So, riddle me this, boys and girls, just why is it that the only billionaires the Democrats seem not to take exception to are those who take part in the financing of their ongoing effort to destroy this country. Why are the only ones viewed as evil oligarchs the same ones who choose to expend their time, money and effort preventing the Democrats from achieving their goal. I mean, Democrats have far more than their fair share of billionaires willing to support them and it’s never a big deal, and any accusations of skullduggery are always poo pooed. But let any billionaire support the opposition and voila, immediately our democracy is under attack.
Which, of course, brings me to none other than that
rat bastard, and member of the U.S. House from the People’s Republic of
Maryland, Jamie Raskin. You see it was Raskin who attempted to make the idiotic
argument, this past Friday while appearing on CNN’s “The Lead,” that it is
“becoming obvious to the American people” that Elon Musk and President Donald
Trump were “agents of corruption.” Agents of corruption, now that would be the
entire Democrat Party, and we know that because they always accuse the right of
doing what they’re doing. You would need to bend over backwards and insert your
head into your backside to have the same world view of this puke bag.
Raskin said, “We’re beating them everywhere. We’ve
gotten more than 20 different temporary restraining orders and preliminary
injunctions by judges who were appointed by Obama, by Trump himself, by Bush,
by Ronald Reagan. They’re all ruling against this administration because what
they’re doing is violating Congress’s power to set up departments and agencies.
We created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, we created the NIH, we
created the Department of Education and if anybody is going to dissolve it or
terminate it, it’s going to be Congress, not Elon Musk or Donald Trump. They
don’t have the power to do that."
He continued, “The core job of the president
himself, under Article Two is to take care that the laws are faithfully
executed, not that the laws are ravaged and trashed and dissolved and flushed
down the the garbage compactor. So, we’re winning in court.” Raskin added, “I
think it’s becoming obvious to the American people that Elon Musk and Donald
Trump are not opponents of corruption, they are agents of corruption.” The
louder they squeal, the more guilty they are. Classic projection. It proves
that DOGE and Musk are directly over the target and Raskin is feeling the heat.
Raskin is just pissed because his party is about to lose all their corrupt
Raskin is the epitome of what an exploding commie
mind looks like. Grasp at straws, make more meaningless word salads and define
results of actions never taken. Like they say, when your competition is
drowning just stick a hose down their throat. These puke bag Democrats never
had to prove anything because their buffoons in the ‘fake news’ echoed whatever
it was that came out of their mouth as truth. If our media wasn’t so broken, they
wouldn’t be able to get away with this. He, and those like him, is why we’re now
$36 Trillion in debt and our debt is 125 percent of our total GDP, and the interest
on the debt is now $3 Billion every single goddamn day.
Words from a man who told us that old Joey B. was
more mentally fit than anyone he knew during the last year of his term. I’d be
more inclined to believe the words of a man who just ran out a bank with the
alarm going off with canvas sack under his arm claiming it’s nothing more than his
dirty laundry. Raskin most definitely does not speak for the people of America.
He strictly voices his own distorted and quite misguided opinion, just like that
other piece of shit, Carville. Yet, Raskin keeps getting sent to Congress, but hardly
has his finger on the pulse on what the public feels. This boob has been on the
public dole since the early 2000s.
Waste, fraud and abuse corruption have been known to
exist for decades in our federal agencies. Al Gore pointed it out, ‘Slick Willy,’
and ‘BO’ pointed it out. Now President Trump and Musk are actually doing
something about it. It’s crystal clear what they’re finding and uncovering.
Raskin ignores this. Instead, he points a finger at President Trump. What a
joke. Because hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to the people, not the
government, is being obviously, and blatantly, misused and corrupted. Raskin
does not want any investigations. He does not want openness and discovery. And
why might that be? Why is Raskin trying so hard to block the discovery of fraud?
Bless his little corrupt and evil heart. These
people just can’t stop, they think that if they keep repeating the lie it will eventually
be accepted as the truth. It’s easy to go on CNN and spew this kind of shit. A
supposed ‘news’ network populated by Democrat shills who will agree to anything
any Democrat says no matter how ridiculous it sounds nor the fact that anything
that might be said is a total lie. Raskin is a complete joke. All this wasteful
spending, misuse of taxpayer money and corruption and the best thing he can do
is insult Musk and President Trump. The people of Maryland must be beyond
worthless if they can continue to vote for this worthless fuck.
Once again, we have a member of the ‘Loony Left’ redefining
the English language to confuse their screwball base. ‘Newspeak’ lives. Fascism
was redefined from a totalitarian philosophy of government with centralized
power of economy and culture to now mean small, limited government
philosophies. Racism was redefined to mean someone who refuses to treat
different people differently based on the color of their skin, while
anti-racism was defined as the answer to racism by treating people differently
based on skin color and ‘woman’ came to mean God knows what. Because it’s not
one of these pukes who can come up with a consistent answer.
Raskin exists under the cover of a pardon issued by Joey
B. Raskin is nothing more than a symbol of the grifters that have been in Congress
for decades. Protect the alphabet agencies above all else because that’s where
the power is, and the slush funds exist. I used to think the media was merely
biased, but I’ve come to the conclusion they’re simply lazy, spewing BS because
it’s the easy way. It’s truly amazing these stooges aren’t the least bit
curious about waste nor the interests of their audience or readers. Some
mindless media stooge asks weak questions that feed the leftist propaganda machine
while trying to undermine anything conservative.
And so the Democrats continue to double down on
battling against the American people who voted for less government, more
accountability, a just justice system, and the cleanup of corruption and waste.
Raskin seems to be of the opinion that the people oppose that the corruption
and insane spending is being publicized for all to see. The executive branch
can set staffing levels at what they think is appropriate not what a judge says
plus those injunctions are going to be overturned as these cases work their way
up the appeal ladder. It’s funny that no one cares about how Joey’s regime chose
to ignore the law when it came to enforcing immigration law.
What a hoot, the party that turned a blind eye to
the graft of the Bidens sucking money up from abroad for the “big guy,” the
party that has had its implanted bureaucrats funneling billions of taxpayer
money to their pet political organizations, the party that has channeled vast
sums to gaming the election system, becomes the party that calls conservatives “agents
of corruption.” And the more Raskin protests, the more obvious it becomes that
Raskin is hiding his corruption. Raskin and the Democrat should just come
clean, return the money, and save themselves, and the country, a great deal of
embarrassment and public court cases.
And as usual Raskin is spewing forth more of his
characteristic fecal matter. President Trump and Musk are revealing corruption,
in particular, Democrat corruption. The entrenched ‘slush fund’ spending the
Democrats have long used to promote their evil agenda and enrich themselves,
their families, and their ‘friends’ at the expense of U.S. taxpayers is being
exposed, revealing what sleazy, corrupt, self-serving bastards’ people like
Raskin truly are and as usual, then the lights come on, the rats scatter and
when cornered become aggressive. Raskin knows that he will eventually be
exposed and his gravy train will end, so he is assuming the posture of a
cornered rat.
President Trump is the duly
elected president. The Democrat Party is attacking our democracy, frantically
trying to protect their unelected fifth column Deep State shadow government while
promoting sexual perversions, and asserting the asinine lunacy that the
depraved, deranged, destructive, dictatorial, demonic, dysfunctional, dystopian
Democrat Party is entitled and privileged to retain and to maintain its
anti-God, anti-Christian, antisemitic, antinomian, anti-American,
anti-democracy, anti-representative self-government, anti-intelligence,
anti-sanity, anti-civilized society reign of terror after losing the election
in such a historic and humiliating manner.
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