, Smith briefly worked as a lawyer and has been a Democrat stooge in either the state or federal legislature since 1991. Smith has been an elected official since he was 26 years old. He’s never owned, or run, so much as a lemonade stand. And yet, he chooses to lecture President Trump and Elon Musk, two of the country’s most successful businessmen, on how a business should not be run.

The sophomoric arguments that he makes against what President Trump is trying to do sound like something a college freshman would say. He’s the quintessential Democrat. Clearly the Democrats have an entirely different definition of ‘efficiency.’ To them, efficiency is the ease with which money paid out by the federal government finds its way back into the Democrat Party coffers. When a system is so broken that it cannot be fixed, the only solution is for it to be dismantled and removed, then carefully rebuilt. But Democrats just don’t see it that way. So instead, they try to somehow justify in their own unique way and point bony fingers at President Trump and Musk.

President Trump and Musk are simply calling out the wasteful spending and it’s idiots like Smith, if they were responsible legislators, who now need to vote to get rid of it all, which they won't because much of it ends up in their pockets. You’ll notice that Democrats, including this dolt Smith, never acknowledge the level of wasteful spending; they only disparage those who are searching for it out and finding it and assign their own motives to those trying to curb what is turning out to be a massive amount of corruption. They either refuse to acknowledge the fraud or simply say that this isn’t the way to fix it. Coming from those who presided over it, that’s pretty rich.

Translation, “We’ve got to get our message out aggressively so that we can get more people to agree with us.” That’s what this guy is really saying. Essentially, he is stating that only their viewpoint is correct and will result in a far better government than what President Trump is trying to bring about. I find that amazing. Only now have we been given lists and lists of bogus projects our government have been involved in financing. Why when President Trump sounds the trumpet it is not about efficiency, but it would be if the Democrats were to do it? But we can’t count on them to even do that much, they are far too deeply involved in secrecy and deceit.

Those in the political class cannot allow President Trump to be successful because they can’t risk the people waking up and realizing who it is that’s better at running the government, A businessman with experience, contacts, knowledge and an understanding of efficiency or a group of corrupt politicians whose only interest is in filling their own pockets. But the people are seeing for the first time how politicians have been squandering their tax money. The Democrats make clear that they are all in for squandering tax money because they’re defending it. The more they talk like this guy the more they are exposing themselves to be irresponsible and dishonest.

What President Trump and Musk are really doing is showing how poorly the elected leaders of this country have been doing their job, and that goes for both parties. Our elected leaders have not passed a balanced budget in God knows how many years. They all cry but they don’t do their job. Democrats keep trying to sell Americans the lie that nothing President Trump has done is working. Ask the illegal immigrants going home if that’s true, ask the lazy government workers who now are collecting unemployment checks instead of our tax dollars, ask the Democrat politicians who will be forced into the private sector or may yet end up in jail after all this.

To some small degree I agree that this isn’t just about efficiency, it’s also about finding all the holes Democrats have been hiding their ill-gotten gain in for decades and used to finance their criminal and treasonous enterprises. So, I agree this isn’t all about efficiency, it’s also about removing the criminal and illegal Democrat stashes of taxpayer funded money. It’s about working to lower our nation’s dept by removing all of these stashes and in the process of removing the ability of Democrats to fund their evil agenda. The fraud must end, the corruption must end. And it’s finally that someone is making an honest attempt to do so. Despite the Democrats!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


To be blunt, I have virtually no respect for anyone who, whether for personal and/or political gain or simply out of spite, chooses to attack anyone who seeks only to, at least, make the attempt to repair the decades long amount of damage that has been done to this country by our supposed leaders of both parties. How pathetic of an individual must one be to do such a thing? But it’s Chris Christie who seems to be just such an individual. So I’m curious, does Christie still possess delusions grandeur about becoming president? Most likely so! And yet he very clearly cares very little about the future of this country or the welfare of its citizens. Christie only cares about himself.

Scum like Christie will routinely say whatever they think necessary to get themselves put in front of a camera. And it was as recently as this past Sunday that we once again saw Christie in action, kowtowing to yet another ‘fake news’ media hack while attacking President Trump in what was very clearly another sad attempt on his part to somehow make himself appear relevant. Christie appeared on ABC’s “This Week” and made the accusation that the Trump administration was functioning like a “clown car.” Christie is such old news. He’s a relic, a political dinosaur. And he reeks of desperation as he is more willing than ever to gain a little attention for himself.

Christie is the epitome of all that it means to be a loser, both in politics and in life. He represents everything that people hated about the Old Republican Party. Christie doesn’t know anything, he governed New Jersey like a Democrat and put Leftists in judgeships. The man is a clown himself, so why pay him any attention. RINOs love to show how ‘tough’ they are, but they are anything but tough. And I find it all more than a little odd that anyone wishing to be taken seriously as a ‘journalist’ would actually take the time seek out this morbidly obese RINO who left office with an 11 percent approval rating for comment. He’s even more incompetent than the media.

Anyway, it was resident hack and host Martha Raddatz who asked, “I want to start with what Elon Musk did on Saturday which was order all federal employees to list their accomplishments or basically be fired. Can he do that?” Christie said, “Well, no, he can’t. Let’s look at it a few ways, Martha. First is from a legal perspective. You have a situation where it is a complete overstep for him to be asking people, what did you do in the last week, and then use that as a basis to evaluate whether someone should be retained or fired. You know, as with everybody’s employment, things vary from week to week.” So typical for ABC and very predictable for Christie.

Christie went on to say, “I think that if that went to court with an employee who was fired, if Mr. Musk and his minions didn’t find what they did in the last week acceptable, there would be very little, if any, legal basis for them to be able to prevail, meaning the government.” He added, “Secondly, as a former governor too, from a management perspective, you can see what a clown car this is right now because you’ve got, for instance, FBI Director Kash Patel appropriately emailing his people in response saying, don’t answer it. Don’t answer the questionnaire. Any review process will be done internally by the FBI."

