Thursday, June 11, 2015


In having listened to a majority of those in the state-controlled media on what has been nearly a daily basis for the last several years, I suppose one could be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that our first family is a tad bit racist toward white people.  However, this conclusion would appear to fly in the face of the trumpeted post-racial America that Barry “Almighty” was supposed to usher in.  After all, the newly elected president was supposed to bring us a multicultural utopia; let’s not forget that he is half white.  The world was supposed to be saved, and seas would stop rising.  Yes, we’ve all heard that by now very famous quote from Barry.

Now look, I mean no offense, I simply feel that I must call them as I see them.  And please believe me when I say that I don’t come to this conclusion lightly.  It has been arrived at after years of having watched example after example being brought to the light of day by our national media.  Now they say actions speak louder that words, but having said that, the words that we have all heard, and continue to hear, coming from the first couple have been pretty loud and clear.  Of course, they never come right out and say it, but the implication is there.  And as I learned a very long time ago, if it looks, walks, and talks like a duck, well, you know the rest.

Let’s look at the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment.  This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white as well as anti-semitic views.  Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group.  When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, it was ‘Team Obama’ who declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation.  It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons.  But then the KKK was founded, as you may recall, by Democrats.

One of the most shocking comments that I think I have ever heard come from an American president were the words Barry uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin.  After the media pressed Barry on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Barry stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.”  Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader?  Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly, despite the infamous reset button?  We have as our president a man who most world leaders likely tolerate as they would a spoiled, petulant child.  

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary.  Barry admitted that he knew none of the details and yet proceeded to state that the police had acted stupidly in arresting the black professor.  Don’t we have due process in this country?  Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview?  Barry is the president of the United States as he has famously said, not the president of black America.  But Barry again shot his mouth off before knowing the facts in the Trayvon Martin case, and again in the Michael Brown case, and yet again in the Freddie Gray case.

And then over the course of the last several month our less than stellar first lady, Moochelle Obummer, who made it clear she is as racist has her husband.  First most notably at Tuskegee University and then once again, much more recently, when she suggested during a speech to a Chicago high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments.  Hmmm.  Funny that I’ve never heard Moochelle Obummer talk about black racists and their comments likely made around the dinner table.  I wonder what the reason could be?  I’m sure that that is merely an oversight her part.  Don’t you think?

Personally, I think it’s pretty obvious we are not living in a post-racial society today in the United States.  In fact, I believe it’s just the opposite that’s true.  The Obamas have taken the country backwards and have worked very diligently to divide the American people along racial lines.  There is now more animosity between the races than I think I have ever seen in my 63 years of life.  Yes, there are racist white people.  However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society.  On the other hand, black racism, no matter how obvious, is always tolerated.  Just look at the actions and words of our first family.

Whenever those on the left, as well as from many of those within the black community, loudly decry the fact that racism remains very much alive and well here in the United States, I find myself having to agree with them.  Because who better to know for a fact that racism continues to plague this country than the very perpetrators of that racism?  You will not find a more racist individual anywhere than one who is a Democrat, or who is black, or, worst of all, who is a black Democrat.  And whenever you see any of these clowns on television it is very short order, nearly as soon as they open their mouth, that their racism becomes painfully obvious. 

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