Wednesday, June 24, 2015


So now I am to be considered as being ‘less than normal’ because I have enough intelligence to believe the actual ‘facts’ when it comes to supposed ‘manmade climate change’ and not to simply swallow the idiotic propaganda?  Well, that’s what’s now being claimed by the very obviously less than normal EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy.  She ought to take a good long look in the mirror before calling anyone else “not normal.”  Because I would argue that if ever there was a perfect example of what’s NOT normal, Ms. McCarthy would most assuredly be it!

It was just this past Monday during a White House summit on global warming that Ms. McCarthy accused those who have been identified as being "climate deniers" are not ones that can be, or should be, considered as being ‘normal humans’.  McCarthy was addressing a group of doctors, health professionals, and others about why the EPA feels that ‘climate change’ is a public health issue.  Hey, when all else fails make the claim that ‘climate change’ not only ‘may’ be hazardous to one’s health, but IS!  These leftist now seem to be grasping at straws in an effort to convince we deniers.

In, alluding to the EPA's practice of releasing reports, aka propaganda, the purpose of which is to inform, aka brainwash, the public about ‘climate change’, McCarthy said, "I am doing that not to push back on climate deniers."  She then went onto add, "You can have fun doing that if you want, but I've batted my head against the wall too many times and if the science already hasn't changed their mind it never will.”  But that’s just it, the science to which she refers has been seriously manipulated.  Actual science doesn’t ‘have’ to change my mind, because it’s already on MY side!

This pathetic propagandist then went to say, to what I’m quite sure was a very friendly crowd, "But in any democracy, it's not them that carries the day. It is normal human beings that haven't put their stake into politics above science. It's normal human beings that want us to do the right thing, and we will if you help us."  McCarthy once again proceeded to try to make the case that ‘climate change’ is "the biggest public health challenge of our time."  But that’s nothing more than one more scare tactic on a list of many others that have been employed to no avail.

It was ahead of McCarthy's remarks that the White House released what was referred to as being an action plan of sorts, for dealing with ‘climate change’, one which would include the involvement of multiple federal agencies.  Meanwhile, it was another leftist group, the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, that released a report in the medical journal, The Lancet, detailing what were said to be its findings about ‘climate change’ and how it relates to public health.  Of course we should never question any of these claims.

The co-chair of this odd bunch of climate extremists, ‘Professor’ Hugh Montgomery, said in a statement released to the press: "Climate change is a medical emergency."  Reading like something straight from the Democrat Party, the statement want on to say, "It thus demands an emergency response, using the technologies available right now."  It has also been reported that the White House has tasked the Pentagon with measuring the amount of ice in the Arctic.  Now there’s an effective use of military resources.  We can’t fight those who are determined to kill us, but by golly we can send them off to measure ice.

This thug regime we seem to have today which continues to be fondly, or not so fondly, referred to as the ‘Obama administration’ argued that a decreased amount of ice in the Arctic could lead to a greater military presence there.  This despite the fact that all recent data would seem to indicate that there is now more ice in the Arctic than ever before.  So it would seem to be a rather extraordinary waste of time, manpower and resources to do what?  But our military shouldn’t be used for fighting wars when attending to ‘climate change’ is so much more important.

And it’s a recent study from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that was quoted as saying: "Difficulty in developing accurate sea ice models, variability in the Arctic's climate, and the uncertain rate of activity in the region create challenges for DOD to balance the risk of having inadequate capabilities or insufficient capacity when required to operate in the region with the cost of making premature or unnecessary investments."  It added, "DOD plans to mitigate this risk by monitoring the changing Arctic conditions to determine the appropriate timing for capability investments."

Now I’d like all of you less-than-normal folks out there to stop and consider, just for moment, whose behavior it is that one would most likely see coming from someone who truly does have science on their side.  Would it be the never-ending, screeching that we continue to hear from the climate alarmists such as Ms. McCarthy?  Or would it be, perhaps, the calm refuting of those apocalyptic claims, courtesy of actual scientific facts, by those whom she refers to as not being normal?  I think the answer to that is pretty clear, as well as being pretty revealing.

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