He said, “Same thing from the National Security Agency. Same thing from the acting U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia. So, you know, you have people doing this, pointing in each direction. You do this, you do that. It shows that, again, this type of idea of Musk coming in there with the chainsaw that he was famously brandishing at a political event in Washington, D.C., this week, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Running government is a lot more complicated than that. Hopefully they get their act together at some point.” No, it isn’t “a lot more complicated”. In 2023-24, federal revenue was 4.4 trillion, and spending was 6.1 trillion. It’s basic math.

When you’re spending 39 percent more than you earn, you have to make cuts, or you end up bankrupting your entire enterprise. You have to cut non-essential spending. And first, you have to figure out where that is. Christie is amazingly ignorant. Even in businesses, you will have people who say you can’t make cuts. It’s called entitlement. Bless his little heart. His political career is over, he has no real skills of any kind, so he has to get by making the rounds around Trump bashing circuit. It must be tough knowing that’s all you’ve got. But those like ABC are constantly on the lookout for disaffected ‘Republicans’ and/or Trump haters. And Christie certainly fits the bill.

Christie must realize that his days in politics are over, that he’s irrelevant. He has joined a long line of RINOs like Michael Steele, Bill Kristol, Jonas Goldberg, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Barnes, and many more that would simply take too much space to list. Christie is but the latest clown to emerge as a political darling to the liberal media. The media loves to question failed, bitter critics of Donald Trump and try to pass them off as legitimate conservatives. America knows the truth, these people are sellouts who have turned their back on conservative ideology and principles all in the name of making a buck. No one takes them seriously anymore.

Christie is a national embarrassment. This RINO has proved himself to be completely worthless the moment he had that bridge fiasco in New Jersey when he was governor. His subsequent and embarrassing presidential campaigns were also all bluster and no substance whatsoever. He was simply there to act as a thorn in the side of his opponents. We’ve had enough of the shysters running Washington. Look at where it’s gotten us. It’s time to bring in business professionals to clean up the mess. Being a federal employee doesn’t come with automatic tenure. It happens with every administration. There’s really nothing new here, nothing sinister despite what he claims.

Christie seems to be off on a false tangent here. “Failure to reply to the email” is considered resignation, not the content of the bullet points themselves. I could see how some bullet points may lead to a request for more information, but failure to reply is what’s stated. Perhaps DOGE simply needs to learn who actually monitors and responds to their email. I would imagine full-time employees who work diligently from home would have no problem with this request and the ones who do not are likely part of the problem. Every boss should know what his subordinates are doing, from regular staff meetings to informal discussions. There must be accountability.

Christie bet on the wrong horse and has been reduced to a blathering irrelevant nobody. He can appear on all of these left-wing talk shows, and they can pretend that there’s an ounce of truth to what he says, but there isn’t. Christie is one of the clowns that the media hacks always run to when looking for a ‘Republican’ to trash President Trump. President Trump is his bread and butter; he’d be nothing without him. Christie is a failed Presidential candidate and a governor who was booted by his constituents. He literally has nowhere to run and zero party recognition or acceptance. So, he’s only too quick to accept the only offers that still come his way.

President Trump’s greatest contribution to the American republic has been to pull back the curtain to reveal just how much the Republican and Democrat Party establishments hate the American people. Securing our nation’s borders, seeking equitable trade deals, reforming the corrupt tax code, acknowledging basic biology, working to audit government spending and treating Americans with dignity and respect is the action of a “clown car” to our elites. In just one month this administration has accomplished more than Joey did in four years. You may not agree with their direction, but you can’t say that they haven’t been moving at high speed.

President Trump has a finite amount of time to get this country headed back in the right decision. And it’s great to see all of these RINOS and Democrats melting down over what President Trump is doing because, if nothing else, it means that he is directly over the target and is doing exactly what it is that needs to be done. Christie has long made his living by saying stupid nonsense that a small group of rich people desperately want to believe is true. His nonsense then gets bounced around the ‘fake news’ media regardless of the fact that it patently untrue. In reality it’s nothing but noise and has absolutely nothing to do with what’s actually happening in the world.

Monday, February 24, 2025


Now I’m pretty sure that I’ve likely mentioned this before, a time or two, but for a group of people who we’re constantly being told are supposed to be so politically crafty and savvy, Democrat certainly do seem to be a little short on the uptake. And I only say that because they still, for whatever reason, show no sign of having come to grips regarding why it was that they suffered yet another humiliating defeat at the hands of Donald J. Trump. Not only have they not demonstrated an understanding of why they lost but, as strange as it may sound, they seem to have taken things a step further by actually doubling down on the policies that caused them to lose.

And in so doing as part of their effort to divert attention away from his party and redirect it toward President Trump, it was Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat member of the U.S. House, who, this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” attempted to make the argument that President Trump was “intentionally unleashing extremism” to disorient everyday Americans. Now if there is one certainty in this world, it’s that CNN ain’t much of a ‘news’ network. And it was in typical fashion that host, and resident dipshit, Jake Tapper said, “The government is hurtling towards a possible federal government shutdown now less than three weeks away."

Tapper then proceeded to ask, “What is the strategy? Are House Democrats going to vote to keep the government open, or are you just going to let the Republicans be in charge of all of it?” Jeffries responded saying, “Well, first of all, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it because, as we’ve been discussing, we have to stop this reckless Republican budget from going forward. That’s going to be on the floor on Tuesday. Now, there are ongoing discussions being led by Rosa DeLauro, the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, to see if an enlightened agreement can be reached in advance of March 14th. We’ll see what takes place."

Imagine a Democrat, especially one in leadership, talking about a “reckless budget” after all that’s been uncovered in just three short weeks. Anyway, Jeffries said, “What we do know is that the Republicans have the House, the Senate and the Presidency. It is their responsibility to fund the government.” Tapper said, “Donald Trump made repeated comments this week about possibly serving a third term, calling himself a king in a social media post. Do you take that seriously, or do you think he’s just trolling people, trying to get them upset?” Jeffries said, “Donald Trump is intentionally unleashing extremism on the American people to try to disorient everyday Americans."

Jeffries closed by saying, “Donald Trump is not a king. We will never bend the knee, not now, not ever.”  Now if by “disorient” Jeffries means that people are ecstatic that waste, fraud and abuse is finally being addressed instead of being paid lip service by do-nothing bureaucrats and elected officials, then I guess he hit the nail on the head. As far as I’m concerned Jeffries needs to get back in his litter box and shut the fuck up. President Trump is merely combatting Democrat extremism on behalf of the American people as he was democratically elected to do through the Electoral College, popular vote and all swing states and won the House and Senate?

The Democrats are at the lowest ever favorability and going down while President Trump has never been more popular. And does Jeffries think that showing his retarded side might help him his cause? He’s a clown in need of being replaced, his loser ilk are obviously circling for power in the loser party. These people, these Democrats, are so destructive to the country it’s disgusting. Sowing fear to further their idiotic agenda and can’t stop the inflammatory rhetoric that’s so partisan it’s harmful. On other words, they don’t care about the American people, we’re nothing more than an ATM to them. And they think that by slandering President Trump we’ll move to their side.

Extremism? What extremism? Does he mean like expecting federal workers to actually do the job for which they’re getting paid, or not having to worry about a biological man who prefers to use the women’s restroom, and or to have affordable energy? I'll take President Trump’s type pragmatic extremism any day of the week versus what it was that Joey, ‘BO’ and the rest of the Democrats would wish to force upon us! Bureaucrats who have hid in their basements for decades doing absolutely nothing constructive are now sweating bullets. Someone is demanding they come back to their office and do actual work, instead of sitting at home and surfing child porn.

Jeffries, and his Democrat colleagues, are the ones disoriented. We on the right are quite comfortable with the ongoing efforts for reform. And it’s those on the Left who are feeling threatened.  And as usual this butt-wipe Jeffries, is once again talking out his ass. President Trump is methodically dismantling our oversized government because of the bureaucracy’s intentional misrepresentation of our laws, Constitution and structure and the organized public deception regarding such. Plus, the enormous waste of our tax dollars on inappropriate ideological programs was the breaking point. Not to mention that this long overdue dismantling was a public mandate.

Clearly, all Democrats, every single one of them, stand firmly against the Constitution. Those in the ‘fake news’ media, those like Mr. Tapper, serve as nothing more than the collective mouthpiece for the radical left. And as such they need to be reined in, or we won’t have a country left. I think it fair to say that the panic coming from those on the left, both in the Democrat Party and the media, is palpable. I really don’t think that in my nearly 73 years of life on this planet I have ever seen this level of panic and hysterical flailing now witnessed coming from those like Jeffries and Tapper. They’ve all become caricatures worthy of a Saturday Night Live skit.

Look, Jeffries is merely blowing smoke and Tapper is allowing him to do so. Americans are not disoriented since President Trump is doing exactly what he was elected him to do. If the Democrats are disoriented by President Trump’s actions, then they should just speak for themselves and not project their disorientation on to the electorate. President Trump made it quite clear exactly what he was going to do once he got back into the White House. Those who chose not to listen have only themselves to blame. Many Americans listened to President Trump and voted for him to clean up government by draining ‘the swamp.’ He’s now doing what he promised to do!

So, we’re now to believe that President Trump is somehow the extremist. That we need to get back to the days of wide-open borders, endless wasteful spending on leftist ideals, full-funding for illegals, hiring of do-nothing federal employees to mask the true unemployment numbers, cook the books to hide the true inflation numbers, turn our military into a sick social experiment, men in women’s sports and bathrooms and DEI hires move to the top of every list. Boy, those were some good times, for sure. No Mr. Jefferies, what’s “extreme” is allowing hundreds of faceless bureaucrats to purposely steal trillions of our tax dollars and to then actually try to defend it.

President Trump isn’t disorienting those who know full well what he’s doing. But he is disorienting the Democrats who are screaming like banshees and filing lawsuits all over the place. They’ve got so many lawsuits in progress; they’re going to leach the Democrat base dry trying to pay for them all. That’s a good thing, beyond the fact that it makes the Democrats look like the morons that they are. President Trump is just trying to hold the government accountable, that’s only extreme to Democrats who get their power by wasting taxpayer money on their twisted leftist agenda. I hope the Democrats stay on the track they are now on as they will soon be extinct.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


So, riddle me this, boys and girls, just why is it that the only billionaires the Democrats seem not to take exception to are those who take part in the financing of their ongoing effort to destroy this country. Why are the only ones viewed as evil oligarchs the same ones who choose to expend their time, money and effort preventing the Democrats from achieving their goal. I mean, Democrats have far more than their fair share of billionaires willing to support them and it’s never a big deal, and any accusations of skullduggery are always poo pooed. But let any billionaire support the opposition and voila, immediately our democracy is under attack.

Which, of course, brings me to none other than that rat bastard, and member of the U.S. House from the People’s Republic of Maryland, Jamie Raskin. You see it was Raskin who attempted to make the idiotic argument, this past Friday while appearing on CNN’s “The Lead,” that it is “becoming obvious to the American people” that Elon Musk and President Donald Trump were “agents of corruption.” Agents of corruption, now that would be the entire Democrat Party, and we know that because they always accuse the right of doing what they’re doing. You would need to bend over backwards and insert your head into your backside to have the same world view of this puke bag.

Raskin said, “We’re beating them everywhere. We’ve gotten more than 20 different temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions by judges who were appointed by Obama, by Trump himself, by Bush, by Ronald Reagan. They’re all ruling against this administration because what they’re doing is violating Congress’s power to set up departments and agencies. We created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, we created the NIH, we created the Department of Education and if anybody is going to dissolve it or terminate it, it’s going to be Congress, not Elon Musk or Donald Trump. They don’t have the power to do that."

He continued, “The core job of the president himself, under Article Two is to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, not that the laws are ravaged and trashed and dissolved and flushed down the the garbage compactor. So, we’re winning in court.” Raskin added, “I think it’s becoming obvious to the American people that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are not opponents of corruption, they are agents of corruption.” The louder they squeal, the more guilty they are. Classic projection. It proves that DOGE and Musk are directly over the target and Raskin is feeling the heat. Raskin is just pissed because his party is about to lose all their corrupt shit.

Raskin is the epitome of what an exploding commie mind looks like. Grasp at straws, make more meaningless word salads and define results of actions never taken. Like they say, when your competition is drowning just stick a hose down their throat. These puke bag Democrats never had to prove anything because their buffoons in the ‘fake news’ echoed whatever it was that came out of their mouth as truth. If our media wasn’t so broken, they wouldn’t be able to get away with this. He, and those like him, is why we’re now $36 Trillion in debt and our debt is 125 percent of our total GDP, and the interest on the debt is now $3 Billion every single goddamn day.

Words from a man who told us that old Joey B. was more mentally fit than anyone he knew during the last year of his term. I’d be more inclined to believe the words of a man who just ran out a bank with the alarm going off with canvas sack under his arm claiming it’s nothing more than his dirty laundry. Raskin most definitely does not speak for the people of America. He strictly voices his own distorted and quite misguided opinion, just like that other piece of shit, Carville. Yet, Raskin keeps getting sent to Congress, but hardly has his finger on the pulse on what the public feels. This boob has been on the public dole since the early 2000s.

Waste, fraud and abuse corruption have been known to exist for decades in our federal agencies. Al Gore pointed it out, ‘Slick Willy,’ and ‘BO’ pointed it out. Now President Trump and Musk are actually doing something about it. It’s crystal clear what they’re finding and uncovering. Raskin ignores this. Instead, he points a finger at President Trump. What a joke. Because hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to the people, not the government, is being obviously, and blatantly, misused and corrupted. Raskin does not want any investigations. He does not want openness and discovery. And why might that be? Why is Raskin trying so hard to block the discovery of fraud?

Bless his little corrupt and evil heart. These people just can’t stop, they think that if they keep repeating the lie it will eventually be accepted as the truth. It’s easy to go on CNN and spew this kind of shit. A supposed ‘news’ network populated by Democrat shills who will agree to anything any Democrat says no matter how ridiculous it sounds nor the fact that anything that might be said is a total lie. Raskin is a complete joke. All this wasteful spending, misuse of taxpayer money and corruption and the best thing he can do is insult Musk and President Trump. The people of Maryland must be beyond worthless if they can continue to vote for this worthless fuck.

Once again, we have a member of the ‘Loony Left’ redefining the English language to confuse their screwball base. ‘Newspeak’ lives. Fascism was redefined from a totalitarian philosophy of government with centralized power of economy and culture to now mean small, limited government philosophies. Racism was redefined to mean someone who refuses to treat different people differently based on the color of their skin, while anti-racism was defined as the answer to racism by treating people differently based on skin color and ‘woman’ came to mean God knows what. Because it’s not one of these pukes who can come up with a consistent answer.

Raskin exists under the cover of a pardon issued by Joey B. Raskin is nothing more than a symbol of the grifters that have been in Congress for decades. Protect the alphabet agencies above all else because that’s where the power is, and the slush funds exist. I used to think the media was merely biased, but I’ve come to the conclusion they’re simply lazy, spewing BS because it’s the easy way. It’s truly amazing these stooges aren’t the least bit curious about waste nor the interests of their audience or readers. Some mindless media stooge asks weak questions that feed the leftist propaganda machine while trying to undermine anything conservative.

And so the Democrats continue to double down on battling against the American people who voted for less government, more accountability, a just justice system, and the cleanup of corruption and waste. Raskin seems to be of the opinion that the people oppose that the corruption and insane spending is being publicized for all to see. The executive branch can set staffing levels at what they think is appropriate not what a judge says plus those injunctions are going to be overturned as these cases work their way up the appeal ladder. It’s funny that no one cares about how Joey’s regime chose to ignore the law when it came to enforcing immigration law.

What a hoot, the party that turned a blind eye to the graft of the Bidens sucking money up from abroad for the “big guy,” the party that has had its implanted bureaucrats funneling billions of taxpayer money to their pet political organizations, the party that has channeled vast sums to gaming the election system, becomes the party that calls conservatives “agents of corruption.” And the more Raskin protests, the more obvious it becomes that Raskin is hiding his corruption. Raskin and the Democrat should just come clean, return the money, and save themselves, and the country, a great deal of embarrassment and public court cases.

And as usual Raskin is spewing forth more of his characteristic fecal matter. President Trump and Musk are revealing corruption, in particular, Democrat corruption. The entrenched ‘slush fund’ spending the Democrats have long used to promote their evil agenda and enrich themselves, their families, and their ‘friends’ at the expense of U.S. taxpayers is being exposed, revealing what sleazy, corrupt, self-serving bastards’ people like Raskin truly are and as usual, then the lights come on, the rats scatter and when cornered become aggressive. Raskin knows that he will eventually be exposed and his gravy train will end, so he is assuming the posture of a cornered rat.

President Trump is the duly elected president. The Democrat Party is attacking our democracy, frantically trying to protect their unelected fifth column Deep State shadow government while promoting sexual perversions, and asserting the asinine lunacy that the depraved, deranged, destructive, dictatorial, demonic, dysfunctional, dystopian Democrat Party is entitled and privileged to retain and to maintain its anti-God, anti-Christian, antisemitic, antinomian, anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-representative self-government, anti-intelligence, anti-sanity, anti-civilized society reign of terror after losing the election in such a historic and humiliating manner.

Friday, February 21, 2025


Ah the thrill of watching as Democrat heads explode at every level of government, local, state and federal, it’s posolutely absitively glorious. And it just never seems to get old. The last month has been more fun than even I thought possible. Who would have thought that it would be this much fun having President Trump back in the White House. And there is no one capable of handing us more fun than none other than James Carville. And we recently saw that firsthand when, during an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” the longtime Democrat strategist declared the collapse of President Trump to be underway already.

Carville, who predicted Cumala would easily win the presidential election last November, cited polling and urged his fellow Democrats to simply “just sit back” and let the so-called “collapse” take place. Carville said, “[L]et me back up. We went with our seven-string quarterback, and we lost by a point and a half, and we actually picked up a congressional seat. So, if you’re asking me, did I think that she was going to win and she didn’t win? Yes, all the polling showed it even it turned out to be a point and a half race, but — and you lost seats, but if you have — and I’m telling the Democrats just sit there, play possum, let them go, let them go, let them go."

Carville added, “Poll numbers are declining. The collapse is already underway. Let’s see when they put the Medicaid budget, where they put the tax, the $4.5 trillion of tax cuts to wealthy people. Just let the ball come to you. We don’t need to be aggressive now. We can just sit back.” That is just wishful thinking on his part. President Trump is doing an excellent job dismantling the Democrats screwed up, bloated bureaucracy, just like he promised. Now I may not be as smart as the great James Carville, but I’m thinking he has it ass-backwards. Because from where I’m standing it would seem we actually witnessing the collapse of the Democrat Party.

What we have here is yet another instance of Carville trying to relive the old glory days of the past when there were those who actually listened to what he had to say. These days few, other than the ‘fake news’ media clowns, pay much attention to him. What credibility he may have at one time possessed evaporated a long time ago. And yet there are those who still insist upon providing him with a platform, a stage, if you will, to spew his idiotic drivel. Frankly, I’m not sure what they hope to gain from doing so, but they persist. And I really don’t mind if folks like Carville continue to appear, as their looniness needs to be continually exposed to the American people.

Personally, in my opinion Carville has clearly outlived his usefulness, but there are those who seem to disagree. This 80-year-old one hit wonder from the Clinton years, despite his desperate attempt to remain so, just isn’t relevant anymore. But, as I said, he is still provided a podium from which to preach little more than Democrat hate speech. And from most of the polls that I’ve seen myself, or heard about from others, President Trump’s are definitely not “collapsing.” So once again, he’s either lying or simply hasn’t been paying attention. Just another example of Carville being Carville. But whether lying or simply wrong, people still listen to this clown.

The Democrats are still led, and/or driven by, those who seem incapable of playing a long game. And as usual, after using all his political jargon he still managed to end up at the typical Democrat fantasy talking points of accusing Republicans of hating the poor and working class and only willing to give tax breaks to billionaires. The old boy sounds like a broken record. But that said, will President Trump suffer some setbacks? Of course, he already has courtesy of lawsuits coming right and left. And then there’s the Leftist judges ruling that he somehow has no authority to investigate various administrative agencies. But President Trump is nothing if not persistent.

Is Carville still unaware that the Democrats got beat in a landslide and not a couple of electoral votes. Apparently so, as the best he can do is to take part in the same old Democrat strategist game plan, when you fail, double down! Like a habitual gambler doubling their bet when they lose. The polls of wide-awake Americans are crawling up, not down! Most Americans learned quite a lot between the numbers 45 and 47! The Democrats, apparently, not so much! But then Carville hasn’t been right about anything since 1992. He’s yesterday’s news, and you can tell that he’s coming a bit undone because most see him as being no longer relevant to the political scene.

And finally on a bit sidenote, I’m not sure if Carville is aware, but there is now some recent polling that shows that congressional Democrats have hit a record-low job approval rating with voters, while Congressional Republicans currently enjoy a record high. I’m sure Carville would be able to explain away those numbers as well. Democrat leaders are floundering in their lame-ass attempts to mount an effective defense against President Trump’s steamroller. Democrats, including those in the ‘fake new’ media, are being outworked, outsmarted, and continue to lose the public debate on every issue from Ukraine to the border to child mutilation to wasteful spending.

For whatever reason the Democrats seem to be choosing to die on a hill that includes support for more government waste fraud and abuse, medical butchery of minor children in the name of advancing alt-gender theory, completely wide open border and unlimited illegal immigration, soft on crime policies, sanctuary states and cities, pro-Palestine anti-Israel policies, violence in the streets in the name of BLM and ANTIFA, unlimited forced vaccinations without regard to side effects, censorship of conservative speech, and weaponizing the mainstream media and government agencies against their political enemies. So I guess we’ll see if they’re right.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


If there is one certainty in this ever changing world it’s that we have those in our ‘fake news’ media, and we all know who they are, intent upon finding those who we’re then told to pay extra attention to because they, like President Trump, are Republicans but, unlike President Trump, seem to have very little interest in his effort to ‘Make America Great Again.’ It’s these ‘Republicans In Name Only’ who seem far too eager to criticize the effort, as they prefer America as it is. So, on the contrary we should NOT pay these people any amount of attention, we should, instead, simply ignore them. And yet they continue to be paraded out for our consumption.

And it was one of ‘RINOs’ who recently appeared on CNN’s ‘OutFront’ for the specific purpose of maligning President Trump. This time around it was a guy by the name of Don Bacon, a Republican member of the U.S. House from Nebraska, who made it pretty clear this past Wednesday that he’s one of those RINOs in Congress that we still seem to have far too many of. And it was then that he attempted to make the argument that President Trump was “wrong” for “standing on the side” of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine conflict. But, I think, to make such a statement is more than a stretch regarding what it is that’s actually taking place.

Bacon said, “Well, the president needs a do-over day – start again. He took a bad turn. I think what he said is wrong. And it’s a shame. Many Republicans know what the president said today was wrong. Putin started this invasion. He is the dictator. He has killed all of his opponents. Zelensky was rightfully elected. He is under martial law. And they have under their constitution that they can postpone their elections while under martial law. Ukraine is the victim. And I would ask that our president stand on the side of freedom, the side of democracy, the side of the victim, not the invader, and stick up for what’s right."

And he went on to say, “And so I wanted to be very strong in my words today because this Republican does not agree with what the president said.” And it was host, and resident bimbo, Brianna Keilar who asked, “Should Zelensky have handled this differently? What did he say?” Bacon said, “I think he handled it tactfully. You have to push back. He is the victim. Putin is the invader—Putin’s bombing of cities. Russians are obliterating the towns that they have taken over, and they’ve assassinated or murdered prisoners of war. They’ve raped and pillaged. Russia is on the bad side here. And we need a president that has moral clarity when it comes to this war."

He said, “And right now, though, today, I had hoped the president would step up and be better than Joe Biden. I thought Joe Biden was slow in getting weapons there. He was using rules of engagement that restricted Ukraine. It was really feeding the gridlock. I had hoped that this president would step up and try to finish this war in the right way, not in an un-noble way. And what we see today is not a noble course of action. We’re standing on the side of the dictator, not the side of democracy.” If Bacon feels this way, then he shouldn’t object to letting the people of Kyiv hold elections, something they've been denied under Zelensky.

Bacon seems to be another those a little too eager to reject any discussion of the conditions that might lead to the end of this conflict. Often, those who support policies that lead to endless wars have some connection to the Military Industrial Complex that profits from it. Bacon is a retired Brig. General, so I would not be surprised if he’s getting kickbacks and wants his share of the gravy train to keep coming. These RINO war hawks need a dose of reality. Ukraine cannot win the war or retake the land Russia occupies. If they keep fighting it only gets worse. President Trump gave Zelensky a chance, he declined. He won’t be the leader in a few months.

And why is it that Bacon chose to go on CNN to express his opinion? That act alone makes me completely distrust him. These RINOs always run to CNN, or the like, where they are provided a platform from which to spew their nonsense uninterrupted. Yup, if a Republican goes on CNN, you know he’s a deep state RINO who has likely made a healthy chunk of change from this war. Bacon the RINO is someone who voted with Joey more than any other Republican in the House. And his suggesting that President Trump “echoes” Putin is more than ridiculous. It’s disgusting how he shamelessly repeats the globalist mantra about the “unprovoked” invasion by the Russians.

If you want to end a war, you negotiate with the side who’s stronger. And it’s Bacon who has no answer nor offered any plan at any point during the last few years. Now I may not be a retired general, but it only makes sense that the EU should have, and needs to be, the ones “defending” Ukraine if it’s this perilous fight that must be waged. We have invested billions of taxpayer dollars in loans that will never be paid back, and to what end? Does anyone actually think that Ukraine has the forces and power to push Russia out on their own? This is in the EU’s back yard. They’ve been grooming Ukraine for years to join them, and into NATO.

Pretending Russia isn’t capable of inflicting massive damage when it feels it is being threatened/embarrassed, or a dictator like Putin is in danger of losing his grip in his country from failure is a Pandora’s box that will likely be opened, and that lid won’t be closed. This entire conflict has been tap dancing its way toward WWIII, given the west’s reluctance to really care what’s going on to stop it. But rest assured, at least the defense contractors are making out like bandits. Now if the EU would just stop enriching the Russian war machine by buying up all their oil and gas supplies, perhaps they would be more inclined to assist more fervently.

But yeah, President Trump is wrong to call out Zelensky. We don’t need to be pouring any more billions of dollars down the Ukraine black hole. There was never any end game or exit strategy. President Trump knows this, and he will do whatever it takes to end it. Only a very stupid, or very corrupt, politician would oppose President Trump. It’s easy for some self-righteous hypocrite to sit far from combat and whine about what a great guy their autocrat is. Let Zelensky end martial law, have a vote, then go to the EU for assistance. We as a country have spent far too many tax dollars on a notoriously corrupt, authoritarian government. It must be brought to an end!!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


So, just how weak might the Democrat bench be as we look out over the horizon to the next presidential election? Well, if you can believe resident ESPN loudmouth Stephen A. Smith, pretty damn weak. Personally, I take everything that comes out of this guy’s mouth with a grain of salt. Granted there’s still plenty of time for some turd to come bobbing to the surface, but as it stands right now, I feel the party is only going to grow weaker the more Democrats whine, make excuses, lie and create false narratives and fake news, as they continue to blame others for their obvious failures. The American public, right, left, and in the middle, is done with all their drama.

And it was during his recent podcast, ‘The Stephen A. Smith Show,’ that he said, “If you’re the Democrats, that’s why Stephen A. Smith is in the news because y’all don’t have anybody. You don’t have anybody. Who you got? Who you got? Kamala Harris better not run. She better not run. She’s not going to win a presidency in 2028! Keep in mind respect for her. I’m not going to disrespect the former Vice President of the United States. I will never do that, but we gotta be real about something here. When she ran for election on her own, she couldn’t make it to Iowa in 2020. She ultimately positions herself [and] gets the vice presidency. They win the election in 2020."

Smith went on to say, “Joe Biden is feeling himself after the liberals won the midterms, and instead of being a transitional president like he promised, the man backstabbed the Liberal Party and turned around and said, ‘I’m staying.’ They wanted him out!” Smith said, “I’m not in the news because I’m here,” as he motioned upward. And he said, “I’m in the news because the Democratic Party is [down] here! Dammit, lower than that! Down to the bottom! They suck right now! Horrible! Because they don’t have a voice! Where the hell is the voice?” But where was this guy during the last four years? Why is it only now that he chooses to shoot off his mouth?

To be honest these days there aren’t many people in this country who don’t think Democrats suck. And yet Democrats seem not to be all that bothered in the least as they cheerfully remain the party of DEI, lies, deception, degenerates and criminals. I genuinely believe that potential leaders of the party fear stepping up. If for no other reason than because if they do, they’ll be associated with those toxic issues supported by the party such as men participating in women’s sports, transgender nonsense, idiotic immigration policies and so much more. And while the idiotic rank-and-file Democrats support such things, the majority of Americans do not.

Is there really anyone, other than Smith himself, actually touting him as being a viable candidate? The Democrats can’t be that bad off, can they? I mean he sucks as badly as the rest of them. After all, this guy continues to be stupid enough to stick with them, even though he knows they’re a bunch of losers. Perhaps if they get crushed in the next election they will finally cease to exist as anything other than a fringe party comprised of nothing more than a bunch of kooks. We need to make this century the century that global communism and radical Islam with all its proxies is utterly defeated for good. Would Smith be in favor of that? I rather doubt it!

He’s using his platform to begin positioning himself for a presidential race. Of course, to him there is no competition. But that said, he’s not wrong about the Democrats’ 2028 bench. I mean, despite Smith’s uproar, they got Cumala, who every Democrat, along with the entire ‘fake news’ media, agreed was so strong, joyous, and brilliant all the way up to election night. And there’s Tampon Tim who was the best possible number two pick, and again everyone was in love with the knucklehead which was all a part of the charm! And there’s Buttigieg who was the mayor of South Bend Indiana and did a pitiful job but good enough for Joey to give him a Cabinet position.

And then there’s the rest of the bench. There’s Elizabeth Warren who checks off two boxes for the Democrats, she’s a woman and American Indian. Gavin Newsom, never mind, I can’t even make up anything good about that sleazy empty suit. How about the guy with the famous name and currently on the comeback trail, Andrew Cuomo! Sure, there were those issues that forced him to resign as governor, but their actually seen as resume enhancers in the Democrat Party. As long as no one remembers all the people who died in nursing homes because of his pathetic policies. So you see, there are a lot of fine Democrats to choose from those mentioned above.

Yes, when you think about it, the Democrats bench is empty. Smith ought to cease screaming about it and examine the party to which he swears allegiance. The entire Democrat Party is weak, from the ground up. Explain to us what their platform is, but then they played to their idiotic base during the last election with no platform at all. If Smith truly wants to be taken seriously and wants to do something positive, then he needs to ditch his love affair with the criminal Democrat Party. What have they really done for anybody without a deviant background. They are obvious phonies, they are lousy liars, the worst example of a political party to be found anywhere.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


As far as I’m concerned the last people, and I do mean the very last ones, permitted to question my patriotism are those same people who were quite content to sit idly by for 12 out of the last 16 years, watching from the sidelines, as first ‘BO’, followed by Joey, or whomever was pulling his strings, worked so very hard in their effort to systematically dismantle this country on every conceivable level. And yet, it’s these very same people who now have their panties in a twist over the fact that millions of Americans do not want to see their country in any way dismantled and the fact that they chose to show their opposition to it by choosing to vote for President Trump.

There is something not quite right with these people. They’re more than a bit arrogant in that they seem to think of themselves as being the only ones capable of defining what it means to be American. They view themselves as being so much smarter than those who prefer not to see their country altered in the manner that those on the left wish to alter it. We’re viewed as being too stupid to understand what they’re trying to do for us. And it was during Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s ‘Deadline’ that ex FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi admitted as much saying that those who voted for President Trump should question whether they are American anymore.

Figliuzzi said, “This Reince Priebus clip that you played, Nothing to see here, don’t worry, remain calm, he occasionally likes to take a grenade out and throw it on the floor to see what happens. I’ll tell you what happens when you play with a live grenade and toss it on the floor eventually it explodes. The only question for us is whether it’s going to explode back on Trump or explode and hurt the rest of us. My money is on both, by the way, people are going to get hurt and eventually it will blow back on Trump.” He continued, “With regard to this statement…when he says, ‘Don’t worry that someone who saves his country cannot violate a law.'"

He went on to say, “It’s been attributed by some historians who aren’t certain to Napoleon, but I’ll tell you where. it’s definitely been used far more recently. That’s with a white supremacist, far right extremist named Anders Breivik in Norway, who killed 77 people in Norway.” Figliuzzi added, “Now our president is quoting that white supremacist, Neo-Nazi murderer. If you voted for that, you you really need to question whether you’re American anymore. But that’s who’s using that kind of statement. Listen, does Trump sit and read Norwegian history?” He said, “Hell no.” Figliuzzi is the perfect example of all that is wrong with the FBI.

Anyway, he continued, “Someone is handing him this story, this quote. We need to figure out who keeps spoon feeding him the white supremacy, white terrorist philosophy.” Now if I’m not mistaken which, of course, I could be, the quote is from a movie with Rod Stieger about Napoleon and he got the quote wrong on purpose, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” Sounds like a philosophical quote to provoke this kind of response from Democrats. It’s predictable behavior, so I think President Trump is doing it on purpose so that we can be reminded what utter nonsense the Democrats spew while keeping their tantrums in the public eye.

That this guy willingly appears on MSDNC tells you all you need to know about him. What he says and believes fits exactly with that network. Almost anyone who appears on this propaganda network can be dismissed as a know-nothing idiot. Figliuzzi demonstrated this with his claim about conservatives not being American. What the left values and believes has almost nothing in common with anything American. Americans are fighters who work hard and play hard. We don’t need some liberal flunky defining what being American is. That’ll be the day when some limp-wristed Democrat can tell real Americans that they are the patriots, and we’re the traitors.

Democrats are synonymous with lying and selling out. This kind of thinking explains exactly how President Trump won such a landslide in the last election. Keep it coming you could even earn him a third term! The Democrats desperately keep playing the same losing cards such as the race and Russia cards because that’s all they have, losing cards. Never, ever trust a Democrat. They’re liars, they’re corrupt and they don’t give a damn about you. Rush Limbaugh used to say that leftists are most hysterical when they're OUT of power, and this clown is no exception. The people voted for President Trump to get rid of people like Figliuzzi, and he can’t stand it.

Democrats are between a rock and a hard place with all these DOGE cuts. They can try to defend the indefensible and be on the wrong side of every 80/20 issue for the foreseeable future. Who wants to defend taxpayer money going to a drag queen opera. With those positions they will be losing voter support and can forget about winning any election for the next decade. This is ridiculous. It’s gotten way out of hand. These leftist liars have got to be taken to task. And this is the reason President Trump was elected. They’re all petrified that President Trump is using their own tactics to pull back the curtain that both parties have been hiding behind.

They can’t control him or intimidate him, and that strikes fear into them. The left has been completely broken by President Trump, and they are now showing everyone just how nuts, narcissistic and authoritarian they truly are. I don’t know where this guy was for the last four years, nor do I particularly care. Sure, President Trump throws a few grenades, but the American people thought those grenades needed to be thrown because of the massive government waste, fraud, and abuse that we knew about and has finally been exposed over the last 25 days. What’s the difference whether you have a blustery President Trump or an appeasement-oriented Joey at the helm.

Reporting on news events, and editorial commentary, are two very different things. However, when these ‘news’ outlets lie, manipulate, underreport, or even fabricate the ‘news,’ they blur the difference between the two and turn the entire process into nothing more than state propaganda. I don’t believe that this was what our Founding Father’s intended when they wrote these protections for the Press, into the Constitution. Had they known that huge media conglomerates would partner with tyrannical governmental entities to use the press against the American People, they would likely have rethought how to approach Freedom of the Press in the first place.

Those in the media have used this ‘right’ to brainwash, under-educate, under-inform, and manipulate, countless millions of Americans, as well as other citizens of the world. In fact, they have abused their ‘right’ so blatantly now that it has led us to a point where they’ve nearly destroyed the very Constitution that gave them these protections in the first place! I seriously doubt that our Founders could have ever imagined that the so-called ‘press’ of today, would purposely get so far off message, that they would come to be seen as being “the greatest and most dangerous threat to the American People, and to our Republic.” But alas, here we are.

Monday, February 17, 2025


I think we can all agree that Democrats are not now, nor have they ever really been, big supporters of the Constitution. So, it only stands to reason that whenever provided with the opportunity to nominate individuals to the federal bench Democrats would seek those judges who share their agenda. You see, whereas Republicans tend to nominate those intent upon interpreting the Constitution as written, it’s Democrats who nominate those who seem to possess the rather bizarre ability of being able to read into the Constitution things that while the do not actually appear there do, strangely enough, serve to advance the agenda of who it was that appointed them.

It was over the weekend during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ that Amy Klobuchar, Democrat from Minnesota, said that if the Trump administration did not follow court orders, people would be found in contempt, which “could mean going to jail.” However, if that was true then at least half of the entire Democrat Party would now be sitting behind bars. And as I mentioned earlier it has been those on the left who have used the courts, and their lefty judges, to advance their agenda for decades. They know they cannot get it through Congress and have decided that the courts and the judicial process was the way to get it into law.

Host, and resident bimbo, Dana Bash said, “You’ve also said that the courts, assuming that what you just described is not going to happen, the Republicans won’t stand up, the courts are the last line of defense. There are situations right now, CNN reported this week where the administration is defying court orders to get them to freeze federal funds for example, are we in a constitutional crisis?” Klobuchar said, “We’re not quite there yet, because ultimately, when the final court order is made, the Trump administration is going to have to decide. And this isn’t just at the top, these are lower level people as well are they going to face contempt charges."

She went on to say, “In the past, in the last administration, they did follow the court orders and you do have voices in the United States Senate like Senator Thune, the leader, or people like Chuck Grassley, even Josh Hawley are saying that you have to follow the rule of law. But if they don’t, the court has inherent powers to find them in contempt, which, of course, could mean going to jail. I’m not surprised that the courts are stepping in. Of course, it’s Democratic attorney generals across the country that are bringing these cases, but they have basically said, no, Elon Musk cannot start rifling through the data of Americans that violates their privacy."

And she added, “No, you cannot take an agreement that was made between Democrats and Republicans to fund cancer research for kids and just stop that research in its tracks. That’s where you see the courts stepping up.” These are some of the very same ‘activist’ judges appointed by Democrats past that are now attempting to prevent President Trump from firing these deep state operatives in the Federal Government and associated with the Democrat Party. Their rulings are blatantly unconstitutional. There’s nothing illegal about wanting to cut waste, fraud and abuse in the government and firing people who are not needed.

Those in the Democrat Party never have an issue with members of their own party blatantly disregarding court decisions that go against them. And these judges now ruling against President Trump are less members of the court than they are political activists. And as such President Trump should simply ignore them. The executive branch has the authority to do its job, and the courts have no business interfering, just as the courts have no business dictating to Congress what sort of budget to pass. This is lawfare at work, its only purpose is to attempt to sway public opinion. The power of the President is absolute as the court has already ruled.

These loving, compassionate Democrats are always the ones threatening to put people they don’t like behind bars. Yet they can break the law at will and become quite indignant should somebody suggest any of them should go to jail. Joey B. ignored every court, including the Supreme Court. This woman and her party are utter hypocrites in every sense of the word. We watched as both ‘BO’ and Joey laughed at the law, doing whatever the hell they wanted, and Democrats, like Klobuchar, were totally cool with it. Run some guns illegally through Mexico, and get a couple of federal agents killed? No problem. The hypocrisy of the left is boundless.

The courts are there to protect the Republic from tyranny. When they fail to serve that purpose then corrupt judges must be ignored and, if possible, removed. If they try to prevent the president from executing his lawful duties, they must be removed. Tyranny from the bench is no more tolerable than tyranny from any of the other branches. Every move the Democrats make only serves to highlight their desperation to cover their tracks. Previously, President Trump’s entire life and finances were scrutinized under a microscope by the Democrats in the hopes of find something, anything, they could use to indict him, but now that the shoe is on the other foot.

The Democrat Party is now in panic mode, because they know if DOGE is allowed to continue attention will soon be focused on them and there will be questions regarding how so many politicians earning $174,000 a year now have millions of dollars in their bank accounts. President Trump is only just getting started, and by the time he hits his stride many more things are going to get cut off. Expect corrupt politicians and ‘fake news’ media clowns to soon be screaming even louder. And what is truly funny here it that had the Democrats not decided to cheat in 2020 President Trump would now officially be out of office and out of their hair.

But instead, here we are with Democrats getting exactly what they deserve, and they brought it upon themselves. Instead of President Trump’s second term being over, it’s just getting started. Now we get to watch them whine, scream, bitch and moan. Yet in less than a month President Trump has done more for this country than Joey did in four years. And by the way, President Trump has said he will respect the courts and ask higher courts to review the lower court’s ruling, so all we’re really hearing from Klobuchar is more of the same gibberish the purpose of which is to incite those who typically form the base of her party and have a combined IQ that’s in single digits